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Latest revision as of 04:21, 29 May 2020

Ninja from a Ninja
Date of Scene: 27 May 2020
Location: Lower Manhattan rooftop.
Synopsis: Alice begins her lessons.
Cast of Characters: Chizue Nakamura, Alice Sinclaire

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    It'd been raining pretty much all day, and as night fell the city was both damp and quiet. A generally blegh day to be outdoors it seems, unless you're some kind of Ninja of course. Owari had been out since well before the sun went down, doing Owari things like ripping apart wireless networks and sneaking into highrise offices to plant hardware in supposedly secure server rooms. The life and times of a Cyberninja everyone.

    She'd chosen the location to meet her prospective student with care of course, getting up there was going to be a challenge for your typical cape. Then again the roof of a building being rented by the FBI, was also not someplace most folks hung out. Never the less she slips a lead onto the roof's lone security camera, and sets it looping footage. Then slowly she slips down onto the gravel roof and lets her cloak slowly dissapate as she fades back into reality. Pausing to peer out after the city from behind yet another polygonal mask, though this one seems more tanuki themed than big cat.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice has always loved martial arts. She was the black sheep in her family always the athletic adventurous one. She couldn't get enough of it. Her small town had a dojo for Karate, which she took to with abandon. Her dad would go to classes with her but he wasn't as in to as she was. When she went to university her martial arts studies expanded to include Jui Jitsu and Aikido. But now.. now she'd met a real ninja! An impressive one at that.

In some ways it felt like Alice was finally slipping back in to the real world. The horror scape of the void could become just a memory if she reconnected with her old hobbies and loves. Of course, the reminder of her time in the void, her second skin, was never going to go away. Nor would she want it to, teleporting was second nature to her now.

~fwop~ Alice appears on the roof top that Owari told her to come to. The happy smile betrays her excitement at learning new budo. "Sensei Owari?," she says with a smile to the dark silhouette and approaches with her hand extended, though really she'd prefer a hug, one probably doesn't want to hug a ninja you met in a dark alley. "Thanks for inviting me, I have been looking forward to this."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    There are no hugs, nor any handshakes it seems. She merely looks at that offered hand for a moment, before fixing the pixelated eyes behind that mask on Alice. "Sit."Comes her response, still washed through goodness knows how many electronic filters. "Before we begin anything, we need to have a very serious discussion about the reality of things. If you do not have an understanding of the world, then nothing I teach you will ever benefit you. If you have not been prepared, then my teachings may be twisted and turn destructive."

    She turns finally, lifting a hand to casually sweep that short cape over one shoulder. Then with an audible little -click-, she pulls that brace of swords free from their metallic hanger and there she sinks down onto her knees. "If you misuse these teachings, I need you to understand that it will be fatal. There will be no hiding from me, no place you go to which I will not follow. The consequence for falling to evil ways is death, and I promise you I will make it last. Do you understand?"

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice has had several teachers in athletics and sports, as well as several sensei's in martial arts. Certainly, no one comes close to matching Owari in the field of flavour and flair. She is quite the sight with her digital mask and voice and overly dramatic declarations. Alice _loves_ it. She is eating this up.

Alice sinks down in to a kneel and rests her hands in her lap, a happy attentive smile upon her face. She nods quickly with each thing said and says, "Yes sensei I understand. No turning to the dark side." Apparently there were more star wars movies now? who knew that was going to turn in to a bigger thing. The original three movies were great and all.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Slowly she reaches up, and with a gentle tug that polygonal mask is pulled free to expose the armored plate covered with LEDs hidden below. Displaying a simple white circle, with three blue diamonds set centrally. "Many schools will focus upon the manner in which a punch is delivered, or upon the length of the sword. They may prioritize a particular phase of the fight, or specific targets upon the enemy body."That voice filter trailing off as she speaks, leaving the soft voice of the Ninja below. "All of these are weak, they are all the wrong way. There is no Ninjutsu punch or kick, no particular tool or technique which must be utilized. You must be above everything else, pragmatic."

    "From a chair to a ball point pen, from pocket change to a handgun. You must learn to recognize the ulterior application of every item you find, and you must learn to make use of it the moment it fills your hand. You should not aspire to be a brawler, or a swordswoman, or a shooter or anything else but a fighter."Mask slowly resolving into darkness. "The things we carry, the things we find are dead things all. It is the way of nature that we have been given thumbs to utilize everything as a tool for our own ends, and so we fight with a harmony of nature. Everything you will ever need, is within you."

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
She has learnt to use the sword, knife, and staff as part of her martial arts training, as well as the open and closed fist, the elbow, the knee, the foot, the hip. But pocket change? well, that was a new one for her. Alice nods slowly as her mind imagines stabbing someone with a ball point pen, or throwing coin at somebody.

"Ah yes that makes sense," she replies, her eyebrows furrowed at this new line of reasoning. Martial arts was a fun, a sport - when she was learning it. When she was applying it she became more of tactical. Retreat with teleports or brawl to stay alive and eat that night.

"How do I learn to use so many different kinds of weapons?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Break it down, simplify things. There are no Kata for fighting with chairs, but what is a chair but an assembly of sticks? How many martial arts do you think focus on preparing their students for a defense against a wooden chair?"She lets that one float out there for a moment. "Even if you pick up something truly bizarre, the likelyhood your foe will have a practiced defense against that item is all the less likely."And a slow nod. "You train with the three elemental aspects, of sticks, fists and cord. The rest will come naturally once you learn how to look at things in the correct light."

    "In a dojo is where most modern martial arts are taught, where men and women face students of similar skill level with similar instruments."A finger is lifted to point vaguely to the city "We are not in a Dojo, and you will not fight your fellow students with like instruments. Fair fights are for sporting competitions, There is no such thing as fair out here in the world. Don't fight a boxer with your bare hands, beat them to death with a hammer. Do not duel an experienced swordsman, shoot them. If you cannot fight on your terms, depart and return to the enguagement when you can fight on your terms."

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Her eyes widen just a touch as she imagines the different ways she could use a chair in a fight. Like a baseball bat is obvious, like a shield against a lion is another, perhaps breaking it down in to thwacking sticks, or using it to tangle up limbs. She smiles and then frowns a moment, "Ah! New things I haven't learnt. I have learnt the staff, but not 'sticks', and certainly not cord."

Learning new things is always the best part about anything in life. She glances over the roof top.. then out to the city at large and nods her head, "Sensei are you saying the best training will be to go to dark alleys and pick fights, or go to dive bars and pick fights? And.. what of my ability to teleport. Is that not like always bringing a gun to any kind of fight? Speaking of which, why not also shoot the boxer?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "In time, true Ninjutsu is best thought of as applied philosophy. I will teach you the basics never the less, and teach you how to train yourself. You must ultimately endeavor to be self contained, a pillar which leans upon another cannot hold up a roof."Theres a curt little nod at that. "Use the least amount of equipment necessary to safely dispatch an opponent, as there is a direct relationship to the amount and variety of equipment at hand and the power of this art."

    She leans foreward a touch as she reaches back to tug a neat fabric case free which she tosses over towards Alice. "This is your starting equipment, do not allow yourself to become sentimental. If it breaks or a superior impliment is discovered, discard these. All the do not mistreat your tools, do not lose them and do not grow attached. They are just things, their only value is in their use."

    So whats in the box? A basic lock pick kit, a G-19 and a trio of loaded magazines, a pair of collapsable batons, fifty feet or so of black paracord,a trio of metal zipties already started with a handle on their "tail" and finally an sturdy square tipped knife with a chisel edge.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice catches the fabric case and places it down in front of her. She opens it up and stares in wonder at the 'starter kit' provided. "Wow, okay. I have a lot to learn!" Lock picking? cool, she's never done that before but it seems everyone in every movie ever can do it. May be it's not as hard as she thought.

The gun and magazines make her raise her eyebrows.. Owari wasn't kidding about shooting someone if it's the easiest way. The batons have her tilting her head. She's seen weapons like these before but has never learnt them. Zip ties, well they're obvious - all that paracord, wow. The knife.. is the only thing in the entire kit that she already has some experience with.

A small nod to her teacher she smiles, "Thank you. This will be a learning adventure. I am already imagining my computer search history when I get home." She picks up each piece and looks it over, placing each back in the case where it came from after. A small chuckle she looks back to her teacher, "Sensei do you have other students I will be learning with?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Slowly she rolls her wrists out, and delicately tugs free a fair amount of those needle like glass kunai. From the back of one forearm a trio of lock picks, a handcuff key and a small knife. That little computer interface, a few slender screwdriver bits, another small knife, and a spool of very fine cord from the other. More kunai, and yet another small blade from one pouch on her bicep. Then from her chestrig come a trio of SMG magazines, a dozen tiny grenades, a full electrical kit with gator connectors and everything, a more elaborate lockpick kit, a first aid kit, some basic climbing gear, a few fine razorblades and a narrow ceramic saw. Her back is where that fold up SMG has apparently been this whole time, which she unfolds and sets atop the pile. Then comes a pair of fighting knives, a spring loaded Manriki Gusari from the small of her back, a fistfull of -more- Kunai, and well then theres that dive knife like blade strapped to one calf, and a flat adhesive breaching charge wrapped around her opposite calf. Ontop of all of this she sets her swords with a nod.

    "This is the equipment I carry for light duty, not counting the sensors in my helmet. You should endeavor to experiment with the easiest ways of carrying as many tools with you as you can, until it negatively impacts your movement in any way. You want to have as many tools in your tool box, do you understand?"She gives a little shrug there. "No, you're a bad match for my other student. You will train with me directly only, He isn't training to use weapons like you are."

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
As more and more equipment is revealed from Owari's personage, she gets more and more intrigued and impressed. How did she manage to pack it all away so well. An eager nod is given, she starts to imagine different ways she could secret the gear away - so long as she doesn't need to go through any metal detectors or x-ray machines. "That is so much stuff. I'm surprised."

She shrugs her shoulders and nods her head, "I am a sponge when it comes to learning martial arts. You have my complete attention sensei. I'm sad your other student has chosen not to learn about weapons." A belt, she'll need a built, perhaps a garter.. yes a garter for sure. She could sew the lockpicks in to a pouch on a garter, that'd work well, or perhaps in to a sleeve like Owari seemed to have. First step on the way home will be to get some sewing supplies! "This has always bothered me, if one has a gun in the back of their pants, or on their back, or even on their side - how do you roll?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Infront such as a cross draw, or behind are both poor decisions. It is too easy to disarm you, and you cannot draw from the supine if it's holstered behind."She drops a glove to tap gently at her thigh. "In street clothes a three to five degree foreward cant and either directly infront or directly behind the hip. In fighting gear, just barely below the belt line with a straight drop. I generally do not carry handguns, when I'm suited up but thats because I'm carrying a long arm already. If I'm taking a precision rifle however, I will often carry one."And with that she begins carefully returning her gear to where it belongs in a perfect reverse order.

    "At handgun range I generally prefer a knife still, handguns exist to permit you to fight your way to a longarm. They are a defensive armament, and should be viewed as such. If you're going to pick a fight, why did you not bring a Submachine gun?"Theres a little shrug there as Owari settles back in. "It's important to remember that guns even when suppressed are not "silent", they make a lot of noise whenever they are used. Unless you shoot the spine or the brain, they will not immediately fall over like the movies. A shot to the heart means on full adrenaline, you have aproximately fourty five seconds to continue the fight. You may be a dead woman walking, but that doesn't mean you stop fighting immediately. With a blade you can more easily finish the job often enough, and that is why your knife is shaped the way it is."She turns her head slowly to tap at the base of the skull. "Place the blade there, then palm strike the handle to sever the spinal chord immediately."

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
There is a curt little nod from Alice, "Right tool for the right job." She frowns a moment and shuts the case. "I have chosen well," she says with another little nod to you. "I do not think I'd find such a fonte of knowledge from any garden variety martial arts teacher. I will practice every day, starting with learning to conceal all this gear."

A memory flashes before her eyes of the first time she learnt to kill efficiently. The scary part about teleporting in to something is not knowin what would happen - would matter be displaced? merged? erased? if erased, who - you or it. Eventually, she tried it. Displaced it was.. and so she learnt to punch+teleport through enemies. "Mm, the heart is so tempting but they do keep moving longer than you expect."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Grab your batons, and get to your feet. We have much work to do, before you can graduate to the cord and the blade."Slowly Owari rises, and slowly rolls her shoulders. "Alright, now lets see what we're starting with. I want you to try and kill me, until I say stop."