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Day-swimming and 'Draculina's
Date of Scene: 04 April 2020
Location: Rooftop pool in NYC
Synopsis: Blake and Jade meet. Swim and chat ensures before Blake has a poolside meal!
Cast of Characters: Blake Riviere, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden

Blake Riviere has posed:
There were plenty of myths about Vampires out there, about their weaknesses and strengths. Some are true, some are not, some are 'sometimes' depending on the vampire. However, as the sun was still in the late-afternoon sky? Blake wasn't slumbering in a coffin beneath the ruins of an old castle; she was resting by the pool.

No flaming, no screaming, the pale woman was wrapped in a black two-piece swimsuit trimmed in red ribbon ties that were no doubt deliberate in their matching to her usual prefered dress. A pair of dark glasses shielding her sensitive eyes from the glare of the light, she currently lounged with her feet in the water.

A vampire sunbathing...who'd have thought?

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    A pool in New York in April? Jennie-Lynn assumed it'd be pretty deserted, which she's okay with. She needs her exercise and hasn't yet made friends in New York she feels comfortable asking to accompany her to the gym, so a good combination of workout and security would be New England swimming a couple of days after April Fool's. She emerges from the changing room/shower area in a two-piece that's slightly too bright and pastel of a blue to totally work with her dark green skin tone but that she likes anyway; her skin is beaded with droplets of water from the pre-pool shower but her hair is still dry because, for some reason, she didn't want to get her hair wet before she got her hair wet. She laughs aloud at herself as she realizes how dumb that is while she passes by Blake, shaking her head at her own foolishness and sparing the white woman a glance from the corner of her eye.
    "Cute ribbons," Jennie-Lynn says in passing, her walk toward the deep end slowed but not stopped, ready to move on if conversation seems unwelcome.

Blake Riviere has posed:
It probably was a little colder than most could tolerate, but that added to the comfortable decrease in crowds. Later the sun would be down, the nightlife would begin and Blake could intermingle with the people to seek out the distraction and sustainance for the evening. For now? Her eyes are closed, but senses as sharp as hers even under the fading daylight are quick to notice the arrival of another. Tilting her head as she's addressed, the woman smoothly shifts and rolls onto her side, propping herself up on one arm as the other hand lowers her glasses to regard Jade.

Even with Blake, there was a noticable 'blink' at the woman's skintone. A mutant perhaps? Interesting. "Thank you," she speaks, the lilt of her accent hanging to her tones while she offers a light smile. "We all like to have a little unique 'flair' on things, no?"

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    Jennie-Lynn pauses her walk toward the business end of the pool and smiles at Blake, wondering idly what color her eyes are under those huge sunglasses that are kind of tripping her radar. "Yeah, I know just what you mean. Me, I'm all about pins." She's too young for that to be an Office Space pun. "This is just my 'I need to exercise so I'm not gonna put in a lot of effort but I'm still feeling okay wearing a bikini' swimsuit, though," she explains rather apologetically, as if its lack of personality is something to be ashamed of. "What are you doing? Just relaxing?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
Sure enough, deep blue eyes look out over the rim of those glasses at the green-skinned girl. Lazily propping herself up onto her behind, she props herself on her elbows and chuckling lightly. "There is nothing wrong with a bikini either, obviously."

That question? It earns a little shrug from Blake. "Sunbathing, relaxing...a little exercising too. Sometimes I like to see what catches my fancy."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    Jennie-Lynn smiles at that last, though there's a touch of cynicism in the corners of her mouth. One too many Orion Slave Girl fantasies have left their mark on her, even if she's never heard that from a woman before. "Yeah? Makes sense. Guess you've had kind of a long winter, huh?" she asks diplomatically, freshening her smile so the question might not seem as neg-ish as it probably comes off. "I haven't had to worry about tans in a while, so I kind of forget what winters can do to your complexion."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I travel," Blake shrugs, unaware of the fantasies and approaches Jade has likely had to deal with...but truely the pale girl really did seem to take the green skin in her stride. New York was a weird place, one learned to just roll with it. That and...being a vampire tended to change one's views on 'Normal'. Finally pulling herself up to sit properly, her legs idly kick beneath the water for a second before she gestures toward the water. "You're welcome to join me. The worst parts of winter are isolation after all. What makes it seem so 'long', hmm?"

If Blake had been looking for a tan? She was still looking, but at least she didn't seem to have burned yet either. Good lotion perhaps?

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    Jennie-Lynn does not bother considering the offer. Adventure comes from a yes, not a no. She lowers herself to the poolside by Blake and nods. "I don't know, I never really feel isolated in this city, but maybe that's because I come from a much smaller one. Have you been in New York long? Your accent doesn't sound local."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"New York? No...a month or so maybe," Blake's eyes close for a moment as she inhales a deep breath. Every moment the sun got a little lower she felt a little 'brighter', stronger and more comfortable...but of course, she also felt hungrier. It was distracting, a craving that most probably couldn't understand, instead she turns to look back at Jade and giving a little laugh. Her accent? It sounded almost English, that 'Queen's English' of someone who might be taken as noble and educated in some settings. "And you? Have you been in this city long? Long enough not to feel isolated anyway..."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    "Nah, just a few months," Jennie-Lynn explains, smiling. The dark doesn't bother her; she has a light, after all. Her own accent is completely contrived, as false as the "generic American" accent they teach in British drama schools, though she's had enough practice it comes out smoothly. "Moved in to Mutant Town. The people there are really nice. I love it."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Finally, Blake slides down into the water, a delighted sigh coming from her lips as she sinks down deep enough the water can brush past her neckline before rising up once more. "I have yet to visit there," the vampiress admits, a small little quirk of her lips coming from her as she listens to the green-skinned woman. "That is a comfort though, people can be harsh and cruel oh-so-often. One can't help but finding themselves craving better company."

That smile lingers, gaze fixed on Jade almost unblinkingly. Predatorily even. She really -was- hungry after all.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    Jennie-Lynn notices the stare but doesn't comment or let her smile slip. She can take care of herself, that thing with the army of mole people notwithstanding ('If you've never lost a fight, then you've never learned how to win one,' she thinks randomly, and makes a note to use that line in a video soon). Besides, Blake has a nice smile, and Jennie-Lynn is willing to bet those sunglasses meant something.
    She slips into the water herself, smiling back. "It's not exactly an exercise pool, but do you do laps?" she asks politely.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Sometimes," Blake nods, absently lifting her hands up to smooth her deep black locks out of her eyes and instead tilting her head to the side. "Some of us have to work hard to stay looking this good. Blood sweat and tears...or at least one of those things." She actually giggles at that thought, perhaps amused by the idea that most would assume she had ment the second option. "We can't all quite look as wonderous as you after all."

A more overt flirtation perhaps, but there's a light wink offers along with a smirk. "By all means, if you're wanting to, you needn't ask permission as long as you don't mind an audience..."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    The corner of Jennie-Lynn's mouth quirks in a little smile. "I was more asking if you wanted to join," she says wryly.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Ahhh," a soft chuckle, the girl in black nods, giving a little smile before her bare shoulders shrug. "In that case? How could I refuse such an invitation?" Still smiling, Blake gestures lightly with her fingers. "After you then..."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    Jennie-Lynn smiles at Blake a little longer than is necessary. Her instincts are singing an opera of warning signs, but at this point she'd rather play along, either to spring the trap being laid before her so heavily or to find out she's wrong and this is just a nice person who's interested in her.
    Interested in her, but doesn't want to ask her name. Right.
    Jennie-Lynn composes her mind and disappears under the water, surfacing face down, swimming hard toward the far end of the pool.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Sometimes, it can truely be a little bit of both. Certainly Blake had changed since she'd shaken her original Master's hold on her. Once she'd been wicked and hungry, a monster in every sense of the world...now she was her again, but she was still a vampire. Certainly Jennie was appealing, nice company and friendly...she found the girl likeable even after just this short time, and yet...well, it was like being hungry for days and then catching scent of your favorite meal.

Beneath the water as she began her own swimming, pace perfectly normal and -human- for now, the scent was a little easier to bare, the sound of the heartbeat was a little easier to ignore. It might be stalling, but she'd keep up a few more laps before she'd come to stop, hanging onto the edge of the water and breathing harder with a sigh.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    Jennie-Lynn surfaces with Blake and looks at her curiously. "Everything okay?" she asks. The sigh didn't sound quite like a gasp for breath.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake herself, by the time Jennie draws nearer? She's looking a little flushed, another shrug of her bare shoulders. "Perhaps I am still 'waking up' after relaxing so long?" she offers, a statement mostly said in humor. She shifts, releasing the edge of the pool and facing the other woman proper. "I realise I have been rude, perhaps distracted by...enthralling company, not to offer my name." Another breath, her hand comes to her chest while she bites down on the corner of her painted lips. She could feel the slight 'itch' of her hungry fangs, but she'd fight it a little longer. "My name is Blake..."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    There, see? Trust people, and the best will come out. Jennie-Lynn smiles brightly, warmly, sympathetically. "It's okay. I was playing it kinda close to the chest myself. I'm Jennie-Lynn." She offers her left hand to shake; a cultivated habit.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Well...strangers," Blake offers with that same smile, although it fades a little as she clenches her eyes closed in the same moment the hand is taken and she offers a firm and fond squeeze. "It is normal to be uncomfortable around those we do not know, even one as enchanting as yourself." Yep, definate flirtation there, but the vampiress lets out another sigh as the sun finally sinks down and the last of its light fades behind the cityscape. In some ways it was a relief. In others...

With the dark about them, it might be hard to see when Blake's eyes open again, but those deep blue orbs had changed...a faintly luminescent red having replaced them. "But I'm not dangerous..." she speaks, practically purrs while her gaze meets Jennie-Lyn's own...and there's something...different about it. "Just glad to have met you..."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    "Not dangerous," Jennie-Lynn agrees breathily, her eyes wide and blank.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake wasn't a monster...at least, she didn't think so. The girl was nice, she did like her. Good conversation, pleasent to look at and friendly to strangers. She really had no intention of being 'dangerous' to Jennie-Lynn. She just...needed something from her. A small dose, but enough to quiet the hunger another night.

Gently one hand comes up, a pale digit still carrying cast-off water for a moment as it stroked its way up the green-skinned girl's cheek, cupping it gently. "You're wonderful Jennie-Lynn...you deserve to relax..." Another purr, this time the vampiress was drawing her nearer, almost an embrace as she nuzzled towards the other girl's neck while they rest within the water. "I won't hurt you..." A gentle tilt of the head coaxed by that other hand, Blake finally allows her fangs to extend as she leans down. Perhaps she would think the better of biting someone so obviously different another time if she were less hungry but well; Jade was very much full of 'life' and that was what she needed. One last little reassuring murmer was offered to her companion so softly it would be inaudible if there'd been any other witness.

Then those fangs sink in...

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    Her flesh is punctured and the green life coursing through her arteries charges into Blake's mouth. Jennie-Lynn is quiet and complacent, no longer present at all, the pain of being stabbed in the throat and the coldness of life rushing out of her subsumed under the suggestions to be peaceful.
    Jennie-Lynn is quiet. Elsewhere, something is not.
    The birthmark on her right palm, the one she's careful not to show people, flashes emerald. Flames that are undeterred by the fact that they're underwater lick up Jennie-Lynn's arm, then fire in a tightly controlled ray down to the bottom of the pool, all of six feet down. A tumor-like blister of green energy forms there, its shape amorphous at first but clarifying into an inhuman face. It bulges, bisected and lumpy like the hemispheres of a brain, dotted with dozens of misplaced blisters that might be eyes, though placed seemingly at random on its tumorous skin. Two-thirds of the way down its face, a mouth yawns, made not of jawbones and teeth but seven relatively tiny arms ending in mutant teeth that, when curled up together, form the impression of a jaw. Its tongue is the size of a porterhouse steak and covered sparsely in blindly grasping fibers the length of rat's tails. The senseless face, made of crystalline energy in which green fire burns, surges blindly up toward Blake and Jennie-Lynn, its monstrous maw open to feed on what swims into its grasp.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Whatever force or will created the 'thing' that Blake had become, it was perfectly designed for what it did. The feeding? It was the most pleasent thing in the world for Blake...and it was made to feel that way for her victims too. Insideous as it was, it wouldn't do to have the one you were feeding on struggling...the 'kiss' was made to make someone surrender. Of course, she wasn't going to take enough to cause damage. Just enough the other woman might feel tired, maybe even a little light-headed...if she remembered the experience she'd know, but it was equally likely if not moreso that the bewildered mind would just leave her thinking she'd exhausted herself swimming.

The blood was different, almost dizzyingly so. Splicing into the 'chaos' to sustain herself was a rush and a half...but it wasn't quite enough to blind her to the surging light that suddenly races towards them. Was it from Jennie-Lyn? Was it something else entirely? She couldn't know for certain...but she had to move! Fangs withdraw, the vampire's tongue flicks a swift stroke across the marks that seals them supernaturally quick. They'd heal, but the mark would linger for a day. Of course, she wasn't able to indulge in the 'afterglow' of feeding, instead she lept with newly-fuelled speed, her grasp holding the poor dazed green girl tightly as she soared out of the water and back across the rooftop to safety. After all, she couldn't be certain it wasn't a risk to the girl...and she did find her quite likable so far!

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
    It's the cold that wakes her up. A heated pool in early spring is one thing; drying off from a heated pool in rooftop air in early spring is quite another. Jennie-Lynn snaps to consciousness with a shiver, and with her dreaming mind no longer fueling it, the non-euclidean monster reaching for the duo also vanishes. She blinks and asks, "Sorry, I must have zoned ou--wait, where?!" Her voice is rising with outrage, and ghostly wisps of green flame outline her in a faint nimbus in response to her anger as the only logical option presents itself to her mind.