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Dinner with ... Dad
Date of Scene: 30 July 2020
Location: Royal Dragon Restaurant - Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Carrie and Henry survive dinner with Bruce.
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Henry McCoy, Bruce Wayne

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley had picked the place. Neutral ground in that she hadn't been here, it wasn't in Gotham, and so far as she knew it wasn't anywhere that Hank considered familiar. That, plus the food was reviewed as being very good in spite of the garish neon lighting that screamed at people 'come here here' if not in so many words. She'd dressed up nicely in a pantsuit that would fit in well in any office setting though she'd softened the business-like look with a cream linen pashmina shawl draped over her shoulders. While she waits for Henry and Bruce to show she absently runs her fingers over the fringed ends.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He'd dressed up. Nice slacks, nice linen shirt - Hank was looking good. He had his glasses in his shirt pocket, likely to read the menu. This was a new place - and, well... Hell's Kitchen. He was on alert for many different reasons. Location, persons invited... the usual. He steps in, glancing around before he spots Carrie.

The smile that spreads over his face is quite genuine. "Evening, Carrie." He offers, as he steps closer to where Carrie was. A quick kiss to her cheek. "You look wonderful." A glance around. "Am I the second to arrive?"

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Having attended the Bushwick Benefit the night prior, Bruce Wayne had actually stayed the night in New York City (although he maaaaay have spent most of it in the room of one Selina Kyle rather than his own), spending the following day at the Wayne Enterprises satellite branch in Manhattan. You know, good for morale and all that. So as it turns out, this dinner is not so terribly out of his way. Wayne Enterprises is of course oh-so-happy to provide a car for him...an SUV that's probably loaded with safety features and concealed armor and the like. The driver looks a bit skeptical when Bruce notes the destination but to her credit she doesn't question it. She drops Bruce off outside the front door and goes to find a place to park and wait. Bruce glances at a watch that might cost more than half the city-block (not that it's immediately apparent) and notes that he's juuust about on time, which is actually somewhat unusual for him.

He strides through the door, actually fairly dressed down in a pair of khakis and a navy blue polo that fits his broad-shouldered frame quite well. The party he's here to see is hard to miss, and so he smiles and moves over to them, placing one hand lightly on Carrie's back and extending the other towards Hank.

"Dr. McCoy? Bruce Wayne...an honor to make your acquaintance." There's that winning smile. How Bruce has managed to keep all his teeth, much less intact, doing what his alter-ego does may be a mystery for the ages.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tips her chin upward to catch that kiss to her cheek with a warm grin in return to Hank as he greets her. "Yes, but he'll be here any moment I'm sure," she begins intending to give any last minute warnings or heads up about what to expect. The fact that he'd stayed the night in the city actually makes him more punctual than usual though. It catches her just a smidge off guard when she sees him come in. A quick brush of her fingers over the pashmina smooths it out even as she starts to stand from her seat.

Starts to. Then Bruce is there, that hand on her back, and she tries to flash a reassuring smile at Henry. It comes off as nervous herself.

Instead she glances to the side toward him with a quiet, "Thanks for coming," offered before going quiet again to let the two properly greet one another. In spite of all the bravery she posesses as her alter ego she was finding herself just a bit nervous over introducing Hank to the head of the family she was part of.

Henry McCoy has posed:
If he's nervous, he's doing a damn fine job of masking it. Henry smiles to Carrie at her answer, giving a slight chuckle when Bruce walks in the breath after. He turns to face the other man, offering a hand out. "Mr. Wayne. A pleasure to finally meet you, sir." He offers, cordial and polite. His posture is perfect, the man standing up straight as he can to properly greet the other.

There's a glance to Carrie, then back to Bruce. "It seems we have good timing, yes?" He motions to the seats, letting Bruce pick his seat first.

"I hope this wasn't too far out of your way?" Assuming Bruce takes a seat, Henry follows suit.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Please, Doctor, call me Bruce." Bruce replies, his tone warm, and at Hank's query he laughs softly, "You can ask Carrie, usually I'm the type that would be late to his own funeral. But I guess it must not have been too far if I made it on time." He actually waits for Carrie to seat herself. Alfred raised a gentleman! But once she's settled he moves in across from her, letting Hank sit beside her.

"Well thanks for the invite. This place looks..." He glances around studying the surroundings a moment before grinning, "Like they know what they're doing."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes her seat easily enough and lets out a breath of relief as the two are... getting along? Well. Of course they were. They were both very polite and raised with manners. Even so she seems a little more at ease from it, even if she knew Bruce was mostly just acting this persona out. Another idle touch is given to that pashmina around her shoulders while leaning back comfortably into her chair. With the right amount of posture so Alfred wouldn't frown should he find out.

"It had good reviews, and I heard you were in the city. It seemed like a good midway point," she reasons with a small shrug. "I hadn't quite realized that Hells Kitchen would be ... Well. I mean, I'm okay with it. It's early yet." Idly she reaches for a menu to glance it over.

"So you two might have a bit in common with your love of the arts. Henry is rather into theater and musicals," she suggests. Helpfully.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods, smiling happily. Things were going well, no? He nods to Bruce. "Please, Henry. Or Hank if you'd rather." He offers over, in response to the first name use. "And I think being late to one's own funeral is the best time to be late. Missing it entirely is the hope we all share." A light laugh, as he settles into the chair near Carrie.

As the subject of the place and the neighborhood comes up. "True, it can be rough and tumble here - but there are those who keep an eye on the Kitchen." He says, with a smile. "Helping out the beleagured police force and protecting the people who call it home." A glance to both. "I suspect that most will leave us alone, however. I have that affect, generally." A wink.

A brighter smile. "Indeed. I am huge fan of musical theater. I try to get out to the new shows as often as I can, what with my schedule." He explains, tucking a napkin in his lap.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Why is it I can easily picture you as a Modern Major General, Hank?" Bruce grins, then starts to look over the menu, "And I'll trust your taste, Carrie, always nice to try someplace new." Novelty can likely be hard to come by when you can afford anything you want. "As for the neighborhood, well..." Bruce gives a shrug, "I suppose it kind of reminds me of home?" He chuckles, shaking his head slightly, "But in any case...do I have it right that the two of you met at the Hellfire Club?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley ohboys quietly beneath her breath when he brings up that particular musical. It does earn a quirk of her lips as she represses a further grin. Alas, the distraction was for naught since he brings up how they met. It was true enough. A deep breath is drawn, and let out as she nods in agreement. "Yes, at the Genosha fundraiser. I'd actually attended one of his guest lectures while in college a few years ago and recognized him. Of course," she adds lifting her head away from the menu to grin toward the man in question. "He's kind of hard to miss in a crowd. Anyway I thought it was a shame he was just off by himself so took him around to meet a few of the others at the club that were running the event."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The grin that crosses Henry's face is absolutely epic. "You should have seen me at the MET Gala. I was dressed as a General." A slight clearing of his throat, then his warm baritone voice sings:

"I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical,
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical..."

He finishes up, chuckling. "Yes, the Hellfire Club. Some of my students are members, as well as some of my close friends. I was simply a plus one that evening, that was left to his own devices. Thankfully, Carrie saved me from an awkward evening of standing around and grinning." He says, his tone quite genuine in that. "It was quite an event. I met a few Gothamites there as well." Anod.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce golf claps at the impromptu performance, albeit not in a mocking sort of way, his smile seems warm and genuine. "Well done, Hank. You might have missed your true calling." He teases lightly, attention turning back to the menu. A waiter arrives, and Bruce orders an iced tea, as well as the sliced avocado salad as an appetizer. "Other Gothamites?" Bruce looks amused and interested all at once, turning a glance towards Carrie, "Anyone I know?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley was normally quite happy when Hank burst into song. This time however she finds herself holding her breath. No. This was not HER Bruce. Not her original Bruce. He would find it amusing in some way not... The breath is let out as she relaxes again allowing herself a chuckle. Too much of the past had been coming up in her memories lately, perhaps some guilt at not telling Hank about it yet. Instead she works the fringe ends of her pashmina through her fingers in a repeatedly soothing gesture.

"He's great at karaoke, too," she points out with a nod. The question earns a lopsided grin. "Oh, Stephanie was there. Tim's old girlfriend? We still keep in touch and she was there with her current boyfriend who happens to be one of Henry's sutdents," she explains with a half shrug.

Henry McCoy has posed:
In his seat, Henry gives his best effort at a bow. "I still have hopes of sneaking into an audition and claiming a role. I would have loved to portray Washington in Hamilton." He puffs up a bit, grinning. A water with lime is ordered for himself, along with an order of gyoza to share.

"Yes, Miss Brown. She seems a wonderful young lady - though her mother did dote on me attending her birthday party." A slight blush from the man. "It was good to see her again, truth be told. Roberto has gone through a bit of trauma, and it is good to see him out and about with people." A smile. "I also got to meet the majority of Carrie's brothers."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Stephanie...Stephanie...blonde, right? I think I remember her. She seemed nice. Shame that didn't work out, but I guess Tim's tastes evolved. Glad to hear she's found someone new though." He starts to say something else when the phone in his pocket starts vibrating, causing him to frown a moment and reach to study the message. Bruce sighs heavily, "It's Lucius, some kind of problem with the Board and the Narrows proposals." He rises to his feet, looking entirely apologetic, "I am /so/ sorry, both of you, but I've got to go. Hank, it was an absolute pleasure to meet you." He extends a hand once more, for a firm shake, and then leans over for a brief hug with Carrie, "And you I'll see back home." A brief pause, and a grin, "But no rush. Hank, you're welcome to visit the Manor anytime. You might enjoy some of the things we have on display there." He reaches to his back pocket, pulls out a wallet, and places a couple hundred dollars on the table, "Dinner's on me. Again, I'm very sorry, I hope we can pick up later..."