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Latest revision as of 12:48, 2 July 2020

Tears in Heven
Date of Scene: 02 July 2020
Location: Angela and Sera's Brownstone
Synopsis: Thor fails to help Sera move.
Cast of Characters: Sera, Thor

Sera has posed:
Sera has always had very few 'things' i life. As an anchorite she had nothing but the prayers she was meant to recite, the memories of those fallen she was meant to live on. Once free from that torture she was always on the move, with armor and companion. Then when she died and found herself trapped in Hel as a slave she had even less still.

Now, Sera waits with baited breath for her //things// to come. But it's a rainy day and the app on her phone suggests may be today isn't the day after all. But Thor came, that's good at least. There's a fridge with some beer and pizza on it, a few boxes to act as tables and some cushions for sitting on.

The screen saver of life is set to maximum with the rain beating down heavily and thumping against the glass windows. Sera is transfixed, bad weather is so refreshing on this planet.

There is a vast distance between Thor and Sera emotionally - he is the son of the man who cut Heven off from Yggdrasil for one. But he has been nothing but kind to her since she arrived and it's time to mend some bridges.. it's not like she likes Heven's Queen and society any way, she just knows no better.

"So.. come here often?," Sera jests.

Thor has posed:
    The arrival of the Asgardian had been with little fanfare. The people near Sera's home most likely didn't even recognize the tall blond man as he awaited at the door for entrance to Sera's new domicile. But once he arrived he had met her, had given a fair and friendly embrace, and seemed so very warm and enthused despite the way the rain pelted him and left his sweat-shirt (which now was drying nearby) entirely soaked.
    Yet now, within the confines of the angel's new home, Thor Odinson takes his ease beside the window and smiles wryly back to her at her question.
    "First time, actually." He answers with a blithe manner. She'd seen him at the party, bombastic, charismatic. But here it was a microcosm of that. With just her and him and the rain. In truth it was lovely considering his own... affection for such weather.
    "Came to help a friend move. So proud of her, she has settled in at ease quickly."

Sera has posed:
"Who, Angela? she's adjusting." Sera likes the playful talk. No, she lives for it. She's a bard as well as a sorceress and given half the chance she'll talk someones ear off about her adventures. Inviting fellow mages to Stephen Strange's meeting of minds took her almost two hours because the full tale had to be recounted. To be fair, a lot of alcohol was involved.

"Oh, where are my manners." She turns to the fridge and begins to sing. Her eyes turn white and the magical energy leaps over to the fridge. It rattles on its legs and the door opens. Two beers float out across the room to her hands. She smiles and then walks the way back to the fridge to shut it with a hip bump.

One beer is offered to Thor. "This is called beer," she offers a salute with it to the man and twists off the cap of hers to take a sip. "It's very odd tasting. Very odd." The brownstone has a cool air to it with so little furniture inside and she hasn't attempted to light up the fireplace yet. "I've had a home of my choosing before. It's a strange feeling, like someone will come and steal it away from me at any moment."

Thor has posed:
    Accepting the beer he gives a nod and examines the label of the beer, then twists his own cap off and takes a sip. "You have my thanks." He tells her as he shifts in his seat, drawing one leg up across his knee and getting settled in more comfortably.
    "I have yet to meet your Angela, perhaps some day soon." His eyes drift toward the door as if the speaking of her name might well do to summon the woman whom he knows only as a mystery and not his sister fair.
    A moment as he enjoys the drink, eyes drifting to the side to the window and the steady patter of the rainfall. He lifts his drink and gestures with it toward the storm outside and tells her sidelong, "I trust you do not mind that I do not interfere with Midgard's weather overly much."
    Those bright blue eyes turn back to her, "I find that at times when I do so Midgard has a way of... pushing back."

Sera has posed:
Sera's eyes follow Thor's to the door. "Oh she hates getting wet, like a cat, very peculiar. I don't expect to see her until the sun is back out. But she can stay out, that's her issue to get over." There's a touch of a smirk on her lips and she shakes her head. "I didn't know you could, but it's interesting. Midgard.. I think I told you, where I'm from it was a myth, a legend.. apparently a bit like Heven is to the people here. They've twisted my home in to their own fantasies just as we did Midgard in to ours. Midgard is far weirder than any of the stories."

"So... are you, ...exiled here or something? I hear that Asgard is quite a place to be these days, far less of the war pit it used to be." She lifts an eyebrow - she knows the memories of those fallen to be true, but also to be a remnant of the past, perhaps long gone it seems.

Sera settles down on to a cushion and smiles at the dark skies out side. "I flew past the hole, the big hole that Brainiac made. People got upset that I was flying around there for some reason. I sensed great energy there. Disturbingly so."

Thor has posed:
    Uncurling a hand toward her, Thor speaks to what she observed with his own, "The people of this realm, they have such a penchant for stories. For tales and their telling. They took the meeting of myself, my brother, my father... our war against the Svartalfar. It left a mark on them and they wove such tales of us." His smile broadens as he shakes his head.
    "But no," He offers answer to her question asked. "I am not exiled. Asgard is wondrous, but Midgard... as you can see, Midgard needs our aid." He nods slowly. "I have been trying to do as I can to better the lot and the lives of those who dwell here. At times championing their cause in the Court of Asgard. Perhaps in time my father will call me back to serve as heir-apparent. Not too long, mayhaps a hundred years or so."

Sera has posed:
Sera looks at Thor very surprised, "So soon?" She's not even making a quip about it. As an angel, she would live forever save for being mortally wounded.. which happened. She hopes it doesn't happen again because this time she has promised to stay dead in the name of Elysium.

"Speaking of stories about angels.. egads are there odd ones. I can't quite fathom how they interpreted our first appearance on this planet, it must have been a very long time ago - before I was born even. But the most perverse are the statues of angels in the graveyard praying over their dead... is pretty much what I was forced to do for our dead for the first chapter of my life. It was very eerie seeing that. But weirdly they have almost all of their angels of prominence in their stories being male. That.. I rather like."

Thor has posed:
    A hand lifts to the side as if accepting her statements but having no insight to offer into the mortal mentality. But he smiles a little even as the rain droplets cast a myriad of shadows upon his features as they strike the glass and become slender rivulets that wend their way down the glass. "Take it as it is often meant, as homage, as a way to bridge the gap of understanding between two peoples."
    That said he takes another sip of his beer and then shifts on his seat to more face her directly. "Though I will share you a small touch of advice that I have gained in my time here."
    He leans forwards, his chair creaking faintly with the shift of the large man's weight. His eyebrows climb at first, then furrow as he tells her. "Do not gainsay what they tell of their tales. For some it is more than simple stories. It is how they handle that... great unknowing of what happens beyond the veil. It is how they connect to their past and ponder their future. There are... many tricks they place at the feet of my brother. Many accomplishments they have given me. Many wild tales of mine father. And for you, it is likely to be even moreso."
    He straightens up and smiles gently, "Have but patience."

Sera has posed:
Sera sits back and thinks thoughtfully at his caution. There is a large flash of lightning outside followed not far off by a rumbling of the thunder. It sends goosebumps down her spine and she likes it. "You speak wisely, may be you'll do a better job than your father at ruling one day.. soon."

She has no love of Odin, nor of the Queen of the Angels for that matter. She knows, in another life, she conquered Heven all by herself - but it was not a pleasant victory, it was not the best outcome for all. No, she is walking the longer path, the one with all the curves and twists, the one that results in the best of outcomes she can bestow upon the universe.

"I do not think I've said it plainly before, so I'll say it now. I agree with your thought that Midgard needs protection and I see how you have chosen to spend your time here for exactly that. I will soon be a citizen of this planet, I have no desire for my stuff to be blown up or abducted away on some stupid looking space ship. I wish to offer my services in defeating Brainiac. I know Angela feels the same."

Thor has posed:
    As she speaks he follows along giving a nod when she suggests he speaks wisely, but his smile grows as she offers the idea he might well succeed his father soon. To which he answers softly, "I hope it is not for a long. Long time." Which to an Asgardian is long indeed.
    But then when she offers herself and Angela to stand with them against the challenges they now face his features harden as he nods again more firmly. "Your wishes are already known to me and mine. I have spoken with Stark about you and when a time comes and there is a need for our shared strength then we shall all stand shoulder to shoulder."
    The way he speaks, with such surety, such strength of conviction. It's almost as if he was ready to rush off right now, to run to face whatever challenges dare raise their hands against them. But then his features shift a little with a wan smile that trails after that statement.
    "In any case, you will owe me after my helping you move. So there is that as well." There. Gotcha.

Sera has posed:
Sera lifts her beer up and grins back at him. She takes a long drink from it and winces a touch at the taste of it. "I find it strange to know so much about Asgard as it was, yet here I am sitting with Thor, son of Odin.. and we are friends." She tears up a little and then smiles to him. "It makes sense, I never bought in to the patriotism of Heven. It's hard to get fervent about it when you're their servant, only good for breeding." She rolls her eyes.

"Speaking of Loki, what is the deal with him hm? I hear he does magic tricks. I've forgotten more about magic than I care to admit. I will raid the libraries if I ever return to Heven so that I can refresh my memory. As it is, I must really strain to think of the more obscure ways magic does things and how that translates to my way of using it - song. Given enough time, I can usually achieve anything I set my mind to - but in the heat of battle, time is rarely our friend. This is why I hide behind Angela," she smirks again.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, Loki."
    At that she can see the Asgardian's features shift. It's a slow transition. The light fades in his eyes as he looks again toward the window. The shadowy circles of the rain drops cast upon his features now seem a grim thing instead of that vibrance it had when he had simply been smiling. His brow is heavy as his eyes distance. Thoughts and memories taking his voice from him for a moment.
    Then he looks back and tilts his head her way. A small smile is given, though sad. "Indeed, he is a great master of magic. Moreso than I had known and perhaps even now a greater power than I had imagined. At least in some ways."
    A hand lifts from the bottle as he lifts it up, fingers flaring a little as if he had no real answer for Loki's 'deal'. Instead he tells her simply, "My brother fell prey to... ambition. He felt perhaps unappreciated. Felt that he was not loved. So he turned his mind to plotting the downfall of this realm. Of Asgard. It was through his actions that he cost many lives of the people who dwell in this city. We faced each other, and he fell. Though where he is now, I do not know."

Sera has posed:
Sera seems contemplative for a moment and then nods her head. "I knew of another, in another life, another reality who also fell victim to ambition. She sat on a throne with all the power in all of the realm of Heven, our thousands of conquered worlds spread across thousands of brilliant suns. But she was alone, with nothing but false admiration and no love left in her heart, an empty vessel having lost everything to gain the dominion she sought. Victory at all costs is more expensive than some realise."

Her hands begin to glow as she sings out a tiny song. She holds them up and from upstairs a lute flies down and in to them. "This is a lute I was gifted by its creator earlier in the week. He said he had never heard one play the lute so well." She begins to pluck at the strings. "It is the best lute I have ever played and I told him so. He seemed very happy." Her plucking takes on the notes of a tune and she begins to sing in English a song about the lonely Queen of Heven who lost everything she never knew she needed to win everything she never knew she didn't want. It is sung in a minor key, rather sad song indeed.

Thor has posed:
    She has no idea how raw the feelings are for what passed with Loki. Nor how he last left his brother. No idea the way her words and the music might prey upon the thoughts he's had and never shared. But she may gain some hint of it, some small glimmer of a sense as he looks to her as she plays. He turns his head and there is once again the acceptance of the storm that embraces him. Ever a comfort though now it simply seems to engulf him with that touch of melancholy that is there from the subject, and then grown stronger with her quiet sad song.
    As she sings he does not look at her, he looks without. At the rain droplets and the small steams along those minuscule curves upon the glass. It's only when she finishes that song that he takes in a deep breath. He looks back and to the side at her, not directly at first more beyond her and to the side as he murmurs. "That was lovely, thank you."
    A moment, then he turns to face her more directly smiling but his mouth is closed, pained perhaps. But then hidden well. He repeats. "Thank you."

Sera has posed:
Sera starts to feel a little guilty at how pained he looks. Her eyes well up a touch again and she simply smiles back to him and nods. No words needed. The wind changes direction and the rain beats against the glass again. The rumble of thunder in the distance.

She lets the sound of the rain filter the moment out. She rests her lute against the wall and finishes her beer. With a wave of her hand and angelic alien sung words another two beers are liberated from the fridge. This time the fridge door closes. She places the second down next to Thor's chair and opens the top of hers. "This place even has a basement, if I need to do any weird rituals. Alas, no training space for Angela. Nothing down there can handle her kicks and punches. Also, no space on the roof to park a spaceship if I ever get one. I've always wanted my own spaceship. The ones they make here on Midgard are woefully primitive. I rather love the way they do technology here. It's incredible what they achieve with twigs and fire."

Thor has posed:
    Welcome for the change of subject, and quick to allow it to take his focus, Thor nods with that same smile. Though after a moment he lets it broaden though his tone is still a touch subdued. "It is good then that you have found a place to stay that so suits you." He lifts his beer in thanks for the giving of it, but also in toast to the sentiment of her having a home now.
    A sip is taken, then he sets the bottle down upon the window's sill near him. Yet it's the mention of their technology that he smiles, "Do not be so quick to dismiss it. They are ingenious with what they've done, and men like Stark. And Richards? They will help them come along all the faster."
    He turns in his seat and rests his weight upon the arm of the chair, eyes meeting hers. "It is said that chaos provides the crucible needed for innovation. Such times are upon us."

Sera has posed:
Sera hops up and runs up stairs. She comes back down with a book and pencil. She writes down that line and smiles, "That's a good one. I will have to work it in to a song some time." She sits back down and says, "That's what I mean though. They have so few tools, less knowledge, but what they do with what they know is innovative and beautiful."

"It's a very dire prediction. May be this is just what life on Midgard is like? may be it's always this crazy and the more humans there are the crazier it gets. But, I suppose now they attracting a lot of attention from outside their little solar system hm."

"They are very unprepared for what's out there. Heck, I'm just one sorceress and I am unsure the best course of action against an enemy that destroys who neighbourhoods. But it doesn't seem to have quelled their spirit. I have spent time amongst the people, mourning the loss of those from ..Mutant town," she points out the back of the brownstone. It's two suburbs over. "I have dealt with a mutant who was so upset he lost control of his sensibilities and powers. No one out there, no one wants to give up, to stop fighting. Yet none of them have been trained to be warriors either. Amazing."

Thor has posed:
    "There are warriors among them." Those are the first words he gives in response, the speaking of it causing his lip to curl up a little. "Do not discount those who defend this realm. For they also have a penchant for making friends and many have taken up their cause."
    That said he lets his smile grow a little, "For, in truth, those who have the Mighty Thor on their side, how can they lose?" Ah now there is the braggadocio, the arrogance. But that smile might well give the lie to that, likely more self-deprecating than some would imagine.
    "Yet that is the way of the mortals here, ultimately. It does not matter what others consider the facts of the matter. There is e'er hope held in their hearts, and if given the option to surrender to despair or soldier on in the name of even the smallest chance..."
    Thor turns to look at the window again before answering, just a glance before those blue eyes find hers again. "Well they will forever choose the latter." Perhaps he's right, perhaps not. But that is how Thor views these people he has adopted.
    Or is it the other way around?

Sera has posed:
There is a nod as she takes in what he's saying. She trusts this man. Perhaps the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Nah, skip that nonsense, he's friend. Sera picks up her phone and types in 'the Mighty Thor' and then raises an eyebrow. A smirk also. "They're a weird lot these humans. I kind of like them. So fragile, always on a knifes edge but totally oblivious to it. What a way to live." Sera looks to her phone once again and sighs as a message comes through. "The truck has returned to depot due to bad weather and will be rescheduled for tomorrow. It seems, the heavy lifting will have to wait." It's not so much that the items are heavy, sure, they're heavy.. both Thor and Sera are far stronger than a human, but leverage and the delicacy of the items demand teamwork.

The rain continues on for the remainder of the afternoon and they chat to each other about parts of the lives, their adventures and the people of Midgard. It is, for lovers of rain, a lovely afternoon...

Sera has posed:
The sign on the door, one more little joke by Sera, "Heven on Earth". Freshly cut in to the old wood by Sera herself. This afternoon they shared a new bond and some tears in heven.