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SpotOp's Patchup
Date of Scene: 22 June 2020
Location: Bronx
Synopsis: Hilde comes upon an injured Landry and the two criminals he got hurt apprehending. She begins to patch him up when Lokitty comes to toy with them both like a cat and mouse game.
Cast of Characters: Landry Lugar, Brunnhilde, Loki

Landry Lugar has posed:
The darkness hid the 'carnage'. At the mouth of the alleyway lay 3 guys, two of them with arms tied behind their backs with their belts, eyes glossy and extremely dilated. The third had a small pool of blood forming around him, with a knife stuck in his thigh.

Landry kept looking at the knife, and back to his phone, over and over again, looking up first aide for dummies, not sure if he should pull it out or not. He was chewing on gum, and breathing deep, trying to remain calm. His black hoodie was up, covering most of his face, black jeans had blood on them, and a backpack was strewn somewhere off to the side.

Brunnhilde has posed:
While she wasn't technically on duty -- duty had finished 20 minutes ago, she was far from her crash pad and out of funds for a taxi, so she was making the hike when that familiar, strange sense in the back of her skull tingled. She wouldn't even really have noticed the ally if something didn't taste like death, or the possibility of death. She couldn't help but look. Her eyes go first to the man with a knife in his thigh. That's what she felt. If it wasn't removed just right, he'd be dead. Then, slightly glazed, too-pale blue eyes flicker to the other two.

"...What...happened here?" The woman's quiet, husky voice dares ask. She looks like a ghost in the allyway, pale hair and too-white face nearly etheric, but then as she walks closer her paramedic's uniform and the go back over her shoulder paint a bit more of a realistic picture. She's just someone who doesn't get a lot of sunlight, it seems.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar glanced up at the voice, startled, "Oh, shit. Um..." He glanced to the other two, "These guys were trying to mug this lady, right?... And I just happened to be in the wrong spot at the right time and all... I was gonna call the cops to come get them, but, I ah... Yeah. Not sure how to explain knife in the leg-itis and all..."

He put his hand on the knife, "You're a paramedic? Should I pull it out, or like.... gah... I should have just run when they pulled the knife, so stupid..."

Brunnhilde has posed:
Her brow furrows just a bit more and she stares at him, trying to figure out if it's an act or he's actually as painfully young as he sounds. Hilde gives him a long look over before she kneels at the side of the guy with a knife in his leg. "Hey, calm down and just...stay still. I'm here to help." She doesn't make any mention of calling the police. It's not really her job nor does she seem to care. "...Did the victim get away alright?" She asks quietly as she begins examining the man's leg. If she's worried about her own safety, she gives no indication of it at all.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod, "Oh yeah, she's long gone. I don't know why anyone walks these streets alone at night anymore... I mean, not that that helps... I saw a group of guys trying to jump a group of women last week... That went MUCH better than this did." He paused, "I mean, I did better. I didn't get hurt so bad stopping them, than I did with these guys." He took a deep breath as she started to examine his leg.

Brunnhilde has posed:
A brief look is given back to the other two men, making certain it doesn't seem like either of them is moving any time soon, but she's far more worried about the leg wound. As the kid fully admits to being the vigilante to stop them, her thin mouth presses into a slightly deeper line as she looks up and across his face. "You make a habit of playing super hero in the streets? I'm guessing you don't wanna take this to an ER, where you really SHOULD go?"

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a long sigh, "Yeah.... I know. I mean, like, someone told me that'd be a really bad idea. Like, not good to have a paper trail and all. That's what I read anyway... And what that dude said." He gave a small his of pain, "Can you like... patch it enough to stop the bleeding? I could maybe figure out how to get it from there. Maybe. You know, you are like, really pale... And this coming from the kid with a pool of blood larger than jokers rap sheet..."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Maybe I'm a vampire." Hilde deadpans, reaching down to his jeans and finally grabbing her safety shears out of her go back so she can cut them away. "Sorry, kid, you're gonna have to turn these into daisy dukes if you wanna still wear'em." And she cuts open the area around the wound quite wide so she can look at how deep the knife has gone in and the exact angle. If she's a vampire, the sight of all that blood certainly doesn't seem to be tempting her. She begins to flush the area, holding a LED flashlight between her teeth now so she can see what she's doing.

Landry Lugar has posed:
His eyes went wide, "Woah... That would NOT be a good night for me." He watched her work, "I mean, I don't think I have the legs for short shorts..." He leaned back, and closed his eyes, "I think I saw a vampire once. Maybe. At least, they really liked blood... I guess some people could have a thing for that, right? Being a medic would be a good way to feed off people... Plenty of it, just like, going to waste right?" He laughed, maybe a little high with the shock and all.

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Yep. Just like those vampires, lappin' blood off a Bronx alley floor like a stray cat. Fine dining right here." Hilde deadpans, the words half mumbled as she's trying to talk around the thin flashlight she's holding in the corner of her mouth. "You wanna be a real help, grab the middle of this light and hold it at your wound." She's already got her gloves on, she's not gonna touch the light again. "...and... doesn't look like it hit an artery. Still gonna bleed like a bitch. I might be able to put a few stitches in and it won't hemmorage too much if nothing big internal got hit, but... you really should see a doctor. And if this starts spurting when I pull the knife out, it's straight to the ER with ya."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar made a face, part petulant and part in imagined pain. "Gah... Ok, fine, yeah. You're the doc." He took a breath, and without really thinking, just pointed to the wound with his free hand, and bright, clear light iluminated his bared leg and wound, likely brighter than her flashlight. "Do you think that's what happens to stray cats?... I heard there are gators in the sewers here too, but, I think that one is just a joke on tourist. I've never heard any real evidence so far."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Whoa holy shit what the FUCK!" Hilde yelps as he just suddenly manifests LIGHT. She was not expecting that. She blinks, still good in a crisis and not actually startled enough to drop her work on the wound (she's been through way stranger things than random light hands while working) but it's still shocking and she's dropped her pen LED out of her mouth in the surprise, it rolling into the muck strewn alleyway. She'll have to get it later. She then goes back to his leg and, after carefully setting out some heavy gause pads to put pressure on the thing, she begins to slide the knife out. "I ain't a doc. Just a paramedic. And a vampire, of course."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar winced, "Right... Shouldn't'a done that..." He started to reach after her penlight, but then stopped, holding still as she worked on his leg, "Sorry about that..."

He shuddered and let out a slow, low his of pain as the knife came out, "That... Feels really weird and bad and all at the same time..." He took a deep breath, holding it, "Right, notta doc. Just a paravampire." He agreed, and then watched her work, trying to put it to memory, just incase something of the like happens again.

Brunnhilde has posed:
The pale woman gives it a moment or two once the knife is out, trying to make certain things aren't spurting, but it looks like he was lucky and no majory arteries were hit. She then clamps the gauze over it, putting some firm pressure against his now mostly bare leg before she even starts thinking about working on it, hopefully giving his body a few moments to naturally clot. Her smirk is clear about the paravampire comment. "...Not actually a vampire either, I promise. Just work the night shift. But you... some sort of... light... angel or something?"

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a grunt of pain at the firm pressure. "Man... Not even a real vampire?... Ripped off worse than my jeans..." He glanced to her, "Can I trust you to keep my secret?" He took a deep breath, "Guess cats out of the bag now anyway... It's something like that. Cept, not an angel. Just a human flashlight is all really. Not the most exciting of powers, but, I've been making it work." He paused for a beat, "With varying degrees of success, naturally."

Brunnhilde has posed:
It's pretty late at night, somewhere hovering between midnight and 1 am. The alleyway in the Bronx is as stinky, dangerous, and unremarkable as most other alleyways in this area of the city. Only, there is a bit of a blinding white light coming from it and, inside, a strange little scene. A paramedic (with no bus in sight), still in uniform, is bent over a young man who has a small pool of blood around him, apparently working on his leg. He's projecting light from his hand to help her in working and her own flash light LED pen has rolled off somewhere into the alleyway's muck. There are two mostly unconscious, knocked out muggers across the alley from them, sleeping it off but not in as immediate danger as the 'hero' of the night is.

Hilde was just coming home from work, walking to save money, when she came across the scene. So, her white blonde hair's messy braid is even messier than normal and she looks half exhausted, but she's got determined, narrowed blue eyes as she carefully peels back the gauze and begins flushing out the wound again. "You're lucky, kid... That this ain't too serious and I ain't actually a vampire. Also, I dunno if being a human flashlight is all that helpful against muggers with knives, just for...future advive." The flushing of the wound probably hurts like hell, but she's not stopping.

Loki has posed:
There is in fact a cat nearby, and it is entirely out of a bag, in all literal sense of the words. A big tuxedo tomcat with stylish markings of bold contrast seems to be nearby, relaxed in a cat-shaped bread-loaf on the edge of a fire escape in the alley. Long black tail drops and flicks, while large amber eyes reflect from the glint of the moving knife.

Was the creature attracted by the bright flashing lights? Maybe. Curiosity and all. Fearlessly it observes the pair as if they brought a potentially amusing show into his personal alley.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar let out a yip of pain, eyes rolling in his head for a moment, the light flickering as his concentration was shot while she flushed out the wound. "Oooh that smarts... Sonava..." He hissed and took another deep breath.

As for her advice, "Yeah... But, we work with what we're given, right? Two out of 3 gigs went well... I don't think they even woulda gotten me if that old lady didn't fall back and knock me off balance... Just bad luck and all." He grit his teeth, "Just means more work, and working out. Gotta get it right. With great power and all that, yeah?"

Brunnhilde has posed:
The blonde tries not to let her smirk show through to her eyes, but Hilde cannot help but actually smirk a bit more, "...Kid...your power is bein' a flashlight. These guys have knives and guns. I... I just don't know if this is the wisest thing to be doin'. Really." She puts a fresh piece of gauze into place and then nods for his hand, "Push down there. More pressure than you think you need. If you really refuse the ER, then you're gonna need stitches here." And she needs a fresh set of gloves and a whole different set of equipment to do that.

While the cat doesn't directly gain her attention, there is a momentary... Feeling. Just something weird and familiar at the back of her neck. Not that weight of death, but something else. She blinks back as she's carefully stripping out of her first pair of sullied gloves and grabbing for her stitch kit from her go back, looking down the alleyway. For a moment, she catches golden moon cat eyes. Oh. It was just a stray. She shakes it off and looks back to her bag.

Loki has posed:
"Ooh, those /dreadful/ old ladies. I do hope you pushed grandma down some stairs for daring to stumble during her rescue..."

That ... did the cat ---? Yes, that voice is from the vicinity of the cat, though it might not have actually talked. The stray cat has dropped from the fire escape smoothly and seems to be voicing a sardonic opinion that suits the sort of bored strut of the animal quite perfectly. He is entirely appearing to ignore the pair that are awake, and is winding his way towards the unconscious thugs fearlessly.

The magical cat (after all, it did talk) proceeded to inspect thug #2 (it was closer) with a general bored once-over.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar frowned, and gave a huff, "Superheroes don't have to be wise." He thought about that for a second. "I mean, they should, but, wait, stitches?... Now?" He held the bandage in place, "Oh this is going to feel just AWESOME..." He did not sound as if it would be awesome.

Landry's head, and free hand whipped over to where the sound had come from, and a small spotlight zeroed in on that cat. "Did you hear that?... Or am I like, halucinating from the blood loss?" He asked, not quite believing his senses atm. "I'm not gonna go around attacking old ladies... That's what happened to those guys..." He reasoned with... The voice?.. Who knows at this point.

When Lokitty went to check out the downed bad guy, he could see a big lump on the back of thug #2's head, and his eyes were glazed over, and extremely dilated. Seeing the light powers, one might guess they were temporarily blinded.

Brunnhilde has posed:
Those ice blue eyes level at the younger man across from her, that smirk coming again, "Or you could slowly bleed out over the night and risk almost certain infection. OR I can tape this up and we can get you to an actual hospital where they have actual numbing agents and can do a fairly nicer stitching job than I am. Or... we can do this right here. Your... choice..." But then her voice trails off and she blinks a few moments, having definitely heard that voice too and not really getting it. Maybe she was more tired than she realized. But the kid hurt it as well.

She carefully turns her head, staring back at that stray again as it sniffs at the unconscious criminal. "SKKT. SKT! SSH! Go. Leave him alone. Not your food!" She gently disciplines the feline. Still looking a bit more wary because she swears she heard it talk, but that's not really possible.

Loki has posed:
Lokitty steps up onto thug #2's back, and sits there, as if having found a preferable throne to occupy as opposed to the dirty ground. He wipes his paws on the guy's shirt (with claws, the sound of the claws plucking into the fabric is evident). His tail curls neatly over perfect white feet, and he then continues to observe from the perch on the thug.

The cat just dubiously stares at Hilde as she makes those weird noises at him. Strange human gibberish, that was, and causes him to look very steadily at Hilde. He doesn't actually clean his butt while staring at her, but he may as well have, with the type of staredown he gives her and her 'skkt' noises.

If the cat spoke, nobody actually /asked/ him about it, so he doesn't clarify the point on if he's real or not.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar kept the pressure, "Fine, yeah. Whatever... Let's do it here." He paused, "Not the exact situation I ever expected to say those words to a woman in a back alley in New York..." He groaned, "Quicker is better."

He watched the cat do distinctly cat like things, and gave a nod, mostly for himself. "Right. Just a normal cat." He shook his head and leaned back against the wall again. "Are the stitches going to hurt?.... It's ok if you lie to me."

Brunnhilde has posed:
@emit "...You... heard that...then. That cat... I swear it spoke." Hilde shakes her head faintly, staring down that cat for one more heartbeat especially as it does NOT seem to give a shit about her usual 'scare an annoying stray off' noises. She's got work to do. So, she turns towards her patient again, too-thin shoulders and white-blonde messy braid all that's facing the feline that has chosen the strangest of thrones.

"...I'll sting. I ain't in the habit of lying. I'll work fast." Hilde then grabs one of her single use, pre-threaded surgical needles and rips the contain open after putting on a fresh pair of sterile gloves. "...Okay, pull the gauze off." And as soon as the wound is exposed, she'll get to some fast stitching.

Loki has posed:
"If you break his hand, it'd distract from the pain in his thigh," the cat observes non-chalantly, helpfully deadpan. He did, in fact, wait for them to start the stitching before speaking up. That's more fun. There's really nothing here from Lokitty beyond self-entertainment at their expense, at least on the surface.

"I am not actually a stray nor a cat, yet I understand I am so extremely skilled that it does appear to be such to you: so in fair /warning/, if you 'skttt' at me again there will be multiple 'distractions'," warns the cat in what he no doubt sees as a tolerant manner.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a grunt, "Gah... I think the lie would have been preferable." He let up, and watched her work. He was focused on what she was doing, when the cat spoke again. Thinking it was the downed goon, he spoke up, "Don't make me knock you out aga..." He looked up to see the man still out of his sense, with the voice coming from the cat as Lokitty continued.

"What the hell.... Did you slip pain killers in at some point... It spoke again." He took a deep breath, "This... Is a weird night..."

Brunnhilde has posed:
If Hilde wasn't quite so skilled a medic as she is, Landry would be in a LOT more pain with jerked hands or a needle stabbed in his thigh. Instead, even as her shoulders jump a bit and her heart is in her throat, her hands never even twitch in their careful, quick work. Curved needle in and out of thick sick, joining injured edges before a quick tie off of that stitch and repeating the procedure before her fingertips get too bloodied by his thigh. From her work, someone would think she wasn't rattled at all. But her eyes were too-wide, her breath a bit too shallow, and shoulders quite tensed now.
Hersnd the worst of it? She could swear the voice was familiar. She doesn't look back to the cat again, needing all her focus to get the wound sealed shut. "...Okay. I... heard it too. And no, I didn't slip you pain killers and I'm not hallucinating tired... not yet, at least. I think either...you aren't the only mutant in thie alleyway or someone is fucking with us tossing their voice and that's awful. But, first. we're not going to let you bleed out."

Loki has posed:
Lokitty waits this time, semi-tolerantly. He's taken the time while at least Hilde isn't staring at him -- to shapeshift out of the cat form. It's a flux of swirling magic, blue and tinged in vibrancy of purple and a black that somehow also reflects a sheen, like glossy raven feathers.

That leaves Loki present, still /sitting on the thug/ as if he were a quality chaise lounge chair. He's dressed in a modern style: a clean black suit over a loosened-neck emerald button-up. He picks imaginary lint from a knee while he waits for the stitching to complete.

"Could be door number three. Take your time, if you don't want any assistance," Loki lofts. Same voice as the cat. He isn't immediately recognizable as the villain that wrecked the city of New York, due to lacking armor, an army, and so forth, but he might be uncomfortably familiar at the same time.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar winced with the pain of the needle, but stayed very, very still as she completed her work. He wasn't watching it anymore however, focused now on the totally not a cat dude. "Woah... It's a cat dude... Why don't you have the puffy ears like the cat girls in anime? Or is that just a Japanese thing?"

A few hundred other thoughts ran through his head, before they came to a screaching halt, "Wait... Aren't you..." He narrowed his eyes, trying to remember the name. "Doctor Strange!"

Brunnhilde has posed:
There was a maybe cate-dude Dr. Strange behind her with a voice that felt like deja vu and Hilde had to be fingertips deep in some frat vigilante's thigh. She blinks up to Landry, choking back a half laugh at the anime thing, but she really has no time to react. She has two more stitches to put in him, which she does quickly. "If you're actually Dr. Strange, then you should come over here, Doctor, and help me with this young super hero's thigh because I suspect you are a touch better at combatting infection that EMS issue isopropyl is." Hilde dead pans, but she somehow doubts it's actually him.

And she does have that wound flush, so she goes for it one more time, flushing the new stitches clean before she grabs for a final square of guaze to tape to Landry's thigh. "Take it EASY. Not much walking, no running, and no vigilante bullshit for at least a week, got it? If the area feels warm at all, to the ER you go, immediately." Then she's stripping off her gloves and tossing them away before she tosses a blue eyed look over her shoulder at their strange companion.

A face she recognizes. And yet, she can't...really remember why. She stares for a brow furrowing moment.

Loki has posed:
There's not even a pause on Loki's end. "Got it in one. Doctor Strange," Loki agrees smoothly with a flash of charming smile, a flit of emotions behind his glossy green eyes. "Which is why I questioned if you needed assistance. However, it does appear you have it handled; I have no wish to take that away from you unless you doubt in your skill."

"I /will/, however, send these two on their /way/, unless you had more in mind for them," Loki comments of the thugs, pulling his hands across his body, in an extension of glowing golden threads of light. They weave unnaturally like a strands of a magical loom, spiraling out from centers of his palms. It doesn't cast light all over the alley, it stays contained, though it reflects off of the mage's suit and visage in cascades of magic.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar grinned, "Awesome! Yeah, I mean, go ahead. I was gonna call the cops when I was clear, but, sure, that'll save me a phone call. What are you doing in an alley pretending to be a cat?" He asked curiously.

He gave a nod to Hilde's instructions, "Straight home, and skipping class for a week, got it. No problemo..." He scrunched up his face, "I'm gonna have to call some people and make sure my real work is covered... This isn't my only moonlighting gig..."

Brunnhilde has posed:
If Hilde was pale before, there is another level, somehow, that comes across her face. She's slowly stripping off bloodied gloves, carefully pulling them off inside out to contain all the contaminant, and putting them in the rest of the biohazard bag, but her motions are a little slow. Almost shocky. She gives Landy a faint nod as she begins to stand, shouldering her go-back once more. "...that...sounds wise. And... maybe focus more on the school and not the muggers... after?" She offers him, but it's seemingly hard to focus.

Then she turns back to the man and the criminals, blinking drowsily as she stares at something no one else can see. It's like looking through a dark fog, the pressure around the pair quite suddenly, that wasn't there before. She frowns deeply to the man above them, "...I don't think you're... Doctor...Strange. And I'll handle the pair as soon as the kid is clear. I... know the numbers to call. I'll be sure they're taken in by the police. Just... leave them to me." Her voice is almost protective about it, something sharper behind her words now. Challenging.

Loki has posed:
"At no point did I /pretend/ to be a cat. I spoke to you, as you recall I'm sure; I noticed your strobe light," Loki points out. There's no effort to pretend to actually be Doctor Strange; all of the visual and tone is Loki himself. Just the lie was fun.

"Excellent then," Loki says since Landry gave the go-ahead, flexing his palms across each other, and in the same motion moves to stand, and pulls the gold strands over the two fallen thugs. Is one of them screaming? Maybe a little?

Loki grinds his hands down into fists and the thugs vanish in oddly horrifying twists of the air. Magic is creepy, maybe that's all it was. While doing that, entirely disinterested in it, Loki comments to Hilde, "You know, what you just said sounded very much like a 'Tsk' to me. I did warn you about that. But I'll be nice about this. After all... you seem /very/ familiar. Deja vu perhaps? Hmmm. I'm sure it'll come to me." Oh, he remembers Hilde, he's just being obnoxious. He steps back, and literally starts to turn transparent, as if fading away like a ghost overstaying his time on earth.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod and started to push to his feet. "Yeah... Right, Magic and all. I guess you'd really be able to turn into a cat, yeah?" He gathered his backpack, and watched the thugs disappear into the strands of golden magic.

"That's so cool... I wonder if I'll ever be able to get my lights to do that... Thanks, by the way. Saves me a bunch of hassle." He gave a nod to Hilde as well, "And thanks, I promise to take better care. I'd rather not have to go through that all again." He started to slowly make his way away from the two of them, still watching over his shoulder as danger stranger started disappearing into nothingness.

He muttered to himself, "That never works right when I try it..."

Brunnhilde has posed:
There was something very strange about this all and by the time Hilde realizes what is happening, it's too late. The echo of their deaths is like a crack across the face, her whole body instinctively jerking with that feeling, but their bodies are gone and, probably, what was there of their spirits. Her blue eyes frantically search the alleyway, as if she expected to see ghosts or the crumbling of their bodies, but there's nothing now. Whatever he did, they are gone. The feeling is all gone. Her breath comes a bit too quick through her nose as she looks between Landry and Loki, "Young man, I... I don't think this is who you think it is. He's dangerous. And you should... you should go, if you can walk. Be safe. Clean it... out... A lot." She was clearly now quite worried for him, the only thing she has left to protect in the alley.

Then she's looking back to Loki, or what is left of his disappearing body. "...I... I am certain we've never met. I'd remember you... and that cruelty. Death has no reason if it's meaningless..." There is a heaviness behind her voice that isn't the meek, slip of a woman she normally seems, even if it last just a moment.

Loki has posed:
"Practice; if you make a mistake, you might end up dropping them from great height," Loki asides to Landry as if giving a kind caution.

Loki doesn't need a last word to Hilde, it appears, he simply gave Hilde an innocent look that speaks of his playful intent to mess with her mind -- maybe? Did he mean to kill them? It's going to be hard to glean true emotion off the mage, as he has now seemed to disappear.

Though those familiar with Loki should question if he actually is /really/ gone.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod to the woman, "Oh... Ok? Yeah. I'm out, like a light!"

He waved, and there was a flash of 1000 lumens for a split second. And he was gone.

Sort of. He was still limping along, and was just a few more yards down the road when they could see again. His muttering could still be heard, "Dang it... Never works right..."

Brunnhilde has posed:
Then Hilde was left alone. Loki seemingly gone, Landry half disappeared -- she didn't even get his name. And she's sitting there, swallowing back the taste of death and shock down her throat. Her fingertips shake slightly as she grabs for her pack of Newports crumpled in the side pocket of her cargo pants. She doesn't leave the alley for a long few moments, her mind trying to piece together exactly what happened tonight.