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20 Thousand Justice Leagues Under the Sea
Date of Scene: 23 May 2020
Location: Jules Verne Museum - St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: King Shark tangles with Superman and Cap. Marvel. Probably shouldn't have. Supergirl and Constantine show up for a chat about the league and the future.
Cast of Characters: Carol Danvers, Clark Kent, Kara Danvers, John Constantine

Carol Danvers has posed:
It is not a normal day when Carol finds herself actually punched through walls. I mean there aren't that many entities in these here parts that can manage it right.

Still here we are and Carol goes crashing through the back wall of the Jules Verne Museum and slams flat against the Dominator Battle-Barge floating in the back Gardens. "Okay there is no way a SHARK should hit that hard!" protesting loudly as she peels herself off the side of the barge and squints at the Carol sized hole in the wall of the museum.

Which becomes a much larger KING SHARK sized hole in the side of the museum as the criminal .. shark.. abomination.. whatever he is steps through carrying a duffle bag full of alien communication gear that was on display only so many minutes ago in the museum. "Girl. I hate to be a downer but if you could just stay down that would be so much easier on the museum property." it is almost earnest from the fearsome villain shark slash computer hacker.

Clark Kent has posed:
It's an even less normal day where both Carol AND Superman are having to punch through walls. Thankfully, Kal doesn't need to make that dramatic an entrance what with Carol having already been thrown through the side of the museum and King Shark tailing after her. It creates a plenty big enough opening for the Kryptonian protector of Metropolis to step over the half pile of rubble with a hand out to keep a few bricks from tumbling down amongst the carnage.

"Listen, King Shark, there has to be a better way to handle this than throwing people through museum walls, right?" Appealing to the more genial side of the hacker slash computer shark (intentional). "Not to mention all of the budget for this place comes out of the people who come to visit, and visits are down.. I feel like, perhaps, you owe them an apology."

The banter doesn't go over well with Sharkie, who turns his big head around with a neck as wide as both of Kal's legs pressed together juting out of his wool hoodie, "Listen, Super-chump, this is between me and Buck Rogers over here, okay? You don't have to get nasty... words can hurt feelings..."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol rolls her eyes a little bit "Buck Rogers... geezus... why can't it be Starbuck. It is way more on point than Buck Rogers." she floats closer while she is kevetching though, waiting for an opening.

Which is honestly when Nanaue over there turns his attention towards Super-chump. "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me... though photon blasts..." which is about when she points a fist at King Shark and photon blasts him right in the chest sending him staggering towards Superman.

"I still can't believe we just destroyed the 20 thousand leagues under the sea exhibit .. I mean not priceless alien technology but come on. Speaking of Leagues now that we are back doing this what is the plan anyways Supes?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal was waiting for the blast and moves in quickly towards a staggered Shark, hitting him across the jaw with a right hook that could definitely move mountains. It's a good thing he's made out of tougher stuff than most, and quicker than a lot. Head jerked to the side after the combination of a photon blast AND a whollup from the Man of Steel, Shark pushes up with blood oozing from a cut above his rows of sharp teeth.

"Well, Captain.." Kal grabs Shark by his hoodie and hurls him out of the museum through the exact same hole through which he entered, careful not to do any more structural damage than had already been done before he arrived. Wooshing after him out into the parking lot of the Museum where a few people have gathered to take pictures of two Justice Leaguers doing battle with a shark.

"I've been in talks with most long standing members of the League and we're biding our time for a reemergance." Superman says bracing up for Shark charging at him, taking the hit right across his forearms. It doesn't knock him back, but does slide his heels through the gravel with the force of the blow.

"The JUSTICE LEAGUE is coming back?!" King Shark says elatedly! "Gosh, I love you guys! I'm definitely team League over Team Avenger... No offense.. Also, the original Star Bucks from the 70s Battlestar was super sexist and a womanizer, did you know that?" Beedy black eyes peering around Superman at Carol.

"Just food for thought..."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol zips along after Kal and Nanaue as the fight moves to the parking lot, easily able to keep up and ends up just zipping into view behind King Shark. "Look. I am obviously talking about the very competent hot lady Starbuck from the reboot of Battle Star not the sexist seventies one. Which was a a product of its time and not really fair to judge harshly in light of the more progressive world we live in today."

Yes it is odd having a philosophical conversation about sci-fi with a blood thirsty shark guy while battling over alien technology. But well Carol is honestly enjoying it.

Which doesn't stop her from grasping his fin in both hands and hurking him up into the air a good fifty foot above her and Kal. "I appreciate the vote of confidence!" she yells after him.

Though I mean she hedged her bets and is a member of the currently in hiatus League and the Avengers so who is she to talk.

Still Carol looks across the sharless space now to Kal-El "I feel left out, I mean this is a better office to have the conversation I suppose than a deserted island... though all said glad you're back and I'm not lying to people."

The flailing shark is yelling about breakable priceless technology in his bag as he hits the top of the toss and starts to plummet back to earth.

"We going to open the hall back up or do something new this time around?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal drops his arms from defending his face from Nanaue's attack when Carol hurls him, screaming it is important to note, up into the air. A good fifty feet, which is a lot for the record, and takes a while to get up there and get back down. "I see you're still holding a grudge, but I assure you I had my reasons..." Truth be, he also had his reservations. It didn't make a whole lot of sense, but... Nobody can go and change the past.

They can just stumble down the stairs.

"We're not quite there yet, but when we return.. we will open the doors, yes." Kal says with an easy grin, holding up a finger and flashing off to the side to catch King Shark before he hits the pavement, big black, wide beady eyes stare over at Carol. "I am NOT King Hawk! That was /not/ cool!" Pointing at the sky, he attempts to grab hold of Superman and hurl him, which is only awkward because Superman is currently holding him?

Either way, Kal wasn't expecting it and does go flying, harmlessly (to him anyways) smashing into the side of a car that dents all the way to the passanger seat and turns up onto its side from both the force of the throw and the unwavering fortitude of the object being thrown.

"Alright, now... It's time to stop with the property damage.."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I know." she notes to Kal about his reasons and reservations. She accepted it when they had their talk before he showed up with the shadow monster. "I wish I'd seen everyone's faces though when you showed up though in Metropolis eyes blazing. I was assigned in Gotham to ward the thing off from that city though. Which while helpful, not as satisfying."

Carol just smiles cheekily when King Shark notes he isn't King Hawk. "Well you flew beautifully ..." yeah she deadpanned that line. "Maybe you are a flying fish?"

When Kal goes flying into the car she nods. "Noted." is tossed in his direction and she lunges in flying fast around to the side and then foreward trying to get an arm around Nanaeu's massive neck and then wrangles to try to position him so Kal can fly in for hopefully a punch to end this part of it.

"I imagine they will throw a parade or a grand reopening when we crack the doors open again. We doing some sort of team meeting before we do?" curious. Like water cooler talk despite wrestling a gigantic shark guy.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal recovers quickly, pushing off the huge dent he left in the vehicle with both elbows and hurls himself forward towards King Shark as held by Carol. The punch he delivers, it could rattle the glass of the museum, without actually breaking them, and sends a shockwave that sets of car alarms in its wake.

"... That's... not... funnneeeeee..." King Shark is down. Kal grabs him by the hood part of his hoodie to keep him from going face first into the concrete, then sends out a signal for Star Labs to come and pick up the metahuman villain.

"I'm sure they will.." Wiggling his hand, glancing at his knuckles where he struck the sharks thick hide. "Hopefully. We haven't organized anything yet, Carol. I promise I wouldn't leave you out of it." Glancing up with a grin, hoisting shark over his shoulder like a backpack slung across his back.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol meanders forward now and carefully plucks the dufflebag off the shark and cracks it open to peer inside to see what the hacker was after while Kal backpack slings him like that.

"Dominator mind control amplifier. Thanagarian data spike. Ooo an Okaara comm array. This is pretty good cherry picking. I wonder if Shark was working for someone on this shopping trip." she zips the duffle bag back up and slings it over her shoulder now. I mean this makes sense, SHIELD probably dispatched their alien expert for a reason on this one.

"I'll return the items back into the Museum vault until they can upgrade security and repair the damages. This honestly isn't going to make anyone feel better about this museum displaying real artifacts though. I'll do what I can to sooth the powers that be that with all the heroes.. .and cough.. the league.. cough.. we will be able to manage any incidents like this. Maybe they should just put out replicas like they do with the declaration of indepedence."

She shoots Kal a smile after going on that tangent. "I know. I'm just excited. Don't worry. It is like having a band reunion tour. I mean after some of us went solo and got some platinum albums but still."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal is standing in the parking lot of the Jules Vern holding King Shark over his shoulder by the massive hackers hoodie. Arms dangling down at his sides, head lulled on his massive neck, quite unconscious. There's a huge shark sized hole in the side of the museum and the sound of approaching authorities of the SHIELD and Star Labs variety.

While the two super powered heroes converse with Carol going through Sharks duffle bag of stolen goods.

"I'm sure he is. Then again, maybe not? Those all seem right up his alley as far as schemes go, but I can't imagine what he'd be up to that requires that kind of tech." Superman says with a casual glance over his shoulder at Shark hanging all dangly from his hood.

"He'll tell us once we get him in a dampener cage, I'm sure."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh, you got him. Good!"

Supergirl's voice chimes down from on-high, descending down into the parking lot with her red cape fluttering about her shoulders. Her boots are flecked in yellowy-brown Earth, as is the hem of her cape. Her hands seem likewise caked in the stuff, which she pauses to look at for a moment before clapping them together so hard a nearby car alarm goes off. On the plus side, the dried earth falls away immediately.

"I know that Saint Martin's is mine," she tells Superman apologetically, strolling over towards her cousin, "There was a landslide in ... " A pause, her brow furrowing, "Somewhere. That way." She points vaguely south and west.

"But you have captured him!" she says happily, looking at the shark-villain and pointing a finger at him, "Stop stealing things, you."

It's then that she notices Carol, turning to blink at her once before waving a hand.


John Constantine has posed:
     A portal opens nearby, showing a dark landscape, and a nearby old Victorian house. The golden portal allowing through one warlock of note, John Constantine.

  He had racked his brain for a while on the subject, but as Superman and Captain Marvel has brought down King Shark, it just provided good timing.

  Smoking a Silk Cut cigarette, the portal closes behind him, leaving John approaching the three. "Ahh, King Shark..." WHACK! A right handed haymaker lands across King Shark's face. "Been waiting to do that for a couple'a years mate."

  Other than the strike, John seems perfectly at ease.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"It does kind of seem up his alley having glanced at his file, but still what was he going to hack with this stuff. Also why the dominator enhancer or maybe that was for a buyer. Ah well you are probably right about him spilling once they question him. He seems very talkative for a large shark."


"Also surprisingly strong and durable. Metas." she notes with amusement. Irony dies a little.

At Kara's arrival though Carol looks up and does this slow head tilt to the side, like a dog seeing something very unusual really. She glances between Superman to Supergirl then back again slowly. "Right. Supergirl. I've seen the file but haven't had a chance to actually meet you yet." she steps over and offers a gloved hand, not seeming to mind and landslide remnant. "Captain Marvel, I take it Superman is fine with the whoel Supergirl angle now that he is back and about?"

Which is interrupted by the portal and a British guy steps out then walks over and takes a really cheap shot at the unconcious King Shark. ".. That wasn't very sporting. Does anyone know this guy?" her eyes narrowing a bit at John like she is trying to decide if she is going to need to go back on duty now as it were.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal glances up at his hovering cousin and smiles her way, waving his free hand not holding the unconscious shark aloft over his shoulder, "Sorry, Cousin." He begins with a sheepish grin, "In fairness, Captain Marvel did most of the work." Pointing to the other, former, Leaguer with a little flick of his fingers, "At least until I showed up and then it was a tag team effort."

Enter John Constantine to sucker punch the land shark hacker with a righteous haymaker. "Not very sporting at all..." Supes adds with a disapproving frown. For what it's worth, Sharkie isn't anymore unconscious, point of fact... he murmurs something along the lines of.. "You ... hit... wizard.. level one.."

Who even knows?

"Kind of a motley crew we've assembled here tonight." Specifically speaking of John, to whom Big Blue turns his big blues. "What brings you all the way to Metropolis?" Handing out the Shark to the approaching armored meta agents come to collect King Shark. They fix him with dampener bracelets and haul him, several of them, into the back of an armored truck.

Kal watches until they've got him loaded, then turns back to the trio.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"We have discussed it," Kara says with another broad smile, "We decided that he does not have the legs to pull off the skirt, so I will keep being Supergirl for now."

She opens her mouth to say something else when the grungy magus appears and punches the shark-man. She raises her eyebrows, looking from her cousin to Captain Marvel thoughtfully. Then, as if taking their cue, she crosses her arms over the S-symbol on her tunic and frowns pointedly.

"Very unsporting."

John Constantine has posed:
     John kept smoking on that cigarette of his, exhaling with ease. "My ex." He comments, gesturing to King Shark. "Don't feel flattered, Big Blue, but I wanted to see for meself." John comments, watching the folks load in King Shark.

  "So, it's true. Escaped the grips of death itself..." He huffs, bringing that cigarette back to his mouth and covering his slight smirk.

  "Yes, yes, unsporting of me. But who cares. Not like I actually hurt the big bastard." He comments, taking another drag from his cigarette.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol just pauses a moment and looks at King Shark then at Constantine and then back again. Finally settling on Constantine. "That... still doesn't remotely answer the question I asked. I mean. Not even the slightest little bit does that tell me who you are." she just shakes her head. "In fact it raises questions, that I do not want the answers too."

Which is when belatedly she looks at Supergirl. "Cousin." is mouthed then back at Kal. "Do you know the British smoking guy who seems .. way too smirky for his own good?"

Part of Carol wonders if she is supposed to know Constantine, her memories are still not all sorted out after all.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal fixes Constantine with a level stare, whether for the association with King Shark or the ausicious had to see it for myself comment. Turning to Carol when she asks if anyone knows the British Magus, "John Constantine. He's a mage of some... uh... repute. He's old friends with Zatanna Zatara." Explaining his knowledge of the foul mouthed, smoking wizard.

A smirk sent over to Kara, but he's noncommental on the subject of why he's not wearing a skirt. Legs or otherwise.

"The stories are true." To John, arms sliding across his own S-Shield prominent on the front of his blue clad chest, "And I care. Ex or not, there's got to be some decency in the way we treat people, even if they don't themselves.. You can't just come up socking a fella on the kisser."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl, for her part, remains silent. Her arms still crossed, and blue eyes still fixed firmly on Constantine. She even goes so far as to scrutinize his clothes at a microscopic level, pausing for a moment before she visibly wrinkles her nose. One wouldn't think that a coat should have such a rich and diverse biosphere.

John Constantine has posed:
     "Blue, I broke one of me fingers punchin' that rat bastard on the nose and I can guarantee you, from personal, personal experience that it was as if I glanced a feather on your nose." After that, dropping the subject.

  "Mizz Marvel, there are things that go bump in the night, things that defy even the explanations of the world we live in, where a bloody man from another world can suck up the sun like a fookin' plant and shoot lasers from 'is eyes. When those things rear their ugly heads, they call the likes of me. Because I stared into the abyss, and laughed back at it starin' at me." A rather interesting take on the old standby, but he figured it got the point across.

  "So imagine my surprise when the man of tomorrow but the dust, then a year later, shows back up. It would cause anyone pause, and garners the attention of the likes of me." He finishes, looking straight at Superman's eyes. He was analyzing him, as if he was still not sure about Superman.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I mean honestly you had me at old friend of Zatanna really. I will just have to assume she knows what she is doing as far as judges of character go." okay yeah mild jab but only mild. Carol does trust Zatanna to know the whole magic angle and what she is doing there.

"Well as far as any of us can tell it really is Superman, and I for one am glad he is back with us. It will lighten the docket for me a bit if I am selfish about it." she pauses.

Then her eyes narrow. "Captain Marvel now a days, Ms Marvel died in San Francisco." which is morbid, though not entirely inaccurate. Carol certainly isn't the person she was when Rogue did that number on her back a few years ago. "You going to do some sort of magic truth-o-meter spell Mr. Constantine?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman matches John's stare. Magic might not be Big Blues area of expertise, but he's never backed down from it either. There's people to call when it gets out of hand, that's all. "I don't know what to tell you, John. No way for me to prove I am who I say I am, except saying I am." Opening his hands to shrug, raising a brow curiously at Carol when she suggests a truth-o-meter, looking from her back to the Mage by way of Kara.

"I'm sure if I was an imposter, my cousin would notice, right?" Motioning to Kara, tilting his head towards her. "But if it will put /your/ mind at ease, I have nothing to hide from if there is a truth spell or some such other thing as that."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"If how he gets his abilities defies explanation," Kara pipes up, frowning still, "Then why do you assume his coming back would not all defy explanation? I thought magic people were very good at just taking the strange things at face value?"

She may be more than a little bit perturbed, mostly because all her lessons with Kal have revolved around magic being more trouble than it's worth. She nods her head to Superman, then turns her attention back to both Constantine and Captain Marvel.

"He is who he says he is. I would know otherwise."

John Constantine has posed:
     "No offense meant, Luv. I jus' don't do the whole..." He salutes, doing an about face and back again in the most Monty Python way possible. "Just not wantin' to ma'am you."

  The cigarette he had been smoking was extinguished on his shoe, and flicked into a nearby trash can, and promptly another comes out of his pack. A snap of his finger, and a small flame from the tip lights it, hissing with the combustion of tobacco. "No need. As I said. I jus' had to see it for meself."

  "Defies explanation to normal gobshites on the street, Luv." John says to Kara. "When someone comes back from the dead though, it oft involves more...paranormal activity."

  "In this case though, consider it a fortunate side effect of your Ken Doll looks and chiseled features, Supes. Ya don't have the stink of hell on ya."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol considers that response. "That is just awkward. I'd say call me Cap but that is what everyone calls Steve, so just go with Carol and about the whole Ms. thing all right Constantine."

At the explanation of seeing it all for himself and that Kal doesnt have the stink of hell on him. Carol just blinks. In her own head though she is pleased that there was nothing evidently hellish or Supernatural around Superman's return from someone Zatanna trusts. Not like she can tell in that sort of thing.

"Well that is fantastic." she deadpans the delivery, very dry but there is a bit of bite to it. "I should probably get these artifacts back into the museum though and make sure they have them sufficiently secure. If you see Zatanna tell her to stop by and say hi sometime, we have this whole division in SHIELD now a days for the arcane.. wild stuff."

Glancing over to Kara "We should talk sometime too. The band is getting back together and I am sure you would fit right in."

Clark Kent has posed:
"My mind is at ease." Kal says to John, scrutinizing the colorful Wizard with a slow cut of his eyes across the bedragged brit. A heave of a breath and he looks from Kara to Carol, nodding to the latter and offering the easiest of smiles. "Good work tonight, Carol." Not wanting to be the first to spill the womans name, it's easier now that she has.

And to Supergirl, "I'll try to mind the borders we set up..." Reaching out to flick yellow earth from front of her cape draped over one shoulder, "It's good to see you, Cousin." And then to John... "I'm not certain what your plans are, John, but as Carol said... we're getting the Justice League together again. If you find yourself in the business of teamwork, perhaps you could stop in and discuss it with us? We could use more than just Zatanna looking into the paranormal."

Of which there has been plenty recently.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I am not sure I am ready for that band just yet, Captain, but I will definitely be there to lend a helping hand if it is ever needed. Provided your fearless leader can stay off my turf!"

The last is said in jest, and Supergirl beams at Superman with a nose-wrinkling grin as the mud is brushed off her cape. Another wary look is cast in John's direction. She doesn't like magic at the best of times, let alone when its connected to him. Still, she tries to be polite and let that smile include him as well.

"I am still trying to see if the Titans will let me join. Speaking of," she trails off, looking towards the T-shaped tower that is so prevalent from their current vantage, "I should say hello while I am here. It was nice to see you all! Cousin, Captain Marvel, magic man! Be well!"

That said, gravity loses its grip on her and she begins to tumble upwards into the air in a lazy arc towards the Titans Tower.

John Constantine has posed:
     John exhales the smoke from his lungs, reaching in for his flask. "I guess I could show up, the supernatural business is boom in' after all."

  "Jus' don't expect me to be all Knights of the Round Table. Way I see it, if'n you lot are needin' the help of me, things are pretty dire indeed. But Zee knows how to get in touch, or, I tend to show up where I'm needed."

  Now, where Carol was concerned, the attention turned. "Ahh, Lady Croft's section. I remember. Lovely lass that one. Smart. What was it? WAND or some'at? Heh, seems all government wankers finally started takin' what we do seriously."

Carol Danvers has posed:
There is a wave "Catch you later Supergirl." to the young woman flying off towards Titan tower.

Then Carol nods to John "Agent Croft yes and WAND, which is a pretty amusing acronym.... Wizardry Alchemy Necromancy Department... I think someone just wanted wand though and used whatever hocus pocus words they could to get there. Also after the shadow monsters I am pretty sure their funding will get an increase."

"My sights are set a little higher up though as far as departmental wishlists." she glances up briefly then back down.

Catch you both later as well I am sure." she starts to walk back into the Jules Verne museum to return King sharks illicit plunder.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal dips his head to John, "Understood." Curt, if as politely so as a person can be. The smile returns for Carol and Kara, "Ladies." Lifting off from the parking lot, foot bending downward as he hovers above the cement. "I'll stop coming on your TURF when you start defending it!" Last hit! He doesn't say it, but he may as well have by how quickly he flies towards the clouds.

Taking up a sentry position above them where he can almost hear the whole world if he listens hard enough.

John Constantine has posed:
     John simply walks off to an alley, a patch of steam coming up from the underground, and he isn't there anymore, off to some other corner of the dark that needs his attention. He figured he'd see more of the Superfolk, and Carol for that matter.