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Latest revision as of 16:09, 10 June 2020

Speeder Bike Chase
Date of Scene: 07 June 2020
Location: Downtown New York
Synopsis: The heroes swapped contact info. Monte goes to jail. No one hurt.
Cast of Characters: Jovian Anderson, Samuel Morgan, Singularity

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is feeling like death warmed over from over extending his power for the first time and passing through a solid object. He doesnt want anything to do with it for a good long time, but rather than go home and collapse for a week of exhaustion, he wants to get some mojo back so looks on the boards for another bounty. Seems straightforward, just a bond skip on one Monte Elebond, who has been spotted trying to get away on the highway. He isn't enough to get a full Bolo, but he does get his attention and begins driving after him on a motorcycle.

This is where things get interesting since Monte is a bit of an inventor, flicks a switch on his cycle which instantly turns into a speeder bike and leaves the exit moving down the city streets at rapid speed.

"TWICE in one day? Seriously?" But Bolo does not give up and drives after him.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Being new to the Titans, Sam is drawing comms monitoring duty with surprising frequency, so much so that some of his team mates may start to suspect that he actually likes sitting around and sifting through all the data that's coming in. They wouldn't be far wrong... It's also an excellent opportunity to gain some valuable experience on incidents that don't need the whole team involved. The call of a high speed chase involving a bike and a bond skip seems about as perfect as it's going to get, and within minutes Sam became Techno, and the chase was on.

    From a side street, as Monte pulls away into the city, comes a bike that looks like it's built like a tank, and shouldn't be moving at even a fraction of the speed that it, in fact, is moving at. The engine growls like a hungry dragon, of a design that has most definitely not seen mass production. Atop this behemoth in midnight black, sits a figure in what appears to be power armor, merging smoothly into the lane next to Jovian. The helmet turns for a moment, a blank face plate lit only by three blue circles arranged in an inverted triangle looking at the bounty hunter. There is a thumbs up gesture, the triangular lights flicker into a 'T' for a moment, and then Techno turns his attention back to the road, opening the throttle slightly wider to swerve around traffic.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity is neither a bounty hunter or a Teen Titan. She just likes to help.

    Or, more often, just explore all the interesting things in the world she finds herself in. Her job as a subpoena deliverer doesn't exactly take up a lot of time for a teleporter, so she's got lots of time to do just that.

    Today, she's sort of drifting in the sky, enjoying the breeze and people watching. The sudden disruption in traffic is not THAT unusual for New YOrk.

    Though it does look a bit more dangerous than normal, which has her flying down to get a closer look as she frowns faintly. If nothing else, the man in the power armor draws attention!

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo returns the thumbs up, though quietly hoping this guy isn't another bounty hunter. He isn't rude though.

Monte can tell he is being followed by two targets now (though he hasn't yet spotted Singularity) and presses another button as two tiny baseball sized drones hover, one towards each motorcycle following him, tiny lasers blasting into the street ahead of each bike. Bolo is able to dodge but just barely. He doesn't have a lot to hit back with and tosses a bolo at one of the two drones...which misses.

Monte can tell this might not be enough though and presses a third button as a pair of blasters come out of the front of the bike as he shoots a neaby billboard trying to get at least one of his persuiers to stop and rescue a bunch of pedestians that the sign is about to fall on.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is nothing better than having the enemy provide you with weapons. When Techno spots the drones, Sam smiles inside of his helmet. The big bike doesn't even try to dodge, taking the shots directly onto the armor plate, where they burn deep furrows in the metal. A shot even hits Techno on the pauldron, melting some of the titanium alloy, which is roughly the time those three expressive points of light on his helmet turn a deep, angry red.

    As the bike surges forwards, the drones come into Sam's range, and he wastes no time in overriding control. They're /his/ drones now, thankyouverymuch. But before he can get them to fire back at Monte, the miscreant puts him in the impossible position of having to choose between the chase or saving civilians.

    Almost instantly the bike swerves, heading for the innocent bystanders, despite knowing full well that his suit can't take the weight of that billboard. Drones begin blasting it, trying to break it up as the bike jumps the kerb, sliding across the sidewalk towards the falling billboard... Timing is going to be everything.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity is a bit unsure what's happening...but the floating girl made of stars widens her eyes as the lead vehicle just blasts a billboard, sending it toppling over with a groan of supports giving, the screams of people underneath as they frantically try to get out of the way or are frozen in place by fear.

    There's a blip and suddenly she's in front of it, floating in midair as her hair swirls behind hear a hand raised.


    Her form abruptly seems to expand, shifting into a swirling field that the billboard just...falls into, vanishing, before she *poinks* back to her normal shape. Then looks down to make sure no one was hurt, waving to the people below. "Safe!" she says in a satisfied tone. She frowns a little bit at the oncoming motorcycle, unsure if its rider is going to try and drop more things on people.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is not a super hero...per se, but the crap with the sign pisses him off and he tosses a bolo straight for the guys neck. It doesnt really choke him since Monte is wearing a helmet but it does cause him to slip and randomly blast an apartment building, knocking some rubble and melting a fire escape. No one is directly hit but its definitely a hazard on the course. Realizing that its three against one at this point Monte kicks the back in to high gear and drives away rapidly.

Bolo is closebehind but the billboard is definitely stopped and the people below cheer gratefully. Except for one guy who shrugs indifferently. There's always the one guy.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Tyres scream as they slide along the sidewalk, brakes locking and nearly flipping the heavy bike over, but the rider keeps control through what looks like a supreme effort of driving skill. Singularity gets a grateful nod, even if Sam doesn't let on that they've met before. Some parts of his life can never come into contact with his life as Techno. "Thank you, you've save these people."

    At that, the helmet sweeps its blank visage over the bystanders "Is anyone injured?" All the while the bike idles, thrumming with barely contained power, and when the reply comes back in the negative, Techno nods and fans the throttle to get the RPM up to a point where he can engage the gear without ripping the transfer casing to bits. The heavy bike leaps away among the smell of smouldering rubber, and starts to pick up speed at a frightening pace, going wide around the rubble and still gaining ground.

    Once level with Bolo, Techno looks at the other rider again. "He's gone from skipping bail to attempted murder. The gloves come off."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods to Techno. "Safe." she repeats, then winces at teh explosions and the crumbling apartment building, before frowning and vanishing to reappear next to it. This time at least no one is in danger, but she pauses to catch the falling rumbble and fire escape again, , before...well, expelling them again. Along with the billboard, safely, in the alley, before flying up to see where the chase is and teleporting again to keep up. "Bad." she mutters to herself, frowning. She does not like people who are careless or uncaring enough to put random people in danger. Or people in danger in general. Really she doesn't like people putting anyone in danger!

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Bolo gives a 2nd thumbs up to Samuel. The gloves come off. He briefly wonders if this involves rocket gloves from the actual super hero, but he tosses a 2nd bolo, which does not hit Monte but does get caught in the air intake value and causes a small fire which a tiny dome shaped droid inside begins to put the fire out and repair the speeder bike. Monte increases the speed rapidly turning onto a side street desperately looking for a big gas tanker truck or something but spotting a septic tank truck. He grins, moving towards it a plan forming in his mind.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    With the tacit approval of the bounty hunter, Techno adds some more speed to his already speeding bike, switching up to the next gear. Exactly how fast this thing goes is anyone's guess. The drones follow in his wake, ducking and weaving in case any more fire comes towards them, and with a turn that should have been almost impossible to make, the GAUSS cycle slides into the alley, in hot pursuit of the man which is now, without any doubt in Sam's mind, a villain.

    Now that there's practically no chance of hitting innocent bystanders, the drones surge ahead and split up to bracket the speeder bike, opening fire on both the battery compartment ... and the steering rack. Techno has spotted that septic truck as well, and he is clearly /not/ going to be playing that game.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularityy zooms along above the chase, matching speeds as the star girl keeps up, alert for signs of more danger to bystanders, but also just trying to get close enough to Monte to ponder how to deal with this. If she just teleports him somewhere else, he might hurt himself, after all. People generally aren't used to her doing that and are suprised, which is bad when going this fast! And there's always the risk that the bikers are going to crash....so she finds herself playing defense for the moment, alert for a moment where she can try to intervene without accidentally hurting anyone.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The two droids are efficient little things and begin to shoot tiny little holes in the speeder bike. Cursing, Monte pushes another button and two drones come out; since he apparnetly didn't learn that lesson the last time. The two drones distract the other drones long enough for the small repair droid to keep the damage done to the bike afloat but there is still sparks and smoke coming off it. Samuel is clearly closer to it but Singularity is also not far behind. The dark gadgeteer aims the blaster at the septic tank and is about to shoot it when a third bolo hits him in the neck and the blaster hits the concrete. Now Monte is heading at insane speed right for septic tank he tried to rupture.

The sidewalk meeting of the Society for Germaphobes looks on in sheer terror....

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    One moment, two drones are trying to shoot holes into the speeder bike. The next moment, four drones are taking up that dance. It might looks very strange to Monte that his drones keep getting hijacked, but Techno is now very close... very close indeed. Three of these four drones are now opening fire on the antigrav unit of the speeder bike, while a fourth hovers around to take a shot at the repair droid the moment it makes an appearance. But time, it seems, is up.

    Techno admires the throw of the bolo, a one in ten thousand shot that he wouldn't have been able to pull off. Given that the fugitive has made his intentions very clear, it's time to end this chase. He had hoped to avoid doing this, but there is no more time.

    Without warning, the antigrav unit on Monte's speeder bike goes offline. Sam hopes that it'll be enough to make the thing drop to the ground and slide under the tanker. Speaking of...

    Techno himself is heading for that tanker, at breakneck speed, and can no longer swerve or brake. That means he has to follow the speeder bike... he hits the emergency front brake, waits for the rear wheel to come up slightly, shifts his weight and throws the bike sideways, sliding and scraping along the concrete, scuffing up the finish on armor plating... both bike and rider.

    An impressive shower of sparks follows in his wake, and the engine cuts out after a few moments, letting sheer momentum carry bike and rider forwards, aimed at side sliding underneath the tanker.

Singularity has posed:
    Well. That's not good!

    As Monte's hoverbike suddenly hits the pavement at speed, it certainly isn't going to be good for the rider as he's thrown clear. Though at least the bike looks like it might skid under the tank rather than into it.

    That said, Singularity isn't taking chances as she darts in...then with a flash Monte and his bike and Techno and his bike vanish along iwth Singularity...then reappear on the other side of the tank. In slightly different order. Techno will find himself dropping slightly onto a soft plane of grass in the park on the other side, at an angle tha tmakes it easier to stop his bike. Monte reappears to land face first into the ground. His bike plummets from the sky and slams into the ground front first, sticking in the earth, with Singularity reappearing floating over both of them, a definite frown on her face as she puts her hands on her hips. "Stop."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The society of Germophobes, not splattered with nigh a spek of Sewage, golf clab en masse with admiration at the clean taking of the wayward gadgeer.

Monte takes a nace faceful of dirt and spits out a large clod of mud as he takes out his teleportation watch, puts on the button and ....wait. He meant to build that next week damn it and instead has some nice musical 8 bit alarm smile at him. He looks about to run and then a pair of bolos barely misses him.

He sighs and pulls up his arms. Even if he could get away it isnt worth this. He will just have to pay the parking fines after all.

That, and the attempted murder....

Bolo pulls to a stop and the speeder bike bursts into flames turning to slag.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    One moment Techno is sliding along rough concrete and asphalt, the next he's dropping down on some nice grass. The finish on the armor plate is eternally grateful. As the friction between bike and ground increases, Sam is able to bring it to a stop and extract himself from the downed vehicle. The drones that were following him didn't fare quite as well, having followed Techno down and smashing themselves against the ground, rolling to a stop at the edge of the park, dented and sparking. Ah well.

    "You have the right to remain silent..." Techno begins, as armored gauntlets grab hold of Monte's wrists, pulling them back into a hold that looks both practiced and professional... until the helmet comes up and looks directly at Bolo. "Sorry, I think this is your bit? It's your skip trace after all."

    His armor looks a mess... a deep gash scored in one pauldron from a laser hit, the paint and finish scraped off to the bare metal down his left side... and still he gives a nod of thanks to Singularity. "Good save. Again."

Singularity has posed:
    The floating blue girl vanishes with a soft *poink*, then reappears a moment later, along with a globe of water that splashes down on the burning bike to put it out with a hiss of steam as it smolders. No burning the park! She seems to relax a little bit as she sees Techno going through the "proper" arrest motions like she's seen before though and not just trying to beat the other driver up. "You. Are. Welcome!" Singularity says, smiling sunnily.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson takes a pair of zip ties and restrains Monte. "I don't have arrest powers. I'm not going to read him his rights, but I will take the bounty. Appreciated. Call me Bolo and thanks for the assist." Right. As if he could have taken down a speeder back and four drones.

Monte sulks but sits there.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "You seemed to have it well in hand, hope you didn't mind me getting some practice in." Sam continues the lie, smoothly, nodding again. It's not a motion a suit of armor is really designed for, but it nevertheless looks smooth and natural. "Call me Techno. If you ever need me, contact the Titans."

    "And you are most welcome for your assistance." Techno continues to Singularity, as if they've never met before. "I honestly don't think I could have caught that billboard in time."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity touches down on the ground, her bare....feet?....well they look sort of footish...pressing down in the grass as she clasps her hands behind her back. "Titans!" she says, perking up. "Heroes. Heroines." She nods at the thanks. "Welcome. I am. Glad. I can. Help." she says, in her curious way of talking. Like she's having to pause every so often to figure out how to vocalize.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "I definitely appreciate it. A lot of people would have been hurt if you hadnt helped, and that teleportation was awesome. I dont have the titans on speed dial....but I will look up their number now. Techno is an appropriate name." He vaguely looks at his regular bolo and gets a few ideas but shakes his head at the idea. He slowly stretches and stands Monte up, who drops his head."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Tell me something..." and this is something Techno hadn't even considered when he decided to suit up and drive out here at speeds that were decidedly unsafe. "... what's this guy running from anyway? Murder, arson, grand theft?"

    The lights on Techno's faceplate go from their current deep red to a more friendly vivid green, and that distorted voice actually chuckles for a moment. "Yeah. Heroes, heroines and me."

Singularity has posed:
    "Thank you." Singularity says politely at the compliment, beaming a bit. That is, after all, while she came to this reality. Because she wanted to help. Just like heroes do. "Yes." she says in agreement with Techno. "Good. Heroes." She nods to Jovian. "You too?" Then the mention of phone numbers comes up and she blinks, then...reaches into her chest, the tip of her tongue oking out of the corner of her mouth fo ra moment, before her hand reemerges with a flip phone. "Number?" she says, bouncing on her toes for a bit as she offers it to...well, both men.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Me?" He puts his hand behind his head, "I'm no villain." He has met heroes. He doesnt consider himself one of them. He is definitely surprised at someone asking HIS number especially at his total defeat earlier in the day but does have an unlinked darknet voip. "555-5556." He cites off. He looks at Techno, "Parking tickets. 5000 dollars and skipping bail on it. I think he is in bigger leagues now.""

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Wait, wait... parking tickets? This guy was running from a bench warrant?" The lights on the face plate flicker, and Techno shakes his head. "You mean to tell me that someone who can build laser drones and a speeder bike... can't figure out a simple flip system so he's not displaying his real tags when he's parked? This world, honestly..."

    And so the power armored Titan goes to pick up his bike, giving Singularity the phone number for the general Titans line, which will get through to the tower without going straight to the team data net. It's very much a 'general inquiry' number. "That's for both of you. And just so we're clear, pal..." he points to Monte. "If you call that number collect from Riker's, we're not busting you out."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity will put in the numbers and give her own if people want them. She's not always good at remembering to leave her phone out where she can hear it, of course, and reception is an issue, but she does check it somewhat regularly! She wrinkles her nose at Monte. "Should not. Be. Driving." is her opinion as she hears about the parking tickets.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Monte howls, "I am a sovereign citizen! The government has nothing on me." He howls, "I am beyond laws."

"I think this one is gonna be building the big robots that threaten cities soon enough. Good thing we got him early." He rolls his eyes and puts him on the back of his cycle.

"Expect calls from telemarketers!" He grins at Techno.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The last was from Monte who gets a wadded up wash cloth put into his mouth by Bolo. "pleasure meeting both of you.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Oh, please do. You have no idea what I do to people who waste my time on the phone." For a second, Techno's expressive cameras flash red again, and then they settle down on that mellow green. Seating himself on the bike, he starts the thing without seemingly touching any of the controls, revving the engine for a moment to check for damage. "I think our friend's right to travel has been well and truly curtailed."

    A quick wave of his gauntlet, and then Techno is off, at a much, much more sedate speed than before. No need to rack up any speeding tickets of his own now... he saw what a dark path that can be to travel...

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods then waves cheerfully. "Be. Safe." she says, floating up into the air. She frowns a bit at Monte's wrecked bike, but it seems to be okay for the moment...police will probably be along to confiscate it soon, from the sound of sirens that are coming. "See you!" she says, waving again, before she blinks away to resume her patrol of the area.