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Latest revision as of 01:23, 17 July 2020

Faeries in Central Park
Date of Scene: 16 July 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Fairies meet for some greetings and questions.
Cast of Characters: Glamour, Meggan Puceanu

Glamour has posed:
Rumors of Faries showing up in Central Park is easily enough to bring Glamour to its location. So far as she's seen, she's the only actual fairy around, and finding some others would be... interesting, if frightening.

So she's parked her little glowing self in the park, in a tree, and is doing her level best to keep said glow suppressed. On occasion, a glimmer of blue light can be seen high up in the tree she's parked in, but honestly, most people aren't perceptive enoiugh to notice and they're too busy going about their own business, and in a park this huge, what ARE the odds?

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Faeries in Central Park are quite real. The folk festival that was in swing yesterday continues today, though with a wide cleared area around the central lake. Four stages work, though this early it's not so busy yet. Several food trucks are out, people milling around. It's a daytime hour and the tourists throng to hear a couple folk singers going through their warm ups. Meggan walks through the reasonably populated grounds with her hair swaying in a thick braid. A fresh, clean bandage wraps around her calf, secured by a tidy star-shaped bandage. Very sporting!

She stops at one of the food trucks to buy the cheapest thing she can: hot water. For a buck she gets a refill on her travel mug. The fresh bag tossed in gives a fresh inundation of caffeine that the well-known environmental activist needs. Silver and gold hair falls across her face with a hint of her pointed ears visible. Rolling off the balls of her feet keeps her in sleepy motion, looking around now and then. A bit too open to emotions right now, following whatever twigs her interest.

Glamour has posed:
"I don't know what I'm hoping to accomplish here," mutters Glamour to herself, her voice a little ringy-and-bell-like because of course it is. She tucks a lock of hair over her ear and sighs. Whatver magic occurred, well, it's done and gone now, isn't it? It's just a festival of folk, rather than a fair folk festival full of red-beret wearing tiny peoples. If only she hadn't missed that.

But thenre there's a ... sense of somethjing. A charge in the air that she doesn't usually feel. A whisper in the back of her mind that directs her eyes, falling towards the slighty-tapered-points of Meggan's ears.

"Well, I'll be. That looks real."

She takes a moment to scout her approach, choosing to grow her size. While there's limits to how long that will last, it ought to last long enough for her to make her introduction, and find out if she's part of what happened here.

So now dressed in a flowing green-blue dress, she descends from the tree and soon begins walking the direction opposite of Meggan and towads her. "Hey you," she chirps, cheerfully. Her voice still sounds... well, like it does. She can cover a lot of things, but she didn't think to cover that. A bit lyrical... and a bit fae.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
A folk festival of many people, especially those buying tickets and grooving to the music. It might be more subdued from the night before. Nothing like a fight and fleeing folks to make the music take a backseat and have guests reconsider visiting. Meggan has a small pass on a lanyard under her tank top. Just in case, she looks to the lakeside edifice that held the Celtic Warband group before all the trouble started.

Some broken rebar and abandoned drinks lie there. Some of the trash must be cleaned up, people working on tidying up the signs of mayhem.

"Right shame." Her hand fiddles with the top of her jeans, twisting a belt loop.

Once the singers pick up on a far venue, she might be prone to heading that way. There are Ren Faire types and people in blousy costumes but none are really going full elf. Or casual fae hiding under a human visage. Give the blonde a few moments and she rubs her brow seeing a glow in the direction of a pitched chirp. A glow vaguely outlined to her, and pointed interest. It works like a magnet on her empathy and she blinks again.

"Hullo!" Yes, friendly greetings, if a teensy bit bemused. It's been a long day. "I... You weren't here last night, by chance?"

Glamour has posed:
"Nope," says Glamour.

"But given that you just asked me that, I'm getting the feeling you were, and given the tips of your ears, I'd say we have a fair bit in common, don't you?" She's trying to keep her smile, even if her heart is thundering in her chest.

"Why don't you come with me, away from the crowd? I don't have long but I wanna know what happened and I have a feeling you might be able to tell me a little bit. I've been a fairy for exactly... five months and, boy, it's *rough*."

She's just throwing it riiiiight out there because ohgod how else do you do it?

Her smile gets bigger. That's a forced one.

"But maybe you've seen me in the papers? PRobably not. I'm not exactly famous: Glamoiur, Fae-themed superhero, downlow kinda on the fact that I am, in fact, actually qa frigging fairy who never killed fritz. Or anyone for that matter."

r But then she's steppping off the path, clearly hoping that Meggan will follow. "Not gonna hurt you, or anything, I promise!"

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"Oh. Ought to all be cleaned up, but you'll want to keep an eye out. They can jump and move awfully fast, the red cap goblins."

Meggan sounds English, but a strange brew of Gaelic, English, Welsh. That's what you get living in the Lake District, harbouring old hints. "Oh, yes. It was a fine concert until the redcaps came along. Pack of spoilers." Her mouth crumples up and her nose wrinkles a bit. "I thought putting word out might shake out a few more of the community."

Deep breath because that anticipation or anxiety, whatever shape it takes from Glamour, comes pushing back to her. She shakes out her hair a little, showing her eyes to be a startling, clear green.

She follows the floating petite woman. "You were born five months past? I know time flows funny here and there, but you've grown faster than I ever thought possible. Faster than the larval faeries that like to eat people, but they are a rare swarm, usually not round here."

Some might look around at them but you never know who pays heed. "I can tell you some, of course. Right unfair of me to bait people with a post and not say a peep after. So here we are then, all the same. I haven't heard of all the heroes around. Glamour, that is your name? I'm Meggan." Which puts the fame to the name as very few climate change champions are blonde, Meggan, and... well, pointy ears. They give her away.

She inhales deep and breathes out again. Cleansing air. "All right, then, right. We had someone fooling around with a trinket that summoned redcaps in a murder from the Otherworld."

Glamour has posed:
"Oh, yeah. I saw the video. I was peeking over someoine's shoulder at the time, but I saw it," says Glamour. "Not like I can hold a phone much of the time," she remarks, a hint of subdued, droll humor in her voice as she leads Meggan further away from the others, where she might not be seen. There, she dispenses with her disguise, allowing her full nature to be expressed more outright, a flutter of her wijngs and a tiny fairy lights itsself upon a branch, glow suppressed for the moment, but the sheer motion sends a plume of fairy dust in all directions. She's tinker bell, yo.

"Oi," she says, her face screwing up like she uscked on a particularly sour lemon at talk of a trinket. "What kind of idiot fools around with a magical item and then summons a bunch of fairy magic into the world?" she remarks.

"Oh, right. That's what happened to *me* in December. Has it really been that long? God, time moves so weird now. Like..." She waves her hand. "I don't /feel/ it the same way. Maybe it's being small. I don't know. Anyway, hi. Glamour. Fairy. Superhero. Nice to meet you. And you're Meggan. Nice to meet you, Meggan! I saw the pointy ears so I figured, heeeey, something weird about you since they looked as real as mine." She tucks a lock of hair back over her ear again, making a point of exposing the point once more. "Seems like it all got cleaned up, though, pretty well. I would've liked to help but *someone* locked the door and do you know how hard it is to get out of someone's house when you're six inches tall and low on magic?"

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan follows a little further from the thick of the crowds and into the shadier spots allowed by the park. Hard not to appreciate some protection from the sun. She has neither a hat or sunglasses to spare her fair skin from getting a solid burn. Wings showing up in the flesh... are wings counted as that, maybe? That gives her a bit of a smile. Dust and sparkles, she knows the source exactly. "You're like a pixie. A right-sized pixie that is."

The strong lines of a tree make a good place to lean so she leans. Still on the balls of her feet with her heels lifted, it's like watching a ballerina or a cat walk around. Someone trying to be a cat? But clearly not pretentious, more like unconscious. "Um. Daft git if you ask me, someone playing at being a Slytherin wizard with not a thought of what he did. Worse was using his charm to open a hole to the Otherworld and then throw a hex. All that's hurtful magic. Listen to me, speaking of magic like it's everyday business and not just in that Game of Dragons show. Or The Magicians, except it's all evil."

Pop culture references are a given even while Meggan pushes her hair away. It's heavy and she has a lot, enough to make any hair stylist drool or run for the hills. "You say happened to you. You mean you weren't just a pixie but because a pixie? I've not heard of that before unless you always were one and maybe didn't know? Sometimes I think it happens, like... an awakening, a hatching. Puberty." Ugh, no one needs to remember puberty, it's the worst. "My ears aren't weird," she insists. "Not like the great huge pointy things that some people draw or stick on, and they can't even get through doors. Mine are real. I don't hide them so much here as I did back home, but that's because half the time people think I want to be Legolas or a lady elf in Tolkien and it gets utterly awkward in the worst ways. People can be such boors. Anyhow, the trinket's back in better hands. The redcaps were mostly taken but a few could be about. They are sheer malevolence itself, all about violence. One bite would have you whole. Do be a dove and be careful?"

Glamour has posed:
"Nooo, I definitely wasn't a Fae and didn't know it. No, it's a long story... well, okay, it's a really short story. I was a dumb arse and got a whole lot of fae power dumped on me and then I wound up looking like this, right? I'm a real bonafide faerie these days, unfortunately." She does a flip through the air and aims to flutter around Meggan's head, just a quick trip.

Fairy dust gets everywhere.

"I'm pretty tough! They'd have another thing coming if they messed with me! Squish! And what not." She smacks her palm with her fist and winces.

"...okay, not really. I'll beware. When I'm down this size, I have the proportional strength of a wet noodle."

She considers a moment, then adds, "I mean, really, I've had people try to trap me in a bottle like I'm a lightning bug. It's super rude. And I didn'ty say your ears were weird! I have 'em too, after all." She spins in the air once, a twirl of glitter.

"I hate the sparkles but what can you do?"

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"Right." Right? Meggan has a worried look shaping her brows and rounding her mouth. "So you got transformed by fae magic. This could have been any sort of spell on a charm. I don't know." She opens and closes her hands, reaching for the unknown. "I don't -- that is, I really haven't ever seen something like that. Calling up the fae through the water and setting them free is wrong, awfully wrong. It sticks in my throat that he used redcaps. They hurt people."

To say the least, given the footage on social media. Bloody effective, combative buggers, but small enough to be kicked by people. Like evil watermelons with a ballistic temper and ugly bloody hats. She doesn't sneeze on the dust.

It makes her awfully shiny though. "They can eat just about anything, I'd be cautious if I were you. They got me." She points down to her bandaged calf, done pretty expertly. "Great, awful rows of teeth. Like those deep sea fish that have the lights on their heads, the scary one in the Nemo movie. Something like that." She speaks just as fast as Glamour does, and it's not a conscious choice. Shifting to speak at that pace and rate and choice is instinctive.

The sparkles get her smile, and she says, "They're awfully pretty. You could probably make a popular addition to a party. But that's not really the point. You wanted to know. They were called up by the charm, the redcaps; they went away when we took their hats and flung them in the water or burned them. A girl was here, throwing actual balls of fire. Burning them up and they went berserk like angry dogs. So you see one, don't be too foolish. They move fast. "

Glamour has posed:
"... well, I kinda broke it and the magic had to go somewher-- well, there's more to it than all that, really, but it's all a bit beyond me, but that's why I wound up staying with Lady Clea for a while. She's super nice once you get past the part where she's terrifyijng. ANYWAY!"

Glamour hovers in the air in front of Meggan, dragonfly wings beating rapidly to keep her aloft.

"It's not the kind of thing that can happen again, but I *am* curious about *another* faerie relic turning up locally. That makes me wonder just how coincidental me finding mine was right here in New York City. Okay, it's PROABBLY coincidental, but maybe it wasn't, and that makes me nervous." She slips around to eyeball her calf, making an inspection of her calf.

"Ow. I heal fast, but ow. I don't want to experience that. Okay, so.. like..."

".... I wanna know you're story but I'm running out of time and I need to get back home before I get tired. I dun wanna be stuck out here when I have to nap, yo. How can I reach you?"

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"Terrifying and super nice. I see. That's like an awful lot of people." Meggan clasps her wrist and gives a faint little smile. "I'm trying not to be terrifying, but I hope it all turns out well for you. I know what suddenly turning is like."

She watches Glamour floating there with those lovely wings, admiring them. Like glass and painted stars.

She shakes her head. "How? I don't know how often but I can say not so common. I haven't heard of so many of them. You might have more luck lookin' round antique shops or something else, perhaps. Maybe?" It's a bad guess at that and she gives a little nod.

"I'm fairly easy to find. Instagram or Twitter, Lady of the Lake. Or just about anywhere online. I go to Columbia. You can ask, no one else has my name. Puceanu's not common in America."