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Latest revision as of 12:43, 12 August 2020

You're gonna what
Date of Scene: 10 August 2020
Location: Sally's Place
Synopsis: Sally and Heidi talk about cloning. Sally's cloning, specifically. Oops!
Cast of Characters: Sally Houki, Heidi Ingerdottir

Sally Houki has posed:
"Hey Heidi," says Sally. Presumably Sally prime, but who knows? While Heidi has surely gotten better at picking out the real Sally from her duplicates (of which there are always several), it can still be something that's missable. "Be back later! Gotta go clone someone!" And then she's out the door. Wait, what?

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi was always there. When wasn't she? So it's no surprise that when Sally's heading out that door that she's there. She looks over her shoulder in the direction of the door, about the speak when she hears the words. She continues to turn to try and face the door, falling right out of her chair. "Wait, what?" She's on her feet as instantly as a trained warrior can be and moving towards the door to try and follow. "What do you mean by cloning someone?!" She calls. There were times she just didn't ask when Sally said something weird because it was easier not to. This was not one of those times.

Sally Houki has posed:
Unfortunately, Sally is gone.

Real Sally, that is. If Heidi wants answers from Real Sally, she's gonna have to wait for her to get back!

Which she will, in bout an hour. Her duplicates are of course still running around the house, playing video games, doing social media, working on fancial problems...

The sound of Sally's car is audible and in she walks back again, looking ...

...looking drained, actually!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Arms folded over her chest, Heidi stands firm, sternly gazing in Sally's direction in that disapproving parent sort of thing. That, of course, instantly fades when she sees Sally looking tired and she moves to go hug her instead. "What was it with this cloning thing? Where did you go? What did you do? Are you dying?" Valid questions, all.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Hm? What?" says Sally, confused.

Then again, Sally being confused by something is not an unusual state of affairs. She is hugged, however, "Oh... I... did say that, huh?" She hugs her back, however, and rests her head on her.

"I just needed to make a copy of someone for them, that's all!" No big. Just a thing you do.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi's superior strength lends to superior hugs, and she just keeps Sally close. It's also to let her rest a little if she needs to lean a bit more. "Sally, I do understand what the other Sallies mean. I can understand the concept, but when you say you're copying another person, is that not more complicated? Or can you just... make people whenever you wish?" A whole world populated by duplicates made by Sally is an interesting concept.

Sally Houki has posed:
"What? Oh no! No no no no! It doesn't work like THAT. I make extra mes all the time, but I can also make *an* extra you. But just an extra you. It's one of the ways I make money since there are always people willing t4o pay to be in two places at once." She yawns. "Can I explain tomorrow? I need a nap. Come nap with me."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Oh, is that how you afford all of this?" Heidi hadn't really inquired. Given that Kami always seemed to have money all the time from her music, she had assumed one of the Sallies just did things like that. Midgardian currency was still confusing and odd to earn. But, while she does want to know, she's not going to deny Sally her nap. She goes to scoop her up, provided she doesn't wiggle away, with the intent to carrying her somewhere napworthy. "You know, you really shouldn't just yell that you are going to clone someone without explanation. I worried."

Sally Houki has posed:
Like Heidi is going to be allowed to get away?!

She looks flustered. "Honestly, I wasn't really thinking. I normally don't talk about it since it's kind of private but you wanted me to be open so I guess I just blurted it out!"

She will allow herself to be swept up, but Heidi is definitely not being allowed to leave. She wants her for her nap.

"I'll explain when I'm up a little bitter. My brain is tired."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The not-so-tired Heidi is fine with laying down, mostly because she can pretend she's keeping guard. It's useful! So she carries Sally along, still holding the conversation as she walks. "Yes, I'm sure your brain is tired. I have a feeling there are a lot of things you're going to have to explain. Midgard I can learn, there are other people I can ask, I can ask the person in the phone, I can read books. But there's no guide to all things Sally and all I have really determined /for certain/ is that you like my cupcakes and you have a perfect smile." She flashes a smile of her own.

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally looks like she could melt.

She really does. Heidi's reward is a kiss. A big one. A warm one.

THen she snuggles up, leans in, and goes to sleep.

It doesn't take her long. Whatever she did will take a while to rechargwe from.

Heidi only has to wait a few hours, really, for her to wake up.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi was keeping watch. For five minutes, at least, until she started writing a poem in her head which immediately ended with her dozing off. So when Sally does wake up, the blonde Asgardian is right there, peacefully sleeping and likely dreaming about glorious battles and being a hero. She seems pretty deep into her sleep--it must have been a pretty boring poem.

Sally Houki has posed:

Sally loosk really touched. She gives Heidi a kiss on her cheek and waits for *her* to wake up.

Because of course she does.

Of course, one of her clones gets out of bed to go and do whatever it was she wanted to do but got distracted by wanting to cuddle Heidi.

Because of course.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Multiple versions of the same person might be confusing, but it can also be cute. Heidi does eventually wake up, mumbling something about armor before she blinks over at Sally. "I was awake the whole time. I'm just extra vigilant with my eyes closed," she states, though she cracks a half-smile. It's hard to say with a straight face.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Of course," says Sally.

There's a nod. She believes her. Of course Heidi is telling the truth and not at all exageratqing for humor's sake. "I can believe it. You are a very good guard." She reaches dow nand taps her nose. "So I guess I should explain it! Yeah, you know how I make more mes," well, Heidid doesn't really know HOW she makes more mes, "I can also do the same thjing to someoine else. But while there can be a lot of different mes, I can only make one branch for someone else."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi sits up a bit, since it's easier to focus on things when you're sitting up straight. She nods slowly. "Right, so it is more of a simple thing to do for yourself. More draining if you do it to someone else?" She nods again, seeming to get that part. "And you charge people for this service? What happens to these other people? I know that you are able to grab and send away more of you but I imagine it is more complicated for others as it is more complicated to create?"

Sally Houki has posed:

Sally stretches out and then rolls out of bed entirely.

"I'm not sure if I'm grabbing or what, but it's definitely kind of like..."

Her face screws up. "It's like there's you, right? But then I look at who you could be, like the you who ate eggs at breakfast instead of pancakes, and I split you into both of them at once. One particular branch in the same possibilty becomes two branches of two possibilities. It can't last forever, but for a while, there's two of you. I work with a lot of people who need to be in two places at once and I let them. But there's only one of you who's really you in this branch of reality."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Could you pull from anything?" Heidi looks curious. "Say, pick what version you pull? Could you pull a version of me that was perhaps significantly different and thus know the significance of your own actions?" That has super interesting possibilities to her, and she scoots to the edge of the bed. "And... if you made another of me there could be two of me to fight in battle?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"Yes! There would be, but it is taxing on you. It's a --- quantum entanglement? I guess? BEcause there's more than one you in a branch, you won't hbe all you usually are, because your possiiblities are split and -- it doesn't makqe a whole lot of sense. The stronger someone is, the more difficult it is to copy them. I could copy you, though, so you c an see! You'll feel weird, but you can totall practice AGAINSt yourself."

Sally perks up at the thought. Heidi V. Heidi fight?!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi shakes her head. "Perhaps now would not be the best time for that. But in the future. Right now I would probably just hug myself and cry a lot and I am not sure I could explain why except that hugs are very nice and there is no one who would know exactly how you need to be hugged other than yourself." She points at Sally. "You should try it."

Sally Houki has posed:
When HEidi explains that, Sally just...

... Her face falls and she lunges in to hug her.

Because of course shje does.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Oof. Heidi is smacked into, but she grins as she's hugged, and she moves to hug Sally in return. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, Sally, but I'm not you so you don't get the same experience. But I do like your hugs, they are very... you." She has, in fact, been hugged by several Sallies at once.

Sally Houki has posed:
It's true.

"Come here, everybody!"

It's going to happen again. Multi Sally hug.

"ALL THE HUGS," intones one Saly as she leans in to hug Heidi.

"Eeee hugs," says another.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"This is certainly a situation not many people can find themselves in," Heidi says, squishing into the hug. She's more than happy with it. "I feel as if it would be hard to face myself. Would I look at this other me and be disappointed? Would I feel grateful that they had succeeded where they did? They say you are your own worst critic." She looks between the Sallies. "I imagine you judge each other immensely."

Sally Houki has posed:
" ... not really?" admits Sally, thoughtfully, "I mean, sometimes I get frustrated when I don't do a thing I want me to do."


"That's why you even exist!"

"Bull! I was trying to tend to the social media accounts!"

"That's MY job.."

Oh no Heidi what have you done...

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi suddenly looks guilty. Squabbling was not the intention. "Ah, I just meant that I would find it hard to see my own good qualities, I think. It is easier to see someone else's good qualities rather than your own... but if you were faced with another version of you... could you recognize them? Could you look at yourself on a subjective level?" This seems like the sort of thing she'd muse while drink and feeling philosophical.

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally pauses a moment and lets them vanish. Which ... they do. Immediately. There's just her now, and all of a sudden its much quietrer. She leans into Heidi and kisses her cheek.

"I understand," she tells her, gently.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I see all your good qualities, even if they don't," Heidi offers a gentle smile. "But it's hard to see what everyone else sees. Hard to accept when you know your own failings like no one else in the whole universe does. That is why I think it might be hard to see another of me. I would think too hard about it. Thinking's not always good."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Dwelling on things can be bad for you, believe me I know." There's always that ... beneath the surface horror for her, something she can't actually fully remember. That, briefly haunted look on her face speaks volumes about it, though.

"I *do* have good qualities, though!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"You do have good qualities, yes!" Heidi agrees wholeheartedly. "I would not spend time with you if you were awful, Sally. I like to believe the most of people but the truly awful do not get the gift of my time or energy. Therefore you can be assured that you are the most blessed of people and I hold you in high regard."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Well yeah, I'm glad! I wouldn't want you to not spend time with me!" Sally squeezes Heidi's hands. "I understand why you're worried about me making a copy of you, though, but I thought doing it might be insightful about me, not just yourself. But it can wait until you feel ready, if you ever do, or it's actually useful! You never know when you'll need to be in two places aqt once! I wonder if I could copy Thor... I was about to say I'd never copied a God before, but then I rememberd Kami is a God too, even if she does all the drugs."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"We will give Kami a cupcake and then she will happily agree to let you copy her and then we will see what the copy of a god is like. Probably drink with herself. Come to think of it, I am not certain Thor would not do the same thing." Heidi shrugs. "I would like to try it someday, though I think I might want to feel more confident about myself first." She nods, as if that were the whole reason.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Oh, I've copied her a *bunch* of times. She needs it with all the rock star stuff. Not even my first rock star, actually. A few celebrities have gotten linked to me that way, but not TOO many." Sally taps her nose with her finger. She laughs at the idea of Thor drinking with himself, though.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi grins once more. "That is certainly a very interesting way to make money. It is not as glorious as training pegasi, but it is certainly up there. It is a shame that Midgard and Asgard are so different. I doubt that I would get the respect here that I deserve. It will certainly be different when I am a Valkyrie. That is /undoubtedly/ something everyone will respect."

Sally Houki has posed:
"...I mean a lot of people will! Not EVERYONE, maybe, because some people will have no idea what a valkyrie is." She rests her head against Heidi's chest.

"But you can poke the ones who don't. Or punch them if they are bad."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Who doesn't know what a Valkyrie is? Even your Midgardian lore speaks of Valkyries. Do Midgardians not read their history?" Heidi seems genuinely confused as to why someone wouldn't know. "And even if they were not to know, the sight of a woman seated proudly on a pegasus in the finest of battle garb would strike fear into the hearts of anyone." She pets Sally's head lightly.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Sure, are Midgardian lore that started in one particular region of th world and spread elswwhere, but there are huge sections of the world where that doesn't penetrate as much. I mean, some people MIGHT know, even there, because of popular culture, but ... even then ..." She leans into her. "I mean, they'd still think you were amazing for the pegasus though."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi looks like she's about to jump up to her feet. "Well, we should spread the word of Valkyries to all in Midgard. I am certain they will be pleased to hear of them and likely be impressed by /everything/." She makes a face. "If Asgardians can respect the Valkyries, I think Midgardians should as well." She'll tell them all herself if she has to.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Don't worry, Heidi! You're amazing enough that just being you, being here, is enough." It is for Sally, anyway.