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Latest revision as of 11:04, 13 June 2020

Date of Scene: 08 June 2020
Location: Sally's Apartment
Synopsis: Sally and Heidi have a conversation about the nature of many Sallies. There is also a food fight.
Cast of Characters: Heidi Ingerdottir, Sally Houki

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:

Naturally, instead of calling or texting once she's arrived, Heidi knocks on the front door (really, it's more like pounding) and calls out loudly. Also naturally, she assumes Sally knows who 'me' is by the context. After all, surely she was the only one yelling like this and calling her friend Sally. Right? RIGHT?

So she stands in front of the door to Sally's brownstone with a plastic takeout bag with some kind of food in it. It's always good to bring food, especially when it can be a convenient distraction during a complicated conversation. "I AM HERE WITH NACHOS!"

Sally Houki has posed:

There's a moment before thumping ensues and someone calls out, "FRIEND HEIDI! OPEN THE DOOR AND COME INSIDE."


That's weird. Those voices came from two different locations in the house, but they're the same voice.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
How strange and absolutely explainable! Clearly Sally was /running all over the house/. Naturally. Heidi pushes open the door and heads inside, shutting it behind her as she moves towards the living room with the bag of nachos. "I am over here! I hope you are hungry, I got /so many nachos/."

Sally Houki has posed:
SAlly is at the top of the stairs when Heidi comes inside! She peeks down over them at her and says, "Hey, Heidi!"

"Hey Heidi," says Sally's sister, also down a hallway in the kitchen.

"Heidi," says another Sally, who is carrying a basket of laundry out of the laundry room.

"Heidiiii," says a Sally, who is on the sofa playing video games.

...she has so many sisters!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi's head slowly turns, moving between Sallies with a puzzled expression. Yeah, this was certainly confusing. "Right, yes..." She starts, her nacho-bag deposited on the coffee table. "So..." She counts the Sallies, still looking around. Are there more hiding somewhere in there. They can't be sisters. "You're all Sally? Which one of you is my Sally?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi's not weirded out, she just seems curious more than anything. "Yes, but which of you is /my/ Sally? The version I met first?" She answers her own question eventually, squinting at the apron-clad Sally and approaching her for a closer look. She looks her over appraisingly. "Which one of them would have not failed the cupcakes?" She thinks she gets how this works.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Ha! Shows what you know! I fail at cupcakes all the time. I remember when you threw me in the air, you know."

"Me too! IT was really exciting."

"I had no doubt you'd catch me."

THey all remember that, of course, it seems.

But then the aproned Sally waves her hand and the other versions of hr just... vanish. They're gone.

"THey're all me, Heidi. I'm me, but they're also me. They're just divergent versions of me. Slightly different, possible versions of me. We all have different versions of ourselves. It's all quantum science nonsense but it's my life."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"It's hard not to think of them as... other people?" Heidi glances around as the Sallies vanish. "/You/ weren't on that ride on Eira, it was other-you. But does that mean you don't get to remember what happened? Or is it like... they're only the same you when they're just... coming out of you and then whatever they do is them... but they remember everything /you/ did?" She's just trying to get an idea of who remembers what. She seems thoughtful. "So if I wanted to surprise you with cupcakes, I could get another one of you to help me and /you/ would never know?" Boy this quantum stuff is complicated.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Are /you/ aware of what other Heidis get up to in the mulktiverse?" asks Sally of Heidi. "Why would I know what possible-me's are doing when you aren't aware of possible-you's? I /might/ have gone on a ride with you, but I didn't. An alternate me did. Just because they're here and not there doesn't make it any less an alernate possibility," she continues, pointing at her. Other Sally's begin to return to what they're doing, as cup-cake failure moves up to hug her. "It's me!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Despite the exuberance and lack of knowledge of Midgardian things, Heidi isn't unintelligent. The concept itself seems to make sense, even if she's still piecing together the details. "But the others are from whenever they popped out? So theoretically all of these versions of you should remember the picnic?" She does return the hug, though there is some mild concern over the true identity of each one.

Sally Houki has posed:
"In their own multiversal branches, I suppose. Most are low-weight. In the grand scheme of things, whether or not I went on a horse ride with you isn't going to be a deterministic of my future as a whole. It's complicated."

Her eyes cross as she answers.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Ah, I am not important enough to make a change," Heidi notes with a slow nod. "I sort of understand what that means. Well, I shall not worry too much about it then. They are you and can help you and I appreciate that you have that option." She smiles brightly, then glances back to the 'real' Sally. "I am sorry about your cupcakes. Perhaps you did not take into consideration that if you leave them in the pan too long they continue to heat..."

Sally Houki has posed:
"No," says Sally, reaching up to beep Heidi's nose, gently.

"You're important enough to make all kinds of changes, but whether something is low weight or high weight depends on how many things an individual choice makes. That's what determines what gets spun off into its own full sale alternate possibility realities. My duplicates aren't... like that. Not exaxctly. They're... not fully me? Not really. And they're not fully real, either, I think. But it's hard to know because it's all a bunch of quantum-woo-bullshit." She smiles up at Heidi.

"...ah, yes. I burnt them."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi does smile at the suggestion that she's at least /some/ kind of important. She reaches to pat Sally briefly on the head. "Do you want me to make fresh ones? I am afraid that I do not know of a use for the burnt ones, however. But we could make fresh cupcakes together, if you would like that." It's a gentle offer--she doesn't know how sad Sally might be after the loss of her cupcakes. It could be heartbreaking.

Sally Houki has posed:
"We can definitely bake together," says Sally, beaming. "I am always fine making cupcakes with you because your's are moist and delicious and mine are terrible!" Sally can cook she's just bad at it... because she can't pay attention long enough to finish a good dinner being properly prepared.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I do like cupcakes. And I love sharing them. I am pleased people like these cupcakes. I did not know they were so good." Heidi does seem thoughtful. "Perhaps I am better at cooking than I anticipated. I never really did much of it in Asgard. Mostly I was too busy in the stables, and half the time I snuck off to go eat with Lady Sif if she were around for it." She pauses. "I especially like the frosting."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Are you crazy, Heidi? You have the best cupcakes! I like doing the frosting, though, I agree." She nods, then turns to head to the kitchen, expecting Heidi to follow her. Sad looking burnt cupcakes sit on her stove.

...if you can call them cupcakes.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I could eat /just/ the frosting," Heidi says, following Sally to the kitchen. Then she notices the sad lumps of cakes shaped like cups. She moves over to poke at one to make sure it's not rock hard and still somewhat pliable. "You know, if it weren't for the fact that it would make a terrible mess in your house, I could think of an incredibly amusing thing to use these for with the other you's." She lifts one of the 'cupcakes' up and aims it for Sally's stomach. Thankfully it's not a /hard/ toss.

Sally Houki has posed:
"...hey!" Sally is hit in the stomach with cupcake. Then she picks up the cupcake aand throws it back at Heidi!

Oh no.

Food fight. She's reaching for another.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Your cupcakes are the perfect fuel for chaos, friend Sally!" Heidi is grinning from ear to ear, and she reaches for another to try and pelt Sally in the shoulder. The burnt cupcakes aren't too solid, so they won't hurt overly much but they still retain structural integrity for the most part thanks to the burnt bits. A recipe for a mess!

Sally Houki has posed:
... indeed! And a mess is gonna. She splits into two versions of herself, an afterimage left of her person as she dodges to the side (that Sally gets hit and squeals ) and throws her own cupcakes at Heidi!

WEirdly, her new duplicate *ALSO* has the same cupcakes SHE was holding already in her hands, and thus, she gets double the ammunition to pelt Heidi with!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Friend Sally," Heidi chides. "Now that's cheating!" She's still grinning though, grabbing cupcakes to throw at both of them. "How come there is no Sally on my side?! It's only fair." She does seem to be implying this was her plan all along. A bunch of versions of Sally in a food fight. Perhaps it's Heidi who is the fuel for chaos and not the cupcakes!

Sally Houki has posed:
"Sorry! I'm on my own side pretty much always!"

Of course, that's not STRICTLY true but who's gonna countradict her just at the moment? More cupcakes are being hurled! Then picked up and hurled again!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is hit by a cupcake. She proceeds to stumble back against the counter and dramatically slide down to the kitchen floor amidst cupcake bits. "Alas, I am slain!" She cries out in her most dramatic voice. "Please prepare thyself for my death speech, which everyone of consequence must have when they are dying." She clears her throat loudly. "I will need mourners."

Sally Houki has posed:
...she promptly has many Sally's, making a good show of wailing and mourning for Heidi.

It's quite a cacophany, and some of them are taking it more or less seriously than the others. They're having a BLAST.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Ahem." Heidi looks towards the heavens, her head tilted dramatically, then she pauses. She reaches up, takes her hair down, then tosses it a bit for added tousled effect. She then resumes her pose. "I regret that I could not become a valkyrie before my untimely demise, but I do not regret the friends that I made along the way. They are truly the greatest treasures in all of Midgard and deserve all of the poetry that I am no longer going to be able to write because I am dead." She finishes her speech with a dramatic flourish of an arm before she lets her head slump to the side. The end.

Sally Houki has posed:



More and more Sally's arrive from ar ound the house to try to help and lift up Heidi. There's eight of her, all told, and it's still a struggle!

They get her up over their head eventually and begin to carry her in faux-mournin with titters of amusement.

"Gonna have to throw her in the pool."

"Do we have a pool?"

"The tub?"


Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"If you drop me into any sort of body of water my hair is going to tangle and I'm going to make /all/ of you comb it out," Heidi warns with a glare that she is surely not giving because she is dead. "I am not certain where you plan on taking me..."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Gasp! She's undead! Run away!" They set her down and run away, just like that! Really.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi just blinks after them, then grins, shaking her head. She proceeds to try and tie her hair back, doing her best to keep the length of it from tangling. "Certainly not mighty warriors..."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Instead, the warriors are left waiting as Heidi moves back to the kitchen and proceeds to prepare the materials for a fresh batch of cupcakes. Starting with the frosting, of course, because that's the delicious part.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi seems completely unaware. She's pouring some sugar into a bowl. There's absolutely no danger.

Sally Houki has posed:
Tackle! She leaps upon Heidi's back! "GOTCHA," She yelps, hanging on for dear life.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
On the plus side, a single Sally is not enough to knock her over. On the negative side, now Sally is most certainly stuck clinging to Heidi's back, and Heidi, while set off-balance just slightly, continues to prepare the frosting, peeking over her shoulder at Sally for a moment. "I suppose this is us making cupcakes together, right?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"I mean... I guess?" says Sally. Perhaps she wasn't sure where she was going with this.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi leans forward just slightly so Sally doesn't fall off immediately, and she laughs a bit. "I look forward to how you mix batter up on the top of my head, just don't get any in my hair." She proceeds to continue to work on the frosting, still entirely too amused. It would certainly be an interesting attempt at cupcakes.