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Latest revision as of 22:15, 8 June 2020

Lunch Time
Date of Scene: 08 June 2020
Location: Royal Dragon Restaurant - Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Even at lunch time, you met interesting people in Hell's Kitchen
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Albert Rothstein, Elektra Natchios

Jessica Jones has posed:
It's lunch time, and Royal Dragon Restaurant is fairly close to Alias Investigations, so that's the place Jessica choose for lunch today. As an added bonus, after pestering them for a long time, they finally added her special dish to the menu. Which is precisely what she's having, at the corner table, with a view to the door.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein is passing through the area, and saw the food place. Well Al can eat about any time, the way his body burns calories and seemed as good a place as any. The Big man will come into the place ducking low so his mohawk or head does not smash into the door frame, before looking about for a place to sit.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra has been around Hell's Kitchen for her own nefarious plans, and some not so nefarious (really, she is nice), and it seems only natural that eventually she will be visiting the local restaurant. Not that she looks the type to be here too often, dressed in those designer jeans, the leather jacket that looks expensive, hair pinned up with chopsticks. Maybe a bit too well dressed. But as a bonus there are no sais or a ninja garb on her.

She wanders in, right behind Albert, eyeing the tall giant with a raised brow for a moment and then stepping out of his shadow to have a more clear view of the area. "Well, big one aren't you..?" her brow continuing raised as she inspects the mohawk man before it eventually travels about and finds Jessica. That's a surprise. Though it does bring a briefly amused smirk to her lips. Yes, she is the type that will make herself invited and join up with the PI.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica has her attention veer towards the hulking man who just walked into the Royal Dragon, she usually takes note of peculiar people who stand out, mostly because those who stand out have the highest chance of being trouble. The mohawk probably isn't helping Albert look any less suspicious, to avoid looking like she's outright staring, if he picks on her gaze she'll nod her head in greeting.

"Help yourself, why don't you," Jessica mutters to Elektra is joins at her table, "I was just thinking I could use some company." No, she wasn't thinking that. At all. On the other hand, her special dish is quite telling, it's served in a soup bowl. But it's not quite soup, in fact, it smells an awful lot like bourbon poured into a soup bowl, as Jessica lifts the bowl to her lips and sips it. No spoon for her.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks at the two ladies as the speak and each in turn get a nod and a smile. He grins a bit and says "And I'm my mom's smallest kid." Which is true, considering he is the only one." He will head toi sit near the ladies but not at their table, as they seem to know one another. He does pick up a menu looking it over. "Anything a have to try here?" he will ask

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Liar.." Elektra still with that raised brow when Al mentions being the smallest runt in the family. But she keeps an eye out too. One can never be too careful with the big ones! At least the ones she has met seem to be on her side so far... But she moves to settle down on Jessica's table, one leg crossing over the other and a look given at the bowl. The sniff she does is very telling and perhaps it's what she expected. Bourbon... "Are you having the house special..?" she appears to be quite doubtful about this but Al's question makes her look his way. "One of my first times here so you'd have to ask my friend here." a gesture towards Jessica.

She then picks up on one of the menus to glance it over. She doesn't have to search for long. Go with the basics. When a waiter comes near she gestures. "Chicken Chow mein." easy and basic.

"And how have you been doing, Jessica?" her dark eyes settling on the woman PI, the eyes losing that amusement and now inspecting her more attentively.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"That's something," Jessica quips at Albert, thinking that he's lying one hundred percent. "You can't go wrong with the K'un Lun Kung Pao Chicken, if you're into that," Jessica offers helpfully to Albert. Mark it down on your calendar, Jessica was nice to someone today.

As Elektra makes a show of sniffing at her meal, Jessica snorts, "I'm having the number 9, JJ's Bourbon Chicken, I'll have you know, but it is a house speciality." After having another sip of her meal, Jessica leans back in her seat and shrugs, "I've solved another case, so it's been pretty good so far...still one unresolved case, but I'll get it."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "Thanks." when the waitress comes over, he orders a soda and a 3,4,5, 14, and 25. The waitress will seem a bit surprised at the large order perhaps, but nods. The large man offers to pay up front and that seems to help put any worries to rest.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The mention of K'un Lun makes Elektra grimace and -almost- look offended. Look, there are certain rivalries that run deeper than blood. And that is certainly one of them. The Hand versus the Iron Fist. "Fine." she letting out a sigh, gesturing with her hand towards the waitress, "Actually, get me the chikara chow mein. I am curious." she will leave the bourbon one for an occasion where she is actually here at night.

"We also got our little business to attend to sometime soon." She says. "Which reminds me I should perhaps pay you, mmm?" she suggests. "Considering your aid in it." and this time there's no derision or mocking in her voice. She appears serious enough! She always does so where it comes to business. "Unless you tell me that you are helping me out of the goodness of your heart."

A brief glance is spared towards the tall man nearby and at the large order. "Guess that explains the size.."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica rolls her eyes upon hearing Albert's order, and cannot help but quip his way, "got an appetite as large as you are, huh?"

While Elektra grimaces at the K'un Lun Kung Pao Chicken menu item named after the Iron Fist, Jessica is actually in the camp that still doesn't buy any of that stuff. Not K'un Lun, not the Hand, and none of the mystic magic karate stuff. Jessica gets back to nursing her meal. With Jessica time of day doesn't quite matter, drinking is more of a survival thing.

"Oh yes, I enjoyed the meeting with Roxxon, made me realize how lucky I am not to have a normal office job." She looks curiously at Elektra, "I'll never say no to money," because she won't, but she thought it was all part of a regular Defenders operation, which is why it didn't even occur to her to ask for a fee. "Look, I've been called a great many things," Jessica rants, "but good hearted wasn't one of them."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein smirks a bit and says "All machines take fuel, and guess I take a bit more than most people." He admits. He ponders for a moment but since they have kept talking to him now and again he will introduce himself "I'm Albert by the way." He will say offering another friendly smile.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The smile that begins to grow up on Elektra's expression at Jessica's rant is one that expected such a response. She replies. "I imagine you would never want to be anywhere close to being called a good hearted person. So payment may just be what's needed. Besides, it's always good to work with someone that can be competent and without the usual.., bullshit that many can come up with."

With the Chikara chow mein being brought to her table she inclines her head briefly at the waiter and starts digging in, motions elegant. "Think of it as a thank you for services rendered. And perhaps an incentive for us to work again in the future, mmm?" she leaving that hanging in the air. Though then her attention goes to the giant.

"Elektra." She says. "Well met."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Jessica," the P.I. introduces herself in turn to Albert, quipping, "you often consider yourself a machine?"

"Hey, don't paint me out to be a bad guy, it's not that I'm actively trying to not be good," Jessica protests, before taking another sip of her meal, her very liquidy meal, "it's just that I'm a realist, I work a shitty job, the world is shitty, lots of people are shitty...you make do. But if you make do that doesn't mean you're good, and I own that shit." She grins as Elektra mentions the usual bullshit, "well, that is the one thing that keeps getting business for Alias Investigations, I don't deal with bullshit."

"Hey, if you need any P.I. work, definitely feel free to stop by Alias," Jessica issues an open invite for Elektra to do business with her in the future.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and says "Well I'm a mechanic, well mechanic and part time teacher, so I guess I look at a lot of things like machines." he admits. Just some are a lot easier to fix than others." he will thank the waitress as his food starts to make it's way to him. He looks over and while not trying to specificly listen in does hear a decent amount of the conversation

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Noone actively tries to not be good." Well, maybe Elektra does ... "Circumstances lead to it and .., yes. The world isn't exactly an happy place." her tone is one of acceptance. Yes at least in that she does share the same view as JJ. Scary! But then her expression turns curious and she regards Jessica more directly. "What makes you wake up in the morning?" odd enough of a question, but she appears to be curious on what motivates the other woman to do what she does.

Though she does turn to look at Al after a small moment, "A mechanic and a teacher..?" she looks the man over in a dubious manner. "And that's what you teach?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"That's fair enough, I mean, I'm a P.I. and I look at most people as dirtbags," Jessica quips back at Albert as if it was the most normal assumption in the world.

"You telling me? Trying to be good is what landed me in the worst shitstorm of my life, never again," Jessica raises her bowl of soup at Elektra as if making a toast, and all facade of her meal being soup is gone when she downs the rest of the bowl.

The question of what makes her wake up in the morning has Jessica frowning deeply, "we're really doing this team exercise bullshit? Fine," she grumbles, before giving her answer, "my alarm clock. It's damn loud and the snooze function doesn't work too well..."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein grins and says "Shop and Phys Ed, but the teaching thing is just a temp thing I have been thinking about a few other possibilities." He admits. He smirks a bit at the alarm clock comment, and says "I had to get one of the ones that rolls away from ya, so have to chase it down.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I am with you, Jessica. To not being good." Sure enough Elektra can toast to that. Being a person of rather dubious morals. She lifts her own bowl up. No alcohol on hers unfortunately, but she picks up a noodle and eats it. About the same, right? Some curiosity comes to her eyes though, gaze squinting slowly. "Sounds like whatever it was it marked you quite deeply." but she is wise enough to not pursue and ask further on what exactly it was that Jessica did. At least not yet.

"I was but curious on what actually ticked you and motivated you." A shrug. "Not exactly a team exercise just ...," she ponders a moment, perhaps looking for the right word, " ..., looking for different viewpoints."

The comment from Al about what he teaches makes her smirk. "That makes sense. You look the type that hasn't spent a day of your life without training."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm surprised you're not in sports with your size," Jessica just lays out her thoughts in the open, assuming Albert wouldn't take offense, he must get that a lot.

Whether she shows it or not, there's no doubt Jessica appreciates not having her past burrowed into. "Why would you wanna know that...?" Jessica asks, looking exasperatedly at Elektra. She clearly didn't intend to give away much about herself, but is at least curious on why Elektra would even bother getting to know more about her. She does have one idea, as she offers, "if it's about Matt, you don't have to worry, we're just friends, it's Daisy that he's actually dating."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over, and says "Oh I play Basketball for ESU, but not something I am looking to make a career out of. I am wanting to do something a bit more hands on, and getting my hands greasy." He admits. Of course the fact he is a metahuman and can't play pro might add to that. "I enjoy the physical side of things, but my mom always made sure I knew the mind was as important as the body.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Wise woman." Elektra states about the advice Al's mother gave him. "Only brawn has no real strength if it isn't accompanied with a mind to follow." Must be part of her magical karate stuff teachings. At least her tone has that solemn touch to it.

At Jessica's suggestion that whe she is asking about is related to Matt Elektra simply raises a brow, even managing a small frown. "I am not worried about Matthew. At least not at this point in time." but she jots down that name mentally for later. Daisy, sure. Give names to an assassin!

"You are not used to people wanting to know about you, Jessica?" Her brow again arching. "Or do you simply make the extra effort for people to not want to know?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Well, that's something..." Jessica notes as Albert gives away the ESU basketball role. "All I can say is I'm glad I'm not on the team facing off with yours," Jessica wraps that bit up before signalling for the check. "Hell, you do well enough with the mind stuff, maybe one day you could work for Alias, it's really lucrative," Jessica jokes.

"Oh, I thought you were worried I might be dating him or something, figured I'd ease your mind. Sorry if I insulted you with the assumption you have a heart," Jessica just has to let a Jess type of comment slide in at some point in the conversation. Jessica notes the jotting down, and quips, "so, is the girl's life in jeopardy now?" She smirks, clearly not serious, but a little serious.

Jessica does genuinely shake her head at Elektra's question, one she doesn't mind answering for a change. "Why would anyone care to know anything about me? Nobody ever did..." she does laugh at that last comment from Elektra, but adds nothing to it, so...maybe she's in the ballpark?

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over to them and says "Not so sure about P.I. work, not sure how well I would be at following people around discretely." He offers with a smile. He continues eat. His brow does raise "Someone you know in trouble?" He asks perhaps not hearing or understanding what they are talking about totaly.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Oh, noone in trouble just yet..." Elektra says back to Albert, her grin showing teeth. But she at least seems to be in a good humor. Not the killer one at least, which is always good. "Well, you could always be the distraction for the other to sneak in." she notes when the man mentions not being the best at stealth. Misdirection is all part of the ninja training!

But she tsks at Jessica's suggestion that this other girl could be in danger. "Do I look like the vindictive, petty type?" she questions, shaking her head slowly at the PI. "And I do have a heart. Oh, I am all heart when I want to." she getting to the end of her chow mein and setting the plate aside.

Those last words, and then not adding anything to what Elektra said just brings a knowing grin out of Elektra. Yes, maybe she was in the ballpark. "Matthew does care about you though."