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Latest revision as of 02:54, 4 June 2020

Brothers and Keepers
Date of Scene: 29 May 2020
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Vic and Ted begin to get answers and more questions
Cast of Characters: Vic Sage, Ted Kord

Vic Sage has posed:
Still reeling from having his bell rung by the explosion of Ted's car, Vic follows the owner of the new pile of scrap metal upstairs into the penthouse apartment of the Kord Co building. "Where was your car kept, Ted? It would have taken at least a few minutes to rig it to explode, even if it was as simple as just popping the hood and dropping a charge in there, but it seemed it was hooked to the starter. Knowing you there has to be security around this place."

Making himself at home, Vic takes a quick scan of the apartment before he turns to head down the hall towards where he presumes the kitchen to be, "Glad you are ok, though. You must have reinforced the hell out of the firewall."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is slapping his ear trying to get it to pop. "Better you have a ton more shielding than a gram less than you need. I want to make sure Steve is taken to a hospital and checked. I also want to run the camera footage of the front of the building though I doubt that will tell us anything. As for the car... I garaged it a block away. They provide basic maintenance and wash it. I never thought something like this would happen. Anyway, have a seat, take over my desktop and do your magic. This Dr. Spaulding is going to wish he never poked the Beetle."

Vic Sage has posed:
\Making an educated guess as to where the cups are kept, Vic fetches a glass of water and makes his way over to the offered chair in front of the computer. Setting the glass down after taking a sip, the former reporter focuses on the computer and starts to type as he talks.

"Spaulding was a medical doctor at Central Medical Hospital back in Hub. A conscientious objector who served as a medic and wounded twice for his efforts. He went to med school on a scholarship and instead of making money made a choice to spend his time in the slums with the downtrodden."

Vic's fingers fly over the keys, "Hell, he was the kind of guy you would want to nominate for sainthood, not pin for a serial killer. I tracked him down, and he managed to get the drop on me and shot me with a dart full of a paralytic. He was going to kill me, but I talked him out of it...and he killed himself instead. Or so I thought at the time. Rookie mistake, I never checked the body. I was too focused on clearing out my own head that by the time I got back into the room after running some cold water over my head he was gone. I hadn't heard of him resurfacing, until now. His calling card was that poem."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks up from a laptop he got... somewhere. He taps his chin. "It's creepy. You have the Mikado, I have the Mad Men... why can't we ever just get crooks in it for the money with a laughable theme like cats or birds? I have no clues from the car so far. My automatics are going over it. Seems to be an IED. The doc obviously learned a lot from the combat zone. This was more incendiary than explosive. So what kind of crime would justify burning lovable little me to death? That is... the Question! Sorry. That's your brand. Feel free to 'bwahaha' sometime. My other catchphrase is, "Not the face! I got a photo shoot!"

Vic Sage has posed:
Vic Sage groans at Ted and his wordplay. "You know, that is pretty annoying when you do it. Is it as annoying when I do it? No wonder I get the drop on people, they are too busy cringing inside to notice my fist coming at their face."

Vic turns his eyes back to the screen and resumes his search, and after a few more keystrokes the computer screen starts to process the query. "I never really dealt with the costumed sort. Most the time I deal with gangsters, mob bosses, or corrupt politicians. I leave the costumed sort to you and your 'other' friends."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says, "You aren't missing much. The Squid Gang? The Madmen? I'd kill for a rogues gallery like Spidey or the flash. And no your word play is fine. You're annoyance s more along the lines of, 'I am pondering life's imponderables and they are... ponderous.' Hey, get any hits on Spaulding... a possible sighting through Interpol? I do have a link. Try bizarre murders."

Vic Sage has posed:
Vic Sage shrugs a shoulder as the computer beeps a result and he turns to face the glow of the monitor once again, "Seems to be. Descriptions of a similar style of crime in a few places. Some in the states, some in...Brazil?" Vic taps away at the keyboard some more, and hrms to himself.

Vic leans back in the chair and rubs as hit chin, "It seems our good Doc Spaulding was in Brazil around the same time I was. That can not be a coincidence. Still it begs the question 'Why target you?'. There has to be a reason, he always has a reason. Eye for an Eye."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord speaks to the computer, or at least he doesn't reply directly to Sage. "Korry, identify Kord Co holdings in Brazil. Nothing... Identify Kord Co affiliates and suppliers in Brazil. There we go... Estrupado Mining Corporation. We get lithium for our batteries and capacitors from there apparently. Hmmmm. I don't see any problems with them but... a closer look might be in order. And some more of your research will probably be desired before we go in."

Any ideas how to link an incendiary attack to the jungles of Brazil?"