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Latest revision as of 07:07, 13 June 2020

Angels and Tigers
Date of Scene: 12 June 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Angela and Bronze Tiger fight some Tong members then make a deal.
Cast of Characters: Aldrif Odinsdottir, Ben Turner

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela is exploring this new world of Earth, after landing in Central Park. She's met a few people so far, but the angel is curious and eager to learn more. The tall redhead finds herself in Chinatown, although at Sera's suggestion she is dressed discreetly. Well more discreetly than usual. Yes, she still wears the golden armor, but over it she wears a white, hooded cloak trimmed with red.

Right now she is just browsing in the outdoor market. Angela has acquired some local currency (again at Sera's suggestion), looking over a table of jewelry as she considers.

Ben Turner has posed:
Bronze Tiger, on the other hand, is in Chinatown settling an old debt, specifically one owed to him by a particularly nasty Tong chieftain by the name of Bear Fat. Fat lives up to his name in all respects, both in being extraordinarily girthy and as tall as a standing bear, seven feet of massive encumbrance. Tiger's skills are more than enough to do him damage, but he's not very cooperative and exceedingly strong.

Plus, he has something of a problem with the half-dozen thugs that currently chase him out of a large restaurant and into the marketplace. Ben kicks one swiftly in the throat, knockng him down.

"You boys don't wanna die for that bastard," he warns them.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela's attention is distracted from the jewelry by the sounds of the fighting. The white hood falls back, spilling all that crimson hair down her back as she moves. There is a rush of wind in her passage, then the angel is at Bronze Tiger's side.

She draws a gold-hued scimitar in each hand, the blades flickering a moment like flame before reforming into long, barbed whips. "Why do you fight this man, so many against the one. Come now! Let this contest be with more even odds!"

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner blinks in surprise as the heavily armed woman is suddenly at his side, eyes taking in those impossible weapons, "Huh. Well, I ain't gonna complain," he says.

The Tong members look dubious, but they know that Fat Bear will show no mercy if they withdraw. And so they try to strike, splitting up, three on each of them. Tiger ducks a blow and drives an elbow into a solar plexus, then tosses another to the ground, stomping down to break his wrist.

The door rips open as Bear shoves his way out, giving a violent shout as he wields a large club, "KILL BOTH THOSE SWINE!"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela's white eyes narrow as the six split up for the pair of them, the woman finding a ready stance. One whip lashes out, wrapping a couple times around a thug's legs. She pulls, the barbs slicing clothing and flesh as she jerks him from his feet. As the second whip lashes out she calls out almost casually to the man who was being pursued.

"I am to understand that we are not permitted to kill these men, yes? In any case, I have not been hired to kill them and humans are not on my hunting permit."

The second man finds himself with arms pinned to his sides by the other barbed whip, a moment before the martial angel hurls him into the side of a building.

Ben Turner has posed:
Tiger comes up with a flick of his wrist, backhanding one of the men and then turning sharply to punctuate it with a knee, a few teeth flying. "Don't let me tell you what to do. You wanna kill 'em, don't let me stop you," he says.

Fat charges and Tiger ducks low, avoiding one of his massive arms before Tiger takes his breath with a sharp blow to the solar plexus, the palm-strike making the big man stagger a bit. Still, most men would be on the ground now sucking for air.

"Especially this big bitch."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
That's four down and two to go, plus Fat. One rushes Angela, the other remaining thug turning on Tiger as he engages the fat man. The angel is reeling in her whips, but then a pair of ornately-patterned ribbons snake out from under the cloak. Catching an ankle of one and a wrist of the other, the two are casually hefted into the air and smacked together like a couple of coconuts.

The sound is remarkably similar as well.

"Very well, then." she declares, tossing the unconscious bodies aside. The gold-hued whips flicker again, reforming into a pair of wicked-looking axes.

Ben Turner has posed:
Fat's blows are avoided, the Tiger as deft as his namesake, darting low and throwing a few kicks at the man's tree-trunk legs. The big man turns back towards Angela.

"Stay out of this, you foolish woman. It is no concern of yours." he says. Tiger reaches back and emerges with a pair of tiger-claw knives, lashing a bloody rip along the side of the crimelord.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela squints at Fat. "Foolish? You are stupid and you are fat." she declares. "You call me 'woman' with disdain in your voice and you fight without honor." The blades flicker again, forming into long, curved knife-like blades.

And yet she does not engage Fat. At least not yet. "If this man does not slay you, then I will do it myself." she declares.

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner frowns, "I'm not sure how comforting that is, since if I don't kill him, it probably means he kills me. I'm all for vengeance, but I'd prefer to be breathing."

The battle continues, back and forth, the two men exchanging blows as Angela watches. Tiger gets a bloody nose and probably a cracked shoulder int he process, but he ends up burying his claw blades deep int eh big man's throat, leaving him spurting on the ground.

"Appreciate the thought, though."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela watches the fight with almost a clinical air about her, arms folded and blades lining up along either bicep. And once the Tiger slashes the fat man's throat, she gives a satisfied nod.

"You were doing well, and I could see that you were the better fighter." she declares. "Besides, I only wished to even the odds so that the fight could proceed fairly. But now you owe me a favor. Nothing for nothing."

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner nods, "Just so. I expect payment myself typically, but this was a bit more personal. The debt is yours, as you say. I'll pay as you see fit," he says, taking in the beautiful warrior. "Maybe I can pay you in more pleasant methods than mere combat. Can I get you a drink? The authorities will likely be here soon, but I know of a nice underground place not far from here where we can get a repast without anyone making a fuss."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela sheaths her blades beneath the cloak, lips pulling into an expression that's almost a smile. "Good. You understand the ways of my people." she replies. "A drink for my services. This is a fair trade to me." And besides, it's also a new place for Angela to see. "I am Angela."

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner nods, "Ben Turner, although I usually go by Bronze Tiger in professional settings. Kind of intimidatin', don't you think? I should've worn the mask," he says. He had only intended to talk to Fat, at first, before things got out of hand.

He quickly leads Angela along through a series of side alleys, passing signals with some of the locals until he leads the way down a narrow set of iron stairs into a dimly lit bar.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela tilts her head, letting her gaze wander over him for a moment before she nods. "Mask. Oh! You are one of the masked vigilantes that I hear so much about." And this clearly interests her.

Since they are going 'underground', the woman pulls her hood up and forward again. Just in case the tall, ginger glamazon is too indiscreet otherwise. She keeps up with him, strides long and the cloak billowing in her wake.

Ben Turner has posed:
The locals here don't tend to talk to the cops, at least not in this underground place. There are other laws at play here and most of them know better than to cross the Bronze Tiger.

"Not precisely. I'm more of a mercenary. But the mask helps," he says. "I do a little heroing now and then, just for my conscience. But I'm not exactly a boy scout."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela nods slowly, looking around the place as they step inside. She's been in rough places before, and the tall woman carries herself with confidence in this one. "I have heard of these... boy scouts... as well." she declares. "I am learning about this world from the Internet."

Because how could THAT ever go wrong?

"Mercenary. So you fight for money, similar to me." Angela adds. "In my world, angels are hunters and spies and assassins. Among the best."

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner nods, "I've been a spy, an assassin, a soldier. Sometimes for money. Sometimes for other reasons," he says. "Your world, huh? Kinda figured you weren't exactly from Brooklyn with those weapons of yours. Ain't seen anything like them and I've seen a lot," she says.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela keeps an eye around the place as they move into the bar. "I have only arrived here recently, and I'm still learning your ways." she replies. "I am from the lost realm of Heven. And no, it's spelled differently than the way you do." She gives a curious look, then. "Tell me, Ben Turner, do spies and assassins require permits here?"

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner considers, "Some do. Some most explicitly do not. Depends on who's doing the hiring. Government has their share, of course, but that don't make 'em the good guys. Just the official ones. I ain't met a lot of actual good guys in this world. Most of us got blood on our hands, one way or another, if we're in the game."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela tilts her head, looking -quite- interested when he mentions the government. "So your government hires spies and assassins? I was not told of this!" she replies. "I was told that I will need some sort of citizenship papers, first. You need to tell me more about this, I think."

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner chuckles, "Well, officially, they tend to be called 'agents'. They tend to get a bit fuzzy in public about the assassination part. They like to pretend that it's all good in the neighborhood. But you can't hold power without killing people."

"Citizenship's good. I could probably hook you up with someone. I know a few forgers and the like, which is probably what you need because I'm guessing you're coming from someone a lot farther away than Switzerland."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela nods slowly. Yes, this she understands! "As I said, I am not from this... planet. I believe that's the word. I would need papers for my friend Sera as well." And she even looks pleased that she is getting this done!

"But I will not accept this as a favor from you. It is not my way to owe someone a debt. Tell me what you would have in return."

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner considers, "Sometimes I take on jobs that are more than I can chew. Y'know, I'm one of the best fighters in the world - believe that - but I'm only human. Things these days, you never know when someone's got a meta up the sleeve. Maybe I could call on you for a favor in handling that sort of thing if it comes up?" he says.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela inclines her head. Slowly. "A favor, then." she repeats, as if it was a verbal contract. Because in her world it is. "You arrange for these... citizenship credentials... and I will owe you a favor. Help on a future job." Yes, Sera will be very pleased that Angela is taking care of this.

Ben Turner has posed:
Ben Turner smiles, "You got yourself a deal, then, Angela," he says. He raises a hand, "Jack and Coke for me. Whatever the lady wants. Tell Chow to take it out of what he owes me," he says. "Welcome to Earth."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela rolls her shoulders back a bit, standing higher in the process. "I'll have what he is having." she declares, pulling the hood back to let all that hair spill free. "And thank you, Ben Turner." It hasn't occurred to her that she'll need to come up with a fake surname, believable birthdate and so many other things. But first things first!