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Latest revision as of 16:09, 10 June 2020

Coffee Shop Chatter
Date of Scene: 09 June 2020
Location: NYU Coffee Shop
Synopsis: Rave and Landry begin groundwork for a partnership. Ms. Winters buys lemon cake for everyone and gets embarrassed.
Cast of Characters: Cecily Winters, Landry Lugar, Naria Shepard

Cecily Winters has posed:
    The coffee shop is still fairly crowded. A few people have left, and it's not really 'standing room only' anymore. A certain vulpine woman dressed for work and wetwork is sitting at a table, conversing with a tall fellow. Cecily peers down into her mug, swirling it again, finding there's about a quarter left of what she'd had at the beginning.

    "Tell me what your skills are, then? What sort of lighting work you do largely? Concerts? Or more stage performance types of things. For musicals and plays and the like?" she asks Landry kindly, seeing if he is a good fit to reccommend to a certain neon speedster.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar thought about it for a second, "Well, it used to be mostly just theater work, but, since I've hit the city, I've gotten gigs and bars, 2 concerts, and I'm supposed to go in and work on some things soon to fix a light board on an off broadway set up." He smiled, "That, plus all my actual school work has kept me pretty busy! I've been working on my custom light board controller. It's pretty useful." He pulled what looked like a medium sized tablet, except it had buttons all over the backside of it. "It's not much, but, it gets the job done." He smiled proudly. "I'm hoping to get more of a challenge sooner or later. Only so 'crazy' you can go with seedy bar with lounge singers singing the blues."

Naria Shepard has posed:
It was probably strange to recall, between the shows, the heroics and the social media? Rave was still a college student! The obviously metahuman girl moved into the coffee-shop. Being on campus, she wasn't dressed for her namesake, instead Rave's form was wrapped in jeans and a simple low-cut shirt, she even had her book bag over one shoulder as she digs into her pocket for her wallet. Speedster or not, she could go for the sweet hit of caffine.

How ever many eyes her own luminescent locks may or may not draw, the young woman pauses and blinks as she spots the familier tails and ears at one table, a grin spreading across her lips before she draws over at 'normal' speed.

"You come here to 'pick me up from school' Ms. Winters?" she teases, turning to nod a greeting at Landry.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "You're up to off broadway setups? That doesn't put you too far away of actual Broadway shows now does it?" Cecily offers, encouraging in her words and her smile. She tilts her head, blinking owlishly at the lightboard controller that's presented to her. "I can tell you the caliber of a bullet blindfolded just by having it dropped in my palm, but if you told me that tablet was either a light board controller or some kind of new form of waffle iron... I wouldn't be able to tell the difference... I'm afraid some tech is beyond me, but that does look like quite a lot of fun. And as far as a crazy challenge, I think one of Rave's shows might put you up to the... task..."

    She looks up, catching the splash of neon out of the corner of her eye, then swivels head around to watch Rave. "Speak of the light devil..." she says in a fond tone with a grin. "...Miss Rave," she stands up to greet the girl properly. "A bit on patrol for a friend when I stopped in for tea, actually..." she says with a shake of her head. She's got her shoulder holster and the ever-present bookbag with her, which likely has no books in it. The fox fishes into her hidden vest pocket, sliding Landry's business card to her. "I'll get your drink, what would you like? And my new acquaintance here might be someone with skills you would appreciate for your music scene."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar eyes were drawn to the light, and they followed Rave as she made her way in, common looking clothing or no. He shook it off for a second, "Yeah?... I mean, it's nothing special... You can really do that?... That's pretty hardcore. What kind of calibers do you prefer?" He asked curiously. When Rave walked up and called Cecily 'ms.', he grinned, "See... She called you ms.! I's just being polite anyway. Better safe than sorry with someone that carries the big iron." He smiled to Rave, "Yeah, I do think I've seen posters around, now that I see her. My name is Landry Lugar. Lighting specialist." He started to reach for his card when Cecily passed it over instead.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"She can do that," the 'Bluenette' confirms, apparently claiming the vacant chair without a pause or invitation. "It's kinda scary how much she knows about guns and stuff." Literally bright, the woman leans forwards, tilting her head to the side with a grin and a nod at Landry's little dig to the fox. When he mentions the posters however? That grin gets even wider and she nods her head, catching the card and flipping it over between her fingers before she tucks it into her bag. "Rave," she offers in introduction, no first or last name beyond the one she'd chosen shared as she looks the man over. "Lighting huh? So stage stuff she said? Spotlights and effects, or do you do music gigs? You might have to show me some of your work if you've got footage sometime!"

Ever exciteable, Rave had indeed walked in at the end of the discussion rather than the start. Back to Cecily, she gives a little shrug. "And here I felt special," she offers with a mock-pout and a wink only serving to add to the 'high-energy hurricane' introduction. That said, she -does- take a breath, sitting back in her seat and stretching her limbs. "I wouldn't want to interupt Ms. Winters, I can grab myself a hot chocoa in a minute."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Largely armor-piercing or heavy calibers... I have a .45 on me right now," she nods to her holster. "Though 4.6mm I keep a large stock of. It's used in the MP7 PDW, and a compact firearm is very handy for bodyguard work..." Cecily explains. Then the fox grins at Landry. "Rave is my employer. She is free to call me 'Ms.'" she states, giving the man a hard time. She remains standing while Rave sits, however, and gently squeezes the bluenette's shoulder. "Nonsense. You are special, and special to me, but I'll let you two talk business. If I know you, you've been running all day."

    She turns to depart the table, heading for the counter. One could almost imagine the way her tails brush against Rave on the way by is one of gentle affection.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod, "Yeah, I've worked stage, concerts, bars, a little bit of everything since I got here. Cecily was saying you do EDM and such, that'd be a far bit more hardcore needs than most of the shady bars I've set up in the last few months." He laughed abit at that. He continued sipping on his own hot chocolate, eyes darting between the two, and lingering a moment on the lighted being. His fingers tapped on the side of the mug, deep in thought apparently. "Have you always been.... Glowy?" He asked, obviously drawn to the obvious.

He gave a playful roll of his eyes at the hard time given. "That's good to know... I mean. I don't think I'd ever really know what I'm doing with most of that. I had a bolt action .223, but it was mostly just for varmit hunting. And I wasn't all that good at that either." He chuckled.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Technically," Rave muses, lifting a hand to indicate with her index finger, "my parents are her employer, I kinda can't really hide the Meta thing and some people took it badly in the past. I prefer to think of her as 'paid company'..." a pause, her eyes widen and cheeks redden. "Not like that!"

Quick, topic change, she's on to Landry's listing and gives a little nod to his explainations and appraisal of her own music as per Cecily, but his question? It brings a laugh and a shake of her head. "I'd always been bright in a more 'metaphorical' sense, but this only happened a few months ago. Just sort of errupted out after a show when someone nearly ran me over. Kinda a potential energy thing I guess?" A beat, she tilts her head, blinking her faintly glowing eyes as an equally glowing blue lock of hair feel free.

"Truthfully? I love it."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar grinned as she called Cecily paid company, and glanced to Cecily at that, "Mhmm...." He laughed and moved on. "That's... not terrifying at all." He said in a deadpan monotone. "That's really cool though!" He paused, having a thought, "Is it hard to get to sleep at night? With the light and all..."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    While the cafe is still a little on the noisy side, Cecily can hear the words from the table spoken to her side, ear swiveling to catch the conversation between the pair. At the term 'paid company' and Rave's sudden reaction to it, she just grins as she hands the barista her card again. There's a small exchange of words and a glance at the pastry case a couple of times, and then nods. It isn't long, most of the students in the cafe have their drinks and are socializing or studying, so she doesn't have to wait to get her treats.

    What might be a surprise, is that she comes back to the table not with a beverage for Rave, but a small tray. "Cocoa... cocoa... tea... and lemon cake..." she divides the three cups out, a cocoa for Rave, a refill for Landry, and a refill of her tea, too. And then a trio of small plates with some house-made lemon cake with icing on it. She returns the tray to the counter, modifies her tea as needed, and finally returns to her seat.

    "She doesn't like me calling myself her bodyguard," she adds quietly.

Naria Shepard has posed:
It was truth Cecily was talking, but Rave doesn't speak up about it. Instead there's a soft 'Oooh!' from her lips and she's reaching for her drink and some of the cake. Pride be damned, that looked awesome! Taking a sip for herself, there's a little shrug of her shoulders and she tilts her head. "It can sort of fade to a dull-glow, kinda like those night-light stars you put up in your bedroom. Otherwise, that's what blindfolds are for, right? I have no idea if it still glows when I'm sleeping..."

A blink at the thought, she glances towards Cecily as if she expected the fox to know the answer before shrugging once more and looking back to Landry. "But yeah, you'll have to show me your stuff. I'm kinda a living lightshow, but it's not the same as properly cued stuff. It's just sort of...glowing while singing or dancing, the occasional hologram."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a smile, "Oh thanks, Ms. Winters!" He finished off the old cup, and set the new one inside of it. "I worked off my freshman fifteen already, so definitely not afraid of cake." He took a bite, savoring it as they talked. "Why don't you like calling her your bodyguard? I mean, it's kind of awesome, right?"

He blinked a moment as she spoke about the night-light stars, "When did you see my bedroom?" He asked, faux serious, taking a long sip afterwards while watching her. He grinned and moved on, "Sure thing, I'll make a demo reel, and send it to you." He paused, "Holograms?! That's awesome. Can you pick what they are? Or is it just like... reactive?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "It still glows when she's sleeping, like it's on power standby mode," Cecily explains when Rave looks to her. She finishes her old tea and does what Landry does, nesting the new cup inside of the old and leaning back. "I imagine the two of you working together could open up additional avenues for both of your careers," she says, staying on-topic, but she does acknowledge the thanks for the treats. "You're welcome. Starving college students need to eat, do they not?" she offers, even as she reaches for her own slice of the lemon cakebread and takes a surprisingly large bite out of it, showing off her vulpine fangs.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"It's cool till...Well..." she trails off, unsure how to explain her delve into heroics. After all, it was less impressive to be trying to be a superhero if someone was being paid to make sure you didn't mess it up. Sipping her drink lightly, she nods in agreement with Cecily's words about starving students even if she was far from financially short, but there was a reason she'd moved away from home, right? Landry's question? It's welcome distraction and she nods, gesturing to herself.

"I can shape them, move them, but they're just light. Sort of like glowy little soundless..."

she trails off, lifting a palm as lights swirl from her fingertips, a glowing blue miniture version of herself coalescing in her palm and blowing a kiss before winking out of existance. "Like that."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar smirked as the sleeping glow was confirmed. "Yeah! Could be great." He watched her create the little hologram of herself, and grinned, "Hey! You could make a Cortana!" He grinned. "That is pretty awesome. I wish I could do that! But I'm really not much more than a guy with a big flashlight right now." He shrugged and polished off the cake in short order. "Speaking of work though, I gotta run. Places in a half hour back on my campus!" He flashed them both a smile, "Was great getting to talk to you both. Hope I see ya around sometime." He glanced to Rave, "You got my number. Don't be shy." He gave a small wave with his off hand, as he tried to drink and walk with the other, with mixed results.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Of course, to Cecily, she's not there to make sure Rave doesn't mess it up. She's there to make sure Rave doesn't get hurt too badly. She's more than happy to let Rave take all the credit for the heroics, after all! "At this rate," Cecily says between sips of tea, "...you'll have your own stage crew..." she says with a gentle smile. "If I had any expertise in your craft, I'd help too. But rather fortuitous to find someone who might work well with you, yes?" she asks, curling one of her tails around Rave's waist.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"You did good," Rave speaks, shifting a little into the curl of the tail and sipping her drink after Landry departs and offering a smile. "It was good to see you though, a nice suprise." Every little step helped for someone trying to get noticed on both stages, and in no way was Rave suprised that Cecily had stepped to offer a helping hand. Back to the fox, she chuckles lightly and gives a grin. "You can stick to singing in the car or shower and dancing only when I drag you out if you like," she adds with a wink.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily idly reaches over, twirling one of those neon locks in a slender fingertip. Casual affection from the foxy lady, as her other hand holds her slice of cake. "I do want you to succeed, Miss Shepard. Not just in your hero career, but your music career. They need not be mutually exclusive, and you can be a big name in both because you have such a big heart," she states gently. Then her cheeks turn pink. "...I thought you were asleep...!" she emits an embarrassed squeak, when singing in the shower was referenced!