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Aliens Make Good Outsiders
Date of Scene: 31 July 2020
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Recruitment mostly goes off with a couple of hitches.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Conner Kent, M'gann M'orzz

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin perches on the rooftop of an apartment building not too far from the Empire State University campus. In the not-too-far distance the spires of the Sanctum Santorum can be seen. It's late afternoon, and he's in New York, hunting a very specific alien being. He pulls his wrist up to his face, the white lenses of the heads-up display in his domino mask concealing his eyes as he reads the small screen. He taps his way through the scanners. "Okay, Superboy. According to the Batcomputer, Martian Manhunter's niece should be attending Empire State. She may be difficult to find, but I'm pretty confident we'll pull it off."

He pauses a beat. "And no, I don't know if she's hot." He knows his best friend's priorities.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I wasn't asking!" Protests Conner. He goes to the Empire State University himself, and has never seen a Martian there. In fact, he has no idea if other young heroes go there. Wouldn't it be interesting? Maybe he should pay more attention. But he pays plenty of attention. Between the classes, the social groups and the parties he spends 12-14 hours in college activities most days. Even during the break.

"However, if you have no idea how she looks like, I am not confident in our chances," he points out. "Wouldn't have been easier just ask the Manhunter for her phone number?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Late afternoon means that classes are letting out. Just the perfect time for someone to try to find a university student. There is only two problems. One, there are a *lot* of students milling about on campus, migrating from building to building like ants in a colony. And two...the pair of heroes actually do have no idea what their quarry looks like.

Such is the advantages of being a shapeshifter.

However, M'gann, or Megan as her friends know her, is indeed on campus. Stepping out of the Sciences building, the 5 foot 7 inch female looks like dozens of others. Auburn hair, green eyes, a smattering of freckles upon her pale face...Megan seems to be in high spirits, talking to a group of girls as they proceed to their next destination....which seems to be the student union, for those with super hearing or audio devices might attest.

Just a typical girl. How is she any special? That...is the idea.

Tim Drake has posed:
"But you would have," Red Robin replies dryly. "Look, I have one picture," and he shows a pulled up photograph in the Batcomputer's system, which is somewhat distantly taken of a green martian girl with red hair. "But it says they are shapeshifters... and that means, especially since you didn't know there was one around, she probably looks like a human when she's in class." Tim rolls his eyes under his domino mask. "And I couldn't ask the Manhunter, I'd have to ask Batman to ask the Manhunter, and then I'd have to tell him I was recruiting a Martian to the group he's not supposed to know about." Red Robin gives Superboy a pained sigh. "I mean, we've managed more difficult tasks with less information, right? Have faith, bro. //I'm// here, and as you like to point out, I know everything." Except when he doesn't.

A few taps on his device, and he considers. "So, uh..." he watches the anthill explode below, and sighs again. Back to the computer. "None of this is helpful, actually. Normally the Batcomputer has all sorts of information on pretty much anyone, but... all I got is that she exists, the school, and the one picture. I don't even have a name." He frowns lightly. And he pulls up the picture, then alters it, removing the green skin and adding a lighter human skin tone. The result looks mostly like M'Gann's current form but not precisely. "Maybe we look for someone like this?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner takes a look at the green girl. Definitely not many green girls in ESU, although there are probably some mutants. He would have noticed her, though. Now, when Robin changes skin tone, sure... Conner knows a few girls that could maybe look like that.

But really, it would be a poor disguise of she just changes the skin tone. "Lets try to narrow it down," offers Conner. "Do you know her course? Or do you have any idea of what she is studying? Hobbies? How long has she been on Earth?"

He would go over the weirder girls in campus. But really, this is New York. Weird is normal.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
As the group walks towards the student union, 'Megan' pauses, as if listening. It draws the attention of her group, as they stop.

"Megan, everything okay?"

The redhead flashes a bright smile and nods. "Oh, I'm good. I just remembered I forgot a book back at the lecture hall. You go on ahead and I'll catch up, okay?" M'gann waves her friends on while she starts to head back towards the Sciences building. At least, until she is sure her friends are out of sight.

Because, at that moment, M'gann changes direction. Out to the edge of campus, close to the apartment complex. She has a feeling....that someone may be on the lookout for her.

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin scowls, his lips drawing into a tight line. "No, not really. I don't think Batman got this information from the Manhunter like... freely. It looks like the beginnings of a dossier, not a full one. But, look, investigating is what I do, right? So..." He taps the screen.

Access Denied.

He groans. "Hold on..." His fingers fly across the tiny screen, tapping away.

Clearance Level: Batman and Oracle only. Access denied. Attempt Logged.

"What the hell?" There were very few things Batman locked out of the younger Bats hands... but that last part, the logged attempt, is what makes Tim twitch.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is not smirking, oh no.

Instead he is jumping down to ground level after a brief glance to make sure no one was looking there. Then he heads peers at Megan, that does indeed look a bit like Miss Martian, only not green.

Coincidence? Who knows? They were classmates in the Contemporary Civilizations class. She seemed nice. But it was a large class, Conner can't remember talking with her (briefly) maybe two or three times.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
There is that feeling again. That sense of looking. But, this time there is mixture of mild recognition with that sense of searching. Those green eyes shift, slowly scanning in a manner that M'gann can only hope is casual...until they fall upon the visage of Conner. Could he be looking for her? But...that doesn't make sense. It was only the one class and he barely noticed. Though M'gann remembers the three times they spoke. It...was just minor class stuff.

So...what is he looking for? Or...is it even Conner?

The look of recognition may very well be noticeable. But, then Megan steps to the side, finding a bench to sit down...as she closes her eyes.

Because...it's easier to reach out mentally without the visual stimuli. The probe is light...but present. Just who is looking for a Martian now?

Tim Drake has posed:
Ugh. Red Robin looks down the few stories to the ground where Conner had just hopped off like it was nothing. Show off. But he is probably better off wandering below anyway. Tim scowls at the wrist computer, considering his options before he gets an angry text or three from Babs or Batdad about digging into the sealed files. "C'mon..." he mutters as he hunts for a workaround. He knows now the information is there, he just has to pry it out without triggering another alert.

Conner Kent has posed:
Sure enough, Conner is looking for Martians. And moreover, he is mentally picturing Megan with green skin. Which is unusual... and probably the first time it happens. "I think I got a maybe," he comments to his cellphone, still thinking they are looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack.

A shapeshifting needle. Oh well.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Oh...that is a clear thought. And specifically about Megan. That is worrisome. Well...it's time to see just why Mr. Leather Jacket is imagining girls with emerald hues.

Heck, he just might have a James T Kirk thing and likes green girls. Who knows?"

M'gann rises from her seat on the bench, adopts a smile, and starts to meander towards Conner. But, her senses? On high alert...

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim growls under his breath in frustration. He is smart but Oracle's internal firewall is smarter. He replies back to Conner, "Maybe is better than nothing. See what your super senses can see and hear, I guess. There's a whole file here I can't access." Tim's thoughts aren't that quiet either, and very annoyed. Very. loud. and. annoyed.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Well... I am not sure," comments Conner. "I mean, I don't use my super-senses to spy on women," that might be a needed clarifying for Tim. "She was in my Contemporary Civilizations class last semester. Marian Murdock? Mindy Morgan? Can't remember, alliterative name, pretty sure of it." Conner is -bad- at names. "And no, I didn't ask her out."

Because despite Tim's ideas, Conner goes to class to learn. He picks girls in parties. And raves.

"And she is coming here, smiling," which is a little weird. What kinds of super-powers Martians get? Conner is sure there was a spreadsheet somewhere he skimmed over once.

Also, Conner is wearing his black t-shirt with the big red S. It is not those t-shirts are not for five bucks in the Internet. But he doesn't wear them when he is just 'Conner' because... secret identity. Even if it is a pretty flimsy one.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
But of course Megan is smiling. It is the smile of recognition, coupled with Megan's normal bubbly nature. After all, it looks like she recognizes Conner. Why shouldn't she smile? Oh...is it too much? Maybe she shouldn't? Oh no!

Keep it together, M'gann. The self chastisement works to clear the doubt and anxiety away as Megan finishes her approach, offering a small wave to Conner to, hopefully, set him at ease. "Hi! Conner, right? You might not remember me...but we shared Contemporary Civilizations last semester? I'm Megan." No last name given, at least not yet. Megan reaches up, brushing aside a lock of red hair as she continues. "I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be looking for someone or something. Did you need any help?"

The offer is genuine, but also planned, of course. To see how Conner would react. The rather loud and annoyed thoughts of a certain avian-themed hero cause the girl to wince, slightly, but that happy expression immediately resumes. Why...one would have needed super-senses to catch there was even a fluctuation...

Conner Kent has posed:
Right. She is Megan. Conner know it was a M-name. "Of course I remember you," replies Conner, smiling back. "And... good guess?" He gives the girl quizzical glance. He is not sure what else to tell Megan. If she is the Martian, she could be told what she probably already knows. If she is not the Martian, then he is going to blow up his secret identity, and anyway she is crazy good at guessing.

"Well," he thinks for a few seconds. "What do you think of redheads with green skin? Asking for a friend."

It is funny because it is true.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The guess is waved off with a flick of Megan's fingers. "Oh, it wasn't all that hard. You just had that look about you. Pretty easy to guess, actually." Not that it was a guess by any stretch of the imagination, but one can't expect the girl to give away all her secrets. "I always had a way about me. Friends would say I am sensitive to feelings, I guess." Which...is certainly true as well, and perhaps trips a few alarms in the process.

The question of redheads with green skin? Now...that does draw a reaction. A bit of a startled expression which then melts into a wry smile. "Well. I would think that it is a little early for Halloween. But hey, if that is what you're into, then who am I to judge?" That is followed up with Megan stepping a little closer, lowering her voice so only Conner can hear. "Though, if you really wanted to know, I would think she would say that you might want to watch those thoughts of yours. Never know who might be listening." A finger reaches out, tapping the red S on the shirt. "Nice shirt, by the way."

Meanwhile, while Tim is mentally cursing at the firewalls, a definite voice breaks in. Polite, but stern...and most definitely within his head. <<You are a rather loud thinker. Maybe the security is there not to protect you...but to protect whoever it is you are looking for. What do you want?>>

Tim Drake has posed:
To say Tim is startled is an understatement. "Ah!" Okay, telepath. Where? This is why he HATES leaving Gotham... people may think psychotic clowns and walking alligators are bad, but at least in Gotham you can keep your mind to yourself! However, he has been trained for this... kind of. In theory. His mind explodes with the first four or five things that aren't related to anything mission-important that comes to mind, loudly.

So M'Gann is treated to a long list of stupid miniatures paint color names; comparing and contrasting the sushi from the place his sister picked up from the other night and the one he got DoorDashed to Rose's apartment last night; the seven types of cologne he's tried in the past two weeks and decided they all smelled vaguely of 'Try Hard'; and the last though slips in and he's immediately incredibly sorry and tries to tamp it out of his head, which any telepath will tell you the more you try not to think of something specific the more you do.

Sorry M'Gann.

Conner Kent has posed:
"It is never too early for Halloween," replies Conner. "And I am with most people in that I don't know how not -think. Telepathy is a pretty nasty thing for people who care about secrets."

And he doesn't. But he keeps the secret of others, so yeah. "Maybe I need to buy one of those Magneto helmet knockoffs from E-bay? But I look silly with a helmet, or with a cape."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The image of Conner in a Magneto helm flashes in Megan's mind...which causes the girl to giggle. But...elsewhere, useless information starts flashing in the girl's head, courtesy of the mental assault from the Red Robin up on his perch. That giggle dissipates into confusion...until the final image flashes. At which point, Megan's cheeks suddenly flush as red as her hair, turning away from Conner abruptly.

At the same time, there is a mental cry as that telepathic connection catches that image...and two minds share way, way too much information. A sudden flush of embarrassment floods the link, which solidly snaps close, so quick and hard that it is almost audible.

    "Augh!" The cry escapes from Megan's throat before she could pull it back. "Really?? You had to do that?!" It is obvious she isn't talking to Conner anymore. "I am *never* going back there again!" Then, she turns back, glaring at Conner. "And you! You can tell your 'friend' that I don't need to be witness to his little peep show again!"

With that, there is a *push* as Megan shoves a hand towards Conner. A hard enough shove with was can only be telekinesis that, if Conner isn't prepared for it, he will take an unwilling flight backwards.

Tim Drake has posed:
The embarrassment and panic was coming from Tim's direction too as the link shuts off. He grabs his grapple and shoots it across the way, hurtling himself off the building to his inevitable demise because god damn that was mortifying--

Oh, no, he flips in mid air, not as acrobatically as Nightwing might, by far, and use the grapple line to slow his descent until he hits the ground, tucking and rolling towards Conner and the girl he's talking to. A few of the wandering college students look in surprise as a costumed superhero that usually is more likely spotted in Gotham or rarely Metropolis appears in their midst. He snags the grapple and line back and stuffs them into his utility belt as he makes his way to Conner and Megan, his face almost as red as his costume.

"You must be her, then." he mutters. His eyes are hidden by the whites of the display in his domino mask, but an empath would feel the waves of absolute mortification coming off him. "Uh. Hi. Red Robin, and this is Superboy."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner tilts his head as Megan goes from amused to outraged. "Robin! You went all Captain Kirk on her? For shame... augh," He is pushed back by telekinesis, but only a few feet before he counters it.

"Seriously?" Conner is grinning. "You are in a co-ed college; you must have seen much worse." Besides, he is quite sure whatever Tim can imagine about green girls is pretty tame.

"Anyway," he points at the girl. "No snooping, unless you really want to see stuff. And yeah... Red here wanted to talk to you."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
As Red, as Conner called him, approaches the two, introductions are not needed. The waves of embarrassment rolling from the costumed crusader are enough for M'gann to identify. "You!? You're the one looking for me??" There is no denying it now. The dynamic duo here found who they were after. "Don't you ever do that to me again!" Again...there is no explaining exactly *what* Tim actually did...but there is no way that M'gann is going to bring it up in good company.

Or even bad company. In fact, it is a sure bet that M'gann is never going to speak of it ever again.

With a glance towards Conner, because yes M'gann knew of the Superboy moniker just before talking before, she crosses her arms and just glares at Tim. Which...would be funny, considering just how girl-next-door M'gann appears, but still...angry girl that can probe minds. Not necessarily someone to trifle with. "so...you found me. What do you want?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Ugh, I didn't-- you were in my head!" Tim grouses back. "I wasn't TRYING to think about that!" He takes a deep breath and sighs. Then he straightens his shoulders. "Uh. So..." he tilts his head. Actually now he's feeling very dumb. How did the team get together in the first place? Didn't they just.. kinda...


Ugh. Oh well. "So we're forming a superhero team and would like you to join." There's no breath in that.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Smooth," comments Conner. He seems entirely too amused about the whole deal and Tim's embarrassment. "I am just here for moral support. Red has told me very little about you. Are you really the Manhunter's niece? He seems pretty cool."

But really, if Superboy has ever met the Martian Manhunter it was one of those alien invasion events with dozens of heroes involved. His opinion is not an informed one.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:

M'gann freezes, as Tim manages to spit out the actual reason. And, if it wasn't for the fact that the girl is a walking lie detector and knows he is being serious, M'gann wouldn't have believed it. "You came here with Co, err, Superboy here to recruit me?" Yes...she took Conner's words to heart. Secret identities and all.

Fat lot of good it did for M'gann here...

"Well, you was so loud and frustrated, what did you expect me to do? Trying to get into a file, right? Was it one on me?" M'gann doesn't expect an answer to that. Instead, she gives another, to Conner. "Yes, he is."

A moment passes as M'gann seems to be listening. "Oh...you two had no idea. Oh...that's funny." She returns her attention to Tim. "That's why you was trying to get into that file. You....wanted to know what to expect." A laugh...an honest laugh, escapes from M'gann's throat. "Oh, just wait till Uncle Jon hears about this one."

As M'gann finishes laughing, her voice breaks through, this time to both Conner and Tim's mind at the same time. <<Well....since you figured out what I am, allow me to introduce myself. I am M'gann M'orzz, yes I am a Martian...and I would be delighted to join your team. Just...next time, ask before flashing me with not safe for work images, okay?>>

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim cuts Conner a Look, though his embarrassment is fading. His phone buzzes at that moment. Though he doesn't actually have his phone ON him, it's routed through his wrist computer and there's only a few numbers that actually route while he's on the Job.

He frowns and lifts his wrist to check. He stiffens a moment, and then he turns bright, bright red again. "Dammit, babe, not //now//," the waves of mortification come off him again. Along with a considerable spike of adrenaline. (Conner can at least probably feel/hear the sudden spike in Tim's heartrate and breathing for a moment.)

Tim takes a deep breath before looking up to M'Gann and breaking into a slight grin. "I mean, great! And... sorry. Really. Look," he hands her a small communicator. "I'll call you on this in a couple of days, arrange everything all formal and stuff." That wasn't so hard. Things are looking up!

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner laughs, "seriously, how did you survive the first semester of college?" He is grinning at Megan again. "Hey, Red Robin is the second or third best detective in the world. Despite appearances. Also, you look a lot like Miss Martian, only not green."

Which might not be true for most people, but Conner has enhanced senses. Or maybe he had his own lucky guess. "You gotta go, Red. I can stay and catch up with Megan. Maybe we will have some common courses next semester."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The communicator is received, looked over once, then deposited into M'gann's backpack. Conner receives his own look from M'gann, but this one is capped with a slight grin. "Well, I am rather partial to this form." With that, she shifts, but only for a moment, dialing the green in so that, hey, she looks just like that picture that Tim had, before reverting back to Megan mode. "So....next time look different. Got it."

Tim gets a glance, and a raised eyebrow. No...she isn't going back to that mind again, not after the text, but she does tip a wink to the vigilante. Because....she doesn't have to know what he is thinking....not when she can feel what he is feeling. "You might want to take that somewhere else."

Then...M'gann lifts the backpack and flashes a smile. "Hear from you in a couple of days, then!"