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Latest revision as of 04:51, 19 June 2020

When the moon hits your eye...
Date of Scene: 12 June 2020
Location: Random Classic Retro Diner
Synopsis: Marie and Mary have a date. It goes very well!
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Mary Bromfield

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie-Ange Colbert is many things that she doesn't talk about. Mutant. Mystical being. Expert in romance?

...not really. The girl's had limited actual exposure to the world of dating, having essentially lived under a rock for a great many years, but what she /is,/ is thoughtful and the recepient of a lot of advice from television and romance novels.

So when she'd arrived at Mary's house, it was with flowers -- a bouquet of a half dozen roses and baby's breath scattered throughout -- and dressed in her usual, simple-but-elegant style, choosing a more conservative take on the 'little black dress' that flared out with each step.

The plan? Dinner and a movie; the former of these taking place at a small, diner-style restaurant in on the outskirts of the city; as join the pair of young ladies as the Uber that Marie hired for the occasion was pulling up to that very restaurant, Marie babbling even as she opens the door to the car and holds it for Mary. "...and I am so happy you agreed to tonight, I... must admit that I did not think that you would say yes, but..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary dressed up for this, though not /too/ much as her idea of 'dressing up' involves cosplay more than actual dating. But still, she did have a nice black silk blouse and matching skirt that flows fashionably to her knees. Nylons as well, of course, as she then answered the door...

And blushed brightly at the flowers, smiling at Marie. Flowers were immediately potted, thanks to the Vasquezes, who were looking rather secretly amused by the whole thing. Brief introductions made, and then the Uber arrived!

As Mary gets into the car, she smiles over at Marie-Ange, "Well, I have to admit, I didn't even think you'd ask, but... well..." She looks, maybe a touch nervous, but not terribly so. She then slides over in the back seat, the nervousness fading since, well... hey, it's Marie. There's a certain comfort in that.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
There /is/ a certain comfort in going out with someone that you've already spent so much time with, there's no doubt about that. Being around Mary allows Marie to be a little bit more of herself, afterall. Letting her hair down, literally and figuratively. Reaching instinctively for Mary's hand as the car starts, she returns the smile and even leans slightly in her direction.

"You could say I had... a little help from my friends." Marie admits, letting out a soft giggle and smiling wider. "I would have probably asked sooner, had circumstances allowed and I had any inclination that you would be interested, non? You have always been so kind, and I love spending time with you..." she trails off, and gives a cheery little shrug.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, squeezing Marie's hand when it's offered, leaning over towards Marie as well. "Well, yes, I definitely love spending time with you, Marie. And I really want to get you into some of my interests. I think you'd love the card game I play."

She chuckles softly, continuing on, "So is this Jenny that helped you out? I still need to meet her sometime, because she sounds like a lot of fun." She mmms and squeezes Marie's fingers again, looking far more relaxed.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I am more than happy to learn about anything you're willing to show me -- what I've seen of your interests are quite interesting so far, so I would love to learn more!" Marie replies happily. The trip to the diner doesn't take too long, and a quick pulling out of her cellphone ensures that the driver is paid and tipped accordingly. Marie's free hand reaches to open the car's door, and she starts scooting towards the exit, gently tugging Mary along behind her as she goes.

"Not /quite./ Not yet. Her advice comes into play later." A solemn nod to that part, before she starts leading the way towards the little diner -- it's very olde-timey, playing classic tunes from that era over the speakers -- such as Chuck Berry's 'Rock Around The Clock' that's currently booming through the speakers. "You showed me you might be open to going out with a girl... and my cards pushed me the rest of the way, oui?" It may not have been the Lovers exactly, but definitely cards that could be read as 'jump at the chance!'.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary looks curiously at Marie-Ange, then grins, "I have interesting interests, I can go with this." She follows Marie along, letting her take the lead for the moment as they get into the diner. "Well, I mean, it's not like... I mean, I'll be honest, I've always kinda wondered..."

She blushes a bit, "I mean, not like... well, okay, that /too/, but I mean, just, what would it be like, you know? And I have to say, I like this. I like being with you, Marie." She smiles warmly at Marie, "And I'm definitely glad you asked me out tonight."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
There's a soft, melodious laugh from Marie, and a gentle squeezing of Mary's hand in hers. Before responding properly, she politely requests a table for two, and the pair are led to a little booth; brightly colored, and there's even a little coin-operated jukebox at the table that serves as one of the many controls for the music playing over the speakers.

Releasing Mary's hand only as she takes her seat, Marie smoothes out her dress a little and picks up the menu. Not quite managing to hide the almost.. sly? Little smile that crosses over her lips. "You have wondered as I did, then?" she echoes, inclining her head to the side. "...well, /that/ is where Jenny's advice comes to play. At the end of the night... we will know if this has as much promise as I hope it to." she admits. There's almost a little teasing in her voice at that. What is the redhead up to...?

"...so, I hope my taste in food does not displease you? Now that I know I will be able to stay in America, it seemed most appropriate to have." A pause. "And cheeseburgers are most delicious, besides."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary sits down across from Marie-Ange, nestling into her chair at the table as she adjusts her skirt a bit properly, "Oh, wait, advice at the... end?" Her voice squeaks a little bit, as she blushes a bit at the teasing, though she smiles, "Actually, I like that you picked this place, it looks really nice."

A pause, then, "Um, you'll let me pay for dinner, right? I mean, I'm a manager now and everything." She grins, "Though, I guess that leads to the next question... you graduated, right? So you're not going back to France anytime soon?" There's definitely a lot of hope in that question that the answer is a definite no.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
While she doesn't give any hints about just what happens at the end, Marie's smile grows as Mary signals her approval of the venue, and the redhead frees a hand to brush some of those scarlet locks back behind her ear. "Oh, wonderful. I... admire this time of American history quite a bit, especially the music. Though, it's a bit difficult to play on my instrument of choice." she admits.

As for the request? This time it's Marie's turn to blush, "I... would not object if you wished to, non." she answers, tone sounding pretty grateful. "A manager is paid well then, oui? I would hate to make things difficult for you..." ...and as for the other questions? There's a nod towards graduating... and then a forceful shake of her head to the second. "Non! I spoke with the sponsor of my visa, he made it quite clear that I will be able to stay in America so long as I please, and I would not like to go back to France any time soon, to be certain. I... find too much here that I enjoy quite a bit." she admits, just as the waitress comes to take their orders. Marie? She orders the classic cheeseburger and fries, along with a vanilla milkshake.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary, on the other hand, is a little more adventurous, ordering a Hawaiian burger. But also with fries, and a chocolate shake. She nods, once the waitress leaves, "Well, yeah, it pays... well, not a /lot/, but better than I've made so far. Definitely means there's less of a worry with school and everything else, at least." She smiles warmly, sliding her hand over towards Marie on the table.

"And I'm glad you're not going anywhere. I... admit, considering my luck with things, I'm glad you're not planning on running off to Paris anytime soon." She smiles, not saying that it wouldn't necessarily /stop/ her from seeing Marie.

Plus, as Thunderbolt, she speaks fluent French!

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Well... that is not entirely true." Marie admits, reaching out to rest her hand atop of Mary's. She worries her lower lip for a moment or two before adding, "After all the troubles that we had this school year, a number of the students got funds together to take a vacation... we'll be heading to Monaco for a week." she admits, smiling /just/ a bit.

"...but I /will/ be back afterwards, and will have my phone, so you don't need to worry about being forgotten or anything." she promises, smiling over at her friend-and-soon-possibly-more? "Trust me, Mademoiselle Mary Bromfield... if you decide that this..." making a motion between them. "..is good, that it works for you? You need not worry about my running off." At the very least, she would say something if the cards demanded it.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, "Wow, Monaco... I can't even imagine what that's like." She grins, "But it sounds amazing, Marie-Ange Colbert. It's going to be a lonely week without you, but I'm going to be texting." A lot. For sure. Probably every day.

She grins, "And so far so good, I'm loving spending this time with you. It just feels like there's no pressure to pretend to be something I'm not. With you, I can just be me."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Believe me, there will be many, many pictures. Which I will share, of course." Marie promises, beaming brightly. "And I will bring..." she trails off for a moment, digging into her purse for.... a small cylinder; easily recognizable as a backup battery. "...a couple of these, for just in case."

"This seems like a good sign to me." she admits, sighing contently and giving Mary's hand a little squeeze. "This... is easier for me than things were with Julie. You and I had a connection before... trying this, and I will admit, it is something I had thought about before." There's a little blush to her cheeks, there. "...but you were with Monsieur Bart, and I would have to be awful to try and force my way between you." It's just not her style. Too assertive and mean for her. This is also about the time that the food arrives, with both their meals, and shakes, being set on the table in front of the girls.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, and smiles a bit, "Yeah, I wish I noticed you first, in retrospect. But I'm glad that you're here now. That we're here now." She returns the squeeze with her hand, "And I'm glad you're bringing extras."

She pauses, then mmms, "Though, I think I would definitely try to come along next time, if you're allowed to have 'and ones' along on these things." She chuckles as the food arrives, then smiles at the server in appreciation, giving them a nod as she looks over at Marie, "Okay, this looks amazing. Good call."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie blushes a little more -- though it may be difficult to say just for what. "I would love for you to come along, Mary... I will have to ask, next time, and try to give you as much notice as I can." ...this time? The funds aren't for travel, they're for fun. Marie knows their mode of travel is Illyana, so she knows better than to ask /this/ time.

Taking a bite of her burger, she's silent for a few moments, chewing politely, and swallowing before she speaks again. Always polite. "It tastes amazing, as well. Please, enjoy!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins and goes to work on her burger, being somewhat careful with it since the pineapple, teriyaki sauce, mayo, and everything else on the burger makes it a bit tricky. And she doesn't want to get all messy on her first date!

Maybe she should have gone with something safer, but to the victor, go the spoils! And the burger!

She mmms, "Well, if it isn't a problem anyway, I mean, even if it was just to Jersey or something, I'd just like to spend more time with you and your other friends." A warm smile at that is given to Marie.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie has a dainty way about eating her food, but the /pace/ of eating doesn't match her methods. She eats as if her food's going to get up and run away... and she's not afraid to finish her meal. Which, given her slender figure, might be a little surprising to see. Still, any food that escapes her mouth is quietly dabbed away with a napkin.

"Oh, for certain! Regardless of tonight," Though the outcome seems extremely clear to her so far, barring the final test. "I would love my friends to meet you, and to meet yours, as well!" Pause. Deer in headlights. "Well. As long as you want me to. I understand if you do not wish to..." How does she put this? Scarlet brows knit together in thought on the subject.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Are you kidding? I would love for you to meet my family, Billy and Freddy would love you." She chuckles, "Actually, now Billy probably thinks he has a chance with Julie if you broke up with her in favor of someone that is clearly cooler." She winks, finishing off her burger with a very polite if not necessarily dainty manner.

She mmms, "Still think tonight is going to be in doubt, Marie?" Because looking at Mary, and just how comfortable she is feeling right now... she's feeling great!

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie giggles happily; glad she's not doomed to be kept a secret. "Oui, I would certainly agree that you are /much/ cooler." she admits, leaning forward to take a sip of her shake, before giving a look over to Mary. Debating for a moment. Another, longer sip of her shake to buy herself a little time.

Then she looks up, taking a breath. "Would you like to find out for certain, Mary?" she asks, a little trepidation in her voice. She hasn't drawn from the deck so far, but is it that she means... or something else entirely?

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, and then smiles a little, "Oui, I would." She looks at Marie, reaching out and taking her hand again, even as she leans forward and takes a sip from her shake. "I trust you, Marie, more than anyone else." She pauses, as if thinking about saying something more, but she refrains... at least for now.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It wasn't looking at the cards, this time. No, this time it was time to put Jenny's advice to work. So while she allows Mary to take her hand, as the brunette leans forward Marie pushes forward to lean across the table herself, free hand moving for the side of Mary's head, in an effort to gently pull her towards Marie for a kiss -- no warning, and not entirely quick and chaste; there's a little pent up emotion there.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks a bit, looking a bit surprised, a bit of a mmmm escaping her as she doesn't resist the kiss. Indeed, she leans into it, her free hand sliding up to caress Marie's cheek as she sighs gently. A happy noise, as she also seems to have a bit of stored emotion that she's been feeling for this very moment.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Slowly, hesitantly, Marie pulls away. Just enough to open green eyes and look at her. Still holding Mary's hand, and still keeping the hand on the side of her head. The touch is gentle, the expression on her face nervous. "... did you like that?" she asks, bracing herself quietly for the moment of truth.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary pauses, "Well..." She then grins and leans back in, leading on /this/ kiss, as she definitely seems okay with the idea of kissing Marie. Her eyes close a bit, and she mmms a bit, breaking the kiss but not pulling too far away after a few moments as she whispers, "... I think I'm gonna need to try it more to make sure." She pauses, then grins impishly, "A lot more."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
This time Marie's the one taken by surprise, but she's not /too/ slow when it comes to kissing back. There's something more to her kissing this time -- pure, unadulterated joy. This, to her, served as the proof that this could indeed work out. /Was/ working out. It makes it /real./ When the second kiss is broken, she licks her lips instinctively, and smiles brightly at Mary. "As you wish, Mary. I would be happy to ... indulge your research into this matter."