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Coordinating Efforts
Date of Scene: 08 July 2020
Location: Charles' Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Hal and Jean work to coordinate the X-Men's help for the assault on Brainiac, with the blessing of the Professor.
Cast of Characters: Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Hal Jordan

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles' office has the tidy disposition of a well kept space, except for the small stack of papers upon which rests a tablet on his desk. The fireplace is absent of heat considering the summer, instead the window with a small sofa underneath it sits open allowing an evening breeze to cool the room. The man sits in his wheelchair, eyes catching the time and a small smile moving to the corner of his lips as he awaits the arrival of the company for the evening. Two chairs have been set up, one opposite of the desk and the other more adjacent to the desk to allow for fluid conversation.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean arrives after a few moments, wearing a rather casual outfit today. Green silk blouse with a matching long skirt, something appropriate for a schoolteacher. Maybe not so much for Marvel Girl, but she's not planning on fighting any Brainiac drones or Sentinels just yet. She nods slightly towards the Professor when she enters, "Good evening, Professor."

She pauses, then looks around, "Any word on when he was going to be arriving?" She hrms a bit, moving over towards the chair nearer to the desk, skirt swishing as she moves.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Now appears to be the correct time for his arrival. The Green Lantern flies to the front door...when whoever answers escorts him to the professor's office, he takes the seat in the offered chair. "Thank you for meeting with me, professor. With such times as these, we all need to have a little trust in each other, particularly when the enemy's from, well, other space sectors. Brainiac's a galactic level threat, so I'd like to set up some coordinated efforts for future assignments to fight him off...and to get those he captured back."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Xavier gestures to the open seat before he smiles towards Jean, "Anytime now... or well now," he amends quickly. As the Green Lantern springs into the conversation, Charles blinks a bit but then clears his throat and rests his elbows on the desk. "I understand the concerns you hold. And believe me, we as well hold those concerns, we are not unaware of threats that extend from beyond this world." A slight pause comes then, "However, we work very hard to keep our school insulated from the public. As you no doubt understand, there is extreme bigotry and hatred towards Mutant-Kind, as such I have asked my good friend Jean Grey here. There is no one in this world I trust more and I believe she may be a bit more able to hear your situation. You see, I focus on the educational side of Mutant Kind, whereas Jean has taken an expanding role in coordinating responses."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles slightly, looking over at Hal, "Yes, we met before, when the Sentinels were attacking Washington." She nods slightly, "Marvel Girl, at your service, though I trust you won't spread that around. We are... definitely familiar with galactic level threats, and we want to do whatever we can to get our people back from this Brainiac."

She looks over at Hal, "But the safety of the school is paramount here, even though quite a few of us are more... active, in the heroic area." I.e. The X-Men, which she leaves unsaid, but the meaning is quite plain, as she continues, "And we don't want to give Brainiac too much time... we need to be able to take the fight to him."

Hal Jordan has posed:
Green Lantern nods, as if he expected that sort of concern. "Yeah. We protect our identities too. While we don't have an entire section of the populace hating us, our individual enemies would go after our loved ones at the drop of a hat if they knew who to target. We'll want to do this in such a way that no scrutiny comes back here. As for getting to Brainiac...he's up in space, and if you guys don't have space travel on your own, I can bubble those who wish to come up and take him on. I'm...pretty sure you've all lost more than a few friends when an entire city just got up and kidnapped like that. Let's bring them home."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles nods his head, "I believe that could be reasonable. When are you intending to launch your strike? Who is coordinating the effort?" Some of those tactical details are asked towards Hal before the Professor turns and looks at Jean, "Experienced individuals only, preferably those with self sufficiency in space where possible. I'm sure there'll be plenty of volunteers."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "That's what I was planning, and I was already working on assembling a team. I'll need to talk with Scott about that." She glances back towards Green Lantern, "We can probably get to space easily enough, but depending on the distance, it might be easiest to coordinate our efforts that way. I can telepathically link the attack groups, when we finally make the strike as well. Plus... if we can /free/ the people, assuming they are in a position to be freed, that would be an immense level of support for the fight."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"We'll still need to have ways to transport those he kidnapped home. I'm pretty sure about 99 percent of the people he took aren't spaceworthy. And we don't want Brainiac either destroying his ship and letting the void of space do the work, or speeding off to other space sectors to put some distance between him and Earth. We're gonna be putting all the spaceworthy vehicles we have that can transport...well, a LOT of people together. We have to account for not just the town he took, but the entirety of Genosha. There's a chance many of the Genoshans may still be alive...including their original king. Would Magneto at least call a truce to deal with Brainiac if he's up there?"

"We're gonna make our move this Friday, so there'll be time to prepare for this. The League is coordinating the various groups heading up...we're gonna have the Avengers as well. Possibly the Titans, if we think they're up for it."

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Magneto, if he is alive and there, is unpredictable at best. I would not wish to fathom the possible path he would take," Xavier states quietly before looking towards Jean, "I would prepare for the worst case scenario of an extreme retaliation against Brainiac, thus you should prioritize rescuing the people as quickly as possible out of any potential danger. This will reduce the risk of catastrophic injury to civilian life."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hrms, "I think Magneto's first priority would be safely getting the mutants home, and ripping Brainiac into his component atoms a close second. But you know him better than I do, Professor." She nods, "But, if Magneto /is/ there, we should try and get him freed. Considering the power Brainiac wields, not only would Magneto himself be an asset, he'd also be able to sway the other captive mutants into helping out. However, to say he's... mercurial is an understatement. But he's not a fool either, and would at least cooperate while there was a greater threat. Particularly one that he has a grudge against."

She pauses, and looks wryly at Hal, "Do not underestimate Magneto's ability to hold a revenge chip. He relishes those, like a fine wine." A bit of a shrug, at that, as she looks back at Charles, "Times like these I wish I still had that cosmic power, though."

Hal Jordan has posed:
So, the professor says 'get the civilians out first', which was really the sensible option anyway. "Regardless of whether or not Magneto proves cooperative, the first goal should be getting the captives out and on to a seperate spaceship so they can be transported out of there. He's not the biggest threat to the people up there, Brainiac is, and I can't put it past him to just destroy his own ship to maximize casualties. Or enter hyperspace and go far away, like I said earlier. If we can put Braniac down for good, that'd be ideal, but he's probably too resourceful for us to do that and save people at the same time."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Xavier nods, almost as if distracted then straightens some, "Well excellent. I will leave you to coordinate with Ms. Grey. Please know when it comes to the humanitarian side of things, the school is far more equipped to help with that on an official front and if any assistance towards that end is needed after the operation..." He pauses, "Well, we have always stood side by side so it will continue. Did you have any other thoughts or concerns?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods slightly, looking at Hal at that, "It sounds like you already have a fair amount of people organized for this. Obviously I'd like to come along as well... I'm pretty well known among other mutants, for good or ill, though I think most of them at least respect my abilities, if they don't exactly like me." Being one of the original X-Men has its advantages, apparently, as Marvel Girl has been active for a while in that regard.

"Who else did you have ready with the other groups, I know there were quite a few assorted heroes in Washington when Brainiac arrived."

Hal Jordan has posed:
Humanitatian work? Oh, there'll be no end of that. "I can think of a ton of humanitarian work that'll be needed. Let's say we do rescue everybody. Go us. However, Mutant Town and Genosha were still wiped off the map, and these people have nowhere to live and no possessions. We'll have to make sure they get all the help they need, and quickly, so people like Magneto don't try to take the assistance they need by force. We do not pro humana sentiment rising in the aftermath of this." But...it was sadly likely if they didn't get all the assistance they need fast enough.

"From the Avengers, it's likely they'll send Thor up, Iron Man too if he manages to tinker his suit to being space worthy. Hulk seems likely to show up too. From the Titans, the ones that have gone into space before...like Supergirl, Wonder Girl, those types are very likely to make it up into space. Almost all of the spaceworthy Justice League should be up there. Superman, Power Girl, and Wonder Woman all played big roles in the last space attack."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Xavier nods some and glances at Jean, "The blackbird could be modified for flight I suspect, we should have Hank look into that as quickly as possible." He swallows again then and looks at Hal, "If the operation is unsuccessful, and Brainiac is able to leave the system. Is there a plan in place?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean frowns over at the notion of Brainiac escaping with the mutant population, "That's... an excellent question." She looks over at Hal, "Would the Corps be willing to assist at that point? I'm presuming they are looking at this right now as a purely Earth problem, but if he crosses... what would they be, sector lines?"

Hal Jordan has posed:
The Lantern nods. "That's basically the plan for if he manages to get out of Sector. Once he's in another sector, the Lantern of that Sector can be summoned in to help. Which is just as well...the spacecraft we're using to get people home aren't capable of making multimillion lightyear jumps in a timely manner, so the only real way back at that point is with our Rings. Even the Kryptonians may need a lift if he flies somewhere with a red sun...which it would make logical sense for him to do to weaken at least 3 of his strongest opponents."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods slightly, "Point. Well, it seems that whatever attack we plan, a primary consideration has to be to disable the ship's propulsion system. Him leaving the system, let alone the sector, would be catastrophic to our chances." She looks thoughtful for a moment, "To be honest, we're still recovering from some other recent... problems, so I don't know how many of us are going to be available to help. But if nothing else, I'll be there to assist."

Hal Jordan has posed:
The Lantern looks concerned. "...Is that anything the League can help with? Don't hesitate to call us if you need us. ...Humanity as a whole makes poor decisions at times, but you can rely on the League even if humanity as a whole is making poor choices." The League is called the Justice League for a reason, after all.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"That will be a bridge to cross in time I suspect," Charles says quietly. "And we will keep your aid in mind should it come necessary. But for now, the focus on this operation is most important. I believe we have a good amount of work to do on our end with not much time. We will be prepared however."