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Latest revision as of 22:39, 3 August 2020

Meeting the New Recruit
Date of Scene: 02 August 2020
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Cassie and Dick meet Siobhan
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Siobhan Smythe, Cassie Sandsmark

Dick Grayson has posed:
It has been a busy week and Nightwing is visiting the Tower to check in on some things. That does not preclude him from taking a break, though and for his break, the former Robin has since found a perch to look over Metropolis. He is in his full costume, as very few within the Titans know that he is actually Dick Grayson, but at least his posture is a little more relaxed as he sits in a chair, enjoying the sight of the setting sun.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Smiling as she moves out to stand on the edge of the tower and look out over the sun, Siobhan takes in a deep breath and nods her head. She blinks as she notices Nightwing nearby in his costume. She smiles and gives him a wave, "'ello." She grins and nods to him. Her Irish Accent even noticable in that single word. She then looks toward the sun again and smiles, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"It is," Nightwing says and rises from his seat and approaches, raising a brow, "I'm Nightwing, though that might be a little obvious given you've made it this far." He chuckles, "I believe you are the new prospect? I do not believe we have met, though." He extends a hand.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Taking the hand, she nods her haed, "I'm Siobhan." She nods her head, "Siobhan Smythe." She states simply enough and nods her before she chuckles, "Dough, given what name I have from ya, perhaps I should say I'm da Silver Banshee." She chuckles and shrugs, "Not dat I spend a great deal of time dat way." She looks back to the sun and shakes her head, "Hardly any at all really and dat's my preference."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Pleasure," Nightwing says politely. He picks up on the accent, and understands it well enough. "Both names are useful, though if you have a preference I will stick to that name," he grins. "I understand that much, then. Some of us are a bit pickier about our idenities."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Woosh! The roof is a convenient place to meet people when you fly! Cassie comes in fast, although just shy of the speeds where the authorities tend to get upset, appearing as a dot on the horizon and then rapidly expanding (wait that sounds kinda weird) until she comes in over the tower. When she gets a little closer and begins to descend, she turns upright for an easy sneakers-first landing. As usual, its a little hard to tell her street clothes from hero clothes, jeans and Wonder Woman-themed tanktop. But she's got her bracers.

"Hey guys- er, well, hey Nightwing." She beams a sunny smile, then turns curiously to the less familiar face. "Siobhan you said?" At least she was close enough that she won't have to re-introduce herself. "That's pretty. You a new recruit?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smirk at Nightwing and she shrugs, "Bot' are me if I'm being honest wit' myself but I tink I prefer to stick to Siobhan." She nods her head, "As I rarely used de utter and I prefer to keep it dat way for as long as possible." She then blinks as she turns to look at the incoming Cassie who lands nearby. She tilts her head before looking to Nightwing, "I suppose dat is someting dat happens around here a lot." She chuckles and nods her head even as she looks over at Cassie and nods to her, "Siobha, yep." She then shrugs and considers, "I suppose I'm just stayin' here for da weekend to get a little help. I might stay if I'm not too dangerous."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing is nearly ready to respond when Cassie arrives, to whom Nightwing gives a wave, "Sometimes I think I am the only one around here who can't fly!" He laughs, "Good to see you, Wonder Girl," he says and says, "Yeah, this is Siobhan, our possible newest recruit." The senior Titan then nods to Siobhan, "Then that is what I will refer to you here, then. I would assume if we met you in the field you would prefer Silver Banshee or Banshee? Or is your identity more public?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Haha, yeah you bet, this is like a real high air traffic zone. We might need our own control tower sooner or later," Cassie offers back with a widening grin, which she turns on Nightwing in turn as he laments his ground-based mortal existence. "Can't you like, borrow the Batplane if you need to get anywhere? Well, I guess we have our own anyway, but you know what I mean. I doubt you're taking the subway to fight crimes." Turning back toward the topic of the new arrival, "Just chilling and seeing how we all gel? That's cool. Silver Banshee, hmm. So like, do you scream or turn into a ghost or what?" She's a little more vague on non-Greek mythology.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look over at Dick and she is about to respond when Cassie speaks and then she pauses, "Well, I'm not entirely sure about the full power of the Banshee but..." She states and looks to Nightwing, "Unless I'm needed, I'm gonna stick to more minor stuff and jsut be Siobhan. You'll know if you need to be callin' me the Banshee." She nods her haed, "You'll be able to tell pretty easily." She then shrugs and smiles at Casie, "I can say dat screamin' is a part of it, yes."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing laughs at the commentary, "Yeah, the FAA might have to assign us one at some point," he grins back and says, "Easier said than done. It's not the most discrete method of travel. But I have my ways of getting from point A to point B." He looks to Siobhan and nods, "Very well, that makes sense. I'll make a note of that." Though the mention of screaming gets a raised brow. Definitely an interesting power, but one he is afraid to see.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Ooh, it is a scream. Cassie seems pleased: "Haha, awesome. That's a pretty rock and roll power. You been to the training room yet?" Obviously, having gotten just a preview, a hint of what this new prospective member might do, well, she's eager to see it in action (or hear it in action, whichever!) That aside, she glances over at Nightwing. "So we got anything interesting going on mission-wise? I know they've been working on some of that Brainiac stuff but, like, no one really invites me to the lab and it's not my scene anyway."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"No, I have not." She states simply to Cassie and looks over at Nightwing and chuckles, "Make note of it den." She grins and looks back over at Cassie before considering her words and then looking back over to Nightwing to see what he might have to say about it, "So, how many missions do ye often go on? So far I've been dealin' with weird otherwordly god beings and ice castles. How much help I've been I do not know but I have been dere, I suppose."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"It is a safe place to try with most powers," Nightwing says, knowing that it has /some/ limitations. He has yet to break it, but he is among the weakest. The former Robin looks to Cassie and nods, "Yeah, we restored Bushwick. It could have gone better, but it was a success regarding our primary objective." He sighs, but recovers his composure beofer looking to Siobhan, "It depends on the needs at the time, and who fits for the job. Though I hope that we do not have to deal with more earth shattering..." Dick blinks, "Ice castles? Otherworldly og beings?" Yup, he is not in the know.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Well, you oughta try it soon, then. If you're gonna be part of the team, we all gotta know what you can do, and vice versa, right?" There's no doubt that Wonder Girl's demeanor is enthusiastic on this point, maybe even a little over-eager. Cassie's a scrapper, of that there's no doubt. "So we're prett much just waiting for the next one, then?" she has to wonder, since Nightwing doesn't seem to have any idea of any looming threats. Again, /he/ may seem rather reassured by having a quiet night, but the young Amazon almost looks bored at the notion. "Ooh, tell us more," she echoes at the latter hint of a would-be mumbo-jumbo story. "I may mostly be a blunt instrument, but I'm still pretty into all that mystic junk. 'Otherworldly god stuff' is basically half my family tree."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look to Dick and then she shakes her head before grinning sheepishly at Cassie, "My other half is not...fully in control." She states, "I'm not sure how tough your training area is but..." She sucks in a breath, "I'm not sure it'd be wise to just go open up." She nods her head and then looks down before taking in a breath and letting it out slowly. She then looks up to Cassie with a blink and then she laughs, "Well, to sum it up, basically the place he talkeda bout." She gesturse to Dick, "Bushwick. It bein' missin' caused da city to break." She shrugs, "Best I can tell and it was causin' a new god to be born." She nods again and points out toward New York City in the far distance, "It's above the city fixin' tings now." She shrugs, "Maybe."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Training room can handle it, probably, I mean it can handle our strongest," Nightwing says confidently, though the talk of Bushwick causing god problems is a bit unsettling. "I think this has a chance of being it, Wonder Girl," he says with a frown. "Well, I hope it isn't at least." He nods to Siobhan, "Well, that is good news, then. I hope that this problem is resolved quickly and safely. We've been both fortunate and unfortunate recently."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"If you can't control it, that could end up being really dangerous on a mission," Cassie points out, turning town the eager pep in her voice, toward something a little more understanding. Less brash teen, more young Amazon cadet. "So it's still probably better we see the worst from the beginning. Don't feel embarassed or anything, we've all got our dark sides." With Nightwing's suggestion, she can't help but nod along. "And apart from practicing down there solo, doing whatever power metering, if you ever want someone to try things out on with minimal risk of doing permanent harm, you know, just like a sparring partner, I'm happy to offer. I take some pretty serious punishment. Or you could ask Donna, or well, there's Supergirl of course." This mention of the city's missing chunk spawning some creature has her glancing off toward the sister city as Siobhan gestures, although ultimately she shakes her head. "Well, I don't see anything, but if it's helping, can't argue with that."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"Ya can't see it unless...someting?" She shrugs and shakes her head, "It was a ting Dr. Strange did to show us." She nods her head, "I don't understand it at all." She then looks over at Dick before looking up at the sky again and then she blinks and looks to Cassie. She looks her over and then she takes a breath before she frowns, "If ye believe ya can handle it..." She states softly and then looks to the side and frowns. She isn't really clear on how strong the Banshee is but...she has a feeling. Just some kind of instinctual knowledge or maybe it is just fear? She isn't sure. She knows she sent that Wrecking Crew Girl flying with ease but...

"Well, I suppose we'll have to do it eventually..."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Maybe in time, you will be able to get a control of it, and maybe we can help," Nightwing nods, "We'd rather you have control of it than contrary, but it will depend on a handful of things for us to understand it."

"If Strange is involved, things should be all right, especially if more like him are there," Nightwing notes, "I think then, we might be in the way, but if we are needed, let us know."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Hmm, yeah, it's probably inhabiting some adjoining realm or dimension or something, kinda like how Olympus works," Cassie decides, sounding simultaneously very sure of herself and like she's totally making it up on the spot. Both may be true! "And it's hard to say without seeing what you've got. We can do a solo test first, right? Let Vic's gadgets take some readings. Assuming you don't wreck the room, we can try the one-on-one after that." However, even saying this, she adds, "Take it at your own pace. Just know I'm happy to help when you're ready. Supporting our sisters - that's like Amazon lesson 101!"

She also gives Nightwing a wink, excluded as he is from said fellowship. No boys allowed!

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look over at Dick and then at Cassie and then Siobhan sighs and shakes her head, "You lot are very confident. I wish I were as much." She states simply before she clenches her fist and looks down a moment before saying, "Oh." She looks over at Dick, "I'm pretty sure everting is fine." She nods her head and shrugs, "Strange didn't see real upset." She then shrugs and looks down at the tower before shruggin, "I am here for a long weekend for now so I guess we can plan somethin' for tonight or tomorrow or somthin'." She nods her head.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Hurtful," Nightwing jokes to Cassie as she clearly excludes him, though he fully understands why. He looks to Siobhan, "Nothing new, considering what we play with around here." He smiles warmly and relaxes his posture, "Then there's a shot we can figure something out, nothing new under the sun for us. Until it is." A laugh, "But yeah, is there anything in particular you'd like to know?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Absolutely. My mom said I could hang in Metropolis for the weekend," - yes, Cassie may be a fearsome warrior, but apparently she still answers to her mother! - "so I'll be around, 'though I'm supposed to swing over to Gotham at some point and meet some friends there too." Busy social life! But the flying makes the commutes a breeze. "I was gonna head downstairs and chill out a while, and you should still start slow, do some solo tests and measurements, y'know, play with all those fancy gadgets for a bit. When you've got it down, I'll happy to go a couple rounds. I think I owe Kate, too."

Nightwing gets a mock-sympathetic look, big puppy dog eyes and all, the whole nine. "Aww, poor thing." The look turns quickly to a grin. "Maybe we'll figure out some way to make it up to you after the sisterhood stuff."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
<<"I like dem, Siobhan...">>

Siobhan shudders as something whispers into the back of her mind and she looks distant a moment. She looks at Nightwing and nods a little, "Just how strong do ya tink dat room is?" She chuckles a little before turning her gaze over to Cassie and then at Nightwing before she smiles a little and she rolls her shoulder slightly before nodding her head, "Once we have a moment to try it out, I'll let ya know how it goes."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Ha!" Nightwing chuckles though raises a brow about visiting Gotham. Knowing what she means, but he is still not used to it. The former Robin nods, "Take it easy, for training, easier to ramp up than slow down." The mention of making it up gets a chuckle, "It's all good. You all have your systems, and it seems to have worked pretty well so far, so who am I to criticize?" His tone is genuine.

Siobhan gets a nod, "Strong enough for some of the most powerful people on Earth. So, like I said, start slow, but I think it /should/ be able to handle it."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll be fine!" Cassie chimes in, now back to the ever-cheerful version of herself, leaving aside the rah-rah Amazon teamwork and pep-talk for another day. Saying this, she squares up a bit, looks between them, and then upnods to the elevator entrance. "For now I'm gonna see what goodies there are in the fridge, maybe Caitlin's been up to something." Not that leftovers tend to survive along among the Titanic appetitites of this group. "Lemme know, Siobhan." Nightwing gets a moment's longer glance before she does a quick turn and starts on her way. "Later nerds."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look to Nightwing and then she shifts uncomfortably and looks over toward Cassie as she goes before she nods her head, "Ya know, a snack sounds good." She states and looks ot Nightwing again before smiling at him, "I'll let ya know or let someone know when I'm ready to try tings out. I'm supposed to not go to too many areas without an escort dough so I'll be grabbin' a snack and heading to the guest room." She nods her head.