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Latest revision as of 23:26, 25 May 2020

What do you want
Date of Scene: 25 May 2020
Location: Long Island
Synopsis: Arthur and Kal and Diana talk about the League.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Diana Prince, Clark Kent

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Another night on the pier along what tourists consider a draw but the townies consider theirs. It's a length of boardwalk that has a few shops, a restaurant, but mainly the docks beyond are used by the local fishermen. Yet the place Oliver had said he met Arthur? Was the Blackbird on Long Island. A pub that usually draws a fair amount of trade even at this time of night. The sounds of the people within, the music, can all be heard out on the docks despite the heavy crashing of the waves around at high tide.
    The owner of the bar, though, would not take kindly to Arthur showing up there outside of the one time a week they had agreed on. So when contact was made with him he said he'd meet his old comrades on dock 19, some distance down the boardwalk, the end of a pier where an old fishing vessel is docked.
    It's there, in the occasional spray o the sea, that Arthur sits on the edge of a wooden crate, arms folded and expression distant. Dressed in jeans, work boots, a heavy brown canvas jacket, he looks as if he could blend in with the people who work the ships each day.
    Though for now, he's checking his watch.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had gotten word through the Justice League communications that Arthur was in this area and the invite to come to Dock 19 wsa received as well. She would arrive via the use of a silver hued sports car, modern year, and park it at the far edge of the docks in a parking area for visitors to the docks.

Diana stepped out of the car and adjusted her black leather jacekt with a slight tug on the edges over her chest. She then started to walk around her vehicle and up a set of stairs that were lined with a rope-railing with fancy wooden signs dangling on the ropes, adorned with colorful paintings denoting some of the businesses and attractions at the pier.

Once she locates the 19th dock, Diana starts down it and at a casual pace she sees the man off in the distance, knowing full well who he is she approaches, her shooes quietly impacting the dock's surface as she goes. Her eyes glance out at the waters, their waves - which draw a smile from the Princess - who is soon to look back to Arthur.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal had been in contact with Oliver not terribly long ago, a few days at most, and several other members of the mostly disband Justice League over the weeks since his return. Systematically going to meet them, organize with them, share memories and stories now that he's resurfaced. The last, at least one of, on his list was Arthur.

The Last Son settles down upon the pier a short distance from where Arthur is seated. The gust of the breeze fluttering his cape around his boots now resting on the wooden path, dark hair mirroring across his face as he smiles to his old comrades, Diana and Arhtur both. "Seems I'm last to the party." In a voice that doesn't have to be loud to carry.

"Arthur, it's good to see you. Diana, you as well." Eyeing her sports car and the leather jacket she's wearing, not to mention Arthur's rather casual attire. "Am I under dressed?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    When she draws near, Arthur tries to maintain that grim facade, those dour features as he sort of just looks at her with narrowed eyes. There's the crash of a wave behind him that kicks a splash of sea water into the air and that falls with a faint patter upon the boat nearby even as he remains there, arms folded...
    But he exhales slightly, a small chuff of sound that causes the corner of his lip to curve up. "Diana." He says.
    And just like that the Kryptonian is amongst them, that slight breeze, the polite words, jovial even. "No you're good, Kal." His jaw extends then draws back as he grinds his teeth slightly but then he lifts his chin, "Seems like I'm going to be getting it straight from the horse's mouth."
    He turns on that crate to face them more equally, arms still folded. "Ollie says people are wanting to get the band back together."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana looks from one of them to the other and a smile forms on her lips but she tries to contain it by looking down for a moment. She then looks back up with a much more reserved expression. "It is good to see you again, Arthur." She tells him. "You are looking well." Her eyes go to Superman then and she openly shows the soft smile to him before nodding once and looking yet again toward Arthur.

"That is the hope, as it stands, I believe." She replies with regard to the 'band'. "The desire to rebuild and prepare for what could be to come in the future. Greater threats than we have yet faced, requiring us all to be at our very best."

She glances then out to the waves as they wash toward the dock's end.

Clark Kent has posed:
The interplay between Arthur and Diana is watched quietly for a moment, Kal drinks in the sight of his two comrades talking casually as if time has no barring on any of them. Which, in a way, it really doesn't. The question, or comment rather, has him nodding to Arthur.

"That is the thought, yes." As far as getting the band back together.

His arms slip across the shield upon his chest, stepping closer to both Arthur and Diana, "More than anything, I'm gauging what the thoughts of former members would be with regards to reforming the Justice League. Returning as an entity.. what that looks like. How we fit in with the Avengers already assuming much of the protection of the world in our abscence as a group." Since few of the members, besides him, went anywhere individually.

"At first I'd considered letting us remain a symbol, rather than actively trying to reestablish, but the census sofar has been positive for opening the Hall of Justice. What say you, Arthur?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Yeah, keeping fit. Doing a lot of pilates." Arthur tells Diana and Clark as his gaze drifts between the two of them. He still hasn't unfolded his arms yet, but he seems slightly more at ease as he straightens up, the waves still crashing behind him.
    He takes a deep breath and then exhales it slowly almost in a low rumble of displeasure but once that's done he murmurs, "What do I say? Two things." He looks between them, as if getting some sort of agreement from them before he continues. But he still goes on anyways.
    "First," He looks to Clark, "I want to know what happened."
    "Second, if we're going to do this..." He finally frees one hand from over his chest and rubs at the back of his neck under his long hair and grimaces. "Then we're going to need a way to make sure this... thing. We're gonna do. That it won't just disappear with the loss of any one of us. Or several of us. Or whatever."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana was not a member of the Justice League prior to Superman's 'demise' at the battle against Doomsday. She'd been a known element though, to many within the Justice League's ranks. Superman's primarily. It wasn't until that battle that she came out publicly, and since then she's done her best to help keep the Justice League name at least in existence and in the headlines in some capacity.

Superman had always been it's figuredhead though, and without him, it stumbled for the past 3 years.

Diana, now, looks between the two men. Her hair is tied back into a loose ponytail but there is one loose strand that hangs down the left side of her face and it's gently swaying in the sea-breezes. "A unified structure to the team then, a hierarchy that can keep it going even in the worst of times." She says this softly, just tossing it out there in support of what Arthur had said with his second point.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Agreed." At least to Arthur's second of two demands, and again to Diana's suggestion on how to achieve that, "A clear line of succession of leadership so that if any member falls, there's always someone to shoulder the mantle." Kal is lax in saying it, but there was always the belief that Superman /couldn't/ fall, and so there was never any need.

Even if he'd argue he was never really the leader of anything.

Opinions vary, as with most things.

Before answering Arthur's first demand, however, the Kryptonian takes a breath and releases it in a quieting sigh. "I died, that much was true. In theory, at least. So long as I was in the rays of Earth's sun I think it's impossible for me to truly die, but I can't honestly tell you what happened up to the point of me returning a few months after Doomsday." Which leaves almost three years where he was alive and not active.

"My decision to remain hidden was deeply personal and not an easy one to begin with. I struggled with it, watching others protect the planet when I could be doing so... Some of that I was powerless, a year or more, not exactly sure.. but again... without doing a lot of experimentation, it's hard to say how or why.

"Suffice that I'm back now and I'm not going anywhere."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The tall bearded man flares his hands as if absolving himself of the details of what he just voiced then murmurs in reply to Diana's thought, "I don't know what form it should take." He then pushes himself to his feet then, hands falling to his sides as he looks between the two of them.
    Then he looks to Superman and murmurs, "Something like that maybe. Or if there are enough of us... maybe having several groups. Something to keep the inertia going." But then he shakes his head as if the pondering of this... was not something that sat well with him.
    Yet it's when Kal starts to speak on the other point he brought up, he'll watch and listen, features controlled and calm. No judgment is visible, at least... no more than usual as Arthur's features remain rather stern and severe.
    He listens to the tale, and there are points where he looks curious. But he doesn't interrupt, he seems to weather it and keeps his comments to himself, though his head does turn slightly to the side. Then the mention of being powerless that causes Arthur to quirk an eyebrow. But eventuall...
    He grunts. Then nods.
    "I've never known you to lie to me. You say you're back for good, not going anywhere. Fine."

Diana Prince has posed:
One thing about the Justice League, over the Avengers, is that those within it generally are on another level of power. Often just as opinionated as well. But Diana knows that the Justice League, has the potential to be an even greater - far reaching - shield against danger to Earth ... yet it also can bring far bigger danger down on to the people of the world too.

"We deal in big threats." The Princess then says, her eyes hopping from one of the men to the other. "But we can, and should, deal in them together. I knew of Kal's survival from the Doomsday attack, I will admit that to anyone who asks me now. But I kept his secret to give him time to come back when it was right for him." She looks to Kal specifically. "I knew that if you came back any sooner than you would only be a detriment to your own spirit and your own recovery."

She looks back to Arthur then. "Now is the time to tell us that you are in charge of the new era of the Justice League." She says to the sea dweller, letting a smile blossom across her lips then as she's trying to keep the tone of their conversation light and friendly.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal dips his head to Arthur, "I never have and I will not start now." Truth is, Superman is a terrible liar anyways. Too many uncomfortable tells when trying to spin a yarn, that's why he's never sent to diplomatic dinners as anything other than negociator when things get hostile. Not because he's violent, but because politics are something that just don't compute in his brain.

"That's right." Flicking a hand out from where they're folded over his chest towards Diana, "Now would be the time to throw your name in the hat as leadership, Arthur. All that practice you've had down in Atlantis? Certainly you wou or Diana would be the best candidates." That part, the last, doesn't even sound like he's joking.

Being a symbol is one thing, being a leader?

Kal's seen how that ends when he's in the hot seat.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Another rough exhaled chuff comes from him as he shakes his head. "What?" He says rather firmly, making the question almost an accusation as he snorts and looks at her sidelong, "I don't know if you've been paying attention, Princess. But for a King I'm not exactly doing a bang up job." Considering the status between him and Namor. And the rebellion.
    But the second time he shakes his head he can't hide a slight smirk as he looks back at her. "Might want to get someone with a better track record."
    When Clark backs the idea, however, Arthur just looks at him and takes a deep breath. "Clark, you're the cement that holds all of us together. That has its good points and bad points. I'd suggest the Bat but he'd insist on moving the hall to Gotham."
    That said he flares one hand to the side, "I think we have enough to start moving at the least. I can't be there all the time. I have my own responsibilities. But you need me I'll come."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes go back to Kal and she smiles again at him before she looks once more to Arthur when he responds. He gets a light and single nod from her. "I can understand that. Certainly so." She then looks back out to the sea and takes in a breath of air that is filled with the scent of the ocean's waters. She knwos some of Arthur's story, but she's yet to ever delve in to it and all of it's intrifacies.

When she looks back at him she levels her gaze a bit. "You know you can ask us for help with anything that you need it for, yes?" She reminds him, just incase he wasn't sure. A look between Arthur and Kal is given. "This is part of being a better team. I have learned that with the Avengers. We have to always be there for one another. They have a closet-knit relationship with one another. This is something I feel the League must strive toward, even if some of our members refuse to take off their masks."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Yeah, I don't see the Bat taking the reigns in a direction any of us would be comfortable with." Clark says with no disrespect at all. There's fundamental differences between Kal and Bruce, deep ones, it makes them good teammates, counters and balances to one another, but prevents them ever seeing anything at all on even keel. (Because we're on a pier, ya see).

"He says the team didn't leave just because I did." That, at least, is said in amusement. More because of Bruce's gruff demeanor than the words themselves, which Clark genuinely wished were true. Still does. "What I see for the Justice League is a break incase of Emergency situation.. Individually we're some of the most powerful heroes on Earth. Gods, Aliens, mythological Bat Creatures sucking the blood of the criminal underbelly.. Royalty-" Motioning between Arthur and Diana.

"Throwing all of us at a criminal syndicate in Gotham would be a nuclear option to stop a gang fight... Effective, but... detrimental.." That said, his blue eyes move between the pair, "But if we work with the Titans and the Avengers.. if we build a strong bond between us in the League.. The next time a Doomsday situation appears, we'll be ready for it."

Mirroring, at that point, Diana's point to Arthur. "Or if we /are/ needed.. you know we'll be there. It's always been implied."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Lowering his gaze, Arthur frowns as he shakes his head. He looks uncomfortable as he takes a deep breath then looks back up to Diana and Kal, his amber eyes shifting between them thoughtfully. "That wouldn't be good. The people would view me as enlisting outsiders, surfacers, invading to try and take control. This has to be done within."
    He holds a hand up though perhaps to stay a protest, "But if Namor continues with his policy of Atlantean supremacy, there may come a point where this will go beyond Atlantis. Maybe then, if things get that far out of hand."
    When Clark speaks, however, he falls silent and listens. Which is a rarity for Arthur. He listens, pays attention, and then finally at the last he nods in agreement. "Alright, alright." The second word a little quieter than the first. "Here."
    And with that he reaches into his coat and pulls out a satellite phone, tossing it towards Clark as he murmurs. "I check this frequency once a day, noon GMT. Otherwise I'm usually out of communications distance. Can also leave a message with Janty, the guy who owns the Blackbird." He gestures with a nod to that pub across the way.
    He shakes his head and then turns, giving a wave over his shoulder. "Later." And with that he /leaps/ and drops straight into the water.