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Latest revision as of 12:56, 11 August 2020

Fly Me to the Moon
Date of Scene: 10 August 2020
Location: Hangar - Watchtower
Synopsis: Pho leads to plans, improvements, and friendly behaviour.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Kate Kane, Clark Kent, Oliver Queen, Diana Prince

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Pho coming to the Moon? Pho sure!

That's because Pho Gedda Bout It in Gotham has no idea it's about to be the first pho-trip to the moon. Or lunar orbit, because that's close enough to count. Forget liquid-free ice cream and smashed peanut butter in a pouch, Zatanna has other ways of storing delightful meals.

The tophat she possesses, for one, serving as a hat of holding the neatly packaged options, complete with spring rolls and plenty of sauce still almost piping hot. Not to disappoint anyone, she has a few crispy chips to toss in as well. Only the best for friends and acquaintances!

The result comes by way of the teleporter pads in Metropolis, one hyperloop later, a ride that involves probably stowing Kate's bike somewhere. Likely no reason to complain though, since the quick delivery system could well involve convincing Kate to wear a blindfold. If only for the sheer delight of what she'll see on the other side. "No peeking" is not an admonishment to apply to most people, but maybe she tolerates it with grace. Maybe the long-legged Mistress of Magic is just playing around. Still, though, there's no 'whoosh' sound, no weird hum, they're just there, caught within a burst of light that transports them from there to here and not back again.

With pho! It's pulled out of the hat; a paper bag to Kate, a paper bag for herself. "Honey!" she calls playfully. "I'm hoooome!"

Gotta hand it to Lucy, she's awesome.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate submits to the blindfold with grace and panache, though she quips something about not normally doing /this/ on a first date. Grinning wryly, she says, "If you expect me to say something like 'Oh Ricky waaah' I will poke you." As the teleportation effect ends, the businesswoman (though she's dressed more like a biker chick at the moment, complete with a black T-shirt, black leather jacket, and black denims with combat boots) 'looks' over at Zee as she's still wearing the blindfold.

"Can I take it off yet, or am I still not allowed to peek?" She smirks a bit, looking quite amused as she takes the offered bag.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman is actually outside, bolting solar panels to the sides of the tower, so even his enhanced hearing can't catch Zee's call. The flicker of actinic light from the teleporter, however, is something he has been keeping an eye out for, since she sent a message hinting at a visit sometime today.

So it is that moments after the pair of women arrive, the Kryptonian swoops in an arc through the hangar's atmosphere-containment field, pulling up sharply and then descending to land upright at the edge of the teleporter. "You did bring it!" he says happily when he spies the take-out bags. "There's a galley upstairs, but I'm not sure if the artificial gravity is working there, yet."

Kate gets a quizzical look, blindfold and all, which he then turns on Zatanna. "I didn't realize we were having more guests. Maybe she can keep the blindfold on, so she won't see the mess?" He's exaggerating -- apart from a few more stages of testing and final touches, the base is mostly complete, and even has that brand-new moonbase smell.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Just because the opening ceremony is already set to happen in a few days doesn't mean there isn't still a *lot* to get done up here in the moonbase. And Ollie is no stranger in getting those hands dirty so here he is, being a busy bee instead of being all broody at his mansion.

And just as he always does when he's devoted to his work there's been a fully absence of food for a few hours. In fact, an absence of anything earth-related. (Is there even a phone signal up here?!) And that reminds him to /again/ check on comms...

He is just about to leave the hangar area to go check the communication array when there is that voice, turning to look towards the newcomers on the teleporters. He is dressed in the usual green arrow costume, hood up so as to cover his identity (hey, one never knows when an alien attack may happen) and tenses just the tiniest of bits. He still has to get used to those teleporting thingies.

"It's all part of the process." the mess, that is, Oliver says while approaching the group, lifting one hand in greeting. "But we will be ready for the big day. Of course that I am still not happy with our base security but ... all in due time." he says before finally greeting the two newcomers with a faint smile. "Hello."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You can take it off after you exit the tube and find your way ten steps forward." Zee, being able to see, has no problem with doing this and offering a stabilizing arm for the Kane scion surely not wobbling in their midst. "Let's get you to where the view actually makes an impact, instead of staring at that bulkhead." Doing this with hot soup full of noodles may require a bit of a leap of faith, but faith is entirely what Zatanna's worldview is built on, in some respects. She at least offers a stable point to follow, by touch and by sound. "You just responded that way, so blame yourself, you can't say I made you do that. Wah wahhhh." Her Lucy imitation is bang on, right down to getting the roll of the nasal tone. But it earns a laugh.

Clark entering gets her excited smile and a holding up of the bag. "I present my housewarming gift! Gifts, actually. We need something going on in the kitchen soon, considering how absolutely spectacular this place makes food. But more hands the merrier to help out, right? I've been storing up the energy to contribute my share." In her case? That may just be a literal statement.

In her regular attire, as far as it goes -- pants, a white and black bodice -- Zee basically looks stylish and a devoted aficionado of sunscreen. The red gem at her throat winks from a simple necklace. Easy to spot her out, but she bounces up onto her toes on spying Oliver. "Man of the moment, we brought you spring rolls. Security is entirely in my wheelhouse too, so point where you want me, and I can get started. You've been making this look almost liveable."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate does not wobble unless she means to, and while she might do it for Zee, the fact that she heard other voices causes her to grin, particularly as she seems to recognize them. She does, however, lean on the offered arm, making a face at Zee's Lucy impersonation.

Then, she hmphs, "So you don't think I'd recognize the voices? That's Superman and... Hawkeye, right?" Oooh, that's a harsh burn. "Just kidding, Arrow, please don't toss me out the airlock." She smiles wryly, looking a bit sheepish with the blindfold on.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You can take it off," Zee quips in an aside.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman accepts the bag gratefully. "Just going by the smell of this soup, you two just made this base about twice as livable," he says with a broad smile. Then, to Kate, he wryly adds, "He doesn't sound like Hawkeye, he sounds like Batman. We're on the moon, Arrow. It's not as though there are burglars to worry about." Even this ribbing is delivered with an encouraging frame: "Besides, I have nothing but confidence in the job you've done with the teleporters and the Hall itself."

He keeps an eye on Kate as she heads for the point where she'll be allowed to take the blindfold off. "It is a great view."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Spring rolls? Magic words to my ears." And they didn't even had to be said on reverse! Ollie winks in a playful manner under that hood, clearly pleased they'd have some more company up here. And truthfully, he could use a small break from the work. Because, you know, he ain't gettin' younger.... But as it seems these are the only two coming up here on the teleporter now, and the probability of an attack on the moon is so small (he did go calculate it ok?!) he reaches up to get his hood down, Oliver Queen's face showing. Yes, there were those lines around his blue eyes of lack of sleep, along with that general tiredness showing. "We will get to it soon, Zatanna. Magical wards will surely be welcome in the place."

Clark's ribbing is received with a grin. "Are you so sure about that?" yes, he can be paranoid when he wants to. But how else to survive as a normal human among such powerful heroes? Got to stay one step ahead. But this time he's but jesting. "But fine, I will trust you just this time, Supes."

The arrow to the heart from Kate is deadly. Ouch. "Hawkeye will be flattered, I will tell him you said that." he accepts it graciously though. And in truth he appears to be oddly happy. The Justice League returning to activity being the motive. "I am glad you volunteered to test our airlocks though."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There's a little paper bag inside the big paper bag. "With extra dipping sauce. A lot of dipping sauce." Zatanna breaks into a widened smile. "The spring rolls are delicious, and I well understand the risk you might eat them all and want more." The wise plans to eat at the pho restaurant before coming up to the Moon may become clear for Kate; sometimes, the Italian magician has foresight for the needs.

"Magical wards won't take so long. The physical wards at least I can put my shoulder into and give you two a rest." As if Clark actually needs a rest, but it's nice to include him in the idea of having a nap. She chuckles softly, shaking her head, waiting on her toes until Kate removes the blindfold and gets a view of Earth unlike any other.

"Has Hawkeye been to space? I imagine you've outdone him for being here. If she's the first Kane to fly in the air locks, does that mean she gets a spiffy space helmet?"

Kate Kane has posed:
And with that, Kate takes off her blindfold, "Careful, you don't want my cousin to know about that, Arrow." She winks at Ollie, chuckling a bit, "He owes me a favor since I distracted Talia at the gala, after all." Though to Superman's comment, she adds, "No, he /thinks/ he sounds like Batman. Trust me."

She grins over at Zee, looking positively innocent. Too innocent, really, though she's then distracted by the view. Taking a few more steps forward towards the observation port, she whistles, "Wow, that is one amazing view. Much better than what I see every day in Gotham, by far." She glances back over at Zee, then over at Superman and Ollie, "Man, you're making me regret the solo routine when I come up here and see a view like this one." Her lips quirk a bit at that, as for Zee, that might be a weird comment.

Superman and Arrow? Well, they're 'in the know.'

Clark Kent has posed:
"I'm... actually /not/ sure," Superman admits to Ollie with a sheepish smile. Space burglars would not be the weirdest enemies the people in this hangar have encountered over the years. "But I'm guessing the chances are low." Gently implied: Superman is guessing, but he's sure Ollie has run the math.

He opens the bag with a crinkle of paper and looks down into it, then looks back up and raises his eyebrows, saying, "OK, we've got to do this meal justice." It's right in their name, after all. "Upstairs to the galley? There's a really nice espresso machine somebody donated, if anyone wants a latte."

Still, he holds off on heading up the ramp until Kate can fully take in the lunar landscape. "If I'm being honest, the chance to share these views with people was a factor in this whole moon base idea," he says. "There's also the dome, and the tower hall... The Justice League will not want for good scenery while we're up here, that's for sure."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The offer from Zatanna to actually help with the more physical wards makes Ollie regard the magician again, more thoughtfully, perhaps not expecting it. But he dips his head, certainly not one to say no to offered help. "It's not in me to just be resting while someone else does the work, but your help in that will be welcome for sure.", one hand then rubbing his chin in thought. Has Hawkeye been in space? A good question! "He is with the Avengers. Who knows what those rascals get up to, mmm? I wouldn't put the occasional space trip beyond them." The Avengers. Rascals. But the tone is a good humored one. "I will have to bring him up here sometime soon." It was no secret that the two archers were quite good friends. Even with all their supposed rivalry.

He watches Kate walk to take in the view, "It's definitely impactful." he says in agreement with Kal, arms folding together, "Flying solo will only get you so far though." and he had the experience in it! But he does remember Talia, and that gala.. "Not many that'd dare to go around and adjust his tie like that.." he murmurs, some approval in his tone. He likes people with guts!

"I agree with you, Kal. Time to get something to eat. I will try to find a good helmet for out guest if she wants to take an hop outside a bit later too."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I imagine they enjoy their downtown mansion." The break of Zee's composure shows a mischievous streak, and she rubs her hands together and blows across them to ease the strain of nothing other than standing still. "It's a fine view up here, and absolutely beautiful in every way. See, we really have the best of both worlds. All the dust we could ever need down there, a reason to remember what we fight for and live for, right there."

With a gentle sweep of her hand, she indicates the Earth gliding down there. A bit of a smile shows. "Flying solo has its limits. I learned that. You brought me a purpose and friendship, and it's well worth it." Shining smile on her lips, she nudges Kate with her elbow. "You get the view like this one as some of the perks. I'm not going to complain, I love every minute of it. All right, send me on the way you want. Upstairs? Latte? You had me at hello. We'll have to send a nice little care package for everyone who was so kind to pass along their assistance."

She means that, sunny as one can get, because being high on life and pho means a fine mood all around. Zee's the kind to share that. "How is it outside, anyway? I wonder if we can prowl around the Mare Serenitatis, but somehow that seems a bit far off."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins over at Zee, "Well, it definitely is a step up from chasing serial killers in the Narrows." She winks at Zee, then actually places a light kiss on her cheek, spoiling the surprise a bit as she looks over at Superman and Arrow, "Thanks for not ratting me out boys."

She then grins at Zee, "Or is this going to be one of those you know that I know that you know things, because everyone /else/ knows and it was getting tiring. Plus, if my cousin trusts you, when he trusts about no one, well..." She smiles warmly at Zee, though her eyes keep going back to that view.

"And, well, I definitely want to put on a suit and get out there to take in the view in full. It's got to be simply incredible."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Let's just have lunch, and call that our rest break," Superman suggests with a smile. It doesn't betray weariness, just a sense of purpose. "There is a lot to get done before the ceremony, but we'll have to have some reserves left over to look our best in front of the world."

He leads the way up the ramp into the central dome of the station, centered on the tower that will give the base its name when it is christened. It's another amazing view but their path takes them through a short tunnel into the rec deck.

In the galley, a long table occupies the center of the room with counters along the sides. The gravity is, in fact, working, and the espresso machine is even more high-end than he let on.

As they take their seats, Superman tries a drawer, then huffs out a disappointed, "Oh. Remind me to unpack the silverware." He turns to point to Oliver. "Were chopsticks in the D shipment, or the E shipment?" he asks. "I can superspeed over to the cargo bay..."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The mention of purpose and friendship brings a nod from Oliver. It pretty much mirrored his sentiment on what the group was about. In the past and he hoped in the future as well. His blue gaze sweeps back to Kate, "Worry not, we got your back." and where it came to secrets Ollie did know how important they could be afterall. Never out a fellow hero!

Ollie walks along with Kal, a sigh as he finds a panel still open on the way to the galley. "Just spotted what I will be working on after the break." he murmurs.

But for now it was time for some food. And the man appears to be quite proficient where it comes to kitchen use. He moves to help Supes, getting some glasses to put on the table but his question makes him ponder for a couple of seconds. "E shipment. Right next to the laser optics." because those things go so well together. "Water? Juice?" he then asks the rest of them.

"As for the Mare Serenitatis.., you'd probably need Kal here to get you there. It's a bit far."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"The Narrows. That's *my* line." Kate's one arm's reach away from being poked, but she doesn't get a finger in the side to test if there's any armour under there. "Your cousin is in a class by himself. Don't look at me! I plead innocent for all the good it does me." To the cheek-kiss, there's a stifled, playful 'Hmph.' Because what else is she going to say in front of Ollie and Kal? "Gotcha?" Nope. Rather, her eyes glitter and she shakes her head. "Well, at least that makes life a little less complicated. Especially if anyone new shows up. You got the oath of silence, though."

Gravity is working? So much for floating through the bays and bouncing around with all the mischief of chasing a cup of coffee that refuses to stay in the cup. "We can't complain for functioning technology. As long as the radiation bombardment is minimal and we have recycled air, that's a plus. What other systems are still in progress, or has it all come together in rapid speed with minimal trouble?" Naturally this is an unfair question because the system always has a gremlin or a glitch, or a space robber out to joyride in one of those fancy interplanetary hoppers seen on the way in. Still, Clark receives her easy grin as Zee goes looking over the table and assortments. Oh, drat. Issues with drawers present an opportunity to remind him, "Extras in the bottom of the bag. You ought to have at least three."

She is still smiling from all of that, but waits for everyone to settle in at their respective spaces. Hers is beside the espresso machine. "Italian, darling. I'm going to master this thing in a trice or my name isn't Zatara. My forefathers were absolutely appreciative of this sort of thing." No telling on mom, but it's unfair to ask someone from another dimension about that. She instead lightly starts assessing buttons and in no time, has it more or less figured out unless it came from Krypton. Genetic legacies oughta help if a bit of backwards language isn't. "You're doing a fine job, though. This is majestic. While I'm at it, though, mind me for just a moment?"

Her hands lift and sketch out an obvious circle, besmirched in gold and glittering with sigils at the cardinal points. Classic sorcery, though blended with another style uniquely her own: "rehtomS yna nepo erif htiw ssensselhtaerb, dna hcneuq sti semalf."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate rolls her eyes a little bit at Zee's reaction, "You could have at least /pretended/ to be surprised." She then looks between Ollie and Clark, "Is she always like this?" A sly grin at that, as she follows Zee up towards the cafeteria area.

Settling in next to her, she chuckles, "Alright, now I need to have you over at my penthouse to fix up my own machine." She looks a bit amused, glancing at Ollie, "Well, if you need an extra hand, I could probably help out with some of that. I'll just swipe some of the espresso, though..."

And as Clark mentions chopsticks, she chuckles, "No worries, I brought my own." And then, from the inner pocket of her jacket, she pulls out a pair of black chopsticks, the wood polished and the chopsticks finely crafted...

... each one with a little bat crest on the top.

"Gag gift. Don't ask." She looks moderately amused. "But, very fine chopsticks."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Orange juice for me, thanks." Superman gives Oliver a nod, then vanishes into a blur. He's gone for a few seconds, then reappears, carrying a cargo pallet that he sets down gently on the floor. "E shipment. You were right." There's a lot to unpack here, exclusively in the literal sense, but Kal doesn't actually bother, once Zee reminds him that the food came with utensils. It was just a good reminder of something that needed doing.

He lets Kate's hints about her nocturnal hobbies pass without comment. That Clark is conscientious about keeping people's secret identities under wraps probably goes without saying. He does give a questioning look to Oliver -- is this potentially going to turn into a recruitment meeting, as well as a delicious lunch?

Soon, though, he is sprinkling bean shoots and herbs into his soup bowl, and scooping up Vietnamese meatballs in his chopsticks. "Erif... that's fire," he comments to Zatanna, trying to puzzle out the meaning of her incantation. "Reheating already? The teleporter should be faster than that. And yes, Kate, she is always exactly like this."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Heh..." Ollie making a so-so gesture with his hand at Kate's question whether Zee's always like that or not, "It will be more fun if you figure it out on your own." then a thumbs up offered. "I never say no to help. I will make sure to get you two working soon enough, you both won't be so eager in a while." a bit of a tease on the Starling City's prodigal son's tone.

He wonders over to the fridge, taking out some orange juice and placing it on the table for the 'gang', some water and well..., whatever else they may want. But then it's time to sit and eat. The reveal of the bat-sticks makes him arch a brow. "Is that part of the standard equipment now?" he even manages to keep a serious tone to it. "And so, for how long have you two met?" he asks of Zee and Kate.

He busies himself briefly getting some chopsticks from the bag, a glance shared with Clark. Those unspoken words shared. But looks could tell a lot! Zee's incantation brings his attention to her immediately after. He quirks a brow. "You aren't going to blow the place up after all our work, are you?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana was alreaedy located on the station as well, though she was off in the section that was being designed specifically for members of Earth's science community. They had agreed to create a space for civilians to come and benefit from this facility's creation, and she was with those who were already here in that capacity. Members of NASA and a few civilian space flight companies, had representatives setting up their own spaces inside that 'wing' of the base.

Diana was now emerging from that secured corridor and making her way toward where the other members of the Justice League are located. Wearing her armor today, though it is currently covered over by a navy blue robe with baggy half-sleeves that end just past the shining metal of her bracers of submission, Diana moves at a casual pace as she strides in from one of the adjacent corridors.

"Well well." Diana says to them, after appearing. "We are a busy place already." She adds with a soft smile for everyone.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"That's right, I plan on doing nothing more than burning this whole place down after we took all that help to get it airborne. You know me, I can't stand a finished project. Everything looks better in pieces on the ground and both of you puzzling over it," Zee deadpans, wobbling her hand between Kal and Ollie to make the point absolutely clear. She looks to the side, and then grins unashamed at Kate. "Says you? I am a mistress of surprises. Sometimes it plays better to be the straight man in the routine. Sometimes, to do the deadpan role. Would you like me gasp and heave for breath before I swoon into this countertop?"

She can't help but lean forward to give the Bat-sticks a good look, though, and devilishly giggle at the logo on the end. "Classy. I like whoever gets you these gifts, they have a sense of humour." Rule out Bruce right away, then. She pulls down a cup from one of those sealed cabinets unless the espresso machine produces one itself, and there shall be a demitasse of happiness all for her! Mmm, coffee. "I've known the family forever and a day, but personally? A few weeks, give or take, other than those brief crossings at social events so large, they never entirely count. As professionals, though, we've run parallel missions from time to time." Her tone isn't fully serious, but Ollie goes a long way to leveraging that easygoing charm. And then there's Di slipping in with that comfy-looking robe and that welcoming smile that is impossible not to warm to.

"We brought pho and fire-proofing. Though our dear friends here seemed to assume it was the opposite. No open flames in the kitchen over the next year or so, else they'll pop out. Any birthday cakes are strictly limited to outside this general area." A roll of her shoulder and a look about indicates it.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate gives Zee a wry look at that, "Well, if we're talking gasping and swooning..." She coughs a bit, looking quite relaxed as she sips the espresso. When Diana walks in, she blinks a bit in surprise, then says, "Oh, hello Diana. Kate Kane." She pauses, then adds, "Bruce's cousin." Which, well, hopefully explains a bit.

And then she looks over at Ollie, "I always insist on being prepared. If he can have Bat-Shark-Repellant, I can have Bat-Chopsticks. Besides, I /love/ sushi even more than I love pho." She grins rather cheekily at that, as she is not, actually wearing the Batwoman outfit. Rather she's in civilian clothes, black leather jacket, combat boots, slightly torn black denims, and a black T-shirt. The T-shirt, for the record, has a picture of a Ringwraith on a motorcycle with the caption "The Original Nine."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman gets started on his soup, then pours himself a glass of OJ when Ollie brings the bottle around. "Once the oxygen garden has been up and running for a while, we'll have some fresh moon produce," he comments with a smile. "I should probably check on the manifest for shipment B and see what kind of seeds we've got in the mix."

He hears Diana approaching for a while before she appears, but he saves his warm greeting for after she has gotten to the galley and announced her presence to everyone. "Welcome, Diana," he says with a wave. "Help yourself -- there's lots to go around."

He gives Zatanna a good-natured shrug and a look of feigned helplessness. "You know I'm no good with magic, Zee. I had one word to go on! But that is a good thought. Fires could be a real problem with a limited oxygen supply."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Ollie is on his dark green leather outfit, though the hood on his suit is down, revealing the Olliver Queen underneath. Tired blue eyes go to the entrance when Diana comes in and he offers her a greeting smile, followed by a gesture to the table. "It was about time that we got busy up here. But I will admit, I wasn't *too* sure on how successful this moon project was going to be. So far though....." he trails off, nodding approvingly. "And yes, come and take a seat. How are things advancing with the science people here?"

It's followed by a vicious attack on his food, eating it with quite the appetite. What? He has been working without eating for a while now!

A looks is given to Zee and her antics, the smile on his expression telling it's something he -is- used to. And his response? A roll of his eyes! "No open fire in the kitchen...?" a sigh follows. "How will I cook my hot chilli now..?" his tone jesting. But if one thing was true is that he was quite known for that dish!

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana moves a little slower once she's within the same space as the others, her eyes going to the pho that Zatanna indicates, and a grin spreading across her red hued lips as she hears the rundown of events and what is going on. "You are a grand giver of good things, Zatanna." The Princess says to the magician, smiling to her directly then.

Her eyes slip over to Kate then next, she levels her chin a bit at the woman and steps toward her to offer her the option of shaking her hand. "A cousin of Bruce, is a friend. It is good to meet you, Kate. Very glad to see you up here too with us, it is quite... a place, yes?" She gets a little grin as well before she looks to Ollie and Superman. "You have been busy." She says specifically to Kal. "Accomplished more than you set out to already today, have you not?" she asks of him as she moves to get a cup of water for herself.

Diana moves to the food then, after Ollie invites her to sit, and she smiles to him. "Are things well with you?" She asks him. "It has been awhile since we last spoke." She will indeed find a seat, and sort out her voluminous robe around herself as she settles in and looks to said food, to reach out and garner some for herself! Mmmmmm, pho!

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Well, um, I was just here for the view, to be perfectly honest Diana. I figured the Bat-quota was filled up with Bruce, so I wasn't even thinking about signing on or anything like that." She blushes, "I mean, not that you were thinking that anyway but I mean..." She coughs a bit, looking a bit flustered from talking to Diana as she looks over at Ollie and Clark from her spot near Zee.

"Anyway, I mainly just came up here because I wanted to get an amazing view, and because Zee kinda sprung it on me. As apparently I lost the I know that you know that I know game." She makes a bit of a face at that, "Just, geez, don't tell Bruce, he'll never let me hear the end of it."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman gives Diana a warm grin. "I hope so. Getting and staying ahead of things is the purpose of this entire project, after all." His comment isn't just about the moon base; the revival of the Justice League itself could easily be described that way.

Kate gets her own smile from the Man of Steel. "I don't know that there's a quota. We're an association of like-minded heroes, not a golf club. At the very least, we could put you on our reserve roster. If there's a limit to people from your group, that's between you and your cousin -- I don't think it's coming from our end." He glances at Diana and Ollie for confirmation on that point, but then his eyes linger on Arrow as he heaves a sigh.

"Ollie, please know that I say this as a man who has flown through the solar corona more than once," Kal begins, voicing his truth with a heavy heart. "Your chili? Is too spicy." He holds up his hands, palms out. "I am just a simple midwesterner, but those are the facts."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Too long." Oliver says in ways of agreement, expression sobering up somewhat. It was something he regretted afterall. "And you know me, I always find a way to keep myself entertained in Starling City. Our work never ends. Though it is good to see you again." a beat. "And yourself? How have you been?" he questions, now on a pause from eating his food.

His attention drifts to the others when they mention a bat-quota. "And if he believes you are ready." he says of Kate's cousin. It's not as if he hadn't had the same thoughts about a certain sister of his. But all in due time!

Eyes squint when Kal says his chili is too hot. That mix of being proud of it being too hot for the likes of Kal but also jokingly affronted. "Your problem, Kal..." he begins. ".... is that you haven't eaten it in too long to know what's true cuisine." he gestures Diana's way. "Tell him, Diana."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes are down upon the food as she gets it sorted out in front of her, including a set of chopsticks to enjoy it with. She listens to the others talking, Superman's commentary on Ollie's cooking draws a melodic little laugh from the Princess as she glances over to Ollie then. "I will try this chili, Oliver. I am sure it is wonderful. I also need to visit Sterling some time soon." She states with a big grin before she looks across to where Kate is.

"I would be very interested to learn more about you, Kate." She tells the other woman. "I have not had a chance to interact with very many of Bruce's companions out of Gotham, it is something I am... hopeful to rectify at some point." She shows a quick smile then to her.

After sampling the food, Diana looks then to Zatanna. "This very good." She says, raising a napkin to dab at her chin. "Thank you for bringing it."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Sushi is something worthy of daydreaming about. Just like having espresso is, and assume that Zee meddles with that machine in the background, making a few little adjustments to the settings for a perfect brew. "Fire up here would be especially problematic, and I doubt anyone has gas hooked up for a heating plate," she says belatedly to Clark, the conversation point restored after a bit of poking around. Two numbers in close succession will give a peppy brew, the sort that doesn't require a vast number of espresso beans to reach perfection.

Then, she can center on sitting and listening to her friends speaking, completely at ease as she can get for one; a moon base helps with that! How can someone not be awed by the gorgeous planet hovering outside? That simple measure of delight soothes any concern. "Make sure to send over a sample of chili the next time you make it. It sounds exactly my speed," she asides to Ollie. Just loud enough to make it conversational. "Our work never ends, and neither is a need for chili diminished in the least. Spicy and fresh. Do you use vegetables in it?"

Her eyes widen in delight as Diana responds to this, and she nods in encouragement. "Tell you what, we can have some kind of potluck. Chili, I can bring some bread and a bottle of wine, and we can all enjoy a good meal. You both bring yourselves, and that's quite enough. Ah well, I'm glad you like the pho! It's been one of the finest discoveries in Gotham after Kate being my counterweight."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal sits back and sighs. "I'll try the chili again, Ollie," he says, with an affected air of superhuman patience. "But I have a feeling this is going to be one of those 'fool me once' situations, so I'm keeping a glass of milk handy, just in case."

Still, as Zatanna weighs in, it's becoming clear that he's on the minority side of the spiciness debate. Outmaneuvered by his own most trusted allies! Et tu, habañero?

He downs another Vietnamese meatball, then turns to Diana and nods, gesturing with his chopsticks. "That's a good idea. We could send members on patrol with potential recruits, or bring them with us for a crisis response, sort of like an audition. There are so many newer heroes we haven't -- well, /I/ haven't -- had a chance to work with."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Finally. Someone that properly appreciates my fine cuisine work." Ollie gesturing towards Zee, his gaze falling on her and he mmm'ing. "Some cilantro and ..., a few more family secrets." he is serious about that chili apparently! "And I agree, we should gather again for a meal. Though I have this belief that with our base coming to fruition this will become more usual."

He gets to finishing his own pho, eyes returning to Diana and he dips his head. "You will be welcome, of course. You know where you can find me. And we should talk." The Arrowcave. Not really a secret to any of the older justice league members.

But then he is getting up to his feet, his eyes sliding to his belt where a small device is lighting on and off. A sigh. "I will have to leave you for now. The communication array needs that tuning now." and he steps about the table, starting to walk past. He rests one hand briefly on Kal's shoulder, saying. "You are the one that fools us by pretending you'd need a glass of milk. But thank you for indulging me." a grin of farewell to the gathered. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay up here, Kate."

And then off he goes.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins over at Diana, "Learn more about me? Well, what exactly did you want to know?" She finishes her pho, not that there was too much left since she started at the restaurant, and sips her espresso thoughtfully. "I mean, there's the mundane details or there's the more interesting stuff." Her lips quirk a bit at that.

Giving Ollie a nod farewell, she then looks at Superman, "What, you afraid of spicy food? Come on, it can't be that bad. I doubt he even uses ghost peppers in there." Her grin gets positively wicked at that, then she laughs a bit, "In Gotham, well, we like the heat, what can I say?" A bit of a shrug, as she adds, "That's why we tend to dress in black all the time."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana takes a moment to look up to Zatanna from the food again, she smiles at the idea she suggests. "Yes, we need more moments like that - like this - within the group. It is good for everyone." She states with a pair of little nods before she glances toward Superman. "There are new Heroics stepping forward seemingly every day now. It is challenging to keep up with it all, but still... it is important we look to them for added support. I still believe that we need a place for the powerful Heroes, who are young or new, to go and learn to work together as a team. In hopes of teaching them the importance of how to minimize danger to the public, to city property, and to still accomplish what it is they are trying to accomplish. Teaching... is our responsibility" She pauses then, and smiles to them all.

"At least, as I see things." Of course, she comes from a culture that trains and teaches one another on a constant basis.

Up at Kate, Diana looks again and she shows a half grin for a quick moment. "Whatever you are willing to share. It is just nice to meet someone who works closely with Bruce." She pauses then and takes a sip of her drink before looking over to Kate again. "How deep are you into the... activities there-in?" She asks then.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna smiles widely to the willingness to try, and she lifts her cup of coffee. "That's exactly the spirit. Try some, and if it proves too much, I can be there to help you. Sprinkle in some of those cornchips, and the experience becomes absolutely delicious." She's a magician, Italian, and a foodie. Some experiences just go together.

Having already consumed her fair share of noodles planetside, there is no need for her to lust after any of the other steaming bowls of noodles and broth. "The plan on having newer heroes and recruits partnered up for patrols and more would be advantageous to develop leadership skills or teamwork skills, especially in a variety of scenarios. Experience can't hurt, especially in making up for deficiencies elsewhere. I don't take hits and not everyone knows how the more elaborate gifts of people work." That serious chili option will remain close to her heart.

"How easily might we realize something of an... introductory program on that front? It's not my specialty talking in these terms, so go ahead and correct me where I err. It sounds like you're suggesting a presence in the city -- Metropolis, for example -- where they can get their feet wet and learn the right way to pursue their goals. It certainly rings right to my ears, if so." Demitasse cup put on the table, she nods at Kate. "You all dress in black to hide better. Formal occasions go casual, you're entirely prepared for the occasion. No fooling the rest of us."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "I think Zatanna will confirm I look positively smashing in black armor and a cowl." She gives Zee a playful nudge, "You better confirm that, anyway!" She chuckles and looks back at Diana, "I go by Batwoman. Original, I know, but I'm too old and jaded to be a Batgirl." Her eyes look pretty amused at that.

"I work pretty close with Bruce, since, well, he is my cousin and all. Though I'm relatively new to the vigilante game. Do have quite a bit of military training and knowledge though. Original plan was to graduate West Point but... ah, well, there were issues." Zee gets another wry look at that.

Clark Kent has posed:
As he puts his hand on his shoulder, Kal inclines his head toward Oliver and listens to what he has to say, then smiles good-naturedly and settles back into his meal. It's always trickier to fool the ones who know you best, it seems.

"I'm not /afraid/," he protests toward Kate, almost offended at the suggestion. "I'm an open-minded guy. I just like my food a little on the milder side, that's all."

As Diana raises a more serious topic, he dabs at his mouth with a napkin, then offers his own contribution: "There are existing teams for younger heroes in Metropolis and Gotham, and I wouldn't want to step on toes there, but I do think we can offer something unique in terms of those kinds of partnerships, especially for..."

He squints into the distance, searching for the right term, then settles on, "Younger heroes with the responsibility of a lot of power. My cousin was already involved with setting up this base, and I would love for her to work more closely with the people in this group, as well as her allies in the Titans. Then there's Superboy, who has been working with Red Robin's newer team. He could use more guidance." He settles down into his seat and frowns, the expression simply serious, rather that grim. "I already feel overwhelmed, and those are just the ones in my immediate orbit." He suddenly laughs, and glances out the viewport that runs down one side of the galley. "So to speak."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana grins over to Kal as he has to defend himself from the food choices he so desires to make. "You were raised in a part of the United States that leans more toward... hos they say... meat and potatoes. I do not think that that area is known for its spicy foods, so much as it is known for its barbecue."

Toward Zatanna, Diana nods her head softly then. "Yes, precisely, a way to help the young and new to the Hero lifestyle, better... work with everything involved in the process of it. Especially with the likes of working well with local law enforcement, the police or SHIELD, what have you."

To Kate, Diana nods once. "Your military training likely has provided a lot of aid in your ability to function as... Batwoman?" Diana questions. "I would assume it does, at the least. But we are all always training to be better at this, or at least, I hope we are."

There's a small grin shown before the Princess adds a little further. "I am not sure on the specifics either, but yes, like the Titans and Avengers, there are a lot of teams on this path now, and we could all be better united, in training each other and the next generation of members yet to come."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You know, I might be the only one around here without a sisterhood or a sprawling family tree. It's enough to give a girl a complex." Zatanna absolutely teases on that point, but she certainly could be speaking from a place of truth. Her parentage is hardly secret or the fact there is not a Zat-family or a team of Zatonians hanging around. Probably for the better. Just imagine the consequences.

Still, she puts her elbows on the table -- bad girl -- and resides in that state of caffeinated twilight, drifting with the currents of gravity and the stellar dance around here. It's so much lovelier than anything she can put a word to. "I've seen more and more of the heroes coming out with the best of intentions. A good thing, really. Though setting up guidelines and expectations about good behaviour also goes a long way to success. You've just named how many different groups? Superboy, Red Robin, your cousin, and a partridge in a pear tree." Singing the rest is soft and sweet, but kind. "Being seen as a group willing to perform the outreach and expand our circles, engage others, how could thatgo wrong?"