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Latest revision as of 02:54, 4 June 2020

I believe I can fly
Date of Scene: 29 May 2020
Location: Above New York City
Synopsis: Two aliens meet on Earth.
Cast of Characters: Sera, Kara Danvers

Sera has posed:
Don't go wandering. Talk to SHIELD. Don't make a scene. Yeesh.

Sera stands on the top of the Avengers Mansion looking up at the sky. She draws in her magical powers, her eyes begin to glow and once more the mystical energies erupt from her body. Her mouth opens and she begins to sing the song of flight. A hymn to reshape, reform the magic, to bring forth her magical angelic wings.

Nope, that wasn't it.. the magic splashes about her like water suddenly reintroduced to the concept of gravity. "The doo daa.. the da da.. the doo doo da.." She counts on her finger tips. "Ugh, I wish I had learnt to read and write, then I could have written this stuff down."

Once again the magical swirls around, glowing bright light as she begins to sing her magical chorus. The magic takes the form of wings upon her back; wings of burning energy. She breaths in and stretches them out, then beats them as she takes off in to the sky, flying higher and higher, letting the wind on her face feel like the freedom it is.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh my gosh," calls a voice, lilting and youthful but with an odd sort of accent that isn't instantly recognizable, "Wings! I love your wings!"

A cursory glance around the open, blue sky will reveal the source of the words. A young woman in red and blue, the S-shield of a very familiar hero emblazoned across her chest and a long red cape fluttering out behind her. She doesn't allow the other woman time to do much more than notice her before she begins to float over, moving through the air as though gravity simply forgot to grab a hold of her.

"Hello!" says Supergirl with a bright white smile, pointing at the light wings and matching pace with the ascending angel, "I like your wings." In case she missed it.

Sera has posed:
The wings lag behind her creating a dove like shape with the speed she's maintaining. It's not terribly face. She lets out a jubilant, "Woo!" Though the celebration is short lived as her eyes go wide. Somebody else up here flying and without the aid of a winged horse, and they're not an angel, and they're not that Feather guy she met. This Midgard truly is filled with wonders.

"Ahh.. Thank you! Please don't touch them they will dissipate and I will go falling toward the ground and that might really ruin my day and probably annoy SHIELD even more," she says shouting against the wind. She holds up both her hands to Supergirl with peace V fingers that she learnt from someone in the Avengers mansion. Learning a whole new set of cultures from scratch is challenging. The tips of the magical wings crackle against the wind as she flies.

"How are you flying?," Sera asks with curiosity, seeing no obvious form of magic being employed.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I will not touch them, I promise," Supergirl answers, floating far enough away so as to not present that immediate danger and raising her hands in front of her, "But if they do dissipate, I promise I will catch you! I'm very good at catching people who fall out of things. Windows. Aeroplanes. The sky."

There's a momentary puzzled look from Supergirl who returns the 'V' sign. She's still getting a hang of the culture herself, and some things are still brand new. But she's almost certain she saw it on TV or in a photograph, so she happily copies the gesture.

The question about the 'how' of her flight is met with a pleasant and amiable shrug: "Who knows! I just am."

Sera has posed:
Sera looks to Supergirl with perplexed delight and smiles. She motions up and down over Kara's clothing. She herself is wearing an Avengers sweatshirt and black leggings provided by them, since what she arrived in apparently needed laundering, what with it being covered in blood and mud. "Thank you! What do the colours mean?," she asks having learnt that there seems to be some kind of heraldry happening in Midgard.

Still shouting against the wind she spies a building top and points to it, "Do you want to land?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Do you want to land?" Supergirl asks, that pleasant conversational tone still prevalent, "I could float up here all day, but I understand if the wings are making you tired ... and I suppose if there is a risk of them disappearing, you do not want to be using them unless you have to."

That said, Kara begins to float downwards with her arms crossed over her stomach. It's as if she just hit 'down' on the elevator, her motions in the air apparently requiring little in the way of focus. As she descends, she looks down at her costume and then back up with a quizzical expression.

"You do not know them? I am sorry, I am so used to people knowing them straight away. They are the colors of my family. The colors of our house. The shield," she outlines the S-shield with her index finger while looking down, "Is our house's symbol. It means hope."

Sera has posed:
Sera banks around and swoops down to a running stop. The wings crackle against the roof top, small offshoots of bright energy bouncing away before dissipating. The wings themselves remain, cutting through the air. She catches her breath and smiles, "It's.. not so much concentration. Though, it's a bit of that too. Just, yeah I haven't been here in Midgard for very long. It's exhausting to expend so much so frivolously." She grins, "But sooo worth it."

She steps forward to Kara and offers her forearm, "My name is Sera. I'm not from around here." Her eyes look down at the S as if recognising it as a symbol for the first time, not just some bit of artistic pattern. "Hope. I've seen that on lots of signs in New York City. That makes sense." Lots of S's everywhere, on signs, everywhere.

A few moments later the wings themselves wisp away but the bright white glow in her eyes remains. "You moved so easily up there. That is amazing. I didn't know someone could fly without wings, or without a pegasus, or a hover bike, or a spaceship. Midgard is full of more wonder than I had ever imagined. It's better than the fairy tales."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I am not from Midgard," the young superheroine explains with an easy shake of her head, "I can tell you about where I am from some time. Not now, though. It is a very long stor - wait a minute."

She pauses.


Supergirl repeats the word, her pale brow furrowing for a second. She internally connects dots - flashes of memory, snippets of conversation. Slowly, realisation dawns on her face. Her eyes widen and her mouth opens into a surprised 'O' as she stares at Sera.

"Midgard! Do you know Thor?"

Sera has posed:
Sera nods with her eyebrows raised, a level of understanding crossing her face too. Not one of the 'mutants' then, another foreigner like herself on this planet. She smiles at that, quite excited to meet more 'out of towners'. She tucks her hands behind herself and smiles with delight at Supergirl.

"I do in indeed know Thor. I met him here in New York City a few nights ago when I escaped from Hel. "He's had me staying at the Avengers Mansion? I think they call it. I'm not sure who or what they are avenging, but they don't seem terribly busy. They do have interesting food in their kitchen though."

She nibbles on her bottom lip, "Oh before you make the wrong assumption, I am not Asgardian. In fact, until yesterday I thought they were my mortal enemy. I'm starting to see the error of what was taught to me. I'm an Angel from Heven, though I would not ever want to go back there." Desperate to know she asks, "What's your name?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I would like to meet him if you can arrange it?" Supergirl asks, her eyes wide with the hope in that sentence. She takes a moment to look casually at the rooftop below her, a faint and pale blue glint in her eyes. Though it's not immediately obvious, a judicious use of x-ray vision allows her to determine the God of Thunder is not in resident. A little disappointed, she calms down and turns back to the conversation.

"An angel? Oh my gosh. Well, I am certainly glad you have settled your differences with the Asgardians. I know I would not want Thor as my mortal enemy. Being struck by lightning stings."

"I am Supergirl," she offers by way of introduction - all the name she ever gives, really, "I am from Metropolis. It is that way ... "

She turns slightly at the hips and points southwest.

Sera has posed:
Sera nods her head slowly. "I can but ask him. I assume he'll know who I'm talking about, but if not I will float him up in to the air and you can catch him." She grins mischievously. "As for the Asgardians.. it seems they have forgotten about us. That might be for the best, but my people have not forgotten about them."

Her mind wanders for a moment the concept of being struck by lightning. "Can they all do that? I will have to figure out how to create some sort of.. anti-lightning shield hm." She ponders for a moment and then smiles. "Supergirl. That's a lovely name." She shades her eyes with a hand and looks off in the direction pointed at as if she would be able to see it, which she most certainly cannot. She concludes that it is a part of New York City, having not left the city at all yet.

"I also recently found out that Thor is the son of Odin, the man who cut Heven from the other nine realms. That was a bit of a shock. Odin was described in memories as being a blood thirsty warrior - how he could have raised such a polite son as Thor is beyond me."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl knits her brow a little as she listens to the story, tilting her head to one side: "I am sure there are two sides to the story. There very often are. I do not know if they can all shoot lightning, though. I imagine it has something to do with being the God of Thunder ... then again, thunder and lightning are not the same. Hm."

Just as quickly as she was puzzled by the idea, Kara shrugs her shoulders and lifts a few inches off the ground to casually float there. Her red boots kick upwards as she looks skyward, closing her eyes to soak in the rays of the sun.

"If you trust your wings enough, you should fly to Metropolis some time. It is very different to New York. I think it smells better, personally."

Sera has posed:
Sera seems to have missed a beat as she listens and finally asks, "Who is the God of Thunder? ..Thor? that tall muscular nice guy?" She smirks, "I do not think the Goddess would call him a god. But.. I seem to misunderstand a lot of things lately." She glances off south west again and nods her head thusly, "I will know it by its smell."

"I think when it comes to me trusting the magic, I am fine with that. But I do need to recharge myself. I expended a lot of my personal energy in the fight to escape Hel. I'm very rusty at magic as it is, so it was like trying to sing a song with ones mouth only partly open. Ah I should have said, I am a sorceress." She seems quite proud of this fact as if it had only dawned on her recently.

"If you must be off, then next time I will come visit you in Metropolis and you can tell me all about where you come from?" There is a hopeful glint in her eyes as she ponders Supergirl. "You seem more like a god than Thor."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh, magic?" Supergirl asks, seeming a little taken aback, "I ... magic is very interesting but I try to stay away from it. There is something about my own powers and magic that do not mix very well."

Still, she smiles politely. Magic users are not inherently evil, and Sera seems pleasant enough! But she hovers a little higher, nodding her head.

"I do need to go, but you should come and visit Metropolis. I am sure my cousin would like to meet you. We can both tell you about where we are from."

Sera has posed:
Sera ohs and starts to imagine that if Supergirl had touched her wings, they'd both go plummeting to the ground. Ouch. She nods her head though and smiles, "That sounds great. You have family here, you're lucky. I look forward to meet you both." She waves up to her, "Thank you for saying hello Supergirl. It is a delight to know I'm not the only immigrant to this realm that isn't Asgardian."