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A Totally-Not-Surprise Bat-Birthday Party!
Date of Scene: 07 August 2020
Location: Grand Dining Room - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Damian Wayne celebrates his 15th Birtday! There's Ox-Blood Soup, Assorted Swords, Cute Animals...and only one stabbing!
Cast of Characters: Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Carrie Kelley, Damian Wayne

Bruce Wayne has posed:
There was actual discussion had between Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth over how best to celebrate Damian's birthday this year. It would be, in fact, the first such celebration held since Damian had defected from the League of Assassins just a few months ago. Ultimately, "small family gathering" overwhelmingly won out. There may be a large public gathering next year, for the supposed milestone of 16, but Bruce and Alfred both agreed it might be a bit...much...so soon after Damian was brought into this strange but far more outwardly caring family unit.

The main table of the Dining Hall is laden with food and snacks of various types, most of which are varieties Damian has expressed or shown a particular liking to. There is a cake as well, though it is a dark chocolate variety with a very light touch of frosting, aimed precisely by Alfred's exquisite culinary skills to be far less cloyingly sweet than most such varieties. For those that want some additional sweetness there is vanilla ice-cream on hand. Stacked neatly on one end of the table is a not-entirely-modest pile of gifts. The decor is light...a banner hanging along one wall, a few tastefully-arranged streamers and the like. It's not an entire cult of warriors bowing at your feet, but it's home?

Bruce Wayne is, for once, on time! Maybe not a HUGE surprise given it's an event happening in his own home, but he's made his way to the Dining Room and is standing just off to the side form where that pile of gifts is arrayed. Alfred Pennyworth is of course ever-present, keeping things clean as folks go, refreshing drinks, and still somehow managing to take just enough part in the proceedings to make it clear he is as much a part of the family as manservant. Bruce is even smiling, mostly, even if it's that somewhat reserved, "true" smile that he tends to have in private, as opposed to his more cheerful social personality, as he awaits the other guests' arrival. Well, with the exception of Tim Drake, who is already here, and still technically under Alfred's medical observation. He's got a seat at the table already and strict orders not to move too much.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Arm in a sling from the bullet that went right through her a week previous, Cassandra is not showing off as much as normal. For those not in the know she got a bullet through the arm, lung, and not much more. So she's fine, really, and has not slowed down in her activities.

She is wearing her normal gear, having mostly stopped attempting to be a social normie in appearances. Martial arts pants, armoured top. No hoodie, it wouldn't fit over the sling. The fact that she's one of the first to arrive is a surprise though.

Empty arms, no present. She's keeping up her tradition apparently. Of not being totally on board with what the f's going on.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim is, in fact, sitting at his 'usual' seat at the large table for when the family gathers for these sorts of functions. The t-shirt he's wearing (which is a Booster Gold shirt, official merch, of course) is about two sizes too large, but that's mostly to keep from irritating his bandages and stitches. He's in sweats and slippers as well, and feels incredibly underdressed-- but he knows better than to argue with Alfred. Having been staying at the Manor the night before, though had the benefit of both being able to be to the party early //and// being able to snag the bowl of dark chocolate ganache before Alfred had scrubbed the remnants in it away, so he's already gotten to sample the 'frosting' on the cake. For now, though, he's playing with his phone while waiting on everyone else to arrive, his own gift for Damian in the pile at the end of the table wrapped in Superman wrapping paper, because reasons.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown walks in helping Alfred by carrying in a few final culinary items to add to the spread. The blond has a perplexed look for the older man as they walk in, apparently carrying on a conversation started elsewhere in the mansion.

"... but it's not /really/ got ox blood in it, does it? I mean, how does someone even come up with that as an ingredient anyway? It's just a lost in translation. Right?" she's saying to Alfred as she carries the pot of soup that is aromatic enough to be noticeable even with the lid on.

Alfred rests his hand on Stephanie's shoulder. "The same could be said by others of ingredients common here, Miss Stephanie. I do recommend you give it a try though." Stephanie eyes the tureen with a speculative eye. "It does smell good, not that I'd expect otherwise," she says.

Alfred just smiles, Stephanie never suspecting the lengths Alfred went to matching this rendition of the dish to that once prepared by another.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Secrets might be the strength of the Waynes, but in a family of detectives, but Dick of course had already gotten the memo, and arrives with two gifts. One is a box covered in the most gaudy Pokemon wrapping paper and about three-ish feet long, and another is a slightly smaller box with newspaper wrapping paper, specifically the comics. Both are set with the other gifts, the former being listed as being from Kate and the latter from Dick. Dick is wearing a Gotham U t-shirt and jeans, definitely comfortable today, and it fits his relaxed mood.

"Hey everybody!" Dick says as he turns to face everybody, "Never a bad day for a party."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley still had a room here and had yet to move into anywhere that could be claimed as just 'her own', so getting here on time was easy enough. Given the occasion she'd dressed up in a mixture of comfortable and stylish. A dark blue dress that fell to her knees, and a comfortable pair of ballet shoes. Casual, but dressed up from her usual loungewear of yoga pants and t-shirts. Yet not so dressed up that she'd look as if she were out for a night on the town. It worked.

In her arms she carries two nicely wrapped boxes in metallic red and green paper. Potentially left overs from Christmas but there was no print on it so it would suit for birthday time as well. "Smells great," she offers of the veritable buffet set out already. Spotting Cass boxless, again, she merely grins and steps toward the silent one to offer out the green box. "Here, you can give this one to Damian. It's for his birthday. He'll like it," she assures with a wink. Maaaybe she was expecting this and didn't want to have Cass being out of the loop again.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Empty-handed Cassandra looks up as everyone comes in. She smiles at each, her joy increasing visibly as the room fills with her friends. At least it's assumed that they are; she's never said otherwise? And she does seem to appreciate every arrival.

A glance at Tim in his chair, with a nod of respect. Bruce himself is looked at, then a glance at the gift PILE. A small eyeroll with a grin for that. Steph is beamed at, an obvious favourite. Dick's arrival gets a fistbump and a feint at his face. Because reasons.

And Carrie's arrival gets a warmth, even before the young woman offers her the gift. She takes it with her free hand, then stops to tilt it left, then right, then left again. And nods, clearly deeming the contents appropriate for her purposes. A slight glance at the other present gets her for a moment though, a clear 'wtf' on her face. Damn she's good.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian had been informed that there would be a gathering of the family for his birthday. Of course, since Cyborg's...celebration happened, Damian had realized that birthdays outside of the League were very different affairs.

  He was never one to dress as a child would, or even one of his age for that matter. He came down the stairs at the prescribed time he was told to arrive. Wearing a pair of black slacks, black dress shoes, and a pressed dress shirt, a lucious color of dark jade. The birthday boy entered the dining hall, looked around and in fact did not leave immediately.

  The scent on the air made him sniff a bit. He hadn't indulged in Ox-blood soup since before he had left Infinity Island, but there it was, wafting on the air that he could not ignore. It even made his almost ever-present frown turn upside down, only a little.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
It's clearly not a formal affair, but in all truth Bruce isn't dressed altogether differently from Damian, but for his dress shirt being a medium gray in color and the sleeves having been rolled partway up his arms. Mostly because he helped Alfred set the table. He turns his own smile just a notch or two brighter at Damian's arrival, though.

"Here's the man of the hour. Happy Birthday Damian. We'll spare you the singing this year..." He pauses, glancing over his shoulder, "Well, /I'll/ spare you the singing. I can't make any promises for the rest of the family."

He gestures to the seat before which sits "the pile" and notes, "It's your show. You can eat and then open, or open and then eat."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim leans back a little in his chair as the mini-bat arrives for the party, giving him a small wave of greeting. "Happy Birthday, Damian. Dick and I discussed subscribing you to Cat Facts for your birthday, but Carrie talked us out of it." That may or may not be true. Trolling Damian, however, is a time-honored classic. "So if you happen to get a series of facts delivered to your mobile device, it was absolutely one of them and not me."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley turns toward Damian when he comes in giving him a nod of silent greeting. The box she had in hand is set atop the pile that.. she had no doubt most were from Bruce and Alfred in an attempt to make up for lack of past birthdays. "Looking good Damian. Happy birthday!" A glance is cast toward Bruce when he mentions sparing him from the birthday song. "Oh no, if I get tortured by it, you all gotta suffer too. It's tradition," she points out with a chuckle of amusement. "But otherwise, yes, it's your day Damian. What would you like to do?"

It's only now that she takes a deeper sniff catching the unfamiliar scent of the soup and other items. It wasn't unpleasant, just unknown to her. "Looks like a lot of options to choose from."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown gets the food settled and then moves off to join the others of the family. Looking more at ease at this gathering than she has in the past. A soft grin is given to Carrie. "Hey Red, could use your help with something this week if you have time. Will give you a poke later about it."

Cass's arm sling gets a glance from Stephanie, but she doesn't put on a face of too much undue concern, mainly for not figuring Cass would want it. She does, if allowed, slide an arm gently about the young Asian woman's shoulders to give a brief little hug of greeting.

Bruce's reaction to the arrival of his youngest son is noticed by Stephanie. It gives her a bit of a soft smile of her own. One that grows looking over to Dick and Tim at the teasing comment to their younger sibling. Her eyes go over to the assortment of presents were her own for Damian can be found, one a medium-sized wrapped box, the other a long tube tied with a bow. "Happy birthday, Damian," she offers.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
No, not much concern. The only reaction about the sling Cassandra gives Steph is to switch her 'gift' to the sling so she can one-armed hug the blonde. Because they have history damnit and hugs are a thing. She appears to be covering something in the sling, now that Steph is up close. So she's not empty handed?

Needless to say though, she does not sing. To be honest she probably doesn't know the words.

Or the tune...

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "What the hell, Cat Fa-" A short series of beeps from his pants pocket gets Damian to bring out his WayneTech phone. "Hmm. The tallest cat is 48 centimeters tall..." Putting the phone to sleep before going back in his pocket.

  The young man steps gently over to the seat shown by Bruce, before taking a seat. "The ox-blood soup smells good." He says, giving a small smile to Alfred and Stephanie. "Thank you." He still was getting used to the word.

  "So, I've been told that tournaments to the death are not a usual birthday activity." He offers to the group, sounding slightly remiss. "But...this is pretty good as well."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Nah, tournaments to the death are for Christmas," Tim replies cheerily, eying some of the food down the way. "And for Labor Day, we break rocks in the quarry until someone drops of exhaustion." No sarcasm, exactly, but that slightly-too-cheerful tone that indicates for those who are mostly well-adjusted he's entirely joking. "So, food or presents, Stab-Bat?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I mean, at Festivus we have the Feats of Strength, and it does not end until someone pins Bruce," Dick notes, nodding to the others. He waves to Cassie, accepting the fistbump and chuckling at the feint. Dick gets a drink for himself before hearing the mention of Cat Facts and holds back a laugh. "It certainly wasn't me, I don't have time for that!" The eldest Wayne kid looks to his baby brother, "It gets better, though. The usual festivities must be observed!"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
When folks talk, Cassandra turns. She hears words, turns to see you, and apparently gives her full and undivided attention whenever you talk. So she's spending most of her time looking from person to person tonight in her own quiet little world of...lip-reading? No, it's more than that. But she seems perfectly comfortable.

So when she turns to look at Damian upon saying that about the tournaments, she gets this odd expression on her face. Tim's follow-up doesn't get the same intensity. She seems to be thinking on something, as she slips her hand from around Stephanie's waist, to pluck the gift she got from Carrie out of her sling.

To be fair, using that as an impromptu purse probably hurts. At least she didn't get blood on it.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Sounds like he's aiming for the soup." Bruce comments, moving to take a seat at the table. "Tournaments may have to be limited to the video game consoles today, but I'm sure we can work up some brackets and decide which games if you want." Ox Blood soup? Bruce has eaten far, far stranger and less tasty things. So yes, he'll have some himself.

"Dig in, folks." Just water for Bruce's beverage, it looks like, "Next year...there will probably be a more public party. Likely a ball. It might be a bit of an annoyance like most of our gatherings are, but it will be expected." By folks outside these walls, that is. "But we figured this year...just family." To which Cassandra and Stephanie are clearly included, by mere fact of their presence.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown picks up a carrot stick from a tray of vegetables after Cass lets her go to maneuver the gift about better. She nibbles on it as she listens to the brothers, a soft chuckle given first at Damian's comment. Followed quickly by a glance over to Carrie that seems to silently ask if he's kidding. He is kidding. Isn't he?

With a motion towards the food table, Stephanie says, "I just helped carry, all Alfred's doing." Ok maybe she helped clean vegetables for him, but that's nothing alongside the butler's culinary wizardry.

Stephanie glances to Tim at his comment about usual festivities, grinning slightly, before turning her attention to Bruce as he speaks. Her eyes drift away at the end, lost in her thoughts as if at that final comment. Her inclusion is something that has been forefront in her thoughts quite a bit today.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley rolls her eyes when the others start in about traditions, and Christmas, and Festivus... Though she has to pause at that one peering at Dick uncertainly. It kind of sounded plausible except for the 'pin Bruce' part. She gives a little shake of her head as she moves to a seat at the table herself. "Dinner first works. And if we're doing Festivus this year I demand the Airing of the Grievences."

Stephanie gets a little nod as well about her request. "Sure, just ping me with the deets. I've got more free time than I ought to lately, what with... things." There's a little guilty grin there. Sure, she was taking more time for herself for once, but she had good reason to. The look about Damian kidding only earns a helpless shrug in response. She didn't know League parties. It might be for all she knew.

And she'd try some of the soup, too of course.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian helped himself to the ox-blood soup, because to him, that was the biggest draw. Reminded him of home, in a twisted way.

  As the young man tucked in, along with a water for himself, always saying American diet had too much sugar.

  He took out his phone again, scrambling to read it. "Of course Newton would invent the cat door." He shrugged and placed the phone back, sipping on the velvety soup. "You have outdone yourself, Pennyworth." An actual compliment from Damian...has hell frozen over? Possibly, or he may be grateful for a taste of home.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim would eschew the soup, mostly because he's already over the liquid diet Alfred had him on for a day. Unfortunately, he's not allowed to get up from the chair to grab a plate of his own, so he gets what Alfred puts in front of him... which includes a fair amount of things Tim loves, and... a bowl of soup. He does look up at Alfred with a grin though, and quietly thanks him for bringing Tim his meal. "Yes, Alfred. It's all amazing." No Coke for him, instead a glass of unsweetened tea-- Pennyworth isn't a fan of sugary beverages in Wayne Manor if he can help it. He glances between Steph and Carrie, but doesn't say anything, simply starts working on his plate in relative silence, content to listen to everyone else.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra has not settled in to eat. She lets folks do as they will, doing as SHE wills by looking around the room. She doesn't get a lot of time in the house and wants to case the joint, as it were. She looks behind draperies, checking paintings and such. Touching things, but in an expressive fashion that denies that she has any interest at all.

A she cats about, she finds as she turns that someone has managed to get up close to her without her noticing. She turns and looks at the old servant, her eyes narrowing just the tiniest bit, and receiving the same in return. Then he smiles, and she gives a small bow to Alfred.

And accepts the cup of green tea he's prepared. No more, no less.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"I didn't realize Damian was fond of cats. I mean, it seemed like a good fit actually," she says. And with all the skill reading expressions that the room possesses, Stephanie's glances towards the table of presents probably gives away some sort of connection there to the conversation at hand.

Stephanie gets a plate with a few of the treats. Alfred has to field a few questions as to other things she didn't have a chance to ask him about yet, though she keeps it brief. She does get a bowl of the soup, but only after peering at it as if expecting to see unwholesome looking things in what turns out to just look like a normal looking bowl of soup. She moves over to join the others at the table. As the others are talking, she tells Bruce softly, "Thank you for inviting me."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes a ... small bit of soup. She was brave when it came to trying new things, but if it was something she didn't end up liking, she didn't want to waste a good amount of it. Especially when it seemed it was one that Damian was very fond of. A deep breath is drawn, and she dips her spoon in to take a sip. It's hard to read her face regarding the results of the taste test.

"So! Presents," she pipes up glancing over to the pile then back to Damian with a grin. "Sorry that's always the best part of a party to me. Getting to see reactions to gifts," she explains. It wasn't about GETTING for her, though that was enjoyable too at times. "Feel like opening a few?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "I like animals." He comments between sips of soup. "They listen." He says, of course there's more to it than that, but he wouldn't tell.

  "Okay." He mentions to Carrie. Standing and approaching the mound of gifts. The red wrapped one pulled over, and with fervor is opened. Obviously, Damian is not the type to save the paper.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick gets up and fills up his own plate, as well as making sure he gets a glass of water for himself. When he gets each filled he grabs a seat, though the further mention of cat facts causes the eldest brother to chuckle again, though it is soon stopped with food being there. The best part of birthday parties. Carrie's point, though, brings up another thing, "Yes! Presents are certainly in order!" Stephanie gets a nod, "You're family whether you like it or not. That doesn't wash out here, you're stuck with us."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Of course." Bruce replies to Stephanie, equally sotto voce, but giving her that brief, small smile. Just a touch of warmth to his eyes as well.

Bruce tucks in to the hearty (no pun intended) soup with relative gusto, but also the ingrained refined manners that Alfred educated him in practically since he was born. Once he's polished off his bowl though, he adds, "Yes, Presents." He gives a nod to Alfred, who bows slightly, with a brief smile, and heads out of the room for...something. There is another parcel with a "From Bruce" on it already on the table...a long rectangular and heavy gift wrapped in metallic blue paper embossed with the Wayne family crest. Because billionaires don't have trouble getting custom wrapping paper.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Inside the box that Carrie had wrapped was a single item, and a photograph. The item? Oddly enough... It was a baby bottle. One slightly larger than normal, defintely not meant for human use but a baby bottle none the less. Beneath it was a photograph of a mountain lion cub being fed with a very similar bottle. It's eyes were half shut, it's paws were huge, and it had milk all over it's face messily.

"There's a wildlife refuge in upstate New York that has three orphaned mountain lion cubs they're taking care of, as well as many other animals. They've agreed to let you come and help with the animals for a day of volunteer work," Carrie explains with a broad grin.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     A bit perplexed by it originally, the pictures piqued his interest though, especially after Carrie mentioned a wildlife refuge. His eyes always carried a brightness, but they grew more so after Carrie explains the gift. "That...is great." He replies, giving a smile that could have possibly given Dick's at the same age a run for its money. "Thank you, Carrie."

  Normally a hug would be in order, Damian...isn't at that point quite yet though. The picture placed down, he reaches for the one decorated in Superman symbols. He could only imagine what would be inside, fully expecting it to be...a joke.

Tim Drake has posed:
Beneath the paper is a simple white box. Within, though, is a pair of games for Damian's Switch (Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart)... and between them, a domino mask like Tim's own, only green instead of black. The whited-out eyes stare up at Damian from where it nestles in the box between the two video games.

There's also a tiny USB-C dongle made to fit in the charging port of the Switch tucked above the mask.

"Upgrade, little brother. There's a heads-up display like mine in there. Not as robust, you'll need to get used to the basics first." Tim shrugs. "Oh, and if you plug in that little 'doohicky', technical term, to your Switch, it sends the video straight to your mask so you can play without having to deal with anything besides the Joycons."

Yes, Tim is //that// brother.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The mask looking up at him certainly gives some pause, but the fact that he has two more games for his switch does make him a bit happy. "You made a USB-C dongle that transmits the video to your mask?" Of course, Damian wouldn't think Tim would give that to him without having it himself.

  The mask is lifted, and pressed to his face. The visage of his eyes going white as he tries on the new domino mask. "Nice." He comments, looking around, definitely not used to a HUD, but glad for an upgrade.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce reaches over and slides the large metallic blue package a bit closer to Damian, "There's another that will be here in a minute, but go ahead with this one."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     After removing the mask, and placing it back in the box, Damian grasped at the blue one that Bruce had slid his way. "Alright then..." Curious to find what was inside.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is curious as well. She leans forward to get a better look, watching as it's unwrapped. A single eyebrow raises to Bruce questioningly though she knew likely that wouldn't result in answers. So she just watches until it's opened.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Inside the package is a polished hardwood case with a tempered glass top, lined with dark blue velvet. Resting within is an officer's saber of the type issued by the British military in the Colonial period. It's a perfectly functional, serviceable weapon, and has obviously been well-cared for over the centuries. But as with a great many things where the Bat-family is concerned, it isn't so much about the basic practicality of the weapon.

"We found out a few months ago that one of our neighbors had this in their possession. It took some doing and a seat on the board of the Wayne Foundation, but they were willing to sell. This saber belonged to Darius Wayne, the man who initially commissioned the building of Wayne Manor, and who was famous for setting alight a flotilla of British Ships in Gotham Harbor during the revolution...you've likely seen the painting upstairs." Bruce smiles, "We were going to put it in the gallery with the rest of the displays but it feels right that you should have this. A reminder that the Waynes have been fighting for Gotham since before it really WAS Gotham."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra watches as if she's watching something on television. (Note, she thinks that MMA is hilarious comedy.) Standing and waiting quietly, her arm still in a sling, she occasionally glances to the window. Keeping watch, apparently, though she's also watching...Alfred. She keeps glancing at him, learning from him. The man never misses a beat, and if anyone here has her respect by the end of the night, it's him.

The rest of you already had it. Don't be jealous.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown is staying quiet, eating slowly while she watches the presents opening. Grins and a bit of laughter result from some of the comments. The soup? Definitely a hearty one, and if the ingredients still give her pause, not so much the outgoing Gotham girl doesn't make her way through the bowl.

She slides her plate aside slightly, setting her napkin on it. Her head tilts with a bit of interest as she looks to see what Damian's opened. Steph glances about for Cass briefly, checking on her friend as she often does when with her. As she listens to the present's history, Stephanie's eyes widen a bit.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The package opened, and the saber removed from the case. He was more keen on straight swords, but he would never raise his nose at a sword so old, and with such a provenance. "That was a Wayne?" He asks, of the painting upstairs. Damian never would have thought that such a person would have existed in the Wayne line.

  Being so flabbergasted, the saber is brought back to the case, leaving it to a well deserved rest. "Welcome back." Damian had been raised by a people who are deadly, but Damian himself had a respect for such treasures, the belief that a sword was an extension of the person who wields it, was also passed down to him from Ra's.

  He had a collection, mostly of swords he had made for him, but the two that stood out the most, was a sword of Ra's' own that dated back 500 years, and now, the sword of Darius Wayne, in just as equal of a place of honor.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lets out a low, slow whistle of approval with that explanation of the historical item. "That's... definitely cool. I'm surprised they didn't make you aware they had this sooner. That seems like some bragging rights there," she points out with a warm grin.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim lifts a brow at the sword, a grin crossing his face. "That's awesome." He finishes his glass of tea and places the glass down, watching the pile of presents diminish.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gets up, going over and getting the water carafe and filling up Damian's glass as she sees he's flabbergasted and maybe needs a moment filled in as the awesome gift from Bruce settles in. The blond girl tops off anyone else's glass who is drinking water then sits back down, eyes going to Bruce and giving him a quick smile at the impact his gift made on his son.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods and appears impressed as the sword and its history are revealed. He reaches over and grabs his own gift, the one wrapped in the comic pages from the newspaper, it was the Sunday one at least so they are in color. He slides it over, "Best to save anybody else from having to follow that up. Figured something you probably missed out on and should be something that I think you'd enjoy."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian looked up to Dick, in more than one way. But a smirk grows on his face, and the present accepted. "Thanks, Grayson."

  The paper is ripped off, and soon reveals...

Dick Grayson has posed:
Inside the package is a tablet and a card. Once the card is opened reveals credentials to an online account to a movie database/respository. Dick says, "The tablet has a few already downloaded, but with that account there is a playlist I've already drawn up for you, including such classics as Jaws, Spaceballs, Alien, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, et cetera. Classics that I figured I would share with you. Also there's a tablet, so at worst you walk away with that!"

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"And right on cue..." Bruce looks towards the door, and Alfred comes in, only he's preceded by a fluffy canine bundle on a leash. German Shepard by the look of it, excitedly nosing around and doing his futile best to pull Alfred along. "This is for you, too." Looks like Carrie isn't the only one that's noticed Damian's affinity for animals. "To train and raise...with a few conditions that Alfred will lay out for you later." The pup does seem to gravitate towards Damian, perhaps with a bit of subtle guidance from Alfred, moving to hop up on its' hind legs and places his paws on the young man's leg, panting happily up at him.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Some of the Titans said I need to watch movies..." Damian mentioned before Alfred came in with a dog. Damian had looked at the dog coming in, and he stands, allowing the dog to hop up, and giving him affection. "I can do that." He mentions to Bruce. He trained Goliath, but then again, Goliath is a bit smarter than most pets, and scarier.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie smiles and "awws," softly at the sight of the pup. The dog's enthusiasm to get to the birthday boy just makes the moment all the cuter.

When Damian has had time with the dog and is ready for the next gift, a pair are slid over. A medium-sized box wrapped festively, and also a long tube with a bow tied around it for decoration. Stephanie sits up a little straighter, a cue that Cassandra certainly would pick up on whose gifts those are, even before anyone looks at the birthday card accompanying them wishing Damian a a happy birthday from Stephanie.

Inside the square box is a box set of movies. Enter the Dragon. Game of Death. Fists of Fury, to name a few. It's the Essential Bruce Lee collection. "Guess we both were thinking the same direction," Stephanie tells Dick.

The cylinder contains a slightly less martial present. Inside is a rolled up poster whose image looks like it dates back to the 70s. "Happy birthday," Stephanie offers with a little shrug and a smile to Damian as he opens them.

The poster: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2f/34/35/2f3435aeafa5513348bf7976494c693f.jpg

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Thank you, Father, Pennyworth." Since Alfred is the all but blood grandfather of the family. Damian takes ahold of the leash, at least to allow Alfred to not be dragged. He looked to the dog, and eyed him, a couple moments later, the dog calming down, sitting, still wagging his tail though. "Good dog." He says, giving pets and affection once more.

  The presents from Stephanie are moved to, finding Bruce Lee movies, and a classic poster of the Hang In There, Baby! cat. "That cat could climb up." He comments, looking at the poster unfurled and looking back to the group. "Everyone talks about cats stuck in trees. They are only 'stuck' because they do not want to come down." He was overthinking it. "Thank you, Stephanie." He commented, looking at all the films as well. "These are Kung fu movies, yes?" He questions, not exactly unaware of pop culture, just never having had much time for it.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick also grabs the one in the most gaudy Pokemon wrapping paper that could be found, "Kate couldn't make it, today, but she did give me this to deliver."

Inside the paper is an oak and glass case with bronze hinges. Inside is a xiphos on a velvet cushion. On top of the case is a card inside of which is a congratulatory note from Kate as well as certificates of authenticity of this being from Ancient Sparta prior to the Macedonian annexation.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The gift in a gaudy Pokemon wrapper is approached with caution. He had been afraid that Kate thought he was a normal kid who enjoyed things like that.

  But the Xiphos was a pleasant surprise. And the fact it was an authentic relic, to boot. "I...think I know where this is going to go." He comments, looking over the Iron Age sword, and nodding with a studied eye. "I wonder that Troia would say about this...or Wonder Woman, for that matter." Knowing Troia especially had an eye for history, it was certainly something to start an enlightening conversation.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra has been very quiet, even for her, this whole time. She's holding that box that Carrie handed her, and staying in the background. Not much to say about things. She's been getting the swing of things, the rhythm of this...event. She's never done this in her own youth. I mean, unless you count when Dad got me my own can of whup-ass. That was fun to open.

She waits for her moment. When and only when she's sure that it's the right time, (and armed with a Xiphos or not it's got to be now!) she walks up to Damian. Into his space, but everyone's been doing so anyway.

She just holds out the package, uncertain what exactly is inside herself. She didn't buy it for him, this is truly from Carrie. And she waits, an expectant smile hesitating on her lips, as she watches Damian.


Because the moment he opens the package and his eyes see what's inside, she steps a half-step forward, and buries a stiletto in his shoulder. Then stands there, hand still on the knife, and waits for his reaction. Her eyes wait for his to come up and meet her own dark ones. And her eyes seem to hold a message, one his mother might have approved of. Even here.

I will give you what you need, Damian Wayne. When others give you love, I will give you this. Your edge will not dull on my watch.

If he understands, that is up to him. But she waits for him to know. Or to fail.

Oh, the gift? It's a gorgeous knife sharpening kit, with all the utensils. Classic style, one you could actually put on display if you chose. Carrie has excellent taste.

And behind her, absolutely livid, Alfred is holding out a cloth bandage. He KNEW. The old man f*ing knew.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The timing couldn't be more appropriate. After an evening of sweetness, Damian had been wondering if it was going to be a boring time.

  Could he have blocked the stiletto? Did he allow himself to be stabbed like this, because he also subconsciously wanted to keep himself sharpened like the weapon Talia had made him to be? Probably.

  Once the adrenaline started to seep into his bloodstream, Damian turned his head, his pupils focused on Cassandra, that hauntingly green, almost illuminated al Ghul green.

  The language of warriors is what they spoke, Cassandra and Damian. It was one thing they shared in common. As the two sets of eyes met, Damian lowered his head a centimeter, keeping his ghostly eyes on Cassandra, and an eerie smile settling on his face. Challenge Accepted, Cassandra Cain.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce (rather unwittingly) trained with the League of Assassins, and counted Cassandra's father among his sparring partners during that time. He does not have Cassandra's gift-that-is-also-a-curse. But he holds enough of it, and is near enough that he starts to glean what is about to happen in that fraction of a moment before it does. So he's halfway out of his chair and partially reaching for Cassandra, but she is simply too quick to stop, even this close.

There's a whirl of confusion in Bruce's body language and expression for a half moment, a very very brief flicker of fear. Dozens of possibilities race through the Dark Knight Detective's mind as the matter unfolds.

But he pauses, frowning, but straightening, and lifting a staying hand to the rest of the family. A glimmer of understanding touches his face, and to Cassandra's eye, he calms...not /entirely/ pleased...but calm.

"Alfred, see to the wound." And with that, Bruce simply sits back down, drolly adding, "So...Cake?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra lets Damian keep the knife, though Alfred will have it out in seconds and the wound bandaged. She steps back. She steps away. Green and brown eyes never leave the other, until they do.

And the party...goes on. Somehow.

And yes. Alfred is there. He's not going to be making Cassandra her favourite dessert for a while, but things...seem to have gone on. Even with a little stabbing.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim's eyes widen as Cass... yep. That's Cass. He reaches up and pinches the bridge of his nose as she and Damian have their murderhobo moment. "Cake sounds //great//."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Cass!" The name blurts from Carrie's lips as she starts to move... Only to freeze when Bruce gestures them to stop. Her eyes narrow with a single inhalation of breath that she holds to keep her own surge of adrenaline under control. It had been the urge to move to action. Some part of this entire situation spoke to her of an older mentor though. One with far more gray in his hair than Bruce currently has.

She rocks her weight back onto her heels dutifully staying out of the way. This was their training. Their test of one another. It was ... unusual... but understood. Even if it was such a difference from how she was brought up here.

THERE, though. It was similar if not as brutal.

"Yeah, cake sounds good."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"So, uh, birthday fights to the death. Probably a real thing thing then," murmurs Steph.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick lacks the context for the action, though as soon as the knife is drawn and plunging, Dick is nearly out of his seat, though it seems things resolve quickly enough, his heart racing still, though. He rests his hands on the table and sighs, beginning to calm himself. Knowing full well that things are back in order judging by Bruce's omment, Dick says, "Yes, corner piece, please."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's new knife, removed from his own body. The two keep a watch, before Alfred starts to bandage his shoulder up. "Yes, cake. I will give this one a try." He was glad it was not overtly sweetened. He should be able to indulge without it being an overload to his tastebuds.

  Seriously, he was just stabbed, and he is just fine. Like it didn't happen. What the hell is wrong with this family?

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain grins at everyone, and then finally, FINALLY, goes for cake. I haven't eaten all night. And is that real Ox-blood soup?
