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Latest revision as of 19:23, 26 June 2020

Foxes and Raccoon Dogs.
Date of Scene: 25 June 2020
Location: Just outside Little Tokyo.
Synopsis: A Kitsune and a Tanuki chill on a rooftop.
Cast of Characters: Chizue Nakamura, Cecily Winters

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    The "Golden Tiger boys" had ousted much of the local Yakuza holdings in the area just beyond Little Tokyo years ago. They had always understood what moving into Little Tokyo would mean, it was more an element of Mutually assured Destruction to keep the Yakuza banks off their backs. It had worked perfectly fine for years, and the little apartment building had been relatively peaceful neutral territory. Then some god damned Ninja had started ripping off Yakuza banks, and pinning the blame on the various Triad outfits. She'd killed enough to get things in motion, all in an effort to disrupt the logistical support networks feeding the Hand and Foot clans. Ninja shit 101, in other words.

    It's just before midnight when that escalade pulls up to the curb, and four suit wearing toughs exit. Theres a glance around the joint, before they file to the back of the SUV to source a few bats, a machete and -of course- an AKM. Judging from the distinctive matching Gold sharkskin suits? Yep who else but the Golden Tiger Boys would rock golden suits these days? Anywho the four of them pause near the entrance to mutter to each other, before one of them lifts a hand and fishes out his cellphone.

    Owari watches her helmet's camera feed silently, as she pings the Triad tough guy's cellphone. Waiting for him to lift the phone to his ear, as she drops a gloved hand to the sword at her side, ready to spring her own little ambush. It's supposed to be at least a little public after all, she needs to send a message.

    Anyway the Triad lifts the phone to his ear and freezes, blinking as he lowers the phone to peer at the screen in confusion. It's enough to draw the attention of his three comrades, and seal their fate..

Cecily Winters has posed:
    It's not a bad night to be out and about, really. Little Tokyo has good food, good sights, and of course, interesting things to look at and collect. Cecily is working her way down a street, blouse sleeves rolled up, though still packing her shoulder holster, and carrying a book bag. She'd just left a sake bar, having been convinced to have a night out with some of her old NYPD crew, and while she drank very little, she did win a bottle as a prize for karaoke. Who knew the fox had a good singing voice?

    The Escalade swinging past earns a blink, her ears lifting, tails pausing in their swoosh, and she's rounding the corner it turned on when the Tigers pile out of the vehicle. She pauses, about three or four buildings down, lips pursed in a frown as she watches them gear up--and pause to take a call?

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    It's just a blur of motion, indistinct and swift. She moment she crosses from shadow to the dim light cast by a street lamp, shit's on. Tiger one takes a sword blow to the back of the knee, which is entirely sufficient to seperate his leg right then and send him tumbling. That frees up that sword to hurtle upwards into number two, the one with the AK held low in his off hand. That sword finds his hip and glides upwards, slicing through stomach, ribcage and exiting his shoulder as he slumps to the ground. Number Three has enough time to try and raise his club, only to find a short sword rammed into his throat hard enough to bisect his spinal column from the base of his skull. Three deaths in what feels like the blink of an eye, It's enough to get the tiger with his phone to turn and bolt.

    Slowly Owari places a shoe on a body to pluck her short sword free. That all but transparent camo of hers flickering now amidst the arterial blood spray, before before simply dropping into deep perfect black. That polygonal animal mask partially hidden under her hood finally flickering to life, revealing a vibrant neon purple Fox. "Not much of a //Tiger// are you?"That voice washed through goodness knows how many filters is rendered as a deep electronic snarl, of course.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    She's seen toughs like this before. Scum of the earth, really. But her ears lift and her brow quirks as three of them are finished off in a bloody ballet of steel and crimson. She's impressed, blinking and trying to be sure she just saw what she saw. It's enough to be caught off guard when the bolting Tiger charges at her. "Oh?" the fox snaps out of her reverie for a moment, and seemingly caught off guard long enough for the goon to get close with that machete raised high. "I make a terrible hostage, dear..." she says with a sigh, exasperated, eyes rolling. "...and I have no intention of being collateral damage."

    The blade-hand is caught at the wrist, the fox's arm going up almost instantly. Her free hand goes for the face, a hard punch shattering his nose and sending his head back at an awkward angle. There's a choked noise as he stumbles back and falls to the sidewalk, clutching at his throat. The fox, however, seems more concerned with the spatters of red from a broken nose having gotten on her clothes.

    With a shake of her head, she sighs dejectedly, "...One of these days, I'm going to learn to stop wearing any white at all..." Her gaze focuses on that purple mask now after, and she casts a tiny smile to Owari. "...oh? Hello, little fox."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    By the time The tiger hits the ground, well oh dear Owari is an awful lot closer than she was a moment ago. Giving that blade a flourishing flick, before all but throwing it back into it's sheathe. <<Whats this about, Since when did you guys start getting involved in Haga Business?>>Dropping right into Japanese as she approaches Cecily with a slump of the shoulders, before holding out a gloved hand. <<What, was Hachi too lazy to bring it himself? Nevermind just, give me the message will you?>>
    Sneaker like Tabi, black leggings, and a short waist length hooded cloak. That mask glows brightly for a moment longer, before going dark and all but fading into the background oncemore. <<I swear you kitsune, never want to do any of the fighting until it's convient and then you step in without asking.>>

Cecily Winters has posed:
    The Tiger is still on the ground, struggling to breathe through a broken nose and a bent windpipe. His neck hadn't been broken, which is all the more agonizing for the man. Cecily doesn't seem like she's about to put him out of his misery for the moment. The Japanese coming at her rapid fire makes her blink, and she holds her hands up. "Whoa, whoa, hold on, dear..." she takes a half-step back, but keeps her hands visible. She saw what this person did to those three in a blink. "Haga? Hachi? Message?" she sounds genuinely confused, her ears laying flat and her tails flicking in a semi-agitated fashion.

    "I was just heading home from karaoke..." she curls the fingers on one hand into a fist and points her thumb back around the corner from whence she came.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I don't care where you're coming back from, A Kitsune ought to know better than to get involved. You're going to end up getting both of us involved, so give me your message and get the hell out of here."She steps foreward, pinning a foot against the tiger's neck and with a slow roll of the heel? Yeah she's crushed his windpipe, slow like. Then well, it's back to offering Cecily an open glove. "I swear Hachi says you all get training, but it feels like every Kitsune I meet is either an airhead or has no idea whats going on."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily's main takeaway from all of this earns a blink and she glances back and down, her tails in her line of sight, before focusing again on Owari. "There's more kitsune out there?" she asks, reaching back to idly thread her fingers through the fur of her tails. "I mean, I've read the mythology, but I didn't know there were actually others.." she muses aloud, likely to the other girl's annoyance. Then her ears flatten against her head and she huffs, looking downright annoyed.

    "Well, hells to you too then... No, I'm not an airhead. Yes, I have no idea what's going on. The name Hachi is unfamiliar to me, and I certainly have no idea who you or the Haga are. Your business is your business and me..." she gestures to the man on the ground as his fingers clench ever so close to his fallen machete. Which she kicks to the side with her foot. "...that was self-defense."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Owari just, stares from behind her mask in complete silence. "Fantastic, a feral Kitsune in America."Slowly she glances about, before pointing towards the roof of the nearest apartment building. "Alright, I don't know that I have Inari's number on hand but I'll see if I can get you in touch with your creator, or one of the big Kitsune at the Jade Court or something alright? For now, we're standing over dead bodies here. So get'cher tails up there, and I'll help you figure this out."

    Slowly she rolls back onto her heels, before dashing across the road and vanishing down an alley. Appearing in profile up on the rooftop an improbably short amount of time later, because Ninja of course right?

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Feral...?" Cecily asks, "...I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you could find a few more ways to insult me... but you've left me with more questions than answers, and yes we shouldn't be standing on top of a crime scene..." she sighs, shaking her head. She watches Owari zip to the rooftop, and instead, takes her time. She's not a ninja, and she's not the sort to show off, so she walks across the street and finds the shortest way to the roof.

    To her credit, she's fast and agile, scaling the fire escape and shifting between windows and drainpipes without much trouble. She seems like she's got experience getting herself on top of roofs. "...really... need to stop... wearing white..." she grumbles, smoothing out her skirt and standing before the other woman now. "Right then. What?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "You're a Kitsune, there are a bunch of you. You all serve the Goddess Inari, messengers, spies and that sort've thing."Casually Owari slumps down against an AC unit, and casually pulls her swords across her lap. "A bunch of you lot are drawn from the traditional Ninja clans, but we're talking about Mommy and Daddy Kitsune."And finally a huff as she produces her cellphone, and plucks it from it's little foil package to scroll through the contacts. "Now if you have no idea what any of this is, either I'm gonna guess you were adopted or some manner of crazy bullshit happened?"
    And a huff, as she starts tap-tap-tapping out a text. "I'm Owari, a Ninja from the Haga clan. The Kitsune assigned to deliver me orders, is called Hachi. I don't have Inari's number, so I'm going to text him and probably Kaminari-san if he's tardy."And a huff as she drops that phone in her lap. "You shouldn't be out here on your own, without knowing whats going on. You'll end up mistaken for Huli Jing or Kumiho, and then you're going to have some nutbag trying to turn you into a coat."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily sits down and listens, and listens some more, watching Owari fiddle with her phone and send off messages. "I suppose the answer would be crazy bullshit, dear," she shrugs. "I'm Cecily. And... I've been like this for two years now. If someone wanted to turn me into a coat, well... I've been through a lot already so..." she gives another shrug and looks down at her hand. She tsks at the blood drops, and conjures a little wisp of blue-white flame, letting it spiral around her arm, burning the blood but not her skin.

    "Two years like this... the Battle for New York. I just thought it was some sort of... what they call them.. mutant awakening?" she pulls the bottle of sake out of her bookbag, regards it with interest for a moment, then stows it again, deciding that she's better off sober for what else might be coming.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "You're not a Mutant, you're a supernatural mail fox who serves the Goddess of Rice."Which is about as succinct as she can lay it out. Reaching up to roll that hood down and reveal, oh hey when did she change masks? It's like a Pink and white polygonal Raccoon dog mask now? "Your blood and your bones are powerful magical items, as is your skin and your eyes. Thats presuming you're not mistaken for the myriad of kidney eating evil fox type things out there. So we need to get you in contact with the Jade Court, so you can work something out with them."

    A hand sweeping the horizon casually. "All of this is just surface level for you, theres something like a thousand planes of existance beyond this one which Kitsune all deliver messages to. Theres also plenty of bad things, which a Haga Ninja like me can't even perceive beyond the biggest and baddest of them. So, like I sent a Text to Hachi and one to the Goddess Kaminari. I hear back from either of them, I'm gonna plug you in direct alright?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Supernatural mail fox..." Cecily quirks a brow. "...well, the only messages I send are on the backs of bullets... this magic and tail business is all new to me..." she exhales a sigh. "I used to be a cop, you know... I don't deliver mail. Nobody ever asked me to join a celestial court... and I'd really like to continue doing the job I'm doing now..."

    Then she laughs, tugging her glasses off and staring at them, "...and if my eyes are valuable for anything beyond being blurry, that's also a surprise to me..." she turns her spectacles over and over before putting them back on. "Maybe someone can finally tell me what -happened-, at the very least."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Look I'm Haga, so I don't do any of the magic or mystical stuff beyond whats immediately in front of me. We're the science Ninja, yeah? So We're gonna need to get somebody into that side of things to get you answers, but that might take a day or two you understand. We're not exactly close to home out here yeah, not much of a support network."Theres a little shrug there, as she brings up her mask's sensors.

    "Well you may end up serving a dramatically higher power than the court house when this is over. Kaminari-san is very nice, but well she's a little chaotic at first. Hachi is, a snooty asshole but not terrible people either. Just don't listen to any of his shit about me dating his sister, because he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about."Casually she leans back, before producing a business card with a flick of the wrist and sending it through the air in a neat arc towards Cecily. "Either way, until this is squared away. Call me if you need me alright, professional curtesy and all that."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    The fox is, at least, no stranger to ninja. But ninja are strange. She snatches the card out of the air with surprising quickness, and offers up one of her own. It's a black card, glossy, with a stylized fox outline in silver foil with nothing more than a phone number on it. "Likewise... I do violence for good causes, do give me a ring if you need a gun or two..." Cecily sighs and examines the card. "...with my luck I wouldn't be surprised if I served Inari Okami directly..." her eyes close a moment before she glances up to the night sky.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    That foxy business card is taken, and then well Owari is silent. Well to be particular she's silent because she, well is gone. In true Ninja Fashion, just poof without a trace. Leaving a mountain of gore in the street, and a single plain business card as proof she ever existed. Poof, Ninja vanish.
    Incidentally what -is- on a Ninja's Business card? Theres a QR code on one side, and just a phone number on the opposite. Not so much as a hint as to what it might be for, because well...Ninja.