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Latest revision as of 04:50, 19 June 2020

Medical Mechanica
Date of Scene: 19 June 2020
Location: Olympus Research Facility, Manhattan, NY
Synopsis: Morbius gets a visit from another genius and enlists his help in designing some complicated medical equipment.
Cast of Characters: Michael Morbius, Spencer Smythe

Michael Morbius has posed:
It is not easy for him to find the people he needs through the usual methods. He has colleagues, acquaintances, but sometimes the people he needs services for do not advertise in the usual places.

However, Dr. Daniels of orthotics told him he knew of someone who might be able to assist with certain things. He was able to provide a number, and Morbius had called the number...

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Dr. Spencer Smythe usually did not do house calls, but today was an exceptions. His old friends, Dr. Daniels, has contacted him earlier this week and told him about one Dr. Morbius, a brillian medical sceintist who was interested in meeting him.

Smythe was currently dressed in his usual blue suit, which was topped with a green and black checkered tie, blue loafers, and his blue hat, which had the ever prominent white hat on it. Perched on his shoulder was a blue, cat sized dragon, one of his ever popular Dragon Buddies. As he walked up to the front door, he took out two pain pills from his pocket and popped them in his mouth. His dammed skin graft scar was acting up more than usual.

After ringing the door bell, he waited for someone to answer, all while rubbing the rather nasty looking skin graft scar in the middle of his right cheek.

Michael Morbius has posed:
The door to the nondescript building opened, and a security guard armed with a chest camera and a service pistol eyed Smythe and the dragon. "...Yeah, Dr. Morb said you'd be here. Follow me."

He opens the door wide enough for Smythe to enter, then walks along the hall ahead of him.

The facility does seem to be quite suited for extensive study in biochemistry. Morbius had won the Nobel Prize, even. A thesis on the control of virulent diseases has made the biochemist a Nobel Laureate, and his subsequent move to New York from Athens, Greece, had been controversial. But there was big money here. Family money.

The guard stopped at one door, then opened it to a rather sizable lab. "Wait here, the doc will be with you shortly. He said he's finishing up dinner."

Spencer Smythe has posed:
As Smyhte followed the guard, he thought about his host. He, of course, had heard of the great Dr. Michael Morbius, brilliant Biochemist and Noble Prize winner. He had never personally met the man, buth word of his acheivements even reached the Robotics community. What a biochemist like Morbius wanted from him he didn't know, but he was about to figure out.

Once in the lab, he turned to his Dragon and said,

"Now Phobos, i brought you here to socialize. Be well behaved, like your brother Atlas."

Phobos chirped in reply and nuzzled the Doctor

Michael Morbius has posed:
The door on the other side of the lab opens and Dr. Michael Morbius enters.

He does look rather pale, but that is probably to be expected. The man is afflicted with some genetic disease, and it's been doing a number on him, Daniels had said.

Apart from the pale skin and the rather gaunt face, he seems pleasant enough, although he doesn't smile broadly. Just a little quirk of the lips.

"Greetings, Dr. Smythe. I hope you..." He pauses, looking at the dragon. "...And that is...?"

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Spencer turned around when he heard the door open, and got his first glimpse of Morbius that wasn't from pictures or TV. The man, like Daniels warned him, was pale. The unfortunate devil was sufferring from a rare disease that was killing him. Once Morbius asks what the dragon was, Smythe coudln't help but smile widely and say,

"This, Dr. Morbius, is a Dragon Buddy. It'S Wacky Jack Toy's newest invention, and I am it's proud inventor. I am surprised you never heard of them, it is becoming the next Beanie Babbies."

Michael Morbius has posed:
"A...toy?" Michael steps closer, peering at the dragon. "It is a very intricate piece of workmanship, to be called a toy." He steps back, aware his appearance might be unsettling. "I apologize, Dr. Smythe. I understand you are one of the premier minds in mechanical engineering, primarily in the field of robotics. Yes?"

Spencer Smythe has posed:
The Dragon seemingly tilts it head at Morbius when he takes a closer look, and let's out a curious chirp. Smythe smiles and says," That's what the Board though as well. But, i figured since everything is becoming smarter, why shouldn't toys as well. These Dragon Buddies have been selling like hot cakes, and now the Company wants me to make another toy line."

Once Morbius asked his question, Smythe grinned again, but was suddenly interrupted when the Dragon suddenly made a purring noise and leaped onto Michael's shoulder. Smythe seemingly ignored this and said,

"I am indeed a premier mind in the world of Robotics my friend, I am a proud MIT Graduate, and former professor of Engineering of course.

Michael Morbius has posed:
One hour ago, and the toy would be laying on the lab floor, its guts ripped out of it. He had been edgy when he awoke.
But the young woman had been very healthy, and her blood had soothed the 'beast' within him, so no show of claws, or fangs, or eyes going crimson in a moment. Only a startled look, a step back, and a slight gasp. "Is it safe?" He relaxes and continues immediately, "Oh...of course it is safe, you would not bring an unsafe construct to a potential client. But I must admit, it startled me."

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Smythe's eyes widen in surprise once Morbius gasps. He immediatley snaps his fingers and the robots flies back to him. Smythe then says,

"My apologies for that Doctor. Of course Phobos is safe, Dragon Buddies are not agressive at all, he was just trying to be friendly. Now, what do you need from me thus fine night?"

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius relaxes a little more, then nods. "Yes, of course."
Morbius walks over to a file cabinet, then opens it and pulls out a file folder. "I have a need for something that will need to be the next generation of medical examination tables. I have to perform various medical procedures, but many of them require a full team of doctors and assistants. What I wish to to is have an exam table made that can perform many of the functions those extra people can do."

*...or even ALL of them,* he thinks to himself.

"Here is the design document Dr. Daniels suggested I provide. It includes the dimensions of the table, and a list of various medical functions I would like to automate, with a detail description of each function." Michael hands the file to Smythe.

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Spencer takes the medical table file and starts to examine it very closely. As he looked on, he let out the ocassional hum and grunt, as if he were thinking it over. He then gently placed the file down and says,

"Well Doctor, you have given me a complicated project, but, i believe I can do this. But, as you know, my serives aren't cheap. How much are you willing to pay me?"

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius nods. "I was told that you might require such a a show of seriousness." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out four cashier's check, each made out to $500,000. "How much would you require for an initial investment?"

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Spencer eyes the checks before suddenly grinning and saying," I will need 2 million to start with my friend. I will let you know if i need more. You won't regret hiring me, trust me."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius nods. "I expect you will be willing to sign forms stipulating you have received the money and what you have received it for." He goes to the back of the folder and pulls out some forms. "Sign on the lines indicated. I will have notarized copies couriered to you."

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Smythe nods and takes the papers and begins to sign them. As he signed them, the Dragon peered over Smythe's head and let out a curious chirp, as if wondering what his owner was doing. Smythe then hands the papers back to Michael and says," There you go Morbius, it will be a pleasure doing business with you."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius checked the forms, nodded, then handed the four checks to Smythe in an envelope. "My email is in the envelope. Email me the address you want the copies sent to. I will not endeavor to look over your shoulder, but I will expect weekly reports on your progress."