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Latest revision as of 03:44, 21 May 2020

Knockout gone missing
Date of Scene: 06 April 2020
Location: Fairchild's Condo, Queens
Synopsis: Thor drops in to visit Fairchild.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Caitlin Fairchild

Thor has posed:
    There are times when Thor misses Asgard. Not so much for the big things, for the large picture though he will e'er love his homeland. But for the small things, the conveniences that he would enjoy. Such as having a major domo or a group of nobles whose task were to primarily keep things straight, to present an orderly list of matters that need tending to. Of course when he voiced this matter to Stark the man tried to show him how he could accomplish such with one of those cellular devices...
    But that was not the same.
    So at times things would slip through the cracks. Who could blame him for not being able to juggle all of the burning torches at once? And yet...
    One such failing led him here, out onto the streets of the city, traveling incognito as one of his statue can do. The required hoodie in place with the hood raised, the rust colored denim jacket, the blue jeans, the brown work boots. Perfect disguise. It would serve, so long as he kept moving at least, walking through Queens from the subway station with an easy gait and an umbrella tucked under his arm.
    Then it was into the particular condo complex, a momentary pause to check his cellphone with the address there. Small notes he was good with, beyond that not so much. But this appeared to be the right one. So he advanced upon the door, and knocked. Hard.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Someone acquainted with construction techniques of Midgard would note that the door is quite a bit sturdier than most. Reinforced, most likely, beyond just the usual lock-and-latch that a lot of borough apartments have. The frame is custom-built, and given the age and character of the building, it was clearly refurbished from some older design that was meant for industrial use of some kind.

The door opens a few beats later and Caitlin is standing in the doorway. Her eyes go a little wide with startlement at the unexpected guest. It's clear she wasn't ready for company; her hair's pulled back into a lazy ponytail and she's wearing a long-hemmed t-shirt and comfortable looking grey leggings.

Surprise quickly turns to a beaming smile at Thor's presence. "Th-- er, Prince Thor! Your Highness," she says, and does a neat little behind-the-ankle curtsey she probably learned from Sif. "This is a nice surprise! Please, c'mon in," she says, beckoning more informally.

Caitlin's condo is fairly spacious by New York standards, and looks recently renovated. Lots of natural daylight and a massive, custom kitchen. She's obviously in the middle of some culinary task, and there's a complex scent of sweet baked goods competing with spice-laden beef simmering on the stove.

"Is there an emergency, or can I offer you a drink? I've got some milk, soda, some juice, a protein shake..." She gestures vaguely at the kitchen. "Dinner's not far off if you're hungry, I'm just doing meal prep for the next few days."

Thor has posed:
    "Lady Fairchild." His greeting is coupled with a sincere smile, warmth there in his gaze as he offers his hand to her for a forearm grasp shared between warriors. And if it is accepted it'll be a firm squeeze but not aggressive, then released after a moment.
    At her beckon he steps into the room, pausing long enough to set his umbrella next to the door with a subtle low /whum/ coming from it as it's left there to its own devices. Then he turns to her, bright blue eyes wide at first, but then with brow furrowed he offers, "Did you not receive my message? I tried to impart a word or two of my coming to grant you fair warning. If I come upon you unawares do please forgive me."
    That said he does seem remorseful, ever a man who wears his heart on his sleeve. He smiles at the offer of a drink and waves it off, "Would be rude of me to intrude. I had a small matter that I thought your insight and effort could be of good use. No emergency or matter dire, this. But a curiousity all the same."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin returns the grip with a more familiar ease; formalities observed, she relaes more and invites Thor to sit at the kitchen island on a stool. Fortunately, the furniture in her condo is built on a scale for Asgardians. No fear of it breaking under anyone's weight with heavily reinforced steel frames.

She blinks at his inquiry. "Message?" Caitlin reaches for her phone and glances at it. "Oh, darnit, I'm sorry," She tells him. "I've been cooking for a while and completely tuned everything else out. Sometimes I just--" a finger twiddles vaguely near her head. "I check out when I'm baking."

While she's talking, a salad is tossed with some veggies and oil; big bowls are dug out, and in short order Thor's got a huge bowl of bolognase over spaghetti noodles and a fresh salad in front of him.

"Well, I'm happy to help however I can," Caitlin offers. "What's going on?" Soda's poured for herself; she offers some for Thor, too. No alcohol is visible except for a couple of very dusty wine bottles tucked into a corner of her kitchen, clearly only for occassions.

Thor has posed:
    As she prepares food for him, and goes so far as to offer drink, he at first does protest but she does have a way about her that he soon finds himself with a fork in hand and some salad speared upon its tines. He waves off the apology and offers in reply, "Think naught of it. Rude of me to force myself into your free time."
    That said he takes a bite of the salad and chews and chews for a bit, then smiles pleasantly. "Ah, as to that." The question of what's going on.
    "Some weeks ago I encountered a young woman who wove me a tale of woe, declaring she was a newcomer to these lands and that there were those of ill repute who sought her downfall. I did get the feeling she was not being entirely forthright, but for one under such circumstances there could be a variety of reasons as to that."
    He stabs some more salad and then picks up one of the small tomatoes and pops it into his mouth. He chews for a bit longer then continues, "She told me her name was Kay Fury and asked for aid. I told her I would give what aid I could and secured lodgings for her, as well as put one of the..." He pauses brow furrowing as his eyes distance, "Innkeepers? In charge of putting her in contact with the proper authorities. She was not inclined to speak with SHIELD for whatever reason. But then I departed. Then some few days ago the innkeeper I put in charge of the matter called me and told me the lady had departed yet left no further word."
    He spreads his hands a little, "Perhaps I was a fool and taken advantage of. I care little as to that. But if something has befallen this Kay Fury, or others had caught up with her... then I would not forgive myself if my inattention injured her somehow."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's brow furrows uncertainly. "Kay Fury. Interesting name," she remarks. "Not someone I know personally, though. Still, not sure how new she is; the city can be kind of intimidating if you're not from around here. I've been in New York for like, seven years, and I /still/ feel out of place," she admits.

"Uh, anyway, I can certainly keep an ear out for her," Caitlin offers. "This.. Kay, though, I'm guessing she wasn't just another face in the crowd?" Caitlin hedges. "I mean-- golly, I'm sorry, that came out wrong," she winces. "I don't mean to imply you're uncharitable. Just that uh, if she caught your attention, is it because she's a metahuman, or an Asgardian or something...? It might help me narrow things down a bit if I start asking around," Caitlin clarifies.

Thor has posed:
    A small chuff of a laugh comes from him as he uncurls a hand, "It is not unkind to say I am times turned by features of beauty. But this was not the case, Caitlin."
    A beat.
    "Well, not entirely the case. It was more her manner did have aspects otherworldly to them, but not... overwhelmingly so? And she was very strong. Perhaps a mutant fleeing oppressors, or someone from off-world."
    "But she was staying in the Hilton near the Central Park." He pushes the salad bowl, now mostly empty, off to the side and then proceeds to twirl his fork into the pasta before him, smiling gently and clearly enjoying the meal. "If you speak to a Mr. Ford there, and tell him you are my representative he should be forthcoming. And if you need my aid please let me know."
    That said he finally takes a bite of the bolognese and then smiles after taking it, lifting his fork slightly to her as if in salute.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin beams in delight at Thor's approval of her food. "You like?" she inquires. "I'm finally getting my bolognase dialed in. I had a really nice bowl of it at this Italian place downtown and I found a recipe I liked. Sooo much better than my old standby of Ragu and browned beef," she remarks. "It's amazing how much better food is when it's fresh."

Her fork waves that train of thought away. "Er, sorry, sidetracked. Anyway. I can definitely stop in there and let them know you're lookign for her?" she offers. "Hotels are pretty strict with customer secrecy, I should warn you," she tells Thor. "So best I can do is try to pass the word along and ask some of the staff if they think she's in trouble or something."

More bolognase is slathered over her noodles to balance out the remainder in her bowl. It looks like she's made several gallons worth of the mix. "How's things in Asgard? Sif-- er, Lady Sif, she's been a great tour guide. She even lent me a textbook on how to read Asgardian. I'm chugging through it," she remarks, and nods at the text in question. A children's primer, indeed. "I told her I'm gona get lost in the Royal Library one of these days and I should probably at least know how to read the exit signs."

Thor has posed:
    "It is very good, I have been trying many different dishes of late and this one is excellent." Thor nods as he continues to twirl the fork and gather up bits of pasta and sauce, taking his time eating in that way she's likely seen on Asgard, where it is expected a meal to last several hours while one enjoys the company of the gathering. "Better than most of them I have sampled I would say."
    That said he gives a nod, "I simply would appreciate your perspective on matters, fresh eyes, perhaps you will see or perceive something I do not. Or have a better grasp culturally." About the hotel thing, but for now that is enough and he will let it rest.
    Then the next topic is advanced and he smiles a little more at the image she conjures forth of Caitlin lost in the library seeking to find her way and her passion with the great works there. When she finishes speaking he looks back to her and smiles. "Much is in the offing with Asgard. You know of Loki's presence here, exiled by mine father's orders and bereft of some of his power. An ill situation for the people of this realm."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's face twists in uncertain sympathy. "I don't really know what to make of that situation," she tells Thor, apologetically. "Family stuff is always tricky, no matter who you are. I love my brother, I mean, I do," she tells him, "but we also kinda have to tiptoe around each other. He's, um..." She clears her throat uncertainly. "Well, he's a good guy, but he's not always the most law-abiding of people," Caitlin hedges. "But I love him, and I know he loves me, and we'd do anything for each other."

"So adding the drama of the court on top of that... I can't even imagine. And your da-- er, King Odin, I'm sure it's not easy for him, either," she remarks, sympathetically.

Realizing she's rambling, Caitlin clears her throat. "Sorry. Er, anyway, is there something going on with Loki I should be aware of...?" she inquires with a timid concern.

Thor has posed:
    As she offers her insight into family issues he smiles and nods, and to her credit she's able to get his thoughts to shift inwards when she speaks of her relationship with her brother. For he too must endure old feelings and new where it comes to Loki. He shakes his head and his smile shifts a little sad, most would miss it, but she has known him long enough to see the tell-tale crinkle of his eyes.
    "It is difficult. But I do not think anything is going on that you should fear. At least nothing that I know of." He adds that last confession a bit ruefully.
    "There is also the matter of an embassy to be constructed, Stark is handling that, making sure we do it legally." He turns those blue eyes away, looking thoughtful, biting his lower lip. "Captain Rogers has earned a place of some renown in the Court of Asgard, that has been... interesting."
    But then he looks back to her and only then seems to rediscover the pasta as he digs back in. "But that is the most of it." Then his eyebrows lift, "Oh and Jane..." He pauses then adds, "My Jane. I mean... Jane Foster. My friend." He clarifies a bit awkwardly considering how things were left between them. "She has come upon an artifact of old Asgard and has chosen to visit."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Doctor Foster?" Caitlin's interest perks immediately. "I've never met her, like, formally, but everyone says she's brilliant. I didn't, um... realize you two were, uh..."

Caitlin clears her throat and her ears pink a little. "Involved."

Awkward pause is awkward. Caitlin takes a hasty gulp of her soda and drives on to change the topic. "What, um, Asgardian artifact? Did she find that here, or did she stumble onto it while she was in Asgard?" she inquires convivially.

Thor has posed:
    Bobbing his head a bit, Thor smiles a little but it's a pained smile, though he does his best to hide it. "Indeed!" He overcompensates and then adds, "Very brilliant, I am ever proud of her for the great strides she has made for your people."
    And then he nods, "And yes, we... dated for a time. But we both felt we were," He waves his hands, "You know, two different worlds, moving toward... two different things." He explains their breakup so succinctly. And then he takes a breath to push past.
    "It was a bracelet of a sort. I took her to speak with some of the elders, the mystics, even an audience with my father. But I have not heard further on what she has found out." Another smile, perhaps apologetic, or perhaps not expecting to find out, for one reason or another.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Gosh, that's hard," Caitlin says with real sympathy. "I'm sorry things didn't work out," she offers. "But hey, if she's back in Asgard, maybe... is that a chance to kindle things up? I'm sorry, that's none of my business," she says hastily before a response can be formulated. "I shouldn't have asked."

Caitlin scrapes the last of her food up and starts setting the bowls in the sink. "Would you like some dessert? I've got brownies that are ready and I made some apple tartlets," she offers. "I made enough you can take some home with you if you like, I always make way more than I can eat before they go stale."

Thor has posed:
    For once Thor doesn't have anything to say about the first, he just sort of smiles a bit, though the way he shifts his eyebrows it seems to indicate that no, that's likely not a feasible thing but then again he shrugs and takes another bite of the pasta before setting the empty bowl aside. It does give him time to take a deep breath and relax as he eases a bit on that seat in the kitchen.
    "Oh no, you have given me too much already. But thank you, I will speak highly of your cooking to any who would ask of me what dishes I have had of late that were exquisite." That said he gives her a small nod, "I assuredly will regret declining your offer, but I would not wish to deprive you of too much, I know my appetite is great."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Oh gosh, I just like cooking for my friends," Caitlin remarks. But she beams gratefully at the praise. Polite refusal or not, she's already reaching into the oven and pulling out the rack with bare hands and a disregard for the heat. "But, you can't go home empty-handed. Here, take some of these with you while they're hot," she says, and deftly slices a few chunks out. "And tell Captain America I said hello, will you?" she requests politely. "He's always so nice to me. There's enough in here to share a bit. If you want."

Thor has posed:
    "Very well," Thor says around his smile shaking his head as she offers him the desserts and he'll accept them. "I shall do so, and thank you for helping me." With the other matter he brought up.
    Once the desserts are secured he'll head to the door and his umbrella and tucking it under his arm. Once there he will give her a nod in departure and then step out into the hallway. "Until another time, farewell Lady Fairchild."