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Latest revision as of 19:20, 7 July 2020

Dancing Queen
Date of Scene: 22 April 2020
Location: Club Highline
Synopsis: Dance Dance
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Mary Bromfield

Bart Allen has posed:
Believe it or not, Mary and Bart finally found the time to set up a date night again!


Bart had the idea of taking Mary out dancing, and so he was looking up clubs fo rthe past three days, uncertain which one Mary would like -- or if she was even a club person to begin with, but he wanted to be fun and sporadic and surprising. Whether he is any of these things is clearly up for Mary to decide.

But! Bart said he would meet her there, which means he used his Super Speed to get there. He was really just wearing fashionable clothes: some nice jeans, good running shoes (that doubled as decent dancing shoes) and a nice shirt, because its still a date.

He seems to look nervous, but then again he's always nervous where Mary is concerned.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary isn't too much for clubs, but she definitely was keen on the idea of going out and doing something fun. So, well, as Bart arrives there's a not-so-distant crack of thunder and lightning. Then around the corner walks Mary, wearing a dark blue silk shirt with long sleeves, hair hanging loose over her shoulders. She's also wearing a modest black skirt, the hem daring to actually show her knees, which are clad in nylons at the moment. She grins and spins a bit for him, "Hey, how do I look?"

She flashes him a smile, then looks over at the club, "Sorry I'm late, had to help someone get a cat out of a tree." Her eyes sparkle with a bit of mirth at that.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart hears the crackle of thunder and lightning and he already knows who it is. He smiles a little bit to himself before he turns to look upon Mary as she rears around the corner and looking like a million dollars.


He was actually speechless. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

d'aww, that was sweet.

He looks at the club for a moment, and realizes that people might be dancing immodestly. Hell, -they- might be dancing immodestly. But, he smiles at her anyway. "Shall we, my lady?" he offers her his arm and hand. "How are you today?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary isn't exactly the immodest sort, but when in Rome, "Sure." She blushes a bit at the compliment, then slides her arm through the offered crook of his elbow, "And yes, let's."

She grins and leans against him slightly, "After you, Bart." Her head tilts a bit, as she chuckles, "Definitely easier to have the wardrobe change... don't have to worry about things getting messed up before I get here."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart chuckles a little bit to Mary as he holds her close, being steady as she leans against him and his head rests upon hers. "Definitely, I imagine. But I don't think there's a chance in anything that you could mess up." even though he seems oblivious to what she means by 'messed up', he doesn't seem to imply anything.

Bart opens the door to this club and it is POPPIN'.

People are all over the dance floor, the DJ is playing some sick tunes, and everyone seems to be having a great time at this more high-end establishment. "Glad we made it to the party!" Bart says to Mary's ear in a way that isn't too loud or obnoxious.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary laughs, looking around, "Yeah, definitely!" She says that fairly loudly back to Bart, giving him a grin as she stays pretty close. Her head bobs a bit to the beat, unable to help herself, as she looks... well, fairly fascinated by everything.

It's almost like she's never been in a club before!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart chuckles as his head also starts bopping to the beat. Though while some people would rather get some drinks in their system before they dance, Bart starts leading Mary right to the dance floor. "Dance with me?" He asks her like they are at a ball or something, his hand caressing her gentle and soft knuckles as if he's trying to be romantic to boot.

She could always say no if she wants to do something else, but Bart was apparently intent on making sure both of them had an amazing time.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, taking the offered hand as she steps up towards him, her free hand resting lightly on his hip as she smiles, "Alright... you lead." She's pretty sure that amidst the throng of bouncing dancers, a pair looking to dance in a more traditional manner seems pretty... unusual, to say the least.

She gives Bart a smile, as if half-expecting him to bounce around like all the others and not lead in something more... classical.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart laughs a little bit as Mary puts a hand on his hip, his own hand lightly holding onto her own as he starts to just dance with her. He allows this slow dancing to happen for a moment, though one can tell he intends for it to speed up a little bit, though it was like Mary was teasing him in this way.

"Lemme know when." he tells her, making sure to more whisper it close to her ear while giving her a kiss to said ear to be playful.

He really doesn't mind the slow dancing, he's just loving spending time with Mary.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary laughs softly, blushing a bit at the kiss, "Well, you should set the pace... I mean, you're in the lead." She then leans in and whispers, "Just keep in mind I can't go /that/ fast right now..."

I mean, she's not Superman, when she's Mary she's Mary. No superspeed at the moment, as she prepares for a bit of a pickup to the pace...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart chuckles a little bit as she tells him he's in the lead and its his call, her whisper about her not being able to go that fast right now does make him smile, and the fact that she's whispering in his ear just makes him blush.

But, with a chuckle, he starts to bounce and get 'lit' as it were, willing to dance with Mary in a very energetic way -after- he gives Mary a twirl as the signal to start just goin' all out with wild.

This should be funny.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary spins away, twirling as her skirt flares up, and she starts... dancing. She's not particularly good, but she's got enthusiasm, as she grins over her shoulder at Bart. It's not quite a Safety Dance level of bad, but well... what she lacks in skill she makes up for in enthusiasm as she tries.

She really does. But then, Bart thinks she's adorkable in general, right? This probably helps that image more than she realizes as she sways and moves to the music.



Well, it's not as bad as Shepard in Mass Effect at least. Barely.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles as Mary spins away and starts dancing with enthusiasm. Truth be told, he's not exactly the best dancer ever, but he's still better than Commander Shepard. He's also better than Chandler from Friends, but not by exactly much. He dances with Mary happily, even twisting back into her space to give her a quick kiss on the lips and just enjoying being close to her.



The wall to the club explodes with tremendous force and who is standing there? Dr. Sivana with some kind of seismic canon. He seems to look around. "SHAZAM!" he calls out, though he omits the 'lady' part because just saying Shazam is apparently enough to proclaim his ire for his mortal foe (and his family).


Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary looks just /about/ to kiss Bart, and then...

EXPLOSION! Thank goodness!

For interrupting the dance, not the kiss. The kiss was fine!

Mary's eyes go wide as she sees Sivana with the seismic cannon, "Oh geez, I thought he was still in Arkham!" She flashes a look to Bart, "Can you get us out of here for a quick change?" Since, well, apparently Sivana is expecting Shazam...

But maybe not expecting her and Kid Flash?

Bart Allen has posed:
Oh come ON!

They were about to have a moment!

But the dancing is over and thankfully, Bart and Mary are hidden in the crowd. When she asks Bart to help get them both out of there extremely quickly while the madman screams one word like he's doing a weird, wimpier interpretation of the Hulk.

"Can do. We'll be out in a flash." Bart picks Mary off of her feet and is suddenly -gone- from the area. Out of the building and actually down the street to give Mary plenty of time. Of course, Bart puts her down (and held the back of her head so she wouldn't get whisplash.) before with a spin, he's in his full costume.

"Well, date night just got way more interesting, huh?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary chuckles, "Watch this guy, he's a loon, but he's really smart." She starts running, then shouts, "SHAZAM!"

Lightning cracks outside the club, certain to get Sivana's attention as Mary-now-Shazam(?) launches into the air from her run, flying over to hover away from Sivana, arms crossed as she looks very stern.

"If you wanted to dance, you should have paid for a pass like everyone else." Her eyes narrow a bit, as she watches Sivana, waiting to see what his play is going to be. Best way to try and stop him, after all.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart chuckles. "Heh, we'll take him down in five secs max." Kid Flash starts moving, and Sivana looks at Lady Shazam with a hint of disdain. "You wear HIS symbol, you are my enemy like any other!" and he, of course, starts going into his monologue while Kid Flash gets into position, moving and weaving between individuals until he finds himself behind the bar, ready to pounce at a moments notice.

"Oh no no no, I don't wnat you, I want SHAZAM HIMSELF! For too long has he laid me low like I was inferior, but no, I am superior! and I'll prove it by laying waste to she who wears his emblem!" he laughs maniacally as he tries to fire his seismic canon at Lady Shazam!

Bart takes that as his cue, speeding out of cover to try and take Sivana out with a shoulder tackle at high velocity, but only after he fire sthe weapon.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary launches herself into the air, flying quickly out of range. Because well, if Sivana designed that weapon to take out her brother, then it would probably do a number on /her/.

Then she loops around as Bart clocks Sivana with the shoulder tackle, knocking him down. Landing quickly on the ground, her foot crushes the barrel of the seismic cannon, ruining the weapon.

With that, she picks up Sivana by the scruff of the collar, "You don't have the Seven Deadly Sins backing you up, and there's more than one of us, remember?" She narrows her eyes at Sivana, "I don't know how you got out of Arkham, but I can't wait for you to get right back in there."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart takes out Sivana and Mary crushes the weapon.

This dude had no idea how overmatched he was.

"WHAT?! No no no NO! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE HELP! HOW DARE YOU DEFY SIVANA!" He's mainly yelling at Bart, who gives him a wave of the finger-flexing variety, like that of a princess mockingly waving at someone. Its entirely meant to mess with him.

Which of course just angers him. "I WILL HAVE MY MOMENT AND I will have my revenge!"

Of course, the sirens of policemen roll on in and five officers come in to arrest Sivana. "We'll take it from here. Just got word two days ago this guy broke out, more than happy to put him back in. Good work you two, you saved a lot of lives today."

Bart looks at Lady Shazam and gives her an upnod like 'Oh yeah, they're the Mancubus of this story'.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles at the officer, "Yeah, I figured... good thing we were here so no one got seriously hurt." Sure, sometimes it's that easy, but then again, he wasn't expecting her to have help this time.

Then again, he wasn't expecting HER, either. Then she flashes a smile at the officer, nodding to him, "Call me Thunderbolt, actually. Lady Shazam just feels... a bit too 1950s." She crackles a bit with electricity, as if to emphasize that, then looks over at Kid Flash, returning the upnod before she launches into the sky.

But she's definitely traveling slow enough that Bart can catch up with her on a nearby rooftop, easily enough.

Bart Allen has posed:
"Perfect timing as usual." Kid Flash also comments. Before he smirks to the newly christened Thunderbolt before she flies off into the sky.

"What a woman." the cop comments. "Hands off." Bart replies jealously before he zooms off! in slow motion, he sees which rooftop Thunderbolt is going to and meets her atop it.

Or he'll try to. But with Sivana locked away again, they can finally have their moment.

"So...date night got interesting." Says KF as he lowers his mask.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt, now, grins at Bart, then says, "SHAZAM!"

A crack of thunder and lightning later, and Mary is standing there, skirt and shirt unmussed and not a hair out of place. "Yeah, definitely. Wasn't the worst thing but... well, I'm just wondering how he tracked me there. Or rather, thought he was tracking my brother, but..." She shakes her head, looking thoughtful.

Then she flashes a grin at Bart, "So, Thunderbolt. What do you think?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart looks at Mary now that she's done doing that whole 'magic word' thing and seems to greatly prefer Mary. She looks perfect and he has no issue at all with this.

"No clue. Maybe he was just trying to get attention? Don't they always do that?" he modified his voice to suit the point. "My name is Sivana, all of you will die!"

Back to normal voice.

"But, we got it sorted, so its all crash. As for thunderbolt? I think it fits. I know you definitely lit up my life." He chuckles.

"Speaking of..." he walks towards Mary and brings his hands up so they can wrap around her if she allows. "Can I have that kiss?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Well, I dunno..." She leans into the embrace, placing her hands on Bart's shoulders, "I mean, what if Mister Mind shows up or something if we try /this/ time?"

She winks, then tilts her head, giving Bart a warm and heartfelt kiss, relaxing and letting her guard down in his embrace. Apparently deciding that it is, in fact, worth the risk.