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Latest revision as of 06:14, 6 August 2020

House Call
Date of Scene: 06 August 2020
Location: Pym Residence, Cresskill NJ
Synopsis: Donna and Samuel come to check up on a missing Nadia. The aftermath of Bushwick is discussed. Many cookies are eaten. Donna springs for Turkish food.
Cast of Characters: Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Donna Troy, Samuel Morgan

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
It is a beautiful day in the beautiful suburb of Cresskill, New Jersey. Peaceful, quiet, and removed from the chaos that is New York City and its myriad problems. The houses in this quaint residential are not the biggest, but by no means small either, and all quite well maintained.

It is here that one finds the Pym residence, home of one Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym at least when he isn't sleeping in his lab, and more recently his long estranged daughter Nadia. The house is a two story affair on a grassy street with many others like it, seperated by spacious lawns.

It is the latter Pym scion who is sitting out on the front porch enjoying some sunshine. The ever smiling girl is sitting in one of those swinging benches suspended by chains from the ceiling, swaying gently forward and back.

The young teenager is dressed simply but fashionably in a reddish-pink bomber jacket, over a black V-necked T-shirt, with a short red and black plaid pleated skirt, and stompy looking boots that lace up to her knees.

It might be a slightly surreal sight for those who know her, particularly given the events of the past month, but she isn't glued to a lab, or running around trying to help everyone and fix everything simultaneously. She's just sitting in the swing eating a cookie. Next to her is an entire plate full of similar cookies.

It looks like someone has taken up baking in her absence, Caitlin's influence perhaps.

Donna Troy has posed:
    The message to Nadia had simply suggested that Sam and Donna were in the area and asked if she was around for a visit. Nadia would be smart enough to know that they were checking up on her, and also smart enough to know that they would know she was smart enough to know that. It must have been one of those 'tact' things.

    Donna had been in Manhattan visiting the embassy when the arrangements had been made; she had met Sam at the Hyperloop in one of the Titan's cars - nothing too fancy though, it's just a regular car. It does go pretty fast though, as Sam discovers when they've crossed the Hudson and hit the Interstate Parkway. Apparently Donna likes to drive fast.

    As the car pulls up outside Hank Pym's house, Donna spots Nadia on the porch outside and gives her a cheery wave. To Sam, there is a quickly spoken warning as she parks up and before they've left the car. "Sam? Look, I know you and Nadia have certain things in common, past-wise. It'll probably be useful to both of you to talk that through with each other at some point, but take it slowly, okay? No need to rush into these things. Especially if her father is around."

    The Titans seem to be collecting reformed assassins. Well, time to check on the latest. Donna gives Sam a wink before stepping out of the car and making her way over to the port. "Nadia!" She calls out as she approaches. "You're looking well. Good to see you."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's been a part of Sam's life to be picked up by fast cars that look plain, driven by drivers who enjoy getting the most out of the tuned engines. He's used to it by now, for Bear it's still very much a thrill, but the Shepherd was back at the tower. He might like fast cars, but Sam doesn't want to take him through the hyperloop unless he has to. Somehow speed's not as much fun when you don't have a window to stick your head out of.

    The teenage assassin is quiet on the drive over, eyes focused on the road and the buildings alongside. Donna will probably catch him glance twice at any car that shows up more than once in the mirrors, and cast a few glances at anything remotely looking like road works or potential ambush spots. Some habits die hard, some don't die at all.

    "I know." He nods, following Donna's advice about taking things slow. "Trust me, Donna, I know."

    Getting out of the car, he casts a glance up and down the street before closing the door, making his way over to the porch swing. It's suburbia... it's open sight lines and no cover worth a damn. How do people live like this? "How do, Wasp?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia hops off the swing, easily sweeping up the plate with her non-cookie-holding hand, "Cookie?" she holds it out for Donna and Sam, "I've been experimenting with cooking, the most delicious form of Chemistry! White chocolate and macadamia nuts."

She looks between them waiting to see if they will partake of the cookies. "It's good to see you both. Sorry, I haven't been around for a few days. I needed some time." she offers them a smile that says at least on the surface she is doing better.

"Oh it's Waspette now." She adds for Sam.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Tasty science is the best form of science," Donna says with a grin as she steps up onto the porch and takes a cookie as she looks around.

    Donna is distinctly in civilian mode today. A red silk blouse and an ankle-length black skirt with wedge-heeled boots sticking out the bottom gives her a much less martial look than normal, as she's spent the day doing non-heroic embassy type things. No doubt she has some concealed weapon about her, if only because sometimes that's the best negotiation tactic.

    "There's no need to apologize, Nadia. Take the time you need." Donna gives her a smile before taking a bite of cookie and chomping it thoughtfully. "Hmm. Personally I'm more of a dark chocolate person, but it's good. Found yourself a new sideline?"

    She leans against a wooden beam of the porch and regards Nadia thoughtfully. "That whole business was... stressful. You worked your ass off and from the reports it sounds like the pay-off was not exactly what any of us would have wanted. However at the end of the day we have Bushwick back, and that's in no small part thanks to you, Nadia. I'm glad you decided to follow the T-Jet into Brainiac's ship. Worried about how much it cost /you/, though. This must have been a difficult and confusing time for you in a lot of different ways. How are you feeling?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Got stung with copyright over the name?" As far as bad jokes go, this one might not even be that bad. But Sam takes a cookie, intrigued by what might be wrought when chemistry genius meets baking enthusiasm, savoring the first bite. A thoughtful look, a single raised eyebrow, and then a nod as he silently proclaims it to be good. "Now these are good. These are Caitlin level good." Whoo, praise much?

    For his part, Sam is dressed about as non-descript as he's capable of with his current wardrobe, dark greys and dark blues, cargo trousers, round necked shirt and a hoodie that's half zipped open. Polished combat boots? Check. Guaranteed he's hiding a few surprises in his pockets and elsewhere about his person, but to the rest of the street he looks like the quintessential teenager, visiting the 'burbs from the big city.

    "It's okay to take some time for yourself after something like that."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Do you guys want to come inside?" Nadia offers, "This heat and humidity is miserable. I've tweaked the central air so we could probably get it down to freezing if we wanted to!" she grins.

"Yeah, it was a lot." she agrees with Donna, "I... a lot happened in that room. It was going so well and then the machine worked! But it was going out of control, and these portals opened and all of these people came through and they were stopping me from getting to the machine, but I needed to fix it, And.." she takes a breath, "..and I wound up hurting a lot of people really badly trying to get to the machine. If my father hadn't intervened.. I don't know.. I almost hit him, too." she looks down for a moment. "Dad thinks I might have inherited the bad parts of his brain along with the good, so we're going to get me tested for Bi-Polar." Perhaps unsure what to say after that she takes a bit of her cookie.

Sam receives a shake of her head, "Not exactly, sort of. Janet and I had a long talk, several actually. Maybe you don't remember, that's what she called me when we were rescusing my Dad from the Parallel Earth, and I kind of liked it. She's The Wasp and I'm not going to take that from her, but she did say I could be The Wasp if she decides to retire someday." she grins, this excites her and it is easy to see how there might be some truth to those Bi-polar suspisions the way she sometimes seems to bounce around the emotional spectrum.

Nadia looks skeptical when Sam compares her baked goods to Caitlin's but takes the compliment.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna nods her head a little at the talk of Nadia getting tested. "It doesn't hurt to know what you're dealing with Nadia, but there are a lot of factors to take into account there. High stress, so much at stake. The anger is normal. How you deal with that... well, yeah. That could have been better, but life is a learning experience and honestly experience is the best coping mechanism in a situation like that. Your life so far has probably not been exactly the best way to learn how to rationalize those feelings."

    She takes another bite of the cookie and nods towards the doorway. "I'm happy outside or inside. Used to hot weather myself, but if you'd be more comfortable inside, let's go. Just don't leave the plate of cookies outside, yeah?"

    "I dunno about quite as good as Cait, but they /are/ really good," Donna says with a grin. "It's also good to see you, Nadia. It was nice having you around the tower. It's good that you're getting some family time too now, but we've kind of missed having you bouncing around the labs. And..." she looks to Sam for a moment, before turning back to Nadia with a slightly apologetic smile and a small shrug. "Well, we've been worrying about you a bit too. Wanted to make sure you're okay."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There's still an easy smile on Sam's face, but that's the smile he wears from day to day, as the exact opposite of a poker face. It's easier to maintain than keeping up with actual emotion, and it tends to put people at ease. One of those more useful things he'd been taught, alongside all the other things he wished he could forget. And as Nadia begins to discuss the ... the incident, his smile remains in place while he observes her very closely, looking for the tell-tales of conditioned behavior.

    "For what it's worth, that was some impressive fighting." Another compliment from the assassin. This one, perhaps, is more believable. "I think we both accounted for about half each of the poor saps that came through. And they had it coming, every last one of them. Damn near lost us the array." Techno, it seems, isn't going to judge anyone for putting the hurt on interlopers. But still, he adds with a softer smile. "It's good you're being tested. It helps to be able to put a name on something."

    With his half cookie, he vaguely gestures to the door. "I don't mind the heat, but can we go inside? Feeling a bit exposed out here."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"It's good to see you both, too. Thanks for checking up on me." Nadia opens the door and leads them inside.

The Pym residence is not the neatest of abodes but not the messiest either. The primary mess is more of a minefield of all manner of projects in various stages of completion, both Hank's and Nadia's. Passing the kitchen though, it looks like a warzone. One might also wonder at some of those appliances that look more like they belong in a lab than a kitchen, almost like she has been mixing and bonding ingredients at the molecular level. But she leads on to the spacious living room with its large comfy sofa flanked by a pair of laz-e-boy chairs facing a huge widescreen television.

"Make yourselves at home," she says setting the plate of cookies on the coffee table before flopping backwards into the very soft fluffy plush sofa.

"It's just, it's so strange, it all seems to make sense at the time, so logical, but then I realize what I did and it all feels terrible. When I get like that I feel like a monster, like in the end all I can do is hurt people. I really want to believe that isn't true, that I'm not what they wanted me to be, maybe if I can help enough people it won't be true." Nadia has no poker face or carefully modulated expression, she doesn't seem to have received that part of the training. This girl wears her emotions on her sleeve.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Either Donna's too polite to say anything about the mess, or she's just used to it. Maybe the Tower kitchens tend to be pretty clean these days, but that's mostly Caitlin's influence, and when you've spent time living around people like Vic and Gar, you probably get used to these things. She seems perfectly at home taking a seat on the sofa. And taking another cookie.

    "There are a lot of people in Bushwick who would definitely disagree with the idea that all you can do is hurt people, Nadia." Chomp. Munch munch. "You've shown very clearly that you can help people a great deal. Focus on that. The rest... honestly, it's a fine line. Finding the balance - I've hit a lot of people over the years I've been a Titan, and I can punch holes in concrete. My first few years in the Titans, I spent more time learning how /not/ to hurt people than anything much else. If you wish, we'd be glad to help you learn techniques that limit the amount of real damage you do in a fight."

    Donna leans back comfortably and gives Nadia and encouraging grin. "I've seen you fight before though, Nadia. Against the Brainiac drones. They weren't human, weren't a target you /needed/ to go easy on. But you know what? You didn't lose control in that fight. And that tells me this wasn't normal for you. It's something you can overcome and be in control of."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is not a flicker of judgment in Sam's expression when he enters the less than perfectly tidy home, but he starts to a bit more selective about where he puts his feet. And when he finally does sit, it's half turned in one of the recliners, keeping the rest of the room in his field of vision and his back away from the door and window.

    When Nadia starts to recount her side of the fight, he shares a quick glance with Donna, raises an eyebrow, and then goes back to listening attentively.

    "A monster would have gone for necks, you stuck to knees, groins and elbows. And you took time to identify targets rather than attack the first thing you saw, which I appreciate because half the time that would have been me." Another smile, a soft one, and then he crosses his arms across his knees, looking down at the floor for a moment. When he looks back, directly at Nadia, the smile is gone, and the expression fully neutral. "Don't second guess it. It happened. The training is part of you. With training, and patience, and therapy... you can learn to control the combat trigger. Can't disarm it, don't try, but you can make it work for you, make it happen only when you want. It's possible. Believe me on this."

    After looking back to the floor for a few seconds, Sam's amiable expression is soon back and he helps himself to another cookie. "Glad you had my back."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia takes a bite out of a fresh cookie, "Yeah, that's basically what my Dad said, and Janet, and Dr. Banner. And I get it. Well now I get it, it's just like sometimes my brain chemistry betrays me and the wires get crossed. It's not really conditioning, I was minimally conditioned since they didn't want to impact my creativity so I would reverse engineer my father's work. They probably really regret that now though since I escaped. It's, my Dad has these episodes, too. That why he wants to get me tested and on medication that can help. Janet also said I should see a Therapist and said she knows some that might even be cleared so I can talk about all the things with them that SHIELD keeps telling me not to talk about with anyone. So, that's what I'm going to try and do. I wanted to try and fix Dad and myself but Janet said it's a terrible idea and convinced me I should leave it to the professionals. That I can't do everything."

She pops the last bite of cookie into her mouth, "Thanks for the votes of confidence guys, it means a lot. Oh!" She suddenly seems to remember something, "Janet made me a new suit to cheer me up! Or at least the base of one, I still need to add my own tech to it, but it's one of her Van Dyne originals and it looks so cool!" She flicks back of one of the two necklaces she wears and something tiny seems to pop out of it before she aims what looks like a small clicker device at it and it turns into her full sized Wasp suit, Waspette suit. It's a sleek back and red number with homages to the original Ant-Man and Wasp suits while still being it's own thing and much more stylish than what she had previously cobbled together out of Hank's spare parts.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Fancy," Donna declares when the new suit is put on show. "And a Van Dyne original, too. Vorpal will be so jealous." She breaks into a grin. "Looks good, Nadia. Or should I say Waspette. "

    "You know, someone you might want to talk to is Caitlin," Donna says, gesturing at Nadia with a half-eaten cookie. "She's mainly an engineer, but she did minor in psychology, with kind of... well. A focus on trying to understand people like us. And you should find her quite understanding of your particular issues. Maybe more than someone who hasn't been in the business herself. You certainly aren't the only person who has agonized over their actions in a situation like that. Everyone questions themselves to some extend or another, whenever things don't go perfectly.

    Donna retrains the cookie, aiming it in Sam's direction. "And people deal with things in their own ways. Some people, for example, write forty-seven page reports on incidents that get a bit off-plan and send them to people who they can think of as a stand-in for 'superior officer'. Testing and therapy is a good place to start Nadia, but having friends who you can talk to helps a lot too.

    Donna finished the cookie before it can go off, and licks her fingers. "How are things going with your dad, Nadia? It must be a confusing and complicated situation for you both. I... honestly I have no idea how I'd feel or react if I ever met my father."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Always let the professionals deal with this kind of thing. But you can talk to me too, if you'd like." Sam echoes, munching a cookie while Donna refers to the tome he wrote in response to the incident. That self-same incident. Clearly he has another coping mechanism. "He was the field leader at the time, and he seemed to have a problem with my use of a pistol, so... figured he'd want to read the full report."

    Which doesn't explain why he sent a copy to both Donna and Damian, although he had spared Kate the horror of having to wade through it all. "I like to think I was quite concise in my analysis."

    Picking a few crumbs off his clothes, he smiles at the new suit, nodding in appreciation. "Looks amazing. It'll look even better when you're done with it. Every hero should have an outfit that is uniquely them."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia grins, quite pleased with the reaction to her new suit. "Yeah, I can't wait to try it out." she points the clicker, which seems to operate on the same core tech as her gauntlets, at it again and folds the suit back into the cavity within her necklace. Always prepared.

"I didn't know that. Yeah, I will definitely talk to Caitlin." Nadia agrees with Donna, "I like her a lot. Her baked goods are what inspired me to try following some recipies while I've been home. Who knew chemistry could be so tasty." Apparently, Caitlin knew. "But yeah, I also read that one of the signs of Bi-Polar is a tendency to try and fix everything, so even though it's hard I'm going to leave it alone and rely on professionals. I guess I finally found a problem I can't Science my way out of. At least not with my own Science."

She peers at Donna and Sam's exchange, "That's... a lot of pages. I only ever do that when I'm taking notes about Science. I've filled at least ten notebooks with research on principles related to Brainiac's technology alone. And that's just physical notes. I don't think I've ever written that kind of report though..."

When Donna asks about her father, Nadia's face brightens again. "I traveled half-way around the world and to a Parallel Earth to find him. He was a bit surprised and I think it is difficult for him, but he's adjusting. He's not quite like I imagined but he's trying and that's what counts. He says I inspire him to try and be a better person. And I guess that's enough for me."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "My advice is, don't ever write that kind of report," Donna says. Her eyes are fixed on Nadia, but given the subject it's clear the words are not aimed solely at her. "Ultimately the people who are responsible for what we do as Titans is not any other member of the team, but ourselves. That's who we really have to answer to. If another member of the team questions your actions, you should know that they are doing so because they want to make sure you actually are answering to yourself. "

    "Being a ... /super-hero/ is tough, because of the 'hero' bit. That's asking a lot of yourself. The decisions we make... they /aren't/ a science. They can't be. Very often there simply isn't the time to make a perfectly informed decision, so we have to act instinctively. The important thing is to cultivate the right instincts. That's a big part of having a team like ours, where we are not just working together for unit efficiency, but being there for each other. Friends who will listen and talk, who will help us find a good balance in ourselves."

    Here endeth the lecture, thankfully. Donna reaches over to give Nadia's shoulder a very gentle squeeze. "I hope you feel like we've become your friends, Nadia. You'll always have a place at the tower. You've got a lot to deal with right now, but don't forget us, okay? We're here for you too. Though..."

    Donna raises an eyebrow, then grabs herself another cookie before leaning back again. "What do you think your father feels about it? You doing the hero thing, with us, or otherwise. I don't want to cause any friction there, especially when you're going through this whole process of discovering each other. If it does cause a problem..." She shrugs and waves the cookie vaguely. "Don't let it. There's no obligation here. You're a friend, and you'll always be welcome at the Tower even if you can't be going on missions with us or whatever. But if you think it would help to reassure him, please do bring your father along to meet us, okay?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Mental note: no more reports. As far as rebukes go, this one isn't too bad, and at least he got cookies out of what could otherwise have been a carpet parade. It takes a few moments before Sam says anything again.

    "Biggest part of it is knowing when to let go, and just... relax. There's always another crisis somewhere. I mean, with the rate aliens are attacking, we'll probably have the next intergalactic warlord-wannabe knocking on the mesosphere in about a week or so." It's solid advice, if only he'd take it himself.

    "Your father looks, and sounds, like a good man, Nadia. I'm glad you found him. You're both welcome at the tower, any time."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia sits and listens as she consumes another cookie, "No reports." she agrees. She looks thoughtful at the part of answering to herself, which may be harder in the end than answering to anyone else as her own worst critic. "Thanks Donna, I'll remember that."

She says something made unintelligbile by a mouthful of cookie and pauses to swallow it before continuing, "He is fine with what I'm doing, he actively encourages me. When I woke up the next day still depressed and told him I was a monster, he reminded me that he would probably still be on that Parallel Earth if I hadn't come to help him. Sure he worries, he's a Dad, but he knows he couldn't stop me if he wanted to." she grins as she says the last bit, "Being Super-Heroes is kind of the family business anyway. Well super-heroes, robots, and synthezoids. My family is a bit weird." she admits.

She gives Samuel a smile, "Relaxing is hard but I'm working on it. The last few days have helped a lot. I think I'm ready to come back though."

Suddenly Nadia lights up again like she suddenly remembered something, "Speaking of family, can I bring my Great Niece to the Tower for you all to meet? I think you'll like her a lot, she's Vivian Vision, The Vision's daughter. She's great!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna turns a dazzling smile on Sam when he talks about relaxing, but she leaves it a few moments to chomp some cookie before responding directly. She lounges back comfortably, one arm wrapped around the back of the sofa, the other free to gesture demonstratively with the cookie.

    "You've had some experience of military units, Sam. Tell me, did you ever notice that the older, more seasoned campaigners were often the ones who were a bit more... laissez-faire? Not necessarily while actually on a mission, but certainly between missions? A bit less by-the-book and a lot more prone to being able to relax whenever they have the cance to? Consider the notion that it's not that they have just got cynical and can't be bothered any more once they've been doing it so long as that the ones who can develop that attitude are actually the /survivors/."

    Donna grins a little. "It's interesting the insights you pick up when you live on an island where everyone you meet had been a seasoned campaigner a thousand years before Caesar was born. Believe me, they're all really /good/ at relaxing."

    She laughs a little and takes another mouthful of cookie before giving a nod to Nadia. "Yef..." a moment to swallow and brush crumbs from her lips. "I mean yes, of course Nadia. Bring them both around some time. Make sure you notify people first though, because of the whole secret identity thing. But of course you can. I mean like you say, family business for us too. Titans kind of is family, and if you're part of that... well I guess that means your father and your great neice are kind of part of the extended family, right?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Some experience..." Sam begins, with a mock scathing look, chomping down on a cookie and shaking his head. "Some." A wink immediately follows, to both Donna and Nadia, just to show that he wasn't being serious. "You mean aside from the inappropriate humor, the ability to sleep literally anywhere and a way to talk about anything except the mission unless being on a mission? Yeah, I noticed it." But exactly how seasoned was Sam himself? Did he start fitting into that category? "And they always kept telling the rawer recruits to chill, to relax, to take it easy. Never late for parade, first down the ramp, last ones to panic, but if you saw them relaxing in the common room, you'd think they were a social club."

    Life goals...

    "It'll be good to see Viv again. For what it's worth..." and here he looks at Donna "... she's already figured me out. Pretty hard not to when you spent a whole school year together, both pretending to be regular students, and then run into each other on a mission." Click, blink. "Wait, great niece?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Wait you live on an island with people who were alive a thousand years before Ceasar was born?! Is it tropical? Can I visit?!" Nadia was doing well and following along with the talk about soldiers and relaxing but it is an island of apparent immortals that seizes her attention. She definitely likes islands, volcano lairs are a bonus. "I guess I'm not the only one with an interesting family!"

"Yeah, I've already experienced setting off every alarm in Avengers Mansion before, don't want to repeat that with the Tower, I'll definitely call ahead first." She agrees with a rueful smile at that memory.

"Oh, I didn't tell you?" Nadia gives Sam a curious look like it must have slipped her mind, "She is my great niece. My father created Ultron and Ultron created the Vision, making the Vision my father's Grandson, and The Vision created Vivian. So as my half-brother's son's daughter, that makes her my great niece! And she really is pretty great!."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Not technically tropical, Nadia." Donna gives a broad grin. "But sunny. More like Mediterranean. And yeah.. I mean my sister is Wonder Woman, and my mom is Queen Hippolyta, who got name-checked by Homer in the Iliad. I guess that makes my family pretty interesting. As for visiting... well hopefully. It's not exactly open for tourism, but I am hoping to make the arrangements to bring a few Titans along some time soon."

    Donna looks between Sam and Nadia curiously. "You know her Great Niece then, Sam?" She asks. "Oh, this was the school that you and Kian were at, right? This sounds like quite an unusual school. And the Vision's daughter too." She laughs a little and shakes her head. "I feel sorry for the staff already. You lot must have been quite a handful."

    "You've got the T-Com," Donna points out. "So long as you have that with you when you bring them in with you, you won't set off any major alarms. Just send an alert notification on the network that there will be some non-members on the way so people know to put on their masks."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Perfectly normal school, with perfectly normal students. Those were the rules." Sam clarifies with a bright smile, letting the talk of families pass him by. That was a topic he wouldn't be able to contribute much to. But he's also floored by what he's just learned.

    "Hang on... You mean to tell me that Ultron is your half-brother, and the Vision is your nephew? That could be a tricky Thanksgiving..."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Still sounds pretty nice, islands are nice." Nadia is quite certain of this. The Iliad and Homer seem to go over her head though. One might venture outside of Science there are some rather large holes in her education where the Humanities should be.

Nadia makes an 'oooh' face when Donna talks about actually letting some Titans visit the island though, "I am very good at packing, I could literally fit the T-Jet in my suitcase!"

She looks to Sam, "We haven't had a thanksgiving yet, but I imagine it will be! At least if Ultron shows up anyway. Nobody is really sure where he is currently... in this dimension anyway."

She nods to Donna, "Yeah, I will be sure to use it! Dad has been busy in his lab, but hopefully I can bring Viv soon and Dad whenever he finishes what he's obsessed with at the moment." She says this like it is a perfectly normal state of affairs.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "We might need the T-Jet to get there," Donna says with a laugh. "Which would be awkward if it was in your suitcase. Or maybe I can persuade my sister to fly us all there in her invisible jet.

    Wait, what? Invisible jet? Okay, maybe a mom who's the actual queen of the Amazons mentioned by Homer and Herodotus isn't interesting to the science geeks, but her sister has an actual invisible jet? Surely that's cool enough for anyone.

    Donna gives Sam an amused smirk. "I've met three students and one member of staff from that school and not a single one of them was perfectly normal," she says. "Learning the Vision's daughter is there too hardly changes my mind."

    Donna finishes her cookie and looks around. "Tell you what, Nadia. As your father is busy in the lab and your kitchen is in a state that would make Caitlin weep, how I about I take you out for a meal? We passed a Turkish place on the way here. You guys like Turkish food? It'll make a nice change from pizza."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Invisible?! How does it work?! Can I study it?!" Nadia is excited, after the last few days it seems like a sort of return to her natural state.

She gathers up the now barren cookie plate, its contents having been successfully devoured by a ravenous pack of Titans, and takes it to the kitchen dumping in the sink with the others as seems to be her standard procedure for dirty dishes.

"Turkish food?! What's that like? Let's go! I mean pizza is pretty great but I've never tried Turkish! New taste let's go!" This kid? She's going to be fine. Her enthusiasm to experience the world she was denied remains undaunted, one might even say she's Unstoppable.