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Where In The World Is Jessica Jones
Date of Scene: 04 July 2020
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Jessica lucks into a meeting with Thor, kinda sorta invites herself to drink with him, and the two have a candid discussion of few words.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Jessica Jones

Thor has posed:
    There are times for the crowd, for the fanfare, for the acclaim. Times when it is a welcome thing to embrace the adoration of the masses and to return the affection given ten fold. It is a thing that Thor is not a stranger to, for often times when he steps out and amongst the people of Midgard he is given such kudos and attention, it would go to one's head if they let it.
    But then there are other times when the applause is too much. When the attention is not sought. Some can never reattain that measure of peace they at times wish for, fame having its own price to pay. Though for the Asgardian Prince, he is able to occasionally find some hint of it when he goes to Josie's.
    The first time there had been by accident, a lark taken to meet a friend there and it had been a measure of tumult when people recognized him. But the regulars, the townies, they rather quickly treated the other-worldly warrior with a down to earth wryness that endeared them to him. So much so that he would come back now and again.
    Such as tonight.
    "I bid you greetings, Edward." The voice is strong, bombastic as it echoes off the walls, a hand lifted by the tall man in the blue jeans and the grey t-shirt. A black overshirt unbuttoned covers his chest tonight with the collar popped a bit likely from accident thane effort.
    "Hey big guy, go have a seat."
    "Indeed I shall, and your best whiskey if you would please."
    "Right with you, buddy."

Jessica Jones has posed:
It's not long after that Jessica herself walks into Josie's, not because she recognized Thor and was drawn to his...frankly amazing physique, not at all. Rather, it was Jessica's second office, her home away from home, and a good place to drown her sorrows in whiskey. Warts and all. Of course, Jessica wouldn't be Jessica if she wouldn't just insert herself into situations she has no business being apart of, and so as she walks by Thor making his order, she groans, "for finest whiskey, you go to the Flatiron district, you can get Josie's finest at the 7/11."
    Not that 7/11 sells alcohol...or do they? Not like Jess would set foot in one. Unless she really needed food, drink or...okay, so she would set foot in one.
    "Elijah Craig ain't half bad, and you can get the Gentleman Jack brand of Jack Daniels," she offers in a rare moment of selflessness, before moving to an empty place at the bar and nearly dropping herself over there. A fingerless gloved hand lifting to get the tender's attention, as she murmurs, "I'll have 4 glasses of what Big and Handsome just ordered."

Thor has posed:
    As for Thor he had been walking toward the aisle that leads further into the bar, likely to one of those booths toward the back near the pool table and the crazed multi-media machine that passes for a jukebox these days. Yet it's Jessica's words that stop him and then her face as he draws up short pausing towards one of the tall-top high tables where people sit when they want to be at the bar. But not At the Bar.
    One hand lifts and he points at her as he bites his lower lip as if trying to place her. Then a breath is taken as he points again emphatically. "Jessica."
    He remembered her name, that was nice of him.
    "I daresay we met here some time ago, albeit briefly." At her order he lifts his head and gives a nod, "Indeed, barkeep. Add her order to mine we shall be sharing the tab this e'en." And with that he pulls one of the large stools out from that tall table and takes a seat, causing the wooden chair to creak.
    "Come, Lady Jessica. Join me, share what tales you have to share and in exchange I will provide you with what drink you would indulge in."

Jessica Jones has posed:
    Jessica does come to a halt when Mr. Tall and Handsome actually states her name...did she meet him before? She honestly doesn't even remember, maybe she was drunk that day? Trick question, she usually somewhere between drunk and about to be drunk, occasionally slipping into far too drunk territory. She looks surprised, but says nothing to not come out as an asshole in case she did introduce herself in some prior occasion. "That's my name," she eventually says, rather stupidly. "Oh...so we did," she concurs for lack of a better option. It would explain him actually knowing her name. She smirks at the invitation, but does approach to join Thor, as she murmurs under her breath, "hold the 'lady' part till you get to know me, I assure you I'm no 'Lady'," she chuckles.
    "Tales I have to tell...? How about life is a bitch and then you die, because people suck?" Jessica gives it a genuine effort, not delving into details. She's charming alright. When she wants to be.

Thor has posed:
    "That," Thor says as he gives a nod to the bartender as he comes over with the bottle and two glasses, smiling as the man goes on his way. Then he looks back toward her, "Is a tale I have heard told by various others from Midgard. Not terribly creative."
    That said he turns the glasses over and then tilts the bottle on its side, letting liquor gurgle into each glass before he takes his ease in his seat. A sip is taken, and he seems to nod a little, then shrug slightly before he seems to accept the drink for what it is. Which is not amazing.
    Then he turns back to her, "Last time we spoke you were here with a friend I believe. He seemed much displeased about something and that you and I were speaking. But beyond that...."
    The words trail off, and apparently he only vaguely remembers it himself.

Jessica Jones has posed:
    Thor's professed familiarity with the tale wins him a flash of Jessica's middle finger, but at least it's a quick one, before she adds a shrug, "don't know what to tell you, but I'm not that deep, that's what I got..." Jessica is well versed in lying, she practically does it for her job on a regular basis. "So what's Midgard? Is that what you call New York in your home country?"
    She downs her first glass the moment it's filled, and immediately reaches to refil her own glass, trying to not give Thor a chance to do it for her. "A friend...? You must have the wrong Jessica, I don't really have any of those...but I do make people displeased, maybe it was just a stranger?"

Thor has posed:
    Flaring both hands, Thor seems not entirely sure himself, yet he got the name right so there's that. He takes up his own glass and downs it with a tilt back before it's his turn to make the bottle do its job and add more liquor to his glass. "It was a brief time, in passing. A young willowy blond fellow." Though willowy might be stretching it.
    That said he instead focuses on her other question and answers it with an ease of aplomb. "Midgard is the name of your realm, this land that you call Earth. It is one of the nine..." There's a pause as his eyes rise and he looks to the side, "Well, perhaps ten realms. But nine I am sure of."
    He turns in his seat and looks the place over, seeming to relax into the chair and settle in, smiling a little to himself. "It was here we met before. You are fortunate to have such a place where you can spend your time."

Jessica Jones has posed:
    "Maybe..." Jessica remains non-committed, her memory at the moment isn't the most reliable of things. At least she takes it slow with her second glass, sipping slowly at it while holding the conversation with Thor.
    "Realm...?" Her brow arches at the very word. The very word being used. Used in actual conversation. That was a first, or so she remembered. She looks very seriously at Thor after shaking that initial incredulous response, nodding along, "yes, ten sounds off...it must be just the nine, I mean...ten would be crazy, wouldn't it?" See? Lying does come off naturally to Jessica, she even looks like the mention of a tenth realm was what gave her pause.
    But then Thor continues to amaze, as Jessica is unable to keep from laughing as she's told how lucky she is to have Josie's Bar. "Oh...fuck me sideways, you're good," Jessica shakes her head, "I wish Matt was here to hear that...pure gold."

Thor has posed:
    "Ten goes against all I have been taught, but..." The tall blond man's eyes distance as if looking past her, but when they refocus on the brunette he smiles a little as if surrendering to the possibility. "One must e'er be open to the way the world grants surprise."
    After having said that he lifts his glass in a small salute to her then takes another sip of it. Not drinking as fast, and not exactly enjoying it, perhaps more just enjoying the place, the atmosphere, and the company. He rests his free hand upon the tabletop, expression content for some reason. But, of course, that's when she impugns his opinion of Josie's.
    "What? You doubt the truth to my words?" He gestures with a nod toward the people of the bar, or perhaps the bar itself. "Look around you, assuredly there are places similar to this on Midgard. Yet here it is a wonderful slice of existence. You have people who make their way as they can in the world, who each deal with their own disparate yet similar trials and tribulations. Then they come here to take the small time they have and share it with each other. Some may imagine it's only the drink that draws them, but I would imagine that some come here to be amongst others. Others who may well understand them. So they may at the least, on some level, know that there is camaraderie even if it is to be found at the bottom of a barrel, it will be found there together."
    His head bobs once, "But then I am no philosopher. Take my words for what they are worth. A few breaths shared."

Jessica Jones has posed:
    "Funny, same for me," Jessica still seems to be right there with Thor, nevermind she's of the same opinion about the other 8 as well. She's only ever known Earth, and that's it. "True, sharing a drink with someone like you wasn't on my list of things that will happen today." Jessica points out helpfully, for once not going about dismantling what Thor has to say.
    "Me...? I never doubt anything," Jessica starts, downing her second drink as she reaches for another refill, "okay, that was a lie. I cast doubt for a living," quite a 180 degree from her last statement. To be fair, a good P.I. will cast doubt at anything until a string of evidence start to build an actual premise for a case. At times evidence could have been planted.
    "If it helps any, you sound philosopher enough, talking that kinda shit...it even sounded deep," Jessica tries her best, albeit that was a tough one to shot down. At this very moment, Thor looks one of the most genuine people in this place, other than Jess' own sincerity in not wanting to discuss anything about herself.

Thor has posed:
    A small exhalation slips from his lips, not quite a laugh but would be one if he gave it more energy. But instead he shakes his head a little and tilts his head towards her, those bright blue eyes meeting her gaze as he replies. "Perhaps it sounds so as I have had some time of late to ponder things and have let my thoughts wander inwards. When, in truth, I should be focused on other tasks."
    He tilts his drink back and drains it in one pull, setting the glass down with a soft clink before turning the bottle on its side to pour another serving for himself.
    "But now you, Jessica. This is the second time I've seen you in here. What draws you back time and time again?" He holds up his glass toward her as if trying to see her through the amber liquid, letting it cast a haze over her raven-like visage. "Is it simply because the drink is cheap and plentiful? Or is it friends or comrades that return you to this stead?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
    "Yeah...? You one of them deep thinker?" Jessica asks, looking rather incredulous at the very idea. "Well, you know how it plays out in Hamlet, don't you?" Jessica asks, half jokingly. Everyone suffered through that thing in high school, right?

"You want a BS answer or a real one? Because there isn't much philosophy in it, Josie's close to my work place...Alias Investigations by the way, and it's easy to come here after work." She doesn't mention the occasional afternoon visit, maybe sometime noon drop by, and then those other bars, but sometimes she has alcohol at home, so...

    "I'm not very good with friends, don't really have many of those...one? Maybe two...?" She shrugs, not looking overly concerns, "I'm not a very easy person to get along with. I admit it."

Thor has posed:
    A small chuff of a breath comes from him, exhaled as his smile shifts a touch wry. He meets her gaze evenly and weathers the comment regarding Hamlet but when she asks him her question his eyebrows rise as he nods his wish to hear it.
    "There are others I have known who have said such," That they are not very good with friends, don't have many of them. "Often they recognize the issue stemming from themselves." His eyes lift up and to the side as if summoning the past there before him, letting his thoughts wander. Before he then meets her gaze and leans forwards, arms resting on the table with a faint creak of wooden complaint.
    "Though often many do not take that as a call to action. Some even embrace it as a badge of honor. That one is so difficult to be around, that they have few friends. As if it added some measure of bravery to their lives."
    And, perhaps if that earns him a narrow-eyed glance he adds to defuse matters. "Though also there are others. Who do feel that they endanger those near them, and so they cultivate this feeling. Resign themselves to it. While still I imagine there are those that would happily still call themselves friends, despite whatever protestations are made."

Jessica Jones has posed:
    "That so? Guess I can't take credit for being original then, who knew," Jessica scoffs, as she reaches to fill up her glass again. By now not quite all of her pour winds up in the glass, but she doesn't make a fuss over it. Jessica actually laughs as Thor introduces the concept of taking solitude as a badge of honor for bravery, "oh trust me, not a shred of bravery on me...I'm all me, and zero pretense. I know better then to pretend. The thing with dreaming, and pretending, is that it puts you on a crash course with reality. And reality is not kind."

    "Only person I endanger is myself, so I got you there..." Jessica smirks, and takes a sip, "maybe psychology is not for you, I mean, no offense, but you look the Avengers type."

Thor has posed:
    "That would make sense," Thor offers in reply to her suggestion of his 'type'. But he leans forward and murmurs, "You do seem to be suffering the effects of your drink." His eyes lower to the glass, and in turn to the small spillage that was made. The Thunderer cocks his head to the side and meets her gaze should she so wish.
    "Perhaps it's time for us to retire, I can walk you to your home or office as you like." A glance is spared for the door and for Josie at the bar before his attention returns to the Private Investigator at the table.
    "Or perhaps you would care for something to eat?" Since, in truth, Thor could be convinced to eat. Rather easily to be fair.

Jessica Jones has posed:
    "Effects...?" Jessica blinks at Thor's statement, rising her glass to eye level, as if to examine it. "This thing has an effect...? I doubt it," she scoffs, and just drinks some more. "I already ate," Jessica notes, as she raises her glass, "I keep to a mostly liquid diet, I don't want to get fat..."

    She shakes her head to the offer to walk her home or to her office, as she quips, "I don't want anyone to get any funny ideas. I got two legs, I can use them to walk on over...it's not that far." She then looks around the bar, squinting, "besides, nothing but classy people here to tonight," and with that she stands up to wave at practically everyone in attendance, "good evening classy people," and promptly sits down, ignoring the few who might have said anything in response rather than just ignore her.

Thor has posed:
    A small nod is given to Jessica as he looks at her with a measure of dubiousness. But he offers a nod, a small one given as he murmurs. "As you say," Though it's likely he may not entirely agree or believe her. Yet it is perhaps not his place to tell someone not to enjoy their drink. Nor his place for him to critique them on the paths they travel within while so indulging.
    "It was a good thing to meet you, Jessica Jones." His eyes lower partially even as he rests his hands upon the tabletop and then pushes himself to his feet.
    "Perhaps another time, another place, we may share another drink when there is aught to celebrate."

Jessica Jones has posed:
    "Yes. It is as I say...otherwise, I wouldn't say it, would I?" Jessica might have had a bit much to drink, because it's unclear if she's actually angry, and if she was, about what. "It was good to meet you too...you don't seriously know my name though, I mean...I could use that for advertisement or something." She laughs at that last bit, rising her glass, spilling just a bit more, "I never need a reason to drink, I just do, heck, drop by my office sometimes and we can drink." An invitation, seemingly, made entirely in jest as she downs the rest of her drink. "Be seeing you, Thor."