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Latest revision as of 15:37, 8 June 2020

Special Guest Star
Date of Scene: 07 June 2020
Location: Evil Warehouse #2372 At The Docks
Synopsis: Bolo tries to take down a target, and runs into more than he bargained for.
Cast of Characters: Tony Masters, Jovian Anderson

Tony Masters has posed:
Adrian Mercer is a mid-level weapons dealer. He's not the ultimate source of the product. But he's not just some street dealer either. He's managed to get his hands dirty enough that there's a price out on his head, which is why he's currently holed up in a warehouse by the docks. Sometimes, you have to wonder if any of those things AREN'T fronts for criminals. There's a few guards with discrete weaponry lurking around up front and in back, another one on a nearby rooftop with a scoped rifle with a bit more power covering the place. Inside, amidst the mazes of crates and miscelaneous machinery, Mr. Mercer sits at a table with a disgruntled expression on his face, idly toying with an elbaroately decorated pistol in one hand. A half dozen or so other henchmen with heavier weaponry are assembled around him.

"Have you found out who put up the bounty yet?" The words directed to the biggest of the goons, standing close by his shoulder.

"Not yet, Mr. Mercer. We should know within a few more days."

"Few more days!?! Do I look like I want to be stuck in this shithole that long!?!"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson started out working with a full team, but has learned to do solo work over time. This is still by far the largest opp or target he has taken. But there is only so many low level bail jumps, even toughs, that you can take on before it gets boring. Bolo is fully geared up, but knows that the nature of this operation is going to be to get in and out. For once, he is grateful for his power but feels sickened having to rely on it as he moves up to the side entrance. He knows that a warehouse is too large to cover every entrance but even still, the crates are the problem since they can be rearranged to the tactical advantage of the defender at whim. He sends a bolo followed by another at two guards near one of the entrances that he intends to go into. So far, so good.

Tony Masters has posed:
The guards are alert. But they're not the most highly trained thugs. They don't spot the approaching bounty hunter, and the first one curses in surprise when a bolo comes whipping out of the dark to wrap around him, struggling against the binding. The other one barely has time to be surprised before he's wrapped up as well. They both try to free themselves from the cords, one of them shouting out, "Hey! There's somebody out here!" On the nearby rooftop the sniper with the rifle scans the dark, trying to spot where the bolos came from. He can't make anybody out from there, so eventually he just guesses and takes a shot into the shadows hoping he'll hit somebody. It doesn't come anywhere close to actually touching Bolo, however.

Inside, the big thug tilts his head as he hears what sounds like a gunshot coming from outside. The voice of the guard was too muffled to make it that far by the heavy doors.

"Might have some trouble outside, Mr. Mercer."

"Well, then go take care of it!" The weapons dealer sounds irritated, thumping one fist on the table.

"Yes sir." The head thug points at two of the others. "Come with me." Then they start off through the maze of boxes towards the front, leaving around four guards by Mercer himself.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is worried about the sniper. His power congregates darkness but isnt a black inky void. And he's been in the position of sniper too often to know how much a tactical advantage it is. He should have just cold cocked them and makes a note to do so next time. Stealth is useful. Silence is more useful. He rushes the chattering guards and attempts to cold cock them and if successful entering the maze before Mercer can run.

Tony Masters has posed:
They can't really fight back at the moment, so both the guards go down. Another shot ringing out towards the invading bounty hunter, hitting the doors of the warehouse nearby before he makes it inside. Once in the darkness of the warehouse, he can hear the movement of the three thugs approaching, weaving between the boxes. As soon as they spot a shadowy figure, all three will open fire with small automatic weapons. Sending a hail of bullets towards Bolo.

In the back, Mercer listens with a frown to the gunfire. "I should have brought more men. Competent ones." He sighs, then glances up at the small office high on one wall with steps leading down. It's currently dark. "Well, I'll probably be alright." He settles back in his seat, listening intently. If his guards finish off whoever that is, he won't have to pay any extra fees....

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson curses as one of the bullets nearly hits him and he turns to shadow. Briefly, he can't move and the world is all grays and whites and silvers. He knows something is just...WRONG with the place and while rationally he realizes he should explore and expand his ability he refuses. He avoids a stream of curses but only just barely until after a few moments the world turns right side up and materializes in the gloom. While there was no satisfying thud, its entirely possible all three thugs are unaware. Bolo does realize that he should probably start using a gun himself again, but either way, he sends two more bolos at his attackers. He only has three more and frankly needs to find some way to carry a lot more of them. At least arrows are small and much easier to pack. He wants to do a flying kick at the third but isnt that confident in his martial arts and its a great way to get grabbed. Instead he pulls around the crates and attempts to tackle him from behind.

Tony Masters has posed:
Despite losing sight of the target, the men keep shooting. They don't realize that he's done some sort of shadow movement even after bolos sudddenly whip around two of them, startling them enough to send them to the ground. The third thug, the biggest of them, turns around in time to meet the tackle from Jovian, grunting as he stumbles back but manages to stay up. He at least has some strength to him, if not a lot of skill. He tries to bring the butt of his weapon down on the attacker,

Mercer stands up at his table, head cocking. He can hear the cursing of two of his men, and the gunfire has stopped. That doesn't seem like a good sign. He looks at the other four. "Stay close to me." He moves further back, letting them close in front of him. In the booth above, there's a slight stirring of movement.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo has trained in martial arts and as a former secret service op, but nothing can ever really prepare you for a slab of muscle. He grunts as he is knocked back and since the pain isnt life threatening, it doesnt cause him to shift to shadow. It just hurts, a lot. He immediately retreats, trying to get his breath back and consider his next method attack. A bolo isnt going to be enough to take this guy out, not unless it strangles the wind out of him and thats the whole reason he isnt using guns in the first place. Its not that he isnt willing to kill, but he isnt willing to kill for a buck. He is not aware of the pending threat, and for a brief moment spots a fire extinguisher. He's about to improvise in a very creative way when he hears one of the men with Mercer. Something is wrong.

Tony Masters has posed:
The lead goon glares at Bolo, and raises his weapon at him. "You made a mistake coming here tonight." And he pulls the trigger. However, nothing comes from the barrel. Apparently he messed something up hitting his enemy with it. Grunting in irritation, he tosses the weapon aside then charges at him. There's nothing subtle about it. It's very straightforward, like a bull charging. Relatively easy to evade. He tries to tackle Jovian, throwing out his big arms.

The four guards and Mercer stay where they are, waiting for whoever it is to come out on the open. There's no further movement from the office for now.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo seriously considers running at this point. Sure, he has powers but he could make a very comfortable living at this point as a security consultant without telling anyone a damn thing about them, and most detective work was paper work. He could find the people that did this without....

But when he thought about what was done to him and his witness, he wasnt having any of it. Outnumbered, outgunned, he grabbed the fire extinguisher and unleashed it at full bore on the goon charging him as he stepped to the side. And if he got close enough he got a cool metal tube towards the forehead from the shadows he charged into. Bolo wasn't playing anymore.

Tony Masters has posed:
     The spray of white fire suppressant catches the goon in the eyes, and he stumbles in his movements until he takes that metal tube to the temple, going down hard. There's sudden silence in the warehouse, other than the grunting and cursing of the two tied up men. Eventually a voice calls out, "Did you get them?" The four goons, and Mercer, are all watching the gap in the crates leading to where they are, weapons raised. As soon as they see any sort of movement, they'll open fire.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo consider this. He has five targets and three bolos. If he charges them, at best he shadows for a few seconds before they reload and try again and he doesnt know if his power only works if he can see the threat. He certainly can't rely on it here. A regular flashbang would be nice. In fact, frankly he is getting the idea that he needs to up his game. He doesnt have time for that. What he does have however are two errant machine guns dropped by said thugs. He takes one, and mounts it on top of the crate, jamming the trigger so it can fire as he comes around to the back of the five, trying to take them on in smaller numbers

Tony Masters has posed:
The five men duck down behind some scattered craters when the gunfire starts up, taking cover. There'll only be so much time until the clip empties, but it seems to be enough for them to circle around the quintet of criminals. However, he doesn't get the chance to fire on them. As he brings the assault weapon up to fire, a single shot rings out through the room and it shatters in his hands. If he looks up, he'll see a figure dressed in white dropping from the upstairs office, landing gracefully on the table the men ahd been sitting around before and ending up in a crouched position. Eventually he stands up, and turns towards them. His face is covered by a skull mask, and in one hand he holds a .45 pistol. "I'm kind of amazed you've survived as long as you have." This seems to be directed at Mercer. "Really, you can't handle one person? Tsk." He gives his head a shake, then turns towards Bolo. "Very sloppy, by the way. You're lucky he's an idiot." He raises the pistol towards him. "Well. Not lucky enough, however."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson immediately realizes that this has just gone up about four scales of danger by any standard he would care to define it. Taskmaster is a threat to anyone and the kind of person you immediately called the superheroes for. It's also an extreme and immediate reminder that even with a power (a power he doesnt use) this...just isnt something he is prepared for. Bolo quickly assesses the situation.

This is for profit, not his life. While it might damage his 'street cred' frankly, running is the right option. However, a flat out run could just get him shot. Bolo dives to the right and tries to make his movements as random as possible. The sheer lack of experience does help him since random is just that, truly random. "If I was lucky, I would..." he lacks a proper quip, "go to vegas." Gee, that was clever.

Tony Masters has posed:
Taskmaster raises his pistol a little higher, and begins to squeeze off shots. He's not acting particularly serious, firing them off quick with minimal aim. It's enough for the random darting of the would-be bounty hunter to manage to avoid the shots. "It might be a less risky idea for you... whoever you are." He eventually stops shooting, slipping the pistol back in its holster. He reaches up and grabs the hilt of his sword instead. "But I suppose that doesn't matter now." Then he's rushing towards the shadow manipulator, movements eerily graceful and fluid. He draws his weapon after leaping from the top of a box,bringing it down in a flash at his opponent. Even if it hits, it won't cause a particularly serious wound. Nothing life threatening at the least.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
While Bolo doesnt realize that it is serious his reptile brain doesnt cause him to fade, but he also realizes that swords are not something you can kung fu. Well....he certainly cant. He tries to move out of the way but still gets a cut in his upper arm. For a brief moment he almost feels he can throw something back, as if his power COULD do something but ...he doesnt know how. There is definitely MORE there but he has been ignoring that for quite some time. He doesnt even have a grapple gun to escape with. He picks up a crate lid to use as a shield.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson considers briefly if he should say more but finally adds, "Call me Bolo." He brielfy considers wasting a bolo on the merc but is pretty sure it would get cut to bits by the sword.

Tony Masters has posed:
Spinning the blade in one hand, sending a few droplets of blood flying, Taskmaster replies to his foe identifying himself, "It really doesn't matter now." Then he's coming in again, sword flickering out in fast, precise slashes at him. Testing his defenses, carving off chunks of the lid he's using. "But, I was getting bored with this job. So thank you for at least a few seconds of amusement." He draws back, and then suddenly thrusts forward directly at the lid. Blade sharp enugh and thrust blow hard enough to pierce right through it and into the target beyond if nothing is done to avoid it.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The 2nd attack does cause him to phase out. Up close, he looks like shadow and a holograph at the same time. The box lid falls through his hands while he was able to block two of the thrusts of the blade with the box. His reflexes are good, lots of potential there, but not training in this kind of ad hoc battling. He stares at Taskmaster, saying something but it sounds like distant echoing static.

Tony Masters has posed:
When Bolo turns to shadow, Taskmasters head cocks to the side. "Interesting trick. How long can you keep it up?" Then he's lashing out at the shadow bounty hunter, blade passing through him again and again. His own reflexes bordering on inhuman, speed a blur. Testing whether it's a duration or by hit sort of intangibility.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson tries to instinctively block Taskmaster's actions. The blows are like smoke on the wind. To a lesser, they would seem like air but Taskmaster can tell there is SOMETHING there but almost like light smoke. As he moves back and forth the field is static but sweat begins to bead on his forehead. Its clearly not something he can do indefiniteyl but as he tries to move he is exceptionally slow. He moves slowly towards the nearest wall.

Tony Masters has posed:
"Looks like you're running out of steam there, boy. Might want to put in some more effort." Tasmkaster keeps on slashing as Bolo attempts to make his escape. When he actually begins to pass through the wall, he drives his sword into it. Impaling his shadow and waiting to see if he'll phase back in. Once he's all the way through he hmmms, then pulls his weapon free. Checking the blade for nicks or the like before returning it to its sheath. "Well. As long as he's gone." He turns back towards his client. "You might want to move locations, since this one seems to have been compromised."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson half falls through the wall and half through the floor, immediately slamming into the sewer below and gasping for air as he does, every nerve on fire. Its the first time he has passed through a solid object in its entireity and his mind refuses to acknowledge what just happened as he lays there for a few moments before staggering away to think about what just happened.