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Latest revision as of 18:21, 5 August 2020

A night in the Roost.
Date of Scene: 03 August 2020
Location: The Robin's Roost - Chelsea
Synopsis: And Bart and Laura find little in common but decide it is ok.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Laura Kinney

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has been spending a lot of time down in the central room, mostly to be around the kitten perhaps. He still spends time each day watching his snails, but a kitten is much more interactive. The evening he is upside down on the couch feet over the back of the couch, head hanging off the front. The kitten is on his chest, while he plays Atomic Knights 17 on the big screen,

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura, having been given access to the 'base' enters in. She is carrying a large duffel bag that seems somewhat weighty. She carries it into the room and drops it with a rather loud 'thud' noise, and a few clicks of metal. She looks around, her features impassive and hard to read.

"I have brought some gear to store should I need to utilize it when I am working with this team. Where should I put it?" She asks of Bart, simply, concisely.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over, and says "One moment, his tongue stuck out as he does a bit more on the game, and it flashes " Winner." He will flip over holding the kitten, who looks confused for a moment, but seems to be somewhat used to weirdness from this human. He will walk over and offers the kitten to Laura "Sure, I can show ya the rooms up for grabs." He will move to get Laura's bag, and takes him a moment as it was heavier than he expected it to be. "Need anything special in your room?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura considers this, "No. A cot, and access to a bathroom is all I require. I will simply use the community shower as long as long as the drain is sufficient." A pause, "And, storage for my weapons, and combat gear. I did not bring my guns, since Red Robin indicated this team was not to kill their targets."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, each room has a small bathroom of it's own I think." He will put the bag over his shoulder, and lead her to the elevator, and holds it open for her. He looks over to her and says "So what kind of things do you like doing, I am Bart by the way, I know I was in costume most of the time.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura nods, once. "I know," she says very matter-of-factly.

When she is asked what she likes to do? That gives her a longer pause. "I like to learn new combat techniques so I can be more efficient in fighting. I also like fighting. It is what I am good at." She considers further, during the ride up the elevator, going silent for a few long moments.

"I also like spending time with my sister. And I will kill anyone who harms her. Though, she is a formidable combatant in her own right."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises "Oh you have a sister? Cool, I don't have any brothers or sisters, have a cousin but like I said, she is in the future." He hmms, and leads her off the elevator, and will go to the room a few doors down. "Nothing you enjoy besides fighting? I mean video games, trying new food places, playing with animals?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I don't understand the purpose of video games. They are - unrealistic, and waste time that could otherwise be better spent honing your body or your mind towards fundamental exercises to keep both sharp." She shrugs a shoulder.

"I do try new food, sometimes. It is not always a pleasant experience. I do, however, like turkey legs."

"As to animals? I have little experience with them. The kitten seems - nice." She doesn't have another word to describe it that seems to fit, so she goes with it.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and will show her into the room. "Video games are supposed be a bit brain numbing, can help hand eye coordination, and you can't be training and practicing all the time, you will miss out on neat things in life. I have played about all of them." He admits. Well if there is anything you would like food wise let me know and can get it for you, or if ya want to try from someplace, can take us there." He will show her the room "This work? You can change it how ever ya want to, put posters or what not up. Can probably get a bunk bead set up, if your wanting to bring your sister over with ya sometime.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks over at Bart, "It was my understanding this was to be a base of operation. Not a - hangout. Was I mistaken?" She inquires. When the duffel is set down, she ignores it, not bothering to unpack. She knows her things are there, and what is there. If she has a need, she'll acces sit then. Laura, clearly, is very 'military-like' not only in her mannerism, but also her lifestyle.

"My associates at my main residence often attempt to talk me into 'fun' activities. Like the Ren Faire. Or Karoke. The Ren Faire had turkey legs." That seems to have been the best part of it, for her. "The Karoke - was not very good. Julio is lucky I did not break his arm."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well it is where some of us live also, my room is just down the hall, so I am around here a lot. I think it is more headquarters and hang out, like Rob, said we have been friends for a while now, I mean pretty much since Conner got out, and not to long after I got here as well. I aint been to a Ren faire, but sound interesting. as for Karaoke aint done that either, might be fun. I learned to play the Guitar at a school concert when the band had problems. You like the kitten, have you ever been to the Zoo?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura shakes her head in negative fashion. "No," she answers. "However, I have hunted a target in the Amazon Rainforest, as well as in Kenya. I have seen many animals. And scented them. But I have never been to a zoo." Again, she just hasn't seen the purpose in such.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "I work on the clean up crew at night, if you ever want to go I can show ya around, maybe let you pet some of the animals normal folks can't if we go at night. " He looks to her, and hmms "So, do you do some type of art like the old movies have all the old warriors, like Bansai, and The Karate kid, or anything?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I have watched martial arts movies. They are very fake." Then, Laura shrugs, "I know many styles, including Akido, Judo, Karate, Krav Maga, and Jujitsu. I am also well versed in a variety of weapons, kunai, swords, shuriken, and bo staff among others. I spent my entire life learning combat. I was a weapon."

She considers, "I still am a weapon. Merely on my own terms, now. For people I wish to protect. Including myself."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods a bit and says "I don't know any formal fighting styles mostly just speed-fu." He admits "Rob, and Rose, are really good with martial arts, and Cassie has the whole Amazon thing. " He hmms and says "You know you can be more than a weapon, right, you can be pretty much anything you want to be."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"That is what others have told me," Laura says, with a nod. "I am aware. Perhaps someday I will choose a different path. For now, I wish to utilize my skills in my own manner, now that I am free to do so."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Well if you ever see something you want to try let me know, I enjoy trying different new things, and find there a lot of things I had not heard of in my time. You said you wanted the fighting movies and they were fake, any kind you like?

Laura Kinney has posed:
Again, Laura shakes her head in negation. "I don't understand the point," she says, with a shrug. "I will watch them, and I have learned that people do not like my reactions to what happens on the screen. Gabby likes to watch movies. So I sometimes watch them with her." She shrugs.

Then, she tilts her head slightly, "I am simply different than you, Bart. We think differently. Do not worry about me."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Well it is ok to be different, I just want to get to know ya better. I am going to grab food, will bring some back if ya want me to.