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Latest revision as of 05:33, 24 July 2020

Ice Faerie Capades
Date of Scene: 23 July 2020
Location: Ice Palace
Synopsis: The Winter Court assembles in song!
Cast of Characters: Glamour, Meggan Puceanu

Glamour has posed:
"Thanks for coming with me, Meggan. The last tikme I was here..."

GLamour stares at the Ice Palace as they approach it with a hint of dread.

In truth, she had alreayd told Meggan the story about what happened. There was an incident with an unfortunately timed gust of wind and a almost six inch fairy getting stuck to the side of the palace, like it's someone's cruel idea of a practical joke that such a thing coiuld happen.

In telling it, she alternated between finding it funny, herself, and being indignant and bristly over it. One can not blame her, right?

"... took forever to get myself unglued from it."


Meggan Puceanu has posed:
It's an ice palace. Some people should be worried about glassy walls and a subarctic temperature in the middle of summer. There ought to be air compressors and tubing and piping feeding the low temperatures against the stagnant humidity.

Mostly it seems to be self-sustaining, a bit of a mystery on that. Meggan could examine with interest, if she were inclined. She is not.

"A breeze came out of nowhere?" asks the blonde, her golden hair threaded by silver and paler highlights. They're moonbeams dancing with the early dawn. The sway of her long braid flits and snaps.

She looks around in an attempt to swallow up the sights.

It's a wondrous place, though the moment she gets into the cold air, her skin is already shifting subtly under the surface to resist the cold. One of those benefits.

Glamour has posed:
"I mean, I suppose it could have been someone's idea of a funny joke. In which case, success! It was pretty funny, when I wasn't fuming angry over it." She'sfluttering around Meggan's head, though, since tiny voices have to work to make themselves heard to larger ones.

"Still, it's definitely fancy, right? This here in the middle of the freakin' summer. Like... who did it, anyway? That's what I wonder." She has no idea. It's not like she's got any idea what the gossip mill might indicate. She's not exactly plugged in.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"Perhaps a mistake, but perhaps not." Noncommittal, Meggan doesn't seem to be of the mind she wants to blame anyone for it. A funny joke it could be, and she breaks into a faint smile. "Sometimes jokes don't follow through. Get so caught up thinking about funny it could be, they lose sight of how harmful it could be. I'm willing to bet it has something to do with why this place is so cold." Why indeed. It could just be marked as a flirtation with excess or a mischievous creation brewing deeper.

Glamour has an advantage in that Meg has pretty good hearing, at least better than average. Her gaze flows around it and she puts her hand to her temple. "It's... certainly it's messy."

Messy? An ice palace with slick sconces and pretty arts, snowy velvet prodded with her toe. She wears sandals, and she should be freezing in here, but maybe not. "Someone was showing off. These feels like they built it to impress another. I'd bet on a new relationship. This looks like what someone does to catch a girl's attention and impress her. Or him."

Open-minded, right?

"Whoever did it has resources and they're spoiled," she guesses.

Glamour has posed:
Giving herself a shake that results in a poof of glitter (that promptly sticks to the floor where it settles beneath her and other such locales), Glamour flutters carefully closer to one of the filigrees.

"I mean, if you could do all this with just your mind or magic or some kind of... whatever... "

She lets out a frosty breath (which also sparkles because of course it does) and glances towards her her companion. "I mean, even the furniture is ice! How comfortable can that really be, anyway?!" A pause. "I am not going to find out."

A much smalelr voice. "I'd just get stuck again."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Glitter on the dance floor, it better not kill the groove! Meggan starts humming to a catchy pop tune from a few years ago, unable to really stop herself from enjoying the music. The place bombards her with sensation and she presses her palm to her temple a little harder. Focus, and all.

"I have honestly no idea. It could be anything. Aren't there people who can use ice powers?" she asks curiously.

Her smile lofts a bit higher. Sunny, warm, kind, it resists the cold around them. Funnily her breath isn't quite as clouded, but mostly it behaves in a standard fashion. Doubly so that her cheeks aren't turning pink over time. "Is it really made of ice? The sculpting would have taken forever, if they didn't have a chainsaw or some chisels. I've seen a few videos on YouTube where they take a chainsaw to a block of ice. How it doesn't end up a shattered pile of chips is beyond me."

Well, Glamour has to sit somewhere, perhaps. She looks around, then up at the ceiling. "Show me where you got stuck. Was there a vent or some kind?"

Glamour has posed:
Blithly unaware of MEggan's discomfort, as Glamour is the kind of fairy for whom 'empathy' is a four letter word, she continues on with her thoughts, leaving little spirals of dust as she flutters this way and that.

"That was outside, actually! I was cehcking it out and then whoosh! A little too much momentum and SPLAT. Stuck. Still, this is pretty wild..." She spings back to face Meggan, then, and flutters over to land unasked on her shoulder.

Because why not? She's a friend, right? Friends are cool when you land on friends.

"I was soooo curious."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
The magic pounds on the elemental fae, and she has not a single thing she can do about it. Bodily adjustments don't help the headache building, but for now she can function. For now, she can pretend this is all just an after effect of the cold, except it isn't and her ability to lie is a sum of zero.

Maybe negative six.

"You never even made it in like this? Oh no!" A cry of opportunity there, for she holds up her hand. "You never had the chance to enjoy the rest then! We must go look. Will you be okay? I should have something as an extra to keep you warm. Maybe they have towels." It's a great big ice palace, why would they not have towels? She looks over to the pixie diminutively settled there, and it's hard to see. "You could just wrap my hair around you too. Like Thumbelina," she adds. A brightened giggle from her reveals how young she is, really. "Have you ever heard the story? My parents would tell it to me and it was one of my favourites growing up. I liked all the stories that didn't end in bad witches eating people or bad children falling into ovens, ponds, or other worrisome outcomes. Those Germans tell the worst endings."

She gestures and heads for the stairs, her balance stable for someone who walks around on the balls of her feet all day long.

Glamour has posed:
"Nope! This is the first time that I've been inside and it's so ... cool?" says the tiny fairy. She drops into her hand thereafter. Wings do tire after a while and she has but only so much fairy energy and magic to go around and get around, to say that.

"I've not actually heard the WHOLE story but I'm familiar with the basics, the way a lot of people are. You know, Disney, stuff like that. I mean, *now* I know a bit more -- like whoa I am farting out random fairy facts all night long some days, it feels like, but I'd feel a little weird with your hair wrapped around me and I'd get glitter ALL OVER IT and you'd never get it out. But a lot of fairy tales have pretty... dark underpinnings." Her expression goes from bright and sunny to ... not and the empath can surely feel the dark clouds that storm her the wee fae's mind for a moment.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
It's cool. "Such a bad pun," Meggan laughs, and the laughter helps offset the headache. It's fine with the cold, but the magic pulses and bounces in a way that a more skillful person would know how to adapt to. She can only swim through it, careful to keep her hands to her sides.

"The story's a pretty one. It teaches you to do good things and get your own reward, but then they were simply kind to Thumbelina. She could wear just about anything in miniature, and that made me laugh when I was young. Imagine wearing a pretty skirt of leaves! I had no idea designers actually design things like that, too." Her shoulders start to shrug a bit, but not enough to knock Glamour askew. That would be so rude!

Sliding along off her toes, she tests to see if her sandals glide. Not well, but that's that. "Most fairy tales aren't very happy. The stories are old and unexciting if they had no struggle or problems. We all want drama! Look at the movies. No one likes sitting in a theatre seeing only the dullest conversation, do they? I mean, there are art critics who do but they're pretty uncommon. But you put up Jane Austen with the threat of losing your love? Or the big explosions of the invasion! Oh, it's so thrilling." Clasped hands press to her chest and she laughs. The dark clouds are being attacked by just what and who she is, inherently happy. "It's okay for the glitter. It'll blow out when I fly, it always does."

Glamour has posed:
Indeed, Meggan's simple zest and enthusiasm is enough to drive them off for the time being.

"It's true! Unfortunately, I don't go into theatres too often. I glow in the dark, remember!" She lets herself light up, a soft blue glow enveloping her so thatr she'd simply look like an orb of with wings from a distance. No wonder she has Zelda fans.

"I mean, you're not wrong! I mean, heck, this is in and of itself a big dramatic gesture, right? Maybe we should..."

"... let it go?"

She had to, okay?

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"I imagine the screen is awfully big when you are small. It's made for people closer to my size, isn't it? Oh, but could you watch something projected on the wall? Maybe a drive-through theatre!" Meggan flubs the name, but the concept is there. "Or TV. There's always television and mostly now you can get all the movies through Lexflix or Merlyn Films and the rest. I have too many of those subscriptions for my own good." It wouldn't be appropriate to pirate them and an environmental crusader needs a break sometimes. She doesn't need to talk about her carbon credit. "I watch them on my phone or my laptop but it's the same difference."

Is it, Meggan? Is it? Purists would disagree! Purists are fools.

"Wait, no... You... I can't be Olaf!" she cries in laughter, headed for the balcony up there. She had to? Glamour isn't alone.

"The snow glows white on the rooftop tonight," the blonde says, holding up her hand with an impish nose-wrinkle. "Not a footprint to be seen! A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen."

Glamour has posed:
Now laughing (and it sounds like what one would expect it to sound like, TINKLING BELLS), Glamour decides to support this moment. Why, Meggan will find herself wearing (an illusion) of Elsa's dress from Frozen, because why NOT? "Hmm, that looks about right," muses the tiny Fairy.

"I make my own movies!"

She stays where she is, of course, an unsightly Fae addition to the original script, but the Olaf that appears nearby seems animated enough. Meggan can feel her magic, no doubt about that, and it would appear her capacity for illusion is quite advanced.

It's also taking most of her attention.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Tinkling bells shimmer on the air and this is unexpected. "Oh, you've made me into Queen Mab! Would that make you Maeve? Or maybe the Summer side, which means Titania." Elsa thoughts are there, but the blonde reaches around to start braiding her hair into the commensurate braid of streaked metals bound into one.

"You make your own movies? Then you can sing!" she warmly chimes to the fairy, her own eyes bright as emerald. An unsightly fae addition? The Snow Queen is a fairy story after all. She twirls around with Glamour given a protective shoulder if need be.

"The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside,
Couldn't keep it in; heaven knows I've tried!

Don't let them in, don't let them see,
Be the good girl you always have to be!"

It's all playful on her part, but she isn't beyond dancing while she sings, like pretty well every Elsa who ever Elsaed in here will do.

Glamour has posed:
"Augh, no, don't make me sing!" Glamour hides her face behind her hands at that and Olaf does the same, not that he's real. He's just copying the girl's movements instinctively given that he's her complete, phantasmagorical creation. She does take advantage of the protective shoulder, however, able to actually gripe quitoe well for the time being. She's gotten used to using her wings to help stay in one place in this sort of situation, generatine just enough counterbalance for herself.

She's clapping with enthusiasm, though, and clearly thrilled.

As always, the fae are certainly a playful people.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"You have to! I cannot be the Winter Queen without another of my court. Winter princess! Unless we go looking for Oberon. We need a trinity in here, it's absolutely the truth." Meggan is quite certain about Glamour and Olaf-fluff, though she giggles behind her hands. "If I am to stride triumphantly, how am I to conquer the Summerlands without you at my side! I will not be defeated by a reindeer or a man on horseback." Her fist closes for impact.

Of course, she's about as scary as a lamb hopping through a field of flowers. Not so effective in looking harsh and cold, her smile melting everything away. "You make the most beautiful shapes, look at them. It's such a talent. I think I need to introduce you to another lady who made the most impressive things. She had the token at the folk festival, though finding her..." Hrm. That's a challenge.