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Shadowy Introductions of DOOM
Date of Scene: 31 July 2020
Location: Latverian Embassy
Synopsis: Victor and Talia get together and begin making plans for the end of all the world's problems.
Cast of Characters: Victor Von Doom, Talia al Ghul

Victor Von Doom has posed:
The Latverian Embassy is quiet during the evening. Most of the human staff (what few there are) have all retired for the evening and all that remain are the Doombots that keep a constant watch for those unwanted guests who would dare tresspass upon Latverian soil.

Doom himself is sitting comfortably at a large desk in the room he uses as an office within the embassy. The massive reinforced chair is sturdy enough to ensure that the bulk of his armor doesn't send him tumbling to the side. Atop the desk are several folders with the seal of Latveria upon them as well as a bottle of whiskey and an empty glass, these things situated near the lone chair that has been positioned on the opposite side of the desk.

For the moment, Doom waits.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There is, perhaps, a reason why such things happen. Why certain animals wait over ponds, or trees, or dogs wait for people, or Doom waits, solitary, in his office. Some argue that some greater power provides them knowledge or an intuition of something going to happen. Doom, no doubt, would argue he is his own greater power.

Regardless, his waiting does prove fruitful as a rather ravishing woman in a sleek and form-fitting black bodysuit is revealed to Doom to be seeking an audience with him. And, once the permission is given, and once the Doombot escorts Talia in, the al Ghul walks to the center of the room in front of Doom to give a dancer's bow, elegant and graceful.

"Victor Von Doom," she greets, with a voice of warmth, and respect. "I bring you greetings. I am, if your agents have not yet informed you, Talia al Ghul." She rises, then, and awaits Doom's response - and if her name rings any bells with the Latverian Leader.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Watching the woman enter his office, Doom makes no move until she has made her bow. Then he rises, tilts his head forward briefly in greeting and then lowers himself to his chair once more. "Ah, a pleasure to meet with you then, Talia al Ghul. Please sit." He gestures towards the open chair, and then the bottle of whiskey and the glass. "Please, help yourself. It is the best quality whiskey." He rolls one shoulder. "Doom would join you, but there is a time and a place for alcohol in his life, and now is not that time nor place." His eyes crinkle just slightly, the only hint that he may be amused by his own words.

Without waiting for further pleasantries, "Doom assumes that you are familiar with his body of work and that is why you have come. As for yourself, well, rumors are whispered about the name 'al Ghul' but one wonders how much truth can be found in these rumors. Doom does know that you are a fellow member of the Hellfire Club, and such persons are either very interesting or very wealthy, or both. Which description fits you, Doom wonders."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia does move to the chair. She takes the bottle, and pours herself a glass without the slightest of hesitations. She takes a sip, and smiles, indulgently. "I could not begin to suggest which rumors were true, and which were not, until I knew which rumors you referred to," Talia offers back, somewhat playfully. But there is something intense, serious about the words just the same.

"I am very familiar with Victor Von Doom. Yes. His conquering of Latveria. His disappearance. And, reemergence and retaking. Of his intellect, the fact that his country is nearly void of corruption or dissodance due to the manner in which he rules his people. I am aware of the advancements he has made within the scientific realm. And the fear, and respect, to which his name brings to people. I am -quite- aware of Doom," Talia agrees.

Curiously enough, her mannerism, her tone show no attempt at flattery. She is merely presenting facts, one by one. As if listing his creditantials, rather than fawning.

"As for myself? I, at least, think I am interesting. There are very few people I could think of who would call me boring." A self-satisfied smile finds its way across her expression."

"Mm. Yes. Interesting. Rich. Those would be two ways to describe me, among others. Influential. And, dangerous, some would argue, would be still others."

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"Doom will admit that his retaking of Latveria was not as difficult as the original conquest. It helps when the people love their rightful ruler, after all." Doom leans back in his oversized chair and nods, tilting his head slightly to consider the woman in front of him. "Boring? Pah, nothing is more boring than listening to Richards prattle on about some discovery he thinks he has made." He waves a hand. "Dangerous and interesting? A good combination." He nods once, though the nod is to himself as his eyes still consider her.

"As for the rumors, well, Doom has heard rumblings of a group of individuals who travel to countries that are not Latveria. Admittedly, most of the rumors are just things that you pick up during various intelligence briefings, and seeing as there have been no incidents within Latveria itself, Doom has decided that these rumors were not worth the full weight of his attention. Not when there are so many other things that threaten Latveria and require solutions of their own. Such as the extra terrestrial beings that are now living among us."

Clenching one of his fists, his eyes narrow and his voice grates as he says, "The other governments of the world let these beings run rampant because they are so-called 'heroes' with little thought of anything else."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Perhaps they have no reason to move into Latveria," suggests Talia, quietly. "Because of how Doom runs his own country." She'd, of course, already hinted at such. Something, no doubt, someone of Doom's intellect would key on quite quickly.

"The other governments of the world are illicit, complicit, and complacent. Weak. The heroes, as you say, cannot save them from themselves. And, much of the time the heroes are only fanning the fire. Nobody can save them. You recognize this," she states, flatly, gesturing to Doom as she finishes off the rest of the whiskey. "You had to - purge Latveria of such. You understand the task on the scale of a small country. But now, the world as a whole should be looked at as well, should it not?" The emptied glass is set on the desk, and she does not touch the whiskey further.

"I have heard rumors too, Lord Doom. I have heard rumors that you recently sought to create a unification of like-minded inviduals and had put - shall we say - feelers out - to see who might be interested." She leans back in her seat, now, smoothly and sensually crossing one leg over the other. Not to seduce, or entice. It's merely how she moves.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"If only the fools around the world could see past their own insecurities to see that Doom's way is the best way foreward." Doom says, quite agreeably and with a nod to cap things off. He listens to the rest of what she has to say and then she mentions the Legion.

Ah. And it seems one of his many feelers has possibly caught the interest of another? Victor Von Doom stares at Talia for a long moment before nodding silently. There is also a subtle change in the monarch's demeanor, seemingly a little more at-ease and a not-so-subtle change in his manner of speech. "Ah, yes, the Legion. This world has it's wide array of so-called hero groups, and even with those groups they can barely manage to push back the various threats that have made themselves known to our world in the past decade or so. Well, I think it's time that those individuals who are far more serious about getting things done come together to work with one another to do just that. People with vision, people who wish to see order and prosperity come to human kind in a world free of those with powers that flaunt them for no other reason than to get attention."

He leans forward and places both of his gauntleted hands upon his desk. "I am glad to know at least one of my many feelers reached the attention of someone who might be interested. So I am curious, Talia, what would your goals be for such a partnership?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"A partnership," agrees she, warmly. "Just that. I have little enough interest in working with - shall we say, rabble? Nor have I any interest in being utilized as a pawn." No condemnation there, in fact it might even be a compliment that she suspects Doom is forming said Legion to be able to manipulate such parties on a grander scale than he could alone. It's not, after all, a bad idea at all. A rather devious, cunning one.

"Your Legion - well, can stay your Legion. This would be an accord between yourself, Victor Von Doom, and the League of Assassins."

Talia is no fool. She knows Doom's hinting, earlier, showed he knew who she was. "I believe an accord between us can benefit both our desires. We may have slight differences, but, we also have much in common for what we want for the world. An elimination of corruption, and chaos. Order. Justice. A curettement for the world."

She allows those words to hang in the air a few moments before musing, "Certainly utilizing each others resources from time to time would provide a greater efficiency, for both our goals."

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"Indeed, the rabble can be quite a bit to handle, though sometimes they can make for useful pawns should the need arise." Still, Victor offers a nod. "Being that I too have no interest in being a pawn for another, my concept was for something that would be for the mutual self-interest of the parties that are involved with the Legion, as I forsee it expanding to beyond myself and you and yours."

With the League of Assassins being named fully, Victor gives another nod of assent. "Agreed. Latveria has no corruption, no crime, no chaos. It would benefit the global populace to know these things, or to know a world without hunger, without a worry about receiving medical treatment." Without freedom, but hey, that's a trivial matter.

"I would also propose a sort of council, or parliament, to oversee the Legion and it's operations. You seem to represent the League of Assassains, so you would have a spot. This would allow you to veto or suggest new members as well. Would this be agreeable to you? If so, I would be more than happy to hear possible suggestions for people I can approach should you have any."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia considers this, with the due weight of such a decision. The League of Assassins, afterall, had always operated in the Shadows. And, alone, for the most part. Yet, Doom's Latveria had achieved something the League had not, yet. An entire country, nearly, to their version of utopia and ultimate goal. Even her father could not deny that.

She is silent for what seems several long minutes, as she weighs the decision, clearly not making it lightly. Finally, though, Talia nods, once. "We are not above utilizing pawns, either," she murmurs. "There is certainly benefit to be had in such an arrangement. But, I suspect you know more of the League than most, Lord Doom. My concern is - so few have a mindset that you and my family share." Her mouth now sets into a thin line. "That could have the potential to cause - a rift - between others you may invite and the League, whom I would represent."

She looks at him, to see his thoughts on the matter - clearly, this point a rather sticking one to whether or not she will agree.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"Many members need not be at a level where they can have enough of a voice to determine the overall plans for the Legion." Doom begins, "I can certainly empathize with your position in wanting to ensure that membership is not just handed out like candy, and I agree. Though I would also say that not every member is similar. Whereas our goals are in alignment, others can be brought on board who can excel at very specific tasks, be those scientific or magical research projects, or specialists who can handle some of the more troublesome 'heroes' that claim to stand for a world of justice, yet let crime run rampant on the city streets."

He leans his elbows on the arm rests of his chair and lets his fingers come together in a triangle shape before him. "For example, there are a lot of 'heroes' that I view as being nothing more than mere flies buzzing around me. I have to assume you feel the same. There are those dregs amongst society that can be best utilized at swatting these flies so that their betters can see to far more grand, far more important projects. Better still, it provides a bit of deniability. Who would believe that Victor Von Doom would work with such people? It is widely known that I pursue my own scientific endeavors along with ruling Latveria."

He briefly gestures towards the desk in front of him. "Imagine, if you will, a chess board. One king. One queen. Two rooks. Two bishops. Two knights. Each of the paired pieces having their own roles to play, though given more freedom of movement so they can conduct those roles. The king limited in how he can move, but clearly the most important piece on the board. And of course, the queen. Highly mobile, highly dangerous, and the largest threat. Then the eight pawns. Limited freedom, situational usefulness, but should they persevere and continue moving forward... well, maybe... JUST MAYBE, they can have a larger role to play."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia listens, intently. Finally, she uncoils her leg and sets it back on the floor to lean forward. She takes the whiskey bottle and pours herself a glass, wordlessly after Doom is done.

She raises it, and looks into the liquid within the glass before remarking, "It seems we understand each other quite well."

She takes a sip. "We have an accord." It, afterall, would not be the first (or last) time the League would use machavellion schemes utilizing the chaotic element of criminals and dregs of society to further their goals, before discarding them or killing them outright when their use had outlived itself to the League.

Talia smiles, beautifically. "To us. And, our end game." She lifts the last remnants of the glass again, swallowing it with a soft sigh.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Victor watches her for a long moment, nods, then pulls out an empty glass from a drawer to his side and lifts it up in unison with her. "Excellent." He places the glass back down on the desk. "Feel free to contact me at any time using the embassy number. Our lines are secure, and a Doombot will ensure that your call will reach me directly. We can work out further lines of communication from there."

"Our first two pieces are on the board then. Victor Von Doom, the King. Talia al Ghul the Queen." He lets his brown eyes from behind his steel mask meet hers. "The most dangerous piece on the entire board, and one with the most freedom. A suiting role for you, I think." He leans back once more and lets out a breath. "Now then, is there anything the League would ask of me before we call this meeting to a close? I am more than happy to lend what assistance I may to new friends, after all."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Not at the moment," Talia says, honestly. "I will be spending a bit of time in the city. I've heard some vauge rumors that things may be picking up, and of course - to meet you, and test the waters there. I have some personal things to see to as well that will no doubt take some time. But, yes." She smiles, sharply. "I will be in touch. Likewise, should you need my services, or those of our followers, let me know. I'm certain we can be accomodating. We should serve each other well, should we not, Victor?"

A pause, "May I call you Victor? At least, in private. I do dislike formalities, when they aren't needed." Ah, that sweet Talia smile.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"Excellent. Despite it's more unsavory aspects, New York does have some excellent places to visit. Mostly the museums, I mean. I would encourage you to visit them while you are here." Victor nods and gives an ascenting gesture. "Of course, Victor is fine. We are now friends of a sort are we not? I am keenly aware that not everyone is comfortable with using proper noble titles around the world, especially here in America."

There's a moment where it seems that might be it, but then he speaks once more. "Oh, and while I would ask your League to stay out of Latveria, what I WILL offer is refuge inside Latverian embassies to your operatives should they need a place to lie low while in other countries. Consider it a token of the budding friendship between myself and the League."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Sincerely, Talia assures, "We have no interest in operating in Latveria. Now - from Latveria is an entirely different story. But," she offers agreeably, "As I said. We have no reason to operate there. Yours is the singular country in the world that has nearly perfected our vision. There are others that are less of a concern than others, of course. But all have imperfections that need cleansing. I will convey your offer. In the interim, if you have need of information, my people are rather resourceful as you can imagine, and have operations the world over. Merely let me know."

She inclines her head, smoothly. "I think, Victor, you and I shall get along rather well. This has been a most productive evening."