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Latest revision as of 02:54, 4 June 2020

Vague news is the best news
Date of Scene: 30 May 2020
Location: Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: T'Challa informs Shuri that he is not T'Challa.
Cast of Characters: Shuri, T'Challa

Shuri has posed:
While nothing could ever replace Shuri's lab back in Wakanda, over time Shuri has made something of an acceptable lab here in the Wakanda Embassy. Right now, she's literaly floating above some device, suspended by what appears to be a pair of wires that are attached to her hips on a device while she casually uses a small device to zap some kind of strange liquid metal looking object. A moment after zapping it, it forms itself into a car beneath her but then falls away before it can stay solid and is reduced to a odd puddle that slowly begins to coalesce back together.

"Augh!" Shuri lets out an annoyed sound and then she casually flips over on the wires and releases one of them, swinging to the ground beside the liquid metal that is progressively becoming a cube. She releases the other wire and walks over to a large holographic display and casually starts adjusting numbers on it and formulas.

T'Challa has posed:
"You know this is meant to be the suite for the ambassador's wife," comes T'Challa's smooth, even tone from the doorway, "If they ever return, I wonder what she will say about all the holograms."

The King of Wakanda is dressed as casually as he ever gets outside the most private quarters of the Royal Palace back in Birnin Zana. A dark button-down with no tie beneath a blazer, slacks, and black loafers. A pin bearing a small likeness of the Wakandan flag is clipped to his lapel, and his hands are clasped neatly behind his back.

"But last I heard they were enjoying the end of the wet season in the Jabari. I suppose there is no rush to tidy up for them."

"Ndingena ngoxolo, dade," he offers a greeting in their native tongue, bowing his head respectfully.

Shuri has posed:
"I am the princess. All the quarters are my quarters." She turns around and grins at T'Challa before looking back at the thing she was working on. She grinned as she pushed the hologram away and then turned to face him, "Hello, Brother." She smiled at him and walks over to him and tilts her head, "And I'm sure that she'll love what I'm doing." She points to the cube, "If I can get it to work. It will be able to temporarily become various items for situations." She shrugs and then gives it a small poke.

"So, what is it you have been up to?" She looks down at her beads briefly, pulling up a smaller screen and looking up to him, "I have not spoken to you in some time."

T'Challa has posed:
"A spoilt princess, I see," T'Challa chides, though the faint grin on his face suggests it is more teasing than anything else, "Just do not send our embassy to the moon, dade, that is what the space program is for."

"I have been busy, truthfully. We are spending more time in this country than I think I had initially planned for. I imagined that by now homesickness would have set in and we would have returned. I am interested to find that it has not. Which has led me to have a discussion with Taifa Ngao."

There's a pause and the king crosses his arms over his chest, brow furrowing thoughtfully as he visibly considers how best to phrase this next idea.

"I am going to take a leave of absence. A temporary one. There are decisions that need to be made concerning Wakanda's future, and I cannot make them with only the experiences and expectations of a monarch to guide me."

Shuri has posed:
A blink and she looks at him closely before she steps back, "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" She asks and then smirks as she turns and walks over to the cube again, casually touching a bead on her ear which casues a mask to go over her face so she can scan it, "Of course, I have not truly grown home sick because for me this has been amazing. Do you know that one of the local people of this place has made incredible advancements in his basement?" She turns to look at him.

"Also, I have been helping Riri work on her new armor so that she can have her own armor to fly around in." She chuckles, "Not to mention the entire crisis with the gorillas and dinosaurs." She laughs and shrugs, "I have had quite an exciting time."

T'Challa has posed:
"I am still your brother. I am just conscious of a wider world. There will come a time - sooner than we think - when Wakanda will need to cease its isolation. Not all at once, but over time, and I cannot make that decision unless I have seen the other side of that world. If I go as T'Challa, King of Wakanda, I will never see the true reality of this place. There are still arrangements to be made, but the Taifa Ngao will rule in my stead, and I hope you will lend them your own wisdom where they may need it. Temper them against the pull of tradition and conservatism where it is not in their best interest."

"I am glad you are enjoying it here, though," T'Challa continues, "I saw the photograph of Ms. Williams' armor online. It was very impressive. I hope you'll convey my appreciation to her, and try not to soak up all the praise for yourself in the meantime, hm?"

The last is said with a cheerful little grin, and a hand that reaches out to ruffle her hair in a manner befitting sibling teasing rather than royalty.

Shuri has posed:
Swatting at his hand, she steps away, "Hey, do not mess up my hair." She calls to him before she smirks and shakes her head, "I assure you, Riri doesn't even want the praise at times I think. She's a fun one but would be happier never speaking to anyone outside of her friends."

She then looks over at her cube again, turning off her mask and looking to him, "I assume you expect me to return and give him help and wisdom." She asks and tilts her head, "I assure you that I will be spending more time here, not less. I have already had several breakthroughs inspired by the people here. Why would I give that up? Besides, I am sure that he can handle keeping the kingdom himself."

She then sucks in a breath and shakes her head, "You also realize, that people will still treat you like a king, even if you are not."

T'Challa has posed:
"You go where you wish, dade," T'Challa offers easily, waving a hand airily, "You have made these holographic devices. It should not be too hard for you to ... telecommute. Just try not to pretend you are going through a tunnel whenever they call."

The latter statement prompts a mischievous sort of grin from him: "That is why I will not tell them. As far as the world is aware, T'Challa has returned to Wakanda to oversee his sovereign duties in person. The man who will be living here will be ... "

He reaches into his back pocket, producing a plain brown leather wallet that it clearly not his. He rarely has a need to carry anything like it. He flips it open, showing the perfect forgery of a driver's license and holding it out where Shuri can see.

"Mr. David Okonkwo, a legal emigrant from South Africa. I suppose I will need to get used to driving myself again. And you will need to make sure you do not share my secret."

Shuri has posed:
A blink at his identity and then she looks up, "What secret? And why are you here, Dr. Okonkwo?" She then smirks and rolls her eyes before she gestures at his face, "I assume you are going to do something about..." She continues to gesture at his face and then smirks as she turns back to her cube, "I am not trying to be judgemental but I believe your plan as a hole in it." She laughs softly to herself and then pokes the cube again causing it to turn into a sphere.

T'Challa has posed:
"Well, it is my plan and I will attend to sewing up any holes in it. For now, what you need to do is keep it to yourself and speak with the Taifa Ngao when they ask you to."

T'Challa purses his lips slightly before he rolls his shoulders, looking down at the flag pin on his lapel. He runs his thumb over it thoughtfully before he shrugs, moving back towards the door.

"I should be gone in the next few days. I will still have my Kimoyo, though," he adds, lifting a hand to show the hi-tech beads wrapped about his wrist, "If you need to speak."

Shuri has posed:
A smirk and she nods, "I will keep that in mind, Dr. Okonkwo." She nods her head and shrugs before she looks at him carefully, "I really do hope you have fun with your outing and learn a lot while you are out there." She idly shrugs and pokes at her cube, "Also be careful." She states simply enough, "Just because you think people do not know you does not mean everyone will not know you."