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Latest revision as of 18:29, 22 July 2020

Evil doppelgangers have goatees
Date of Scene: 22 July 2020
Location: Longyearbyen, Norway
Synopsis: Two sisters from different universes, and together, they save worlds.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Karen Starr

Kara Danvers has posed:
It turns out that an ice avalanche can't be stopped with super cool breath, nor with heat vision, nor simply by being fast. And so Kara sits with the group of people she rescued. A small set of homes underneath a large snow covered icy mountain. Their homes are destroyed now, but Kara dug them paths back in so they could rescue their things.

The mood is sombre and people seem to understand that she did all she could for them. She sits on a frozen log and watches as the community organises themselves for their evacuation back to Longyearbyen proper. If only Kara had learnt how to speak Norwegian. "Hello" and "Thank you" only go so far.

She wasn't exactly trying to keep her where-abouts a secret. Her cries of frustration are easily detectable by those with super hearing, if they're listening for the younger Kara. Sometimes, nature is more powerful than a Kryptonian.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl's arrival is only heralded by a noise that Supergirl can hear- yet she is only likely to hear it after the older woman has already arrived, having outpaced the sound by a... Rather unsettling margin. When she arrives, it doesn't take her long to understand the whole of what happened, and her response is calm, collected, and lacks a condescending air- despite how it might be taken.

    "So you can dig a trench, in the path. Kal used to set up these big barrier stones, too. I prefer just slamming into it from the side, sort of parallel to the line of the snow. Hit it hard enough and you just blast it into the air, comes down like ash or loose snowfall. People might have to dig stuff out if you're late, but it's better than having to relocate or rebuild."

    Setting herself down, arms folded in a way that for her is nonchalant, but for most... Just isn't fair. Certainly, it's not because she's cold, but she has this stern expression on her features. Clearly, she isn't just here to socialize.

    "I need to talk to you about the Hulk."

Kara Danvers has posed:
The sounds of an incoming fast-thing, probably family.. may be Kal? She stands up and sees.... her doppelganger from another universe. The expression on her face doesn't so much harden as it takes on a skeptical look again. She believes what Kal said, that this is her from another reality - but still, it's hard to believe, even with the evidence right in front of her.

The suggestions of how to approach this next time bring a curt little nod from her and she folds... dangit, she's doing that. She isn't quite sure where to put her arms now. "Thank you for the suggestions K.. Power Girl."

Though at the mention of Hulk, despite the stern expression, Kara actually smiles a touch and asks, "What's happened now, did he stub his big toe?" She smirks a touch though it is clear there is a fondness in her eyes. They were both there, he saved them both by swallowing that Kryptonite.

She really cannot help it, her eyes roam over 'Karen' appraisingly. A future version of yourself without a mirror that talks just like you, moves like you, stands like you. Does she think like her? "Why are we speaking English?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    There is this small sigh, and Karen looks down for a moment, closing her eyes. Yes, she at least -used- to think like Kara, and part of her knew the conversation was going to go like this. The girl is still very much Kryptonian, whereas Power Girl is very much a product of what just might be the future for the younger blonde.

    "We're speaking English because it's the same here as it was there. There are a couple subtle differences in Kryptonian." Kind of like there are some subtle differences between these two women. "You were caught on camera. It's a few frames, but we were able to make you out." she notes, reaching one hand up to her brows, which happen to be, at least for the moment, knitted softly in a hint of frustration.

    "Listen, helping him is fine. He's an Avenger. Sometimes he'll need the assist too, like he did in the park. He did us a huge favor on Brainiac's ship, when he swallowed the Kryptonite. But, when he turns back, he has to be taken somewhere safe. Sometimes that -is- the middle of nowhere. After you left, as far as we can tell- maybe even before you left- he turned back into Banner. We're still looking for him."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara gathers the corners of her cape in her hands as she eyes Karen side long. She wonders, how would she feel if she were trying to tell her younger self not to punch the bully at school, knowing full well she really wanted to - and did, and was unrepentant about it to boot.

At least in Norway her odd English accent fits the scenery. The people are glancing over with interest at the second Kryptonian's arrival but are also quite aware that they have a lot of work ahead of them and keep plodding on. Kara sighs at the insistence that they use English.. but she decides to give her older self a break, "I heard him crying in pain. After he helped us on Brainiac's ship, I couldn't leave him out there by himself. He was very worried that the stone he swallowed would hurt me still. I took a look inside his stomach and it was all... uh, black."

She tucks her hands and cape corners around behind her as she walks and talks thoughtfully remembering the meeting. "He was blaming 'Banner' for the stone hurting him. When I told him it was safe, he puked it up. It was pretty gross. Then he and I smashed it up because I felt the need for some catharsis and I wanted him to feel like he was with someone who understood. He's a very sensitive creature."

She raises an eyebrow challenging Karen to deny that assertion. "Then, .. well he kind of calmed down and transformed. I didn't realise this was what he did. He turned in to Banner. Banner," she rolls her eyes, "is a piece of work. Amongst other things, he told me he didn't want to fly because he hates heights then he mooned me and walked away." There's a shrug of her shoulders, "What was I supposed to do, abduct him?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    There's a nod or two from Karen. Understanding, at least, but also this weird... Sisterly, motherly sort of tone to her. She's stern, and her job here is to help Kara understand some of the harder decisions that come with the job. Her arms unfurl from themselves and her hands plant on her hips. There's a moment of silence- she never really signed up for this particular scenario, but in working with the Avengers, being this kind of liaison is part of the job. It'd be worse, in more than one way, if SHIELD had to do the talking here... Even if Kara can punch them to some real effect.

    "Yeah, I wasn't topside when he was dealing with it." What that means is anyone's guess, really. "The Hulk absorbs radiation. Even so, Kryptonite radiation isn't one of the safer kinds that happen here on Earth. I don't doubt that it was a lot for him to stomach. Literally. You did the right thing in helping him, but then you stopped."

    There's a roll of her eyes. "Sure, maybe he doesn't like this part. By now, Banner is probably pretty eccentric, and the Hulk is like an exposed nerve, I've heard. There's no filter, nothing keeping anything from the surface. He is the most sensitive thing, probably in existence. Problem is, that the thing that he is tends to turn almost any stimulus into rage, and I don't think the two sides get along very well. Regardless, though..."

    She sighs, and takes a couple steps forward. "When he turns back into Banner, it's usually temporary. From what I know, we give him space, but keep tabs, just in case. Not saying you should have abducted him, but at least get him a tether- for his sake, and the sake of everyone around him. For all we know, he could have wandered into the forest, tripped on a root and started uprooting trees for the offense. Very least you could have done was get him a phone, a pair of pants and something to eat. That way we don't wonder when or where he's going to pop up next, and whether that's going to be Banner, or the big guy."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods slowly as she listens to the, she supposes, sage advice of the older Kara. Though, eventually, she lifts a finger, "But also, he's a big.." she lowers her voice, "ass." Swearing is a conspiracy apparently. "He really didn't want my help. I'm sure he's fine, he wandered south. And honestly, I prefer the Hulk. He's honest and to the point and thinks of others more than himself."

"Is that really what you came out here to talk about?" she motions back and forth between them, "This is still super weird. I don't even know what to call you, or ...how to even think about you. Why did you even come to this dimension.. and //how//. And you're an Avenger now?"

Well, she did join the Titans. "What are my future pitfalls, who shouldn't I date? what is going to hurt me the most emotionally. Will I ever see my parents again? ..." Oh yes, she's had time to think on this since their first awkward introduction via Kal. "Why don't you wear the El?," a poignant last question, at least from her perspective. May be they just didn't do that in her universe.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Somewhere, a mild-mannered reporter at the Daily Planet was nettled for a small moment. If Kara doesn't think she's in for a talking-to when she gets back to Metropolis, she's probably wrong.

    "His demeanor aside, it's up to us to make sure that he's safe, and that the Hulk is left alone. As long as we know where he is, that's probably fine. Someone will probably link up with him soon, and get him situated, and then give him back the space he needs. I hope."

    Karen rolls her head back, and takes in a breath, exhaling it softly and lining up her answers as best she can. "Listen, I'd love to provide you with as much knowledge as I can, but honestly, there's a whole lot of different in this universe. I -didn't- come here to talk about that, but I suppose that's where we are now. I can't tell you anything about your future pitfalls, because any advice I give you there is probably going to fall flat. I don't think I can tell you who to date, or who not to date, because there's a complication, there- we wouldn't want to date the same people. I came to this dimension because I had to. I didn't have a choice. The how is... Really, really complex. I've been an Avenger for the past few months or so."

    Then, there's a small sigh. She reaches up, and rubs her gloved palms into her face. This is going to suck, and she knows it. "You won't ever see your parents again. They weren't in Kandor when Brainiac took it. They're... Gone." The last question results in a roll of her eyes. How is she supposed to answer that? "A lot of reasons. I wish it were something so simple as not wanting to step on toes, but... It's complicated. The main reason is... I figured that maybe I should, at first. Thought about it a lot. I was working on sewing it into the suit when something came up and I had to go out in this. When it's on, and I'm in action, it sort of deforms when I'm moving about. It didn't look right, didn't look perfect, the way I wanted it to. Then, I kinda realized that it... Here it means the same thing, but it's not the same thing. There's just this subtle difference. It's not -my- symbol. It's his, it's yours, but it's not mine. Does that answer the question?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara has to sit. This is a lot. She really wasn't sure she was going to get any answers at all - but they're all perfectly //reasonable// answers, just like she'd give a younger version of herself. So she sits, and peers up at Power Girl. "You really are me aren't you. I mean, not me, but, very close."

She looks a little sad about the answer. "Dad was working on something for Argo City before he.. ahem. Drugged me." There is a bitter look on her face. She knows her dad loves her, but not enough to let her make the decision herself. She has vague memories of her mother and father fighting right before she drifted off to sleep proper. "May be Argo survived. Somehow."

If she were an evil doppelganger, she'd definitely be wearing the symbol of El that doesn't belong to her. "I respect your choice," she says even as tears roll down her cheeks again. A year is not time enough to mourn the loss of your entire civilisation.

"So. This is it. You're ... basically my older twin sister. We can make this work. I want you to be family."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Sometimes, you give people hope. Sometimes, that's what it's all about. Sometimes, though... Sometimes you don't get to give yourself hope. Better to get that heartbreak out of the way. "If Argo was going to survive, he would have known, and he would have kept you close. I'm sorry. It took me a while, too."

    Karen doesn't take a seat- she's already hardened to this, and has made her peace with it. Right now, she knows just to let Kara grieve. "He did what he thought was right. To save the thing that was most precious to him, to save everything he could. Maybe you deserved the right to make the choice, but it wouldn't be right to call it anything other than what it was. It wouldn't be right to take that away from him. You need to know that. To remember it. Keep it close." Power Girl lets out a breath she wasn't really even aware she was keeping.

    "Thanks. That... Means a lot. We'll call it twins." she states, even though the exact definition doesn't exactly... Fit. "I know we can make this work. It won't always be like this."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara rises and wipes the tears from her cheeks. She hugs Karen, "I know. I know." But she clings. If she can't trust herself, who can she trust? Even if their lives were different and will be different, she knows in her heart that this is right. Just like she knew when she saw Kal, despite how confusing it was, that he was telling the truth. "This is so messed up. I'm just a science nerd and everybody looks at me like I'm going to save the world because Kal did and I still just want to go home."

Her new home is a home of secrets. Her new parents are doing their best despite also doing the duty and job. Her friends at work don't know the real her and her friends in the Titans only see another Superman. "Does it get... easier?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    There is a No Wait moment before the hug, and momentarily, Karen's arms are pinned to her sides. A person could die this way, if they needed to breathe. Looking off to the side for a moment, Power Girl lets her younger self cling as needed. "It feels that way now, but eventually, in time, if you let it, home will be where you make it. It's not where your parents are, it's not Krypton or bust, it's where -you- are. If it's any consolation, I got the results for the Science League entrance back before the apocalypse. We aced it."

    At the last question, the technically-former Kara Zor-L sighs. "Yes. It does get easier. But you have to keep doing it. That's the hard part."

Kara Danvers has posed:
It takes a moment for it to register, but she draws back and says, "Wait. We aced it?" She wipes away tears again and chuckles a little awkwardly, then offers her fist for a dap, "Heck yes. Go us!" She straightens her posture and smiles, though thinned lips make it clear she is still upset inside. "I was going to help these people move back to their town. Then I need to go get a giant rock Hulk threw in to space before it does some damage," she says with a slightly bemused smirk, "Do you want to help?"