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Latest revision as of 10:16, 15 July 2020

Monday Afternoon Coffee Comin' Down
Date of Scene: 13 July 2020
Location: Rise N Grind
Synopsis: Siobhan gets coffee, and friendships are made, numbers exchanged!
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Siobhan Smythe

Mary Bromfield has posed:
It was a pretty busy morning at the Rise and Grind, as the popularity of the themed coffee shop seems particularly high with the 40 and 50 somethings that grew up with the kitsch decor that the 80s-themed shop is lavished in.

Currently, Mary's behind the counter, helping handle things as there's a bit of a break as the coffee shop has hit the mid-afternoon lull before a small push after work. But most of the business is done in the morning, so she's giving some of the other employees a bit of a break while she mans the counter. Her normal T-shirt is replaced with a "Hawkins, Indiana A/V club" shirt, complete with a small Demogorgon drawn beneath the logo as she looks... well, honestly, a bit bored.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
The girl wasn't exactly out doing what she often does. Siobhan was just out getting coffee for a change. So, when she walks in, she smiles at the place. She looks around slowly, smiling as she looks at the people that are here and she nods softly at the environment. She walks toward the counter and nods to the girl up at the front, "Hello, dere." She says with her usual Irish accent, loud and proud. Her eyes scan the board and she then shrugs and looks toward Mary again.

"I'll 'ave a cup of whatever the house coffee is." She nods her head, "With just a bit of sugar and do ye have any special cream?" She asks with a tilt of her head, "Cause if ya do, I want dat, too." She leans a hand on the counter and looks back at the people here.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins over at Siobhan, "Well, sure, we can do that." She pauses at the mention of 'special' cream, arching a brow, "Though we do have a couple different types of cream, so... define special?" She pauses in ringing it up, and while waiting for Siobhan's response also asks, "And did you want anything other than the coffee? Still have a few croissants and bagels here."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"A croissant works." She nods her head as she looks over at Mary before hmming, "Like, do ye have a house special or anthin'?" She asks and tilts her head, "I'm not from around here and was somewhat curious if dere was any type of special thing only this coffee shop has?" She chuckles softly as she looks then to the mentioned bagels and the like before smiling back to Mary, "I just like ta try whatever is special about a place." She chuckles.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary ahs, "Well, we do have a mocha cream that we use... here, I'll whip that up for you." She grins, "And well, we have all kinds coming in, but your accent is pretty nice there. Ireland, right?" She also rings up the croissant, then says, "That'll be seven fifty, then. And well, most of our theme comes from all of this..." She gestures around, "But, I did make sure to bring in some darn good coffee ideas when I started managing the place."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A grin and she nods her head, "Yes, Ireland." She nods her head as she pulls out some money and hands it over to her, "I see. The manager, huh?" She asks and then she looks around at the environment before she considers it and looks back at Mary, "I noticed ya had music playin' but I'm curious if ya ever have any form of live music?" She hmms and then she watches as the coffee and such are made, seeming interested in the methods.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hmms, ringing up Siobhan as she says, "Never really had much of a call for live music, honestly. I mean, most of our business is in the mornings. But... well, I have had some people ask if we'd be open later in the evenings. I guess if we did that, then we might look at some sort of live entertainment too." She pauses, glancing over at Siobhan as she preps the coffee, "You're a musician, I'm guessing?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smile and she nods her head, "I am!" She states simply enough and nods her head, "I am a singer and I play guitar." She smiles as she waits on her drink, leaning over on a counter lightly before saying, "I am interested in any opportunities I can get. If ya decide ya want ta have someone here singin', I can certainly be de one to help out." She nods again with a wide grin.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Well, I can't guarantee we'll do that, but I know some people at other coffeehouses that do the evening thing. If you want, I'll get your name and number to them." She slides the croissant and coffee over towards Siobhan, giving the Irish girl a warm smile, "What style do you do?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smile and she nods, "I'd appreciate it, for sure." She then nods her head as she offers over a piece of paper that has her name and number, "Siobhan Smythe." She states and takes her coffee and croissant and nods to her, "Well, I have a lot of different styles. I really like to work with soft rock, pop and other things along those lines." She nods her head as she takes a sip of her coffee and smiles even as she nods her head, "Dis is good."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Sounds cool, I don't really have much of a voice for music, but I like listening to it." She chuckles and offers her hand, "Mary Bromfield. Currently working my way through school, when not doing about a million other things." She beams as Siobhan likes the coffee, taking the paper and pocketing it so that way hey, maybe she can help out.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Taking the hand, she smiles and gives it a shake before she pulls back and takes her croissant. She takes a bite and mmms as she then sips her coffee, "Fantastic." She nods her head as she looks over at the area around, "This shop is nice. I like the music." She nods her head as she looks over at the various people here before looking back to Mary, "How long have ya been in charge of this coffee shop anyway? Ya are workin' your way through college so seems like an awful lot of work."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Yeah, I was just a barista over at the Coffee Bean when the manager position opened here. Didn't think I'd get it, honestly, but the interview was aced and well, here I am. Owner's pretty good about working with me so I can go to school too." She smiles, "Only been doing this for a few months, but it's definitely been a lot of work. And don't even get me started on my hobbies either... I wonder that I have time to sleep!"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A grin and she laughs, "Sleep isn't all that necessary." She winks and chuckles, "Just if you wanna stay sane." She looks down at her food and then back up to Mary with a blink, "Hobbies?" She asks and tilts her head, "Ya already know I play music. What do you do for a hobby?" She asks and hms even as she takes another bite of croissant.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary chuckles, "Well, nothing really as cool as music, but I'm a cosplayer. I do a lot of role-playing games, a bit of streaming for fun, and I like dressing up for it. It's just fun to pretend to be someone else, you know?" She grins, "It's a pretty welcoming community of people, from my experience."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A grin and then she laughs, "I can understand wantin' to be someone else." She nods her head even as she looks down at herself a moment and up at Mary, "Not sure I'm all up for goin' as far as dressin' up." She laughs and shrugs, "As long as you enjoy it? That's all that matters, right?" She then takes a sip of coffee and takes another bite, "Well, so long as no one gets hurt while ya enjoy yourself." SHe laughs and nods.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Yeah, so far no one gets hurt, even when I'm waving around a wizard's staff. Though I admit my little brother might have gotten beaned by a twenty-sided die once." She coughs a bit, "But yeah, that's what I like to do for fun... what about you? I mean, it can't be all drinking coffee and playing music, right?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A laugh, "In a way, it is." She laughs a little, "Spend much of my time performing, looking for places to perform or drinking coffee." She chuckles, "Maybe I read a little but really I've been explorin' the two cities. New York and Metropolis." She nods her haed, "I enjoy both." She shrugs, "Lots to see and do so I guess I have been busy. Was on Match Game when I first got here."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, "Wow, really? That's cool, how'd you do that? Wait, you're not like some famous celebrity musician and I just ruined it by not recognizing you or something..." She looks a bit sheepish at that, "I mean, I've done some gaming streams, mainly because my little brothers keep pushing me into it, they do a podcast, but I don't pay attention much to media."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A laugh and she shakes her head, "Nah, I was a contestant." She nods her haed, "I just was in the right place at the right time and I won." She chuckles, "Now I am using up that moeny while getting gigs." She grins and shrugs, "Just the way tings are, I suppose." She then looks down at her coffee and sighs, "It's kinda my dream to do more and hopefully I can with my music."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Well, I'll see if I can help you out. I know some people that would be interested... and hey, if you like geeky crowds, I'm sure I can put a good word in for you at some of the local Cons." She sighs a bit, "But yeah, definitely can understand going paycheck to paycheck, growing up the way I did, things get pretty tight more often than not."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smile at her and she nods, "I know what ya mean." She states, "And I don't care who I play for as long as dey want to enjoy demselves and smile." She grins at Mary, "I just really want to make people happy, ya know? I know what sadness is like and I hate it. Was real bummed to hear about de whole mutant town ting." She then looks up with a smile, "Rather glad that it went de other way."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "Yeah, definitely. It was looking... pretty grim there, for a while. Glad that Brainiac got stopped, though. Good to see people coming together, especially here in New York." She looks pretty cheerful, at that, "Now, well, it's just good to see things getting back to normal. Well, as normal as New York gets, anyway."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A grin, "Seems pretty normal ta me." She nods her head, "Just wish..." She shrugs, "Wish there was more I coulda done." She looks down at Mary briefly before looking over to the other people here, "Lots o' people were out and upset. Marchin' around, tryin' to get deir voices 'eard." She nods her head, "I could see the pain on de faces of de people and..." She shrugs, "I just say by."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary sighs, "Yeah, there's not too much one person can do, I guess. But a whole bunch of people together... well, that can shake the world, Siobhan." She smiles, "You just have to keep faith that things will work out, because eventually they do. The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice, right?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A frown and she nods, "I'd like to hope so." She then looks down at her coffee and lifts it to take a bit sip before looking over toward Mary again and grinning, "Sorry, rough life." She chuckles and nods her head as she shifts her stance. She takes a bite of the croissant and then she looks over at Mary with a nod, "I just sometimes feel like I'm not livin' up to myself but den, I just keep tryin'."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "All you can do, right? Just do your best, because it's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done, and you just gotta know how to take the hits." She then chuckles, "Grew up in Philly but the family moved to Queens a few years back."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Ya know, just cause I'm from Ireland doesn't mean I haven't 'eard of Rocky." She chuckles and nods her head as she looks over at Mary before she nods her head and looks down at her hands, "And all I can, right?" She asks and then she shakes her head, "Sometimes I wonder." She then looks up to Mary with a grin, "Well, I tink I have taken up enough of your time." She nods again as she turns her gaze over toward the door and back to Mary.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary chuckles, "Well hey, you ever need coffee and a pep talk, we're always here." She grins and waves, "Nice meeting you Siobhan. Glad you could stop by when we're not too busy."