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Latest revision as of 21:39, 8 August 2020

A Meeting of the Minds
Date of Scene: 08 August 2020
Location: WAND Director's Office
Synopsis: Trainee Mary Jane Watson has her first one-on-one meeting with Director Palamar of the WAND Division.
Cast of Characters: Kara Lynn Palamas, Mary Jane Watson

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
    Kara Lynn's plate had been more than full in the last week or so. The state of affairs in the magical world and SS Invictia, the Holy Lance, and necromancy running amok was among her chief concerns, but she had finally gotten some sleep. Enough so that she could think straight again, and not bite anyone's head off.

So, it was the following morning following that huge span of sleep that was at least 4 hours that Kara Lynn had sent the message to Trainee Watson:

    Report to WAND Director's Office immediately.

There had been no other information as to the reason why, or under what circumstances the summons was requested under, but the message was clear on one thing. Immediately. Director Palamas did not wish to be kept waiting.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
While Red Sonja is pretty familiar with bows and archaic weapons, she's not too keen on pistols. So, MJ was spending some training time today on the gun range, doing pretty well for a beginner. Not stellar, and definitely no Barton, but she's not horrible.

Which is, of course, when she gets the alert from the Director. She blinks at that, then safes her gun and turns in her equipment. To her, immediately means no changing out of the grungy clothes so...

Mary Jane Watson, Agent-Trainee of S.H.I.E.L.D. is standing in the waiting area for the WAND Director's office, wearing a SHIELD Trainee T-shirt, hair pulled back in a ponytail as she also has black cargo pants on with black sneakers. If she's nervous, she doesn't show it to most eyes. Experienced directors would probably realize she's a bit on edge, though, as she wonders at the sudden notification.

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
The door swings open after only a few moments to reveal - perhaps not what MJ was expecting. The office is not spartan in the least.

The office, if anything, is warm. Almost inviting. There are artifacts along the walls of various mythologies, mostly those of Greecian and Nordic, but there are those of Native American and Asian cultures as well. If they are not 'real', they're certainly high-quality replicas.

A black and orange furred cat raises its head from its napping position in the chair facing the desk of the Director, and then puts its head back down and closes its eyes sleepily after streching out to renap some more.

The desk is devoid of any clutter, several monitors span the large desk, a single keyboard.

Save for the computered desk, it'd almost seem an office of an Antiquities Professor, or that of a Musuem Head than a Director of SHIELD.

The Director, herself, is presently reading a report. She does not look up to greet the Trainee, nor does she greet verbally, just yet. Her attention is clearly on the AAR she's reviewing.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson looks around curiously, unable to help herself... though she doesn't spy out any Hyborean artifacts. Though a few look pretty close. She moves through to stand between the two chairs in front of the Director's desk, standing loosely at attention.

Mainly because she wasn't asked to sit down yet, so she waits patiently, also resisting the urge to pet the cat. Barely. Tortoiseshells are delightful, after all...

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
"You may sit, Trainee," Palamas says after a few moments. She continues to read the AAR for a few more moments, and is otherwise silent.

She grimaces, looks up from the monitor and leans back in her chair, her eyes, intense at this particular moment, study the much younger woman in front of her.

"Tell me, Watson. Why, in your estimation, do you think you were accepted into the SHIELD training program?" The direct question belies neither aggression or approval, her tone as neutral as her features.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ takes the offered chair, not being rude to the cat as clearly it's not /her/ fault that Mary Jane needed the review. She does pause, thinking about the question, "Well, I figured it was from how I performed when Arcade abducted me along with several other agents..." She pauses, "Though, I guess that's about the invitation, and not the actual acceptance." She hrms, thinking about it, as the fact that she is, in fact, as young as she is, shows through a bit.

While Sonja is more experienced, she also never had to deal with job evaluations...

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
"Yes. I've read the report," the Director agrees about MJ's performance during that particular abduction. "You handled yourself well. But quite a few people can handle themselves well under pressure. Firefighters. Policmen. School Teachers. Politicians."

She doesn't move, almost doesn't seem to blink, either. She lets that idea sit, stew, for a few long silent seconds before adding, "You also come with a risk. Your possession by Red Sonja. Certainly in some factors she has benefited you, and your ability to continue training. I have no doubt she assisted you at the Church, and am grateful for that. But there is a risk there. She is an unknown entity. Lost, in most schools of learning. Her motivations uncertain. No doubt she is interested in assisting you in protecting you as her host. But, beyond that. Mm."

Her mouth dips, into the smallest of frowns. Again, the Director lets that thought spin through MJ's head for a long moment, and she waits, clearly on purpose, to see what the young Trainee - or even Sonja, might say in her defense.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson bristles a bit at that, as she looks about to say something, only barely catching herself, then looking a bit annoyed. Though not at the Director, necessarily, as she seems to be having an internal debate.

After a moment, she hmms, "I'm not entirely sure what I can say to that. I mean, Sonja's motivation at the moment revolves around stopping the machinations of sorcerers from her time that might be trying to rebirth themselves in the modern day, such as Kulan Gath."

She pauses a moment, as if having an internal discussion, then she looks squarely at the Director. Her manner seems to be a little different, more confident, and her lips quirk in a faint smile, one eyebrow arching, "But I suspect that's something you've been wanting to ask me directly for a while now."

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
The Director gives the smallest of nods of approval. "As I said. Red Sonja's tale, even Hyborea itself, are lost to most teachings and knowledge. I, and others like me, are an exception to that. I'm aware, in fact, of some of Red Sonja's exploits and have a fair idea of how much is truth versus expounded fiction for the sake of storytelling."

That, however, doesn't seem to be a matter she's interested in discussing at present as she doesn't persue that line of questioning or conversation. "That understanding is, in part, why you're here." She doesn't clarify if that means just in her office, or here, in SHIELD and her voice carried some weight in ensuring Mary Jane Watson was able to become a SHIELD Trainee.

She reaches into her desk, pulls out a sealed envelope and sets it in front of herself without looking at it. Or, without mentioning it. "Dealing with the misappropriation of magic, by sorcerers, cults, or the corrupted, creatures, or other obstacles of the paranormal and unexplainable is my duty, and perogative, Watson. It is WAND's directive, and it is why I sit in this desk."

Her eyes narrow, thoughtfully and she lifts her hands to web her fingers together, thoughtfully. "Tell me, Watson. Where do you see yourself, should you get your certification to be a full Agent?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane seems to relax a bit at that, "Well, I'd be lying if I didn't say that my initial thoughts might have been being an undercover agent of some kind with some sort of glamorous cover identity..." She coughs, "But, well, the more I work with SHIELD, and with the field missions I've been allowed to go on... or had dropped on my lap..."

She pauses, then looks at the Director, "I think my best use would be working under WAND direction. Eliminating cults and sorcerers is something that Sonja is eager to do. She doesn't particularly like corrupt magic, and neither do I. Especially after being attacked by animated Lovecraftian paintings." She wrinkles her nose a bit at the memory.

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
Another nod, from the Director. "Good. Then I won't be disappointing you when I tell you that should you get certified, you will in fact, be working directly under WAND. You may still be pulled into other Operations, but you will be reporting directly to me."

Two fingertips land onto the corner of the envelope, and this is pushed towards the younger woman. "Get with Agent Whitman, and the two of you are to deliver this to Agent Simmons in Research and Development as soon as you're both avaliable."

Then, she frowns. "And while I commend your attention to duty and your involvement with our current problem, regarding the SS Invictia, Trainee Watson, it is not an excuse for missing out on your evaluations. Make it a priority. I want to see your evaluation completed by the end of the week."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson straightens at that, "Yes ma'am, I'll make sure to get right on that evaluation." With that, she takes the offered envelope, nodding at the instructions, "I had a meeting with Agent Whitman later today, so that won't be a problem."

She then smiles at the Director, "And I'm glad you chose me for this, Director. I won't let you down." She nods, then asks, "Was there anything else, ma'am?"

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
Kara Lynn shakes her head in negation, "No. I'm certain, however, we'll be speaking again, soon. You can see yourself out, Watson. Good luck."

She turns, and returns her attention back to the computer.

There is no rest for a Director. At least, not with a major catastrophe on the verge of wrecking the entire city. Thanks, nazis.