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Latest revision as of 12:43, 12 August 2020

Promises to Keep
Date of Scene: 10 August 2020
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: Spider-Man helps keep a promise to The World's Mightiest Mortal.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Peter Parker

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson was supposed to be going to the community pool today. Instead, he's ripping telephone poles. The poles are all akimbo, on the street he'd trashed fighting the Juggernaut. He endures the cat calls of some power and phone company workers, "Careful, they may be live wires, Big Red Cheese!" He rips up the pole and wires fall onto him with several arcs, pops, sparks, and few bangs till he pulls them free. Shazam turns to face the workers taking their coffee break... gone. Just a cup rolling on the ground.

Well the Mayor was pretty specific, "Help clean that mess up or we will jail you!" The D.A. was of the opinion that the Juggernaut started the whole mess stealing a bank, that Shazam tried to stop him, under the Good Samaritan rulings, since Shazam was trying to stop him and had a right to self defense and the damage would have been caused anyway didn't want to press charges. Shazam wasn't taking chances. Several uncomplimentary pieces were already out on the media. Shazam sighs and tosses the pole with the rest. "This sucks."

Peter Parker has posed:
A voice from overhead calls down, calm and a little rueful. "Yeah, they don't talk about this part in the pamphlet, do they?"

Spider-Man had only just arrived, and he could see the mess. At least the Wrecking Crew hadn't hurt anyone, but it still looked like a big mess to clean up. Wearing a mask has many advantages.

Still...the guy had showed up and was doing due diligence. He had to give him props for that.
And not JUST props, either.
Spider-Man sits on the side of a building about 20 feet above Shazam's head, feet planted, back against the wall...and one gloved hand holding a wide-bottomed bag that could carry groceries...
...or pastries.

"Can you take a break now, big guy?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam nods. Nods again and sneezes a sneeze that raises a bit of dust. He jumps into the air, shakes some dust off him and floats leaning his back against the building after rising to Spider-Man's height. "Sure. I already saved Damage Control a load of work... they already got paid for. The Mayor was pretty mad about that too. I haven't read the Bugle yet. What's up, Spidey? I can call you Spidey right? You can call me Billy if you like."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks around, then lands lightly on the ground. "Oh, yeah, Spidey's fine. Webhead's okay. There's others, but they're not...flattering." He chuckles. "Listen, I figured I'd do a favor for the guy who made me famous...or infamous." He holds up the bag. "Something from 'Aunt' May Parker. Says you are not easy to find, but that this is for you. Smells pretty good, too."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam lands softly next to Spider-Man. "I can use some good news. Power of the Gods? ... ain't all that. It's like everything is made of glass and if I make the wrong move <BLAMMO>! So is this care package official, unofficial? Superhuman related?" He brushes more dust off him, away from Spider-Man. A mask would be useful. "Hey, hang on a second. I want to clean up." Shazam streaks into the sky for a moment and spins rapidly. He lands a little cleaner. "I'm mainly doing this because Thunderbolt said too. She also said I'd get away with a PSA or two. Yeah, good going there Thunderbolt."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "The lady said it was long overdue. I figured you might know what she meant."

He reached into the bag, bringing out a perfectly-square pastry box with a cellophane window in the lid
Within, lightly padded with small styrofoam blocks in the corners, is a 12-inch-wide apple lattice pie. The smee; is crisp with sugar, apples, and a little hint of molasses. A small spatula/pie-cutter and paper plates are also in the bag.

"Snack break?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam ooohs. "This is like space age packaging." He pulls the lid off carefully. "You want me to do the honors? I can heat it up... I got good at warming up food." He starts dishing up the pie. "Hey this was from that Aunt May lady that Silk and I saved from those goons... well she was kinda watching them on the camera and blowing them off but... you know, they could have forced their way in." He holds two plated slices of pie and concentrates a moment. Sparks fly from his fingers and the pie sizzles a little. He hands one to his friend. Or associate. "So how's things. I just had a friend have to move away. I think they had an origin. I'm kind of getting it from both ends this week. Uhmmmm good." For a moment two gods, a titan, two demigods, and a monarch are in agreement. Ambrosia. Mana. Delish.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey takes one, since it does seem rude to let Billy eat alone. He is pretty good at slicing up the pie, but foregoes heating it up again.

He lifts his mask up to nose level, then looks around. "I was told the rest of the pie is yours to keep. Bag and all. I'm just the messenger." He smiles wryly. "Silk and I are on the same network now. We have an unofficial communication network where we can share info, coordinate tips and data, and keep our own database of crooks and ne'er-do-wells. It saves a lot of time."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam says, "N'er do wells... is that what superheroes call them? That's a nice idea, networking. I mostly work alone except for... Pantheon. Thought I might have a real partner. Say, have you met that guy, Achilles? I'm looking for him. He's a sorta friend of the Shazamily." He takes another bite of pie. "Mmmm... maybe I can do some yardwork for that lady or something. This is sooooo good." My gods... that's Spider-Man's actual... pie hole. Ah who needs Mary and her Titans?

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-man shakes his head. "Can't say that I have. But we probably don't run in the same circles, he and I. He's probably one of the Big-Leaguers. I tend to stick to the Friendly Neighborhood stuff. They want someone who can save the planet, they go see Superman or SHIELD or Wonder Woman, or one of the others. I'm just...well, this is my schtick. Looking out for the little guy, y'know?"

He takes another bite, then continues, "I think that you go on helping people like you do, and this might not be as rare an occurrence as you might think. She's got her nephew to do the yardwork, after all."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam Nods. "I may try more helping out. I... am put off by big fights. Too easy to go all out and hurt people or you get this... or people hurt. fighting and holding back is not easy at all with these big guys. I need more experience. Otherwise I just make things worse. Anyway. I thank you for bringing the pie. I'll drop off a thank you letter for Aunt May on my way home tonight. I better get to work before the Mayor starts yelling at me again." He carefully seals the pie up. He has five other people to divide it amongst, after all. "Listen, thanks for this. I really appreciate it. If you ever need back up I /will/ come flying."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Wouldn't say no. Take care of yourself, Billy."

He watches the massively-muiscled hero head back to what must surely seem like scut work. But he does it anyway.

Because that is heroic, too.

Spidey chuckles, then swings out of the area, the thoughtful smile hidden by the mask.