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Latest revision as of 18:29, 5 August 2020

Hit by a Thunderbolt
Date of Scene: 04 August 2020
Location: Atlantic Ocean Coastline
Synopsis: Billy gets some Wisdom of Athena laid on him.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Mary Bromfield

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam also known as Billy to some sits on a rock on a lonely stretch of Newfoundland coastline. On a rock before him is his precious cell phone. he doesn't trust himself to hold it as the news unfurls about his fight with the Juggernaut. Every so often, he touches his face, his torso and winces. Apparently his does healing is fast if the injuries are critical but it slows down after and the bruises remain. Shazam looks at the news and the Courage of Achilles is the only thing keeping him from crying at the moment.

After a moment he says, "Shazam!" and returns to his Billy self. he quickly sits down on another rock, holding his head. A look at his cell phone indicates the healing is slower for Billy than Shazam. He fought the demons and Dr. Sivana, but this was the first time he got injured. After a moment he holds his head in his hands. "Angelica..." he whispers.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary heard about the fight, of course... and after spending some time in the Daily Planet offices for the morning, she took some time to slip out and sneak away. Since, well, if Billy wasn't answering her texts, then there's one likely place he'd go.

One bolt of lightning later, Thunderbolt is flying rapidly towards Newfoundland, soaring over the coastline as she keeps an eye out for her brother. When she spots him, she immediately descends, angling in for a light landing. Since Billy is, well, Billy, she says, "SHAZAM!" on landing, transforming back to Mary. With that, she takes a seat next to Billy, giving him a critical look, "Juggernaut really worked you over, huh?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson covers his black and blue face with his hands completely and says in a tortured tone, "I messed everything up. I should have left him alone. Icouldhavekilledpeople!" the last sentence is screamed. He covers his face again. Also Angelica is leaving. "I hate superpowers. They make a mess of things. No one should have them."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary shakes her head, unfazed by the screaming as she says calmly, "Yeah, you messed up some stuff, little brother. But you have to start learning to use what you got to the fullest." She glances over at the ocean, "He's the Unstoppable Juggernaut for a reason! You're not gonna beat him by trying to stop him. That's like trying to outquip Spider-Man or out-rescue-cats-from-trees Superman."

She hmms, then looks over at Billy, "You've got the Wisdom of Solomon, which isn't as good as Athena's, granted, but still, it's something you should listen to when you can. You just..." She pauses, then takes a deep breath, "You have to stop, and listen. Open yourself to it."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks at Mary and scoffs. "A pep talk isn't going to do it this time. I caused hundreds of millions of dollars... and my mentors are not as polite as yours. Sometimes five of them sound like frat boys and drown out King Solomon. If I open myself to them... Hercules and Zeus stare at the ass of every girl that walks by and some guys! Atlas rarely speaks except to tell me to suck it up and Mercury is all 'Let's race Nitro again!' Sorry about my language. Anyway, Solomon pointed me at using my lightning. Everything started exploding. I burned him, badly. It made me sick. I don't want to stop him or anyone that way."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary gives Billy a look, "Yeah, and Juggernaut ripping a /bank/ out of its foundations and carting it along New York isn't gonna do that anyway? Heck, if he's so unstoppable, use that against him! Fly under him and then punt him into the Atlantic or something. Get the fight out of the city, Billy."

She sighs, "Yeah, superpowers are rough and there's people that are gonna abuse them. And you need to be firm with the voices in your head so they don't run roughshod over you." She smirks a bit at that, "It's like being a Den Mother for them, sometimes... which is probably why I've been managing it okay, I have a lot more practice." Her eyes flash with a bit of amusement.

"But hey, we're from Philly, Billy. I'm not gonna give you all sunshine and rainbows. Life's hard, and you know it isn't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you get hit, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" Yeah, of course she dropped the Rocky reference in there.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson leans against Mary slightly. He sits sullenly. Even the courage of Achilles and purity of heart has their limits. "There's no manual for this stuff. Even the gods and heroes don't always know. I'm not looking for sunshine and rainbows. I had it pretty rough before Frank and Rose adopted me. But before, I could only hurt myself with my mistakes. It feels like I'm being forced into these fights, with Sivana, with Juggernaut... probably this Black Adam creep next. I didn't ask for any of this. I am so messed up between the age shifting I don't know which way I'm going. I either have old ladies thinking I'm sexy or girls my age thinking I'm a perv or their dad's friend. Angelica..." wasn't like that. He was going to say. He stops himself the damage done. Oh well, that with all the rest.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary puts an arm around Billy, "Yeah, I know. It's rough. But you want to know a secret?" She grins at Billy, "No one knows everything, not even Superman. That's why you have your family, right? I mean, you and Freddy got me out of that mope over Peter, right? And then when Bart and I split later... well..." Sure, it was good natured, but doesn't mean it didn't sting a little bit.

She then nods, "I remember you mentioning her, but yeah, sometimes things don't work out. I have /plenty/ of experience with that, these days. The important thing is to just be her friend, if that's what she wants." A bit of a wry smile, as apparently /something/ is working out for Mary, these days.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson misses the wry smile as he hugs Mary back with sudden strength. "Yeah we really gotta get you a guy, sis. I just... there's more and less to this than you think. I just can't tell about it yet. Thanks for coming. Uhm can I ask you one more little thing?" He gets a little con man gleam in his eye there.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary coughs a bit, "Oh, I think I'm fine, Billy..." She blushes a bit at the mention of getting her a guy, "Really, with the internship and school, who has time? But what's on your mind?" She narrows her eyes, recognizing the gleam in Billy's eyes, "This isn't about Freddy's birthday, is it?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson's eye widen. "I completely forgot with this mess. Okay, I'll hit the comic shop... get him that Knockout statue he liked errr ahem. No. What I was going to ask was can you please pick the stuff up on this list from the corner store? I want to hang out until I heal better. Milk, cheese, bread... lady stuff...?" He holds the list out. "I was going to the store for that when I hard about the stolen bank. I have the money Rosa gave me right here." He holds a pair of twenties out to his sister.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, "Alright, if you want to hang out here, I can run and get that for you. Mind if I tell Freddy you're here? He'll come visit, I'm sure." She smiles wryly, "And I'll tell him that if he wants his present from you he'll have to get it from you. Surprised you didn't get the Scarlet Witch statue."

She pauses, "Okay, I'll take care of it, and I'll let them know you're okay. Well, relatively speaking." She pockets the list and the twenties, "Sometime I'll have to tell you about the internship, it's so cool to be working at the Daily Planet."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods. "Yes tell me before SHIELD locks me up. You'll probably be an editor with a bunch of /Pyewlitzers/ by the time I get released." He hugs her again and gets up to step back. He's sure the lightning can't harm people when he transforms-unless he wills it. But it seems polite. He says his name again. Then once more with the right mindset and the lightning flashes. "We heal faster like this for what it's worth. I'm going to contact the police about the fight and arrange a meeting. Know any good lawyers?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hrms, "Before you do anything really /rash/ about that? Let me ask around. I mean, property damage happens... a lot, with superhero fights, and I don't think you'd be held that responsible for all of it, considering Juggernaut was literally robbing a bank." She gives Billy a stern look, "Seriously, let me ask a few people for advice first, because I'm pretty sure you'll do some PSAs or something and we'll call it good, okay?"

She smiles then and shouts, "SHAZAM!" Calling the lightning and changing into Thunderbolt, Mary then looks wryly at Billy, "Look, I'll see if I can talk to the Titans, and maybe some other people, see what the deal is. I'm pretty sure you're going to be fine, Billy." She hovers a bit, then waves, "I'll make sure Freddy comes by later, and I'll be back in a bit to drop off the gift you got him." Her eyes roll a little at the idea of a Knockout statue...

But then, she does have the fully articulated Mass Effect figures so... can't really judge, can she? And with that, she takes off, soaring up into the air and angling back towards New York.