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Latest revision as of 16:20, 20 June 2020

Rehab is a Beast
Date of Scene: 20 June 2020
Location: Gotham Hotel
Synopsis: A quiet evening of surf and turf, talk, and discussion of Hank's newfound swolness.
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, Carrie Kelley

Henry McCoy has posed:
He'd been vacationing in Gotham for a few days now, enjoying the break from the routine at the mansion. Every so often, a man needs to be away from most everyone - but not Carrie. Dressed in a decadently soft terrycloth robe, he'd been lounging and relaxing in the hotel room for some time today. It was quiet, safe - there was nothing to startle him.

The couple had shared dinners, movies, and just conversations - the Beast slowly mending as time went on. Tonight, he wasn't certain when to expect her - or what she had in mind. He was just... content. Which is a long way from where he'd been a few weeks ago. He was looking over the menu for room service, wondering if they'd dine in tonight.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It had been a rather enjoyable few days to say the least, even for Carrie. Having some company other than the usual 'work' sort, and a reason to get out other than work whether it be her civilian job or otherwise, was rather refreshing. The company was quite welcome as well. It was good to see Hank smiling again after such an ordeal as he'd been through.

A light knock comes to the door and though she had a key card she waits until she gets a response before entering. Privacy was still something that ought to be given after all. "You decent?" She calls through the door with a note of amusement in her voice. "I come bearing gifts. Sort of." Uhoh. The last time she had gifts it was of a rather feline nature to them.

She does indeed have a large bag with her, though this time it's one of those canvas totes that women often carted to the beach or other similar places to hold quite a bit of items. She's dressed casually enough herself in a pair of jogging pants, sneakers, and a t-shirt with the logo of some beach club that may or may not actually exist. Clothing manufacturers were weird like that.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank smiles at hearing her voice, nodding and calling back. "Yes, in a robe." He assures. As she enters, he sets down the menu, giving her a wary but amused look. "Is it silvervine?" He teases, offering to help her with the package. "The sort of part of your statement makes me a bit leery." He's clearly in good spirits about it, however. Once she's situated, a hug is offered.

"Have you eaten yet? I was considering room service, but I wanted to wait on you... I can dress and we can head out, if you have ideas as to a better fare for dinner?" A nod.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
At the mention of the silvervine Carrie laughs in response with a shake of her head. The bag is offered over willingly in favor of stepping into his hug. It's returned with a firm squeeze of her arms around him that lingers a moment or two. Satisfied with that for now she releases him again.

"No, I brought a few things that I thought might help with your dexterity issues now. And room service sounds wonderful," she adds with a quick nod.

"I may be small but I can always eat. What did you have in mind?" She asks curiously as her attention turns back to the bag to withdraw a few items at least. Squeeze balls of varying sizes and density, a finger exerciser with individual springs for each finger, and... A rotary nail file. Just in case.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The embrace is ... cautious. There is a definite care taken in the hug, even though he is quite happy that it lingers. He smells fresh of soap - clearly he spent the day in the bath. As she mentions the dexterity issues, he looks to the bag. "Oh? I am curious as to what you have, now..." A grin, the big man stretching after the hug.

"I was thinking steak and lobster - I'm feeling kind of decadent today." Henry muses, clearly a side effect of his newly found feline side. "And dinner is always an option - I am certain with your choice of lifestyle, calories are never wasted." A wink.

Eyes go to the items as she pulls them free of the bag. A nod to her choices, and a chuckle to her selection of nail file. "In case I need a pedicure?" He grins, happily. "I've... they are retractable, after some practice."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins broadly at that though she glances at him with a nod. Rather than explain right away she turns to plop down on the edge of the bed sitting with one leg crossing over the other. "True, but I thought that perhaps it might be an option to use the claws as another part of the finger itself. I..." She pauses looking a bit embarassed. "I read a few articles about the structure of cat paws and claws. Apparently the claw itself is another knuckle which is why declawing is going out of style since it's rather cruel to remove. But I thought that perhaps, if necessary and practiced, it might be possible to use the claws themselves like fingertips. If we need to try anyway," she adds with a chuckle. "You do seem to be doing rather well yourself for the most part though I'm sure it's quite an adjustment."

A deep breath is drawn as she considers the other topic of food with her own fingers tapping along one of the squeezie balls she picked up without thinking. "Mm, you know I've never been big on lobster myself. Shrimp scampi now, or snow crab... Steak always sounds good," she has to admit.

Henry McCoy has posed:
His hand is brought up, the man regarding the different form. "I hadn't entirely thought if it in that fashion, but you are correct." He says, after a few moments though. "I should start brushing up on feline physiology." A wry grin. "So, shaping the nails to better supplement the need for fingertips?" He hrms. "I am up for trying, at the very least."

He takes up one of the squeeze balls as well, working it around in the palm of his hand. "But it's... not just the shape change. I am... much stronger than I was. Much stronger." He says, with a chuckle. "I feel like a bull in a china shop." The Beast explains. "Steak, crab and shrimp? A variation of surf and turf?" He suggests a compromise. "My treat this time, all right?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"You can still get lobster if you want," Carrie points out with a chuckle of amusement. "But I won't argue the rest." Still smiling she watches as he starts to toy with one of the balls. It's the rest of his explanation that earns a sidelong tilt of her head considering this new information.

"How much stronger? You don't appear to have changed that much in regards to..." Trailing off her gaze shifts down to his chest and shoulders just staring a moment. With the robe it was hard to tell but it seemed at least to her that his shoulders were still about as wide as before, and that big barrel chest was... Well. Maybe she hadn't been paying too much attention. A light clearing of her throat along with a quick shake of her head gets her mind back on track.

"Though muscular changes might have something to do with that too I guess."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a pause as he considers. He'd done the math, tested with the equipment in the Danger Room. Another deep breath. "In my hayday, before - I could lift a ton. It took a lot of effort." He explains. "But now... I can lift ten times that. That's where I am peaking out." He says, quietly - still a bit in shock himself over the fact. "I have to be very careful to not lash out. The animal side of me wants to react more and more."

He shakes his head, clearing it. "Let's splurge and get all the options." He decides, changing the subject back to food. "We can relax, pop on a movie or go swimming... I mean, if you brought a swimsuit." He says, a bit embarassedly.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A small inhale of breath is drawn as Carrie regards Hank quietly. The squeezing of the ball she holds is forgotten in favor of letting that sink in and consider the implications of it. "... No wonder you're so careful when we hug," she murmurs. An attempted grin is offered as well, but it's a weaker one. It's still sinking in a bit.

"That actually sounds like a wonderful evening. And I do have a change of clothes, but I didn't bring a swimsuit," she murmers considering thoughtfully with a sheepish duck of her own head. "Though some of my workout clothes could double as it technically. Same material." Got to love moisture wicking stuff. Then again she could just call down to the desk and see if they had any for sale or the like. It was a high end hotel.

"Ah... Is it just anger that's an issue? Or is there more you have to contend with so far as your 'animal side'? I mean, besides eating like a horse. Not that I'm one to talk," she adds grinning again.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a nod. "I would never hurt you, Carrie. Ever." He says, earnestly. "But I have fears that I have to wrestle down." He squeezes his own ball, clearly having more control than he worries over. "I mean, I'm also a bit nervous to hug you..." Hank grins. "Jitters and all that - on a count that I really like you."


"If you're game for swimming, I'd like that." A glance to the menu as she teases over the eating thing, chuckling. "I have always had a healthy appetite. One has to keep up with the needs of one's body." A waggle of his brows. "I have to keep my square figure." I mean, he's somewhat brickwallish!

There's a deeper thought on her commenting on the animal side. "Not always anger. Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it is wanting something." He says, quietly.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I love swimming. I don't do it enough," Carrie remarks as she rises from her impromptu seat to head for the phone on the nearby table. Instead of picking it up to use herself she stretches the chord out to offer it to him. "Since you're treating I'll let you do the honors," she teases lightly with a wink. Whatever her thoughts on the matter of hurting her, accidentally or otherwise, she brushes off with a shake of her head.

"I trust you. I was more concerned on how that will take awhile for you to acclaimate to. There is that phrase of 'not knowing your own strength,' though it seems you're well ahead of that. And," she adds a bit quieter, "I want to help however I can. I couldn't help get you out of that situation but... I can help try to, I don't know. Find some kind of normal for you again."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The phone receiver is taken up, held for a moment as they discuss. He chuckles at her delegation. "Well, I'll order the food - and ask after a swimsuit sale. But... I draw the line at daring to guess your size. That simply sounds like a bad plan for me." He winks.

He considers a moment. "I had to tackle a friend - one of the X-Men who is far more resilient and stronger than I am. But she noticed the difference in the amount of force I was able to muster. So... I tested myself." A shrug and a grin. "I need to know what I am working with in order to acclimate better, as you say." He smiles, before dialing the front desk. "Room service, please - and are you perchance selling ladies swimwear?" A nod, Hank smiling to her. "Excellent... let me place an order, then we'll call you back on the swimsuit." He's patched through to the kitchen, the order is placed.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley bites her lower lip in an attempt to refrain from laughing. Guessing her size would be amusing. "I won't subject you to that terror," she assures with a quieter chuckle as she allows him to finish questioning the desk clerk and then get to ordering dinner.

"Tackle? Hopefully everying is alright with them?" Though if they survived a tackle from Hank to begin with then likely they could take quite a bit. A thought strikes her though as she glances sidelong at Hank again looking him over head to toe. Much as she could with the robe and all. "I think we might need more towels, too," she considers quietly. "Or a very big hair dryer."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The laughter from Hank is genuine, as is the sticking out of his tongue at her. Mlem. "A lot of towels will be fine." He assures. "And yes, she is fine. She's... nigh invulnerable. But I gave her a bit of a shock with the force." He admits, with a slight grin - proud, perhaps.

A bow of his head. "Thanks for letting me off the hook on the suit." He snickers. Even so, he's looking a bit nervous as she looks him over.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley allows herself a small smile as he seems to fidget under her scrutiny. She does glance aside though giving him a reprieve from whatever he might be assuming her look was in regards to. "Sorry, trying to mentally judge how many towels... I really do overthink things sometimes, I think." Was the last part a joke? Hard to tell. "Well I'm glad you found out with someone you know can handle it then. And you're doing wonderfully not being a bull in a china shop if it's any consolation."

"So, dinner then swimming. What would our parents think? Should we wait half an hour?" Another grin comes at her own joke before she pauses with a blink. "Oh, right. I almost forgot. A friend of mine is having a graduation party tomorrow. You met her before. Stephanie, the girl Roberto is dating?" Or was... she wasn't aware of all of Berto's issues from their recent abduction. "If you'd like to go with me I know she wouldn't mind."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"It is - thank you." Hank smiles. "A couple extra towels won't hurt - but I've already made arrangements with the hotel for extra linens. They seemed to understand the situation when they sent someone up with the towels." A happy grin. "The concierge was quite apologetic."

"Graduation... oh! Stephanie." His eyes show a bit of sadness at that. "Is Roberto attending?" He wonders, not wanting to cause too much drama. How do you even approach this?

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley finds herself attempting to repress a far larger grin at his tale of the linens. Of course, she's also silently glad that the hotel was so gracious about the situation in the first place rather than making it an issue. The question of Roberto earns a raise of eyebrows questioningly. "So far as I've heard. I know he was with you when the situation happened. I imagine he could use some time around friendly faces, too," she reasons only to frown again faintly. "Is something the matter I'm unaware of? I mean, not to butt into their situation at all, but I've known Stephanie for quite some time. If something's happened I ought to check in on her."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a sigh, nodding. At least she knew Roberto was accosted. "There... everyone suffered there. Some in different ways. There was a telepath." He says, quietly. The man takes a seat on the bed, running fingers through his hair. "I don't think he's a threat to Stephanie at all."

A few breaths later, Hank continues. "The telepath tore out his memories and cast them away. Friends, girlfriends - he doesn't remember anyone." He says, quietly. "He knows the memories were taken - he's rebuilding." He assures. "I am hoping my friends who are telepathically inclined can help."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley moves to sit down next to him. Reaching out she runs her hand over his back lightly as he explains. This topic, while apparently quite relevant at the moment, was not one she really wanted him to remember in detail. Yet he very well may be. "I'm so sorry. Hopefully he and Stephanie have talked about this... We'll do what we can too of course. In the meantime maybe we can help him make some happy memories for the here and now. That... That does sound pretty awful," she has to admit quietly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank leans into the touch just a bit. "I was terrified of what they might do to me - what they might find about you." He says, quietly. "I focused all my efforts on shielding my mind." The man offers over. "Robert was... experimented on before me. I saw it happen. Stuck, behind a forcewall, I couldn't help him. And I saw his anguish. I was terrified they'd make me forget about you."

"He is in good spirits. He knows. His best friend is helping, and trying to help him remember Stephanie as well."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley leans in against his side in turn as it's clear he could use the comfort right now. She could as well as she learns more of the situation. Being made to watch your fellows be totured was a torture in itself, as she well knew from her own past experiences. "Well. You just would have had to deal with a very flirtatious redhead throwing puns at you until you either remembered, or we started anew," she quips with a wry grin. More seriously she adds, "I'm glad you can remember. And that you made it out in general. I wish there was more I could do."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast sighs, a bit relieved. It's clear, she's helping. "I am certain the flirtatious redhead would be welcomed, of course. Assuming it were you." The man snickers and grins. "And definitely the puns. Always with the puns."

"I am very glad I remember, Carrie. Very glad." His foot scuffs in the carpet. "I... yeah." Normally well-spoken, he's at a loss for words.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley turns a little red at that foot scuffing if only because it was so endearingly cute. She can't stop grinning over it, and that lack of eloquence. The hand at his back gives another rub and she nods in agreement. "Same," she utters quietly. She could say more. But what was there to say that wouldn't also be her stumbling over words? So she just turns in toward him a bit more to hug him as before.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's more talk, more leaning. Food is delivered, the chef is exquisite in his preparation of the cuisine. Swimsuits are acquired, and a relaxing float in the pool follows dinner. All in all, a wonderful night - calm and relaxing. He even offers her the bed, he can sleep on the chair if needed. It's quite clear that he's fond of her, his mannerisms showing his inexperience in such a situation. Still, a quiet night of conversation and sharing company between the two.