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Atlantean PD on the case
Date of Scene: 09 August 2020
Location: Ruins -- Roosevelt Island
Synopsis: Elektra comes across Aquaman as he stops some cutthroats who stole some Atlantean artifacts. A deal is made, Aquaman keeps his artifacts, Elektra finds what she was here for.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Elektra Natchios

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The sailing vessel Clara's Clarity had been out to sea for twenty seven days. A decent voyage for a ship that size, just a modified trawler with its two dozen crew. A longer trip than it had in its last seven recorded trips filed with the harbormaster. Usually those trips are short, a few days out, a few days back. No cargo reported beyond an occasional catch that often seems anemic.
    At least that's what the records show.
    The Clara has a rep on the docks, one of those ships that nobody sees set out, and very few see it when it returns. It's either there or it's not, and the owner pays a good amount of money to make sure nobody asks questions. Or least mostly nobody. The harbormaster found himself moved to curiousity and explanation when he was confronted by a large tattooed man who seemed rather displeased with how he ran things this side of the East River. And it's interesting what people will tell you when confronted with a glimpse into their own mortality and place on the food chain.
    For tonight, that tattooed man is going to see a rare sight on dock eleven-seventeen, as he's seated there on the end of the pier. One foot is on the mooring that supports his weight, arms resting on his raised knee. His hair and beard are wild and unbraided. Looking almost like one of the indigents from up the road had figured he'd take a load off here considering he's wearing canvas pants, old boots, and a loose olive green overshirt with nothing underneath.
    Seemingly waiting there.
    As the Clara chugs its way toward the dock.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Clara's Clarity was indeed the kind of vessel which barely anyone saw in or out. Elektra though had her own contacts in the city, in the world, that told her when certain items of importance were being carried about. Or at least the potential for such. And such a long trip off seas meant there -should- be something of interest for the assassin..

There had been no need for her to contact the harbormaster, the rumor mill having been enough to tell her that tonight would be the night.. And being the patient kind of woman that she was she had chosen to perch atop one of the buildings nearby, one in ruins, she roaming by the shadows of the roof, watching the otherwise empty harbor save for that tattooed man. It was odd enough, that one didn't seem like one of the workers.., but all in good time. She would watch for now.

She was dressed in the dark and red traditional outfit of the reknown assassin, mask up and covering her lower face and of course the Sais resting on her sash, still unbloodied.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    As the sky still offered a misting of rain from the storm earlier, the ship chugged its way forward, engine curiously quiet considering the apparent age of the vessel and its general appearance of lack of care. Barnacles marred its sides, some of the metal siding along the hull appeared to have stress fractures. But that engine hummed with a steady restrained power as it pushed the vessel forward, then it went silent as it floated ahead.
    On deck a handful of men appeared. One near the bow and being the first one to notice the apparently homeless man sitting there on the mooring that the ship was to use in part. A voice lifted.
    "Hey, fuck off!" Sharp words from the deckhand.
    To which the man didn't answer, nor move as of yet.
    "Quiet there!" A voice of an older man was heard and across the deck a dark silhouette of a man in a heavy rain coat surged toward the port side of the vessel to stand next to the deckhand.
    Quiet words were exchanged rapidly, as well as the deckhand pointing at the crazed looking man with the wild hair.
    "Avast," Which for some reason made the man's lip curve, "Get clear. We're comin' ashore."
    Which finally had that large man say simply, "No. Ya ain't." And then he stood up.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Well, nothing like a good distraction.

Elektra watches the vessel chugging along, closed and closer to mooring and then slides down from the position she was at, one hook rope securing her fast descent down to the ground and then she is off, barely making a sound as she dashes across the side of the peer, keeping to the shadows. Honestly she was hoping for some fight to break out so she could simply infiltrate the ship at her own leisure. Of course that those plans wouldn't work too well if the man wouldn't let the vessel actually shore up. Hmph.., annoying...

Yet it doesn't deter her from continuing along, just another shadow in the otherwise quiet, silent peer. The Clara's Clarity had chosen well, it was one of those quiet nights with barely a ship coming in or out...

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "I don't think you can rightly stop us, fella." The ship's captain says with a slight smug look to his face. A smug look that is shared by the hands around him as they all look at each other and some chuckle even as the other lines are tossed to secure them to the dock. Not the main one that the recalcitrant man was sitting on, but the others will have to do for now.
    "You," Says that man, his voice strong, deep, and with a hint of annoyance to his tone. "Have shit, that does not belong to you." There's a slight grunt from the man as he gains his full height and then with no hint of anything untoward he /leaps/ across the distance from dock to ship, not horribly far but with an ease of movement that is deceptive.
    He lands upon the deck ten feet or so from the captain and his hands, that olive green shirt flaring a bit and exposing that myriad of tribal tattoos upon his broad chest and those thick arms. This close, the crew realizes... that this. Is a big guy.
    Arthur Curry, heir of Atlantis, scowls as he looks over the ship. The men in front of him, and then the tell-tale discolorations upon the deck, and those holes in some of the superstructure. "And you haven't even cleaned up the bloodstains yet. You are some of the most arrogant fucking pirate bastards I have ever come across. And I'm here to tell you that shit ends here."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
With all eyes staying on the man that decided to board a pirate a ship it's like a stroll in the park for Elektra now, she continuing her dash across the pier and eventually reaching the edge. She is still listening but she ain't exactly the most talkative right now. Her objective is another...

With a running start she jumps across, but not up to the deck, choosing to clamp over to the side of the vessel, one of her Sais stabbing through to find purchase.. There -is- some small noise heard when she does that, a noise that calls the attention of a pair of men who begin to warily walk to the side of the ship. Because who knows how many of these crazy tattooed guys there could be roaming around?!

Elektra pushes herself up a notch, quiet, waiting ..., ready to lash out if anyone peers over the side of the ship where she is.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    A snort is given by the captain as he sort of just /looks/ at Arthur, shaking his head. Then looks around at the deck, and true to the Atlantean's word, there's some dark brown stains on the wooden deck, as well as small divots in the side structure of the vessel and some of the cargo it has above decks. Which causes the captain to scowl and /smack/ the arm of one of the men nearest him while shaking his head as he _glares_ at the man.
    But then, still shaking his head, he turns and glares right back at Arthur. "No idea who you are, fella. Don't really care. And maybe yer runnin' some grift I'm not aware of. But when ya confront folks ya think are right murderin' bastards. Make sure you don't put 'em in the mind of murderin' you."
    Then, to the side, he says simply. "Kill him."
    And that is the moment when the guns are drawn.
    Though over near the other side of the ship, two of those workers who had been pulling open the large cargo bay doors, the metal sliding with a scraaaape upon the hinges, they had stopped at the sound of that noise. That small clatter and thunk. It causes one to look at his mate, quirk an eyebrow, then a shrug. As they /both/ go over to look over the side of that vessel. Having no idea what sort of fate awaits them.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There is always that brief moment before violence where all is quiet, the tension at it's climax waiting to be unleashed. Elektra has learned to read those moments, knowing fully well when she is presented to it... And now was one of those times..

She hears those words on deck. The order to 'kill him'. And she knew it was time..

Sharp, dark eyes are looking up, waiting and as the first man peeks over she launches herself up, using her momentum to pull the man overboard and at the same time also gaining purchase atop the vessel. The man lets out a brief scream before falling underwater.. As for the other, it's jaw is still open before a pair of legs scissor across his torso while Elektra vaults over, tossing the man to the ground uncerimonously. Like a snake she lunges up, a vicious elbow cutting off any cry from the man and sending him to the land of dreams (painful ones, most likely).

But now she is atop the vessel, looking across the scene about her, assessing, even as she moves to cover to stay away from those guns.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Right," Is the only rejoinder given by that tall man. From her perch only now is she likely able to get a clear look at him. Tall with broad enough shoulders one might have to imagine him having to turn sideways to get through any of the doors on this ship. Strong, as is evidenced when he takes a step forward and grabs the man in front of him by he face and /smashes/ him into the deck of the ship with a heavy /WHUD/ that causes some of the already damaged wood to splinter.
    It's such an abrupt and almost casual violence that it takes the other crew aback at first, then gets them scrabbling to get their guns out quickly. Though not fast enough for some.
    Like some sort of grim inevitability, Arthur stalks forward to two of the men that are going for their weapons. One gets it clear from the small of his back only to have his arm /wrenched/ sharply as it's grabbed, twisted, and used as a lever to slam the man into the other with a whumpf of impact that sends those two to the ground.
    If she has time to gauge him, she'll notice quickly there is no technique or style of training to his movements. Not in this at the least, instead he is all pure primal brute force as he moves towards others.
    A pistol is drawn finally and the weapon barks, three quick times, smacking quickly into his stomach, his chest, his face. Snapping his head to the side...
    Which just seems to piss him off all the more as his snarling scowl looks staggeringly grim when he squints at the man who just shot him.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's a quick skim with her eyes really, for Elektra is busy getting out of the way of angry sailors who just saw two of their workers get knocked out..., and then Arthur goes over and dishes out some casual violence.. The no technique does elicit a brief sigh from her. Such a waste...

But no time to think too much on it. Her hands move lightning fast, reaching and bringing out a couple of shuriken just as two men are turning her way. They fly towards their targets, stabbing one in the shoulder and another on the hand that was holding a gun. They let out a cry of pain which she takes advantage of by moving forward and deliver quick jabs to the throat of each, making them topple down. She's all technique.

When those men finally find Arthur and shoot him up it makes Elektra smirk. So much for super strength... But then he doesn't fall. "I'd call that cheating." her words muffled under that mask.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Oh. He's one of those. That notion is solidified when he reaches over and /crushes/ the pistol, throws it aside and then grabs the man by the collar. Hoisting him up into the air and then sending him with a toss to the side into a pile with two other gunmen. Some had been holding off firing from fear of hitting their friends. But the captain... he has no such compunction as he takes aim with his own revolver and starts sending round after round towards Arthur...
    And sure enough one of his mates gets shot in the leg, howling in pain even as the tall man from Atlantis scowls and closes the distance with the head officer in a blur. Just a rush of motion that ends with him in front of the captain and grabbing him by both shoulders to lift him up into the air.
    "You tell your people to stand down."
    "Go fuck yourself!" The captain shrieks angrily as he struggles.
    Then Arthur flips him almost negligently and holds him over the riverside of the boat, dangling by one leg as beneath him... there is the long slooooow side silhouette of a shark that rarely is seen on the East coast, usually only in summer time and then when such a creature appears it makes the news. But footage of this one? Would go national.
    "Tell them, or I let you go." There's no punctuating flash of fangs, or the great dead eye of that shark visible. All it is is just that sloooow silhouette, like some monolithic creature from ages past, drifting below the water, with only its fin and tail breaking the surface causing small eddies of water as it almost languidly swims by.
    "S-S-s-stand down!" He shouts.
    And if this were a crew of some loyalty, of some discipline. Assuredly they would. But with the surrender of their captain...
    Most of them make a break for the docks to try and get away. Luckily, Arthur doesn't seem too inclined to chase. Not yet at least.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
All the confusion around makes this a prime battleground for Elektra, the sailors barely able to figure out where the danger is coming from.. Yet as the captain is held by one leg and surrenders (without even having to walk the plank) it means the men are all scurrying away..

Just as well for her. She takes a step aside, not really the type to pursue stragglers and leans over to start picking up the shuriken she was tossing earlier. It's no good leaving traces of her passage here.

Eyes then trace back across to Arthur and she murmurs. "Are we going to have a problem here?" the words clearly directed at the large man. The shurikens again disappear within the folds of her clothing, chin slightly up. If anything she appears to be awfully confident even after seeing what Arthur is capable of.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    There's no rush from Arthur to pursue the scurrying sailors. Enough of them are unconscious on the deck of the ship, and there's the captain who is held in one hand. But when that ninja slips out of the shadows and moves toward him, the tall man's attention shifts away from the seaman struggling in his hand...
    To look on the woman who stands there before him. Confident. Unassailable. Beautiful.
    Though that mask might be hiding something hideous. A thought that causes his eyebrows to lift slightly and to the side.
    But then amber eyes meet hers and he grunts slightly, pokerface for now. A length of rope is pulled from around where it was wound next to the railing of the deck. It's wrapped slowly around the captain's leg and then suddenly he's dropped over the side.
    The captain /screams/ as he falls straight toward that leviathan swimming under him, even having a brief moment to see the large six inch fangs of the monstrosity as it /snaps/ at the mans descent... only for that rope to catch and leave him dangling over the side. Swaying back and forth slowly while the large shark swims slowly back and forth.
    It leaves the two of them there, and the tall man scowls, folding his arms over his massive chest. Those tattoos might at first look like some form of chainmail, or armor. But no it's just the taut musculature of the grim man as he glares at her and says, "Depends on what you're after."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Is that so..?" Elektra replies, almost flippantly, the smirk visible on those dark eyes. "But that's the fun part... What am I after, mmm?" the woman keeps her distance of course, not really too keen to get into the range of the man she saw casually bashing people around and surviving gun shots. Her eyes do roam though, mayhaps looking for weak spots.

Though shortly after she gestures with one hand to the surrounding vessel. "What is your interest in this ship?" she inquires, gaze noting those blood stains on the deck, "You are not with the police, so is this vengeance?" a pause.

"Or are you interested in the cargo?" The assassin finally comes to a stop, those shoulders remaining tense, prepared for a battle if it comes.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The smirk she'll see on his features has no attempt to hide it at all. He meets her gaze, breathes a slight 'chuff' of exhalation that might be a laugh if he gave a damn. Then his eyes slip to the side, away and toward the open cargo bay doors. Then back to her.
    "Maybe I am a cop." He answers her myriad of questions with that. Then he starts stalking toward her, eyes narrow, features stern. Something in him rather severe as he moves closer, towering...
    Then past her as he continues to that open entry way to the lower storage. His back to her for a moment, he turns his head and tells her, "Detective Curry. Atlantis PD." He's got such a damn good pokerface. Maybe he's telling the truth? But no. She's an artist trained in reading the human form, and can read in his 'don't give a shit' manner that he's not being entirely truthful.
    But when he stops at that open metal door in the deck and turns to look at her he tells her, "I'm here to recover some items that don't belong to these bastards. You intend to steal these items, then... yeah we're gonna have sharp words. You don't..." He gestures with a hand toward that door, "Then you can start by tellin' me who you are."
    And if she seems inclined to go with him, then he'll drop down into the cargo hold.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Atlantis. That may explain a few things. A finely-trimmed brow slowly arches at the man, eyes continuing to follow him when he moves about. "Sure. Harbor police. Here to make sure those items are aprehended." she doesn't even bother trying to sound sincere, just rolling her eyes..

Yet she does turn and moves closer to that entrance to the cargo hold, a brief glance inside it and then she drops down into it, feet landing on the floor below without a sound, "And it all depends on who those items belong to, don't they? Are they yours then?" she inquires.

And still, no name offered out of her.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Dropping down beside her, he on the other hand lands with a /thump/ then rises back to his full height. His lip twists a little as they stand there in the middle of the hold. Old crates surrounding them, the musty cargo area not exactly the most clean place they've ever been.
    Yet standing close for that small moment, she can feel the way he radiates heat, and the scent of the beach is there to him. The salty sands, a tang of sweat, the hint of the air when a storm is about to rage across the waves. It's there in the man as he steps past her toward a pile of crates. A hand rests on the top of one and he /pulls/ it open with a crackle and splintering of wood. Then shakes his head as he looks to her.
    "Not mine mine. My people's." He looks up at her, then back at the next crate. "Well, Atlanteans." He continues to search, tearing apart another crate and leaving a few shattered pieces of wood on the floor. Nothing.
    "Technically I grew up in New England." As much as he'll offer for now even as he takes a deep breath and scowls as he rests a hand upon another crate.
    "This... is going to take forever."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra isn't just a reknown assassin, for her missions haven't only been made of killing. Sometimes she needs to relieve certain people of certain objects as well. So it has given her the kind of perception that doesn't just go blindly on opening crates and hoping for the best. She studies the hold, mmm'ing.

"It's a long distance from Atlantis to New England.." She comments. And well, in fact she doesn't even know where Atlantis is! No matter, still a big distance. But then her search continues...

"So, ancient priceless relics.." She states. Is she coveting the loot to herself? Who knows? That voice gives nothing away.. "And considering this crew of cutthroats if I was hauling such an important cargo I would not leave it so easy to find." she paces along the lower deck, past Arthur.

"I will find what you want. The rest will be mine." She says as if they were sealing a deal, moving along until she finds a stash of empty crates piled up. "Here." she murmurs, moving one of the empty crates out of the way. Behind it there's a larger set of crates, apparently loaded.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Mmm," He offers in counterpoint to her own mmm, standing there and starting to pull apart another crate even as she's exploring and looking over that cargo hold. The top of that crate crackles and he peers inside, then he says. "Not exactly ancient and priceless." Then he stops and looks across the way.
    "And don't start thinking you'll be the Belloq to my Indiana Jones."
    But then she offers that deal and she'll hear him snort a little disparagingly even as he turns around and...
    She's found it, the larger set of crates revealed and his brow furrows when he actually sees a faint glow from one of the corners of the crate that gleams as if it were gold. A few steps carry him back towards her and he stops beside her, looking at that group of containers and smirking a little. Then he looks at her sidelong and actually smiles a little. Not a smirk, but a smile.
    Shaking his head he murmurs, "Well since I called the cops about fifteen minutes ago, you might need to get a move on."
    Then he turns to her, facing her fully and towering over her a bit. But that smile slips back into a half-smile as he looks around the place, hands upon his hips and that shirt flaring open revealing those elaborate tattoos upon his golden skin as he asks her, "So figure out what you want."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I can handle cops. Even Atlantean PD.." Is what Elektra replies, brow continuing arched up at Arthur while those crates are unveiled. And they are .., glowing? Somehow she feels she got the short end of the stick on the deal. Hmph. But no matter.

Though she isn't one to remain still if there are actual cops on the way, she sauntering over to a pair of crates on the side, the design on the lid with a black hand atop, different from the rest. She pries them open with one of her Sais, within a couple of blades, ancient-looking, wakizachis. She picks them up, clearly what she was looking for.

The man's approach makes her look up though. "Do I look the type that doesn't know what they want, Detective Curry?" a snort underneath that mask and then she is on the move, swiftly moving to the entrance of the cargo hold. A look is given over her shoulder. "Elektra." as if in ways of introduction..

But then she jumps up and away from sight, disappearing in the night..