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Latest revision as of 17:35, 22 June 2020

And the cradle will rock
Date of Scene: 22 June 2020
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Sera and Impulse attend a vigil where a mutant lashes out in anger and sorrow
Cast of Characters: Greer Grant, Bart Allen, Sera

Greer Grant has posed:
    There has been a near constant vigil at the locations near mutant town, despite the direct proximity being protected by innumerable road cones, barriers and even thick heavy road blocks as well as with contract workers and city maintenance crews all doing what they can to at least stop the continual damage being done by suddenly missing blocks.

    Countless heroes have stepped up, mostly the B and C listers as the upper class have gone to do more pressing issues, the kinds of things that friendly neighborhood Tigeresses shouldn't be handling. Tigra is one of the few standing on a sidewalk a few feet away from 'the bowl' of the damage and looking towards a group of people against a police barrier with orange and yellow candles lit through out and held above their heads in a sign of solidarity. Chants, prayers and cries fill the streets, it's a sad sad sort of hopeless feeling and in reaction, Tigra doesn't make herself readily visible, hugging her arms to her belly and feeling rather small in the aftermath of horrors inexplicable.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has been doing circuits trying to make sure people don't get to close and trying to help anyone who has. He has taken a break from that as a red and yellow blur is moving amongst the rescue workers and city emploies leaving them water a big belly burger bag meals. He will come to a stop beside Greer, and offers her a bag "Had a chance to eat recently?"

Sera has posed:
Jeans and a t-shirt turns out to be one of the easiest outfits to adorn in this town. The long flowing gowns seem to be reserved for more special occasions and armor seems unwelcome almost all the time unless you're fighting someone. But there's no one to figh at the moment. They're up there, up in space somewhere.. hiding.. counting down the days until their next attack.

Sera is pissed off. The moment she arrived on this planet she began falling in love with it. She's barely begun to explore it - it's far bigger and more diverse than she ever imagined... and now some jerk wants to destroy it all? Not acceptable. When it comes to defence of home, Sera doesn't even charge - it's a balanced transaction either way.

Standing amongst those holding candles up. She too is holding a candle up and her t-shirt reads '#mutantlove'. She's been chatting with the people, offering a shoulder for them to cry on. It's palpable, everyone seems to think they're never coming back. Sera's not even sure herself if they are or not. Never has she seen such devastation.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Thanks, but no thanks, I'm not hungry." Tigra says, unhooking her hand from beneath her elbow and holding it up to turn down Bart. "But seriously, thanks." She says with a smile in her green eyes as she lowers her face to match the somber mood around them. "I can't help but feel awful for these peo-"

    A rumble starts to grow in decibles, a whisper, a distant car, a screaming child, a Thor vociferate, a jet. The sound builds louder and louder as the ground beneath the crowd begins to rumble and shake. The crowds begin to scream and the calm quickly disappears as a window shatters, the glass falling in a jumble of pieces to the ground below and people find a chance to run inside while the earthquake begins.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will set the food down and he starts to run one way and then as he gets enough speed up, he turns, heading up the side of a building snatching what pieces of glass he can to keep any big pieces from falling on people, and for a piece to big to really move he will chop it a few hundred times so it if more like pebbled safety glass falling so it it does hit someone it should not hurt them.

Sera has posed:
Sera is mid hug with an elder woman who was telling her about her mutant son and how he was going to university, the first in their family to ever do such a thing and how now he's done. Her heart is breaking. As the rumbling begins Sera looks around in surprise. People are making a quick dash for it, though not everyone is so fast.

Amidst the rumble Sera lifts up her arms and begins to sing to the skies. White light erupts from her eyes and bursts out around her forming tethers to the older people, the people who have fallen over, the people who have disabilities.

Bright white wings of magic erupt from her back and with a mighty beat she flies up in to the sky, lifting those people with her. Her eyes search around for a safe place to put them and finds a small park a few blocks away from the shaking. She sets the group down.

She catches sight of the blur running past and when he's slow enough, notices that same familiar face she met at the Asgardian embassy, her head canting to the side in curiosity. That speed force thing again.. there it is, doing its speedness. NO! must not delve in to mystical curiosity amidst an earthquake.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra frowns as she drops her hands and her stance, her legs coiling tightly before she springs, unleashing the pent up energy in her muscles and vaulting her up and through the air to catch onto the side of a building with one hand digging her claws into the building for purchase. "Sera! Great, yeah, you're okay. B-Li'l Flash! Oh, he's already." Tigra takes a breath and sighs, watching the scene unfold as people panic and the younger livelier crowd finds their way inside broken windows and away from the bustle in the street." A single man with grey/silver hair stands, his chrome like eyes shimmering in the street lamp's light. "This is not a show!" He says, hands held out before him slowly clenching into fists as if he was squeezing some invisible ball and the street around him begins to crack and strain beneath his influences. "We demeand. We deserve. We dream of justice." The young man continues his monologue.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will finish clearing away debris that may hurt people and people, ever a few smaller dogs that might not have been quick enough to get out of the way. Once he has the people clear, he will come to a skid beside Greer "Name's Impulse, and seems someone here did not get the message all the folks are here to support them and not try to do harm to them.

Sera has posed:
There is a swoosh through the air and the beating of magical wings as Sera wheels back around leaving the bewildered people to discuss their first sensation of flying. She lands by Tigra and Impulse and looks over to the man making the rumble. She smiles, "Hey ...Impulse, I remember you from the party." The desire to ruffle Tigra's hair is immense and almost insurmountable, but somehow she resists. "Tigra."

Sera's attention goes toward the man and she begins to walk with shaky unstable steps toward him, "Heey there buddy, we're all feeling a little shaky today, ain't no one here against mutant justice. You're chasing away all the folks who love ya. Trust me I know how ya feel, I'm all kindsa minority on this planet." Her glowing wings don't disappear, she might need them, so they tuck up against her back instead of remaining spread out and awe inspiring.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Sera." Tigra says softly, looking towards the lone man, spouting his demands in the street and the striped woman looks to the speedster and the angel. "Careful Sera." Tigra warns, and then sniffs the air quickly before looking to Impulse and giving a frown. "He's hurting, and in pain, but we don't want him to hurt others." She says, maybe spelling it out because of the young age of Bart, but she wouldn't be an avenger if she didn't do a good job and make sure they were on the same page.

    The tears welling up at the corners of his eyes, "I KNOW THAT?!" He says and there's a WHOMPH of shockwave out from where he stands and screams, the cracks in the ground beneath him vibrate and drastically widen and fracture, the road becoming little more than compressed rubble at and around his feet, about twenty feet from him in all directions, a trunk of a car near him groans as the metal is pushed harder and harder into the ground by the boys powers. "Standing here with canldes wont bring them back. Why isn't superman here, or mister fantastic, where are the people who can actually DO SOMETHING?!" He screams, the tears starting to roll down his cheeks.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will look over to Sera, and says "Hey, as he sees the field moving out from the young man, he will move to actually move Sera back about 5 foot, after all she did say at the party she was new around here "Invisible wave of telekinesis or something "I don't think it is tactical, I have a friend who has that." He says but is back on point after a moment, and says "They are probably working on the problem, thats why we are here and not them, so the big brains and big muscles can be dealing with where the threat might be, while we are here to help those left here.

Sera has posed:
The ground shaking and breaking around her, Sera dances on one foot and half opens a wing for balance. The quick relocate by Bart has her dancing on one foot until she finds her balance again. "Thanks Impulse, I owe you one," she says on the slightly less shaky ground. "Yeah look I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know who Superman or Mister Fantastic is."

Sera tucks her hands behind her back, "But, I got a wife from another life who is excellent at flying through space and smashing things and cutting stuff up with her sword. And me, I've got all kinds of forbidden sorceress knowledge. She's an angel like me and I can tell you the two of us don't take kindly to planet killing threats.. so.. you got me, you got Angela. If that helps a little, and I'm right here buddy.. I'm right //here//." Her look is sadness and pleading to the man as he begins to cry, she can feel it welling up inside her too. The grief is contagious.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "You couldn't possibly understand." The boy cries out and his legs give out, smashing his knees into the broken road beneath him his hands full fists that he uses to fall forward and slam into the ground, the road and asphalt beneath sucumbing into dirt and debris that seems harder than stone. The area is warming up also, the gravity well around him is making the air fall around and the ground fall into a smaller crater than the one several yards over. "How could you understand!" He cries into his own arms and curls up on himself.

    Tigra steps up as Bart already grabs Sera and pulls her away. "Can, can you affect him like you did me?" Tigra asks, a hand moving up to press against the small of Sera's back and supporting her friend. "I think more than anything he might just need a friend..."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to the kid, and will move to grab a hand full of dirt, and runs around the kid, making a circle putting a can or cup, there small but noticable piece of trash down around the edge. He wants to see if the circle is growing and the effect it has on the dirt trying to see if the effect here is a half orb or just a layer. He frowns and says "Well, maybe cause technically I think I might be a mutant, I don't know if I classify as one or not for sure."

Sera has posed:
Sera looks somewhat concerned at Greer's request and looks back and forth between the two, "Well. Okay, but you're gunna owe me kitty kat." She looks back to him and clears her throat, "I admit, this is not something I'm terribly practiced at. I think I remember how this sort of thing is done." Yep, depowering this guy is not at all like speeding Tigra up.

She shuts her eyes and brings her hands in front of her, tapping a finger in the air as she tilts her head listening to his unnatural influence on the world. She begins to sing something.. stops and clears her throat.. then again, and again. Shaking her head she pauses, sits down on the rumbling ground and then lifts a finger with an idea.

She spreads her arms out wide and her magic begins to pulse in front of her like a strobe light at a dance club. It thumps to an unheard beat, though Sera's foot taps to this beat too. The mass of light suddenly becomes a thin line, thumthumthum it twiggles and squiggles in the air like a visualiser Z-ing and S-ing.

Sera starts to sing as she watches the 'sound wave' in front of her. It is the heart beat of his effect on the world. The pulse is affected with each little bit of song and the gravity of the man begins to deminish. The rumbling lessening. Despite his herculian pose, his fists and the fury on his forehead wrinkles, his potency deminishes until Sera reaches out and grabs the light, squeezing it flat. The gravity powers within him extinguished. She looks to the man, left kneeling with fists to the earth in a crater of his own making.

"I'm not gunna hold that against you buddy.. I'm Black, Trans, Queer, and an Alien. But you're right, I don't know what it means to be a mutant on this planet. I'm just gunna.. wait for you to tell me your tale. And may be you'll forgive me for this day." There is a look on Sera's face.. guilt.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Anything put into the boy's sphere of influence is quickly flattened into the ground like a pancake in a hydraulic press and he doesn't even seem to react to it and he cries into the ground beneath him as he trembles with rage and fear. Completely unaware of the effect Sera's powers are having on his own, but ignoring her words within his own grief and loss drowning out the world.

    Greer looks to Bart and nods before she moves in towards the man as soon as the shaking sounds stop and the car that was teetering upwards, the trunk pushed into the ground, settles back to semi-normal, Tigra rushes in, hoping Bart is with her as she scoops up the grieving mutant and simply embraces him. "Shhhh."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will move and with a bit of effort he picks both Greer and the boy up and the two will find themselves outside a support faciility where the young man can talk to someone if Tigra can convince him and also where the cops won't find him easily. Then he comes back to Sera "I put them somewhere safe."

Sera has posed:
Bart is gone and back so fast she barely has time to let her magic go. The light spread out around her turns in to little sparkling lights that drift on the wind briefly before going out entirely. She dusts her jeans down and looks back to Impulse, a sadness in her eyes. "You.. are very fast. Impulse." She keeps saying the name until she remembers to use it, it's such an odd name to her.

Slowly people are starting to return to the streets to talk about everything they just saw. Sera fidgets on the spot, grabbing her left arm and rubbing it a touch. "May be we should go too," she says as she notes they may have a lot of people asking them questions if they stay. Camera phones have been out.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and looks at her, and says "Want to fly or the quick way?" He waits not wanting to speed her off without her permission. He does move back to grab his burgers and sighs when they are all smashed, sighing while waiting for the answer.

Sera has posed:
Sera lifts an eyebrow and has a cheeky little smile, "You mean teleporting?" Though, she stops teasing quickly and says, "Your quick way. It is fascinating. The speed force as you called it. I must resist poking it." Though, the thought of addressing all these bewildered people right now is something she'd like to avoid.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and will move to cradle her in his arms, and off they go with a bit of a start he will run right up the side of a building putting them out of the way of most people and says "This a bit better than down amongst the people?

Sera has posed:
Sera blinks and taps her feet on the ground when they arrive at their destination. She peers back the way they came and then nods her head, "Yes. A quick get away indeed. Convenient for avoiding answering questions like... who are you and what did you do to that mutant." She twists her lips thoughtfully and sighs. "The city is edge, the people are both angry and sad. I feel it too. I want to rip that Brainiac a new one... Ah. But." She offers her hand to Bart, "We didn't //really// meet much at that party. I'm Sera, if you didn't remember."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and offers her his hand and says "Impulse, and you you were the angle who wore" And he will describe her attire there to a Tee, almost as if he was looking at it now. "And yea people are complicated, and when there is nothing they can do about something it makes them get more upset, and some try to lash out hoping to find the person to lash out at.

Sera has posed:
Sera shakes his hand and then lets out a long breath. "That was scary. He was really upset.. REALLY upset. He could have done a lot of damage." She leans up against the wall and asks him, "What's your tale Impulse? You're really fast, that's all I know about you. Seems there's a lot more to you than just that right?" With all the glowing eyes and magic everywhere she blends well with the human population at least. Being an alien that looks human will save her from the angry mobs probably.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs a bit and says "Well not a lot more to be honest, you ask most of my friends they would probably tell you I am really fast, and hopefully that I am a nice guy. I am considering moving out here to New York, and getting a job and going to college here. I was part of a team of young heroes a while back and sorta hoping out here I might see them more.

Sera has posed:
Sera suddenly grins as he mentions 'team of young heroes' - this is an aspect of Earth she has really been enjoying. "You know, it's fantastic that people stand up and fight the evil in all its guises. I am a sucker for doing things before securing a transaction sometimes."

She lifts a finger, "Speaking of which. I really do owe you. You pulled me back from that gravity crushiness. So, any time you need a bit of guardian Angel in your life." She takes out her starkphone and gives it a wiggle, "Number exchange?" There is a thought on her mind and she types in to her phone's notes program under the title "T-shirt ideas": 'Acute Angle', then moves to contacts.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will nod a bit and give her the number to the phone Red Robin helped him set up for super hero stuff, and says "I don't have thought one on me all the time, but I try to check it a few times a day "So, your really not from earth, are you setteling into living here ok?"

Sera has posed:
An eyebrow is raised and she grins, "Yes, I'm really not from Earth, not even from Midgard. Another realm entirely called Heven.. which has a capital planet also called Heven." She looks a little amused, this conversation seems to never get old. "I'm an Angel for realisies too, I promise." She holds up three fingers like a scout.

She shrugs her shoulders, "Settling in? I dunno. I'm making do I suppose. I think Angela is having more trouble than me. She is a single minded person at times. Give her a mission and nothing can stop her. Me, I ramble and sing and just do what I want until I ran across something that rankles me shivers. Then I get fired up."

She puts her phone away and says. "I joined a .. made? helped found a book club. The Ladies Book Club. A very generic name I've been told. We're all magical types, so, I guess we won't really be reading many books. Still, I have captured the first book of the book club. Glory to me. We are on the hunt for another book too. I'm not being metaphorical, the books are real."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well I aint a lady but if there is anything I can do to help let me know. " He hmms and says "Are you planning on having a secret identity, hiding the wings and trying to make people think your a human like the rest of them, to be able to get a bit of peace and quiet and also so you can learn more about people?"

Sera has posed:
Sera looks horrified for a moment and then laughs, "Oh .. HEL no." She folds her arms and cocks her hip out with a swagger and a grin on her face. "I ain't hiding who I am for anybody, for no one, for no reason. Let 'em come at me. I can handle it. If I need privacy, I'll go home.. or fly to the top of a building. Or.. something like that. I'll be fine. Besides, who are they going to get at via me? My previous wife Angela is a super warrior.. and my best friend so far is an Avenger cat gameshow host. I think.. I think I'm good." She nods and looks quite pleased wit herself.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well you never know what friends you might make along the way, but I was thinking more so you could see a bit how normal people treat others, I mean when I got here the whole secret ID took me a while to get used to and finding someone with really good computer skills to make me a background in the system." Did he just give something away without thinking?"

Sera has posed:
There is a visible double take by Sera and she hmms. "SHIELD is doing that for me. Angela also managed to buy some fake IDs somehow. I didn't pry.. sometimes it's best not to pry. I traded information about where I'm from for housing at the Avengers mansion and compliance from SHIELD. I am now super duper curious where you 'get here' from." She pushes off the wall and walks closer like a cat stalking a bird. "Do tell, spill, share, gimme the dish..." clearly she means nothing menacing by it and is genuinely interested.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen blinks a moment and realizes he did give something away there and ponders for a moment, and says "I sorta um Marty Mcflyed it, oh you probably aint seen that movie... I am from the future." He will admit. He does not tell the year, or anything but does add "Had to come back for medical reasons."

Sera has posed:
There's a pause as she looks him up and down after he says he's from the future. Then she nods and offers him a high five, "That is //awesome//. The future. I've never been there myself. I'm taking the long way - assuming I don't die again. Woopsie. I've run out of respawns. The price for Elysium is for me to actually die next time it happens. Though, Angela insists she will rip Elysium apart to come get me.. I do not think that'll be necessary." She ahems, "Apart from the medical reasons bit, sorry to hear about that. I hope everything is fine now?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will give the high five and nods his head a bit and says "Ended up needing a sorta transfusion and I am all good, I probably could go back now, but I am happy here, I have friends and family and am steal learning a lot. As I said, even considering getting a job and going to school here. Some people in my life have stressed a normal life is important besides the hero stuff, thats why I asked about you hiding your wings and such,

Sera has posed:
Sera turns around, there's no wings there now. "Well people can only see them when I put 'em on." She grins. "Nooormal life for me was going from world to world doing bounty hunting jobs with the love of my life, getting paid and then moving on. It was delightful. A few wars, lots of rescues and the like." She hmms, "Watching my lady wiggle her butt while killing the big bads was an excellent pass time." Her eyes practically twinkle from the memories, "Ah but here on Earth. Well, I'm still figuring that out - but given the amount of excitement going on here, I can't see myself having a 'settled down' life. Too much fun to be had. I blame it on my upbringing, which was to slavery.. and my death, which was also slavery. The middle bits and now are the best times of my two lives."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms a bit and says "Sorry to hear about the slavery, from what I have been told it really sucks, luckily there was none left on earth in the time I came from, still some on other planets, but not here." He admits. "I find a normal life can be interesting, I mean I was dating someone and that was nice, but we had to break up,a s I had to leave for a while and was not sure when I would be back. I should maybe see how she is doing but I don't want to mess up anything ood she has.

Sera has posed:
She shrugs her shoulders. "If it's something good, you can't mess it up. If it gets messed up by you having a catchup lunch with a friend, well heck it ain't so good now is it." She smiles and stretches out. "I think my heart has slowed down to a normal speed now. The adrenaline of the situation wearing off. I suppose I should do the thing I was meant to be doing today - finding somewhere to live."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "I am doing that too, I am thinking about China town but I am not sure, there is a shop there, my friends like, but I don't care for how they treat the chickens, so I am not sure I want to live in that area or not. I could live in a another state, but then bringing friends back to my place might get awkward."

Sera has posed:
She turns her head, "Even with how fast you run? seems like it'd be a breeze.. VERY breezy in fact." She grins and then offers him a hug. She's a hugger. "Impulse it is a delight to know you. I wonder may ask to study your speed force, but for now I have many other things on my queue that deserve attention."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmsm and says "I a still learning it myself to be honest I would have to talk to the others and see what they thought about it and all, not something I can decide on my own." He does hug back, and says "I hope you find yourself a place, and I will send you a list of things you really need to see since your new here."