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Latest revision as of 04:27, 29 May 2020

A Sinister Plot: Chasing the Sun
Date of Scene: 25 May 2020
Location: Upstate New York
Synopsis: Backscene: Berto is surprised and kidnapped by the Marauders.
Cast of Characters: Roberto da Costa, Emma Frost

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9fg-B5oLDw

With Brazilian trap music blaring from the speakers of his Maseratti Gran Turismo, Roberto steers his way towards home after Warren's party. He had dropped off Steph at the Hyperloop station and it was getting late, thankfully everyone back at the school knew about the party so he wasn't going to get flack for being out late, just for being out late alone, but he hadn't really wanted to drag a third wheel along with him tonight and Sam had driven his own so-called car to the party, so solo it was tonight on the way back, the lights of Salem just visible a few miles ahead, the lights of New York city, far behind, it was a familiar road and Roberto reaches over to the dash to turn down the music, to make it easier to drive back into the school quietly and maybe skip a lecture by one of his former teachers.

Emma Frost has posed:
A light brown skinned man comes to Roberto's view, standing in the road by himself. As fast as Roberto is going (it's a Maserati. He's a young man. And it's a low traffic road late at night...) it's unlikely he'll come to a stop in time before he hits the man in the road.

Any human, mutant or otherwise, is going to swerve. It's a reflex.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Whoa shit," Roberto exclaims as the big brown dude walks into the road in front of his car. He swerves hard, unsure if he's got the time throwing all of his strength into the maneuver and praying to the god he doesn't really believe in that he misses the man in the road.

Emma Frost has posed:
The sky blue beauty of a car flies off the road, tires and brakes shrieking as rubber tears on the pavement. This stretch of road is rural, with woods on both sides. The Gran Turismo catches air for a moment before landing heavily on the forested ground, continuing to roll and slam into a few trees on the way before slamming into one particularly heavy oak and coming to a final stop.

The airbag explodes into Roberto's face as the wheels hit the ground on the bounce. Once the car comes to a stop, he's dazed, but still conscious, with a bloody nose, covered in some sort of talcum powder.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
The crash is a blur, even this soon after it happened. Roberto just knows, maybe he just hopes that with all the rolling and crashing into trees he didn't hit the man. Please let him not hit the man. He reaches up and touches his nose, feeling it broken and bloody, he was battered other places too he could feel, but that wouldn't matter in a moment.

Reaching into that well of solar fire he keeps inside of him he lets it fill him, his skin turning several shades darker than vantablack with a golden corona surrounding it. As the change happens, he feels strength flowing through him, and the car that held him so tightly becomes only a little more challenging than tissue paper to blast or tear through.

Emma Frost has posed:
In the moonlight streaming in through the treetop above, a handful of shadows begin to surround the car. The burly Inuit from the road seems to have friends.

A lanky purple-haired guy approaches from the driver's side. The big guy stays behind the car, visible in the cracked back winshield. He's carrying a large spear-like object... with another two or three strapped to his back. An Asian-looking guy slides up to the passenger door. And... is that Bobby? No, the dude might look like he's made out of ice, but he's glowing slightly, giving a bit more visibility to the others with him.

A young woman with mousy brown hair floats behind the purple-haired guy. "Grab him," she says, the silver of the choker at her throat glinting in the light given off by the glassy-icy-looking dude. She's obviously in charge here.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto blinks at the shapes surrounding his car. This wasn't good. Really not good. These guys didn't give the vibe of Purifier jerkoffs, this was something else.

He rips through his seatbelt like twine then turning his body towards the drivers side door he pours out solar energy between his hands and lets it fly in a rush of heat and concussive force ripping the door from its hinges and sending it and the solar blast behind it towards the man with the purple hair.

A second later, out comes Roberto, flying ahead of a blast of heat. He might still have his punch first ask questions later tendencies but he wasn't going to try his luck five on one.

Emma Frost has posed:
The shiny guy steps between Roberto's blast and the purple haired guy, absorbing the sunlight-fueled energy and glowing even brighter. Probably not on Roberto's calculation on how things should happen.

He moves aside fast, while the purple haired due begins spinning like a minature tornado, hurling sharp shurikens towards the flying Roberto and the damaged car.

From the other side, the dude with the giant spear spins the heavy, long weapon once, then twice. It begins to glow a slight wavering purple-green as the man hefts it at speed towards Roberto. "GET OVER HERE!" he snarls.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
What this Faux-Bobby absorbs solar blasts? Total bullshit! Roberto doesn't have time to be pissed about it however he just keeps moving. Throwing a wide concussive blast out to brush the shurikens out of his path he starts to zoom upwards away from this freakshow...

Pain blossoms suddenly in his leg, Roberto turns, seeing one of those harpoons from the Inuit guy piercing his calf muscle. "Seriously?" he demands before he's yanked back to earth, bouncing until he slams into the side of his ruined car and limps to his feet.

"You've been waiting your whole life for that one, huh?" he tells the Inuit guy about the Mortal Kombat reference, a moment before firing a solar blast his way.

Emma Frost has posed:
The flying woman settles down on the far side of the big Inuit. "Keep him grounded, Harpoon." Wow, the dude is named after what he throws. How original. Harpoon smirks at Roberto, yanking the bionetic spear piercing Sunspot's leg hard and sudden to try and yank him off his feet again.

Faux-Bobby is apparently NOT made of ice, and he dives in front of the solar blast again, reflecting it sideway into the trees, scorching a couple. "Tsk, kid," he drawls. "I can do this all day."

Shurikens spins up and twists above the concusive blast, though he catches the tail end of it, knocking him out of his spin. "Get him, Scrambler!"

The Asian dude floats over the car, TKed by the woman. "Night-night, kid," he says.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Right? At least Gambit is called something related to cards, not 'Cards'. Villains no originality.

Still things are too desperate to quip, Harpoon, (ugh) yanks Roberto's feet out from underhim putting him on his ass in the dirt. At Faux-Bobby's taunt he replies "Block this asshole," putting his hand on the line between the harpoon in his leg and (again, ugh) Harpoon, blasting it free. As a bonus the harpoon vanishes as the line cuts, and Roberto rolls under the hand of the Asian man, (Scrambler was it?) and blasts off towards the sky again.

He taps his comms <<X-Men come in this is Sunspot, do you read me?>> Static. "Mae de dios," he curses, changes channel <<X-Men this is Sunspot I am under attack around Mile Marker 10 on->> More static. Jammed.

He pours more power into his speed then trying to rise high and fast out of range of (bleh) Harpoon.

Emma Frost has posed:
Harpoon shakes his head, seemingly nonplussed at Sunspot's attempt to escape. He draws another harpoon from his back, spinning, spinning... it takes on the bioenergy glow as it converts, and he hurls it up, up...


The point slams into Berto's stomach, as easily as any escaping seal. Harpoon chortles, yanking hard on the chain to bring the kid back down to earth.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto is speeding away until pain explodes in his stomach and he's ripped out of the sky again, he lands hard gripping his stomach like he's going to have to hold in his intestines. He's still intact except for the Harpoon stabbed through his guts. The pain was immense, and even changed as he was, his eyes begin to tear up. Stomach wounds were fatal, and painfully so if not healed. These motherfuckers were trying to kill him. He'd survived attempts on his life before, but those felt different, less personal, it was battle, but these bastards had come here especially for him, waiting for him and trapped him like an animal.

Rage begins to grow inside of him as he draws on the solar fire within his cells. "If that's how you assholes want to do this, then lets do this," he growls at his attackers putting his back to a tree trunk, his whole body blazing with an almost blinding corona of light.

Emma Frost has posed:
Prism tanks the blast for Harpoon, and Scrambler and Riptide duck behind the car. Unfortunately, the girl beside Harpoon takes the full brunt of the flaming, solar corona, and shrieks as she burns to dust, leaving nothing but a charred silver choker behind.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Suddenly Roberto is back in his normal form. Did he just- He had. He'd killed that woman, enemy or not, he'd taken a life, and it rocked him to the core. "Oh fuck," he mouthes as he stands there, blood now seeping from where he had been stabbed.

For the moment he was stunned and vulnerable and surrounded by enemies.

Emma Frost has posed:
Scrambler rolls out from behind the car, taking advantage of Roberto's shock to lay his hands on the young man's arms. He flexes his powers, true to his name, scrambling Roberto's biorythm and driving him to unconciousness.

"Good night, kid," he says as Roberto slumps to the ground.

He looks back at the rest of his team. "Shit. Malice is fucked."

Harpoon picks up the choker from the pile of dust. "She'll be fine. Boss will find or make her a new body," he notes. "She's probably floating around here somewhere, screaming at us."

"Not our problem," Riptide snaps, pulling out a black and purple cube with a pair of buttons on it. "Grab the kid," he says, as Harpoon's biospear fades from Roberto's stomach. "Time to bounce before the X-Men know we're here."

Prism nods in agreement, dimming his light. Harpoon pockets Malice's choker and moves to Roberto, lifting his limp form. Once they are all in a tight cluster, Riptide presses a button, and they shimmer out of view.