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Latest revision as of 19:01, 14 August 2020

M-town Street cleaning
Date of Scene: 14 August 2020
Location: 2908 M-town back alley.
Synopsis: Husk and the YSB chat.
Cast of Characters: Chizue Nakamura, Paige Guthrie

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    M-town was no stranger to random jackasses trying to start trouble of course, and it was hardly the first time a car load of frat boys had headed over to start something. There's hardly a shortage of battle hardened mutants about even on a quiet night, but tonight it would seem they have an out of towner to lean on.

    Four big strapping fellows with baseball bats slip down a back alley, and then comes the shouting. A bat goes tumbling off into the street, followed by a bloodied young man scrambling desperately after it. The cracks and thumps of a proper fight echo well enough, and it doesn't take long before the call goes out of course. A cape is tussling with some punks in an M-town alley!

    Two come stumbling out of that alleyway shortly afterward, their faces battered and bloodied as they struggle to carry a third fellow. Hissed curses offered even as they make a B-line back towards their car. The Fellow in the street scoops up his baseball bat, before getting back onto his feet with a pant.

    "Well alright, at least one of you isn't a coward."What steps out of that alleyway, well it's not likely anyone outside of Little Tokyo would know who the hell she is. Dressed in a neat black maid uniform, her face hidden only by a long bright yellow scarf wound round her face and neck. Casually she eyes her bloodied white gloves, before fixing her attention back onto the lone tough guy with a bat. One hand raising to point him out "Looks like it's time to clean the streets, didn't your mother ever teach you how to pick up after yourself?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Since the subways haven't been reconnected yet to M-Town proper, Paige Guthrie has to hoof it for a mile or two to get to the nearest train station. She'd been doing volunteer work here, since the town had been returned to help out her fellow mutants. It's something constructive she can do during the summer when no classes are being held.

It's on this walk that she witnesses the thugs be thrown out by a French maid of all things. With three thugs gone, there really isn't much left to do, and with the last guy all focused on the maid it makes it easy to sneak up on him. She rips off the skin of one arm, revealing shiny chrome metal underneath and just *CLONKS* the thug upside the head knocking him out.

"Nice cosplay," Paige says in greeting to the maid. Noticing the blood on the gloves she asks, "You're not hurt are you?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Cocks her head to the side for a moment, before letting her shoulders slump. "Awwwr, man I had a whole big finishing move and everything I was gonna do."Still she reaches up to pluck a grab at her scarf and casually pull away a neatly pre-cut length of bright yellow silk. "Nice clean hit though, but you've really got to work on your theatricality."And well just as casual as can be she kicks the bat aside, before bending down to tie the punk's wrists in a neat flourishing bow.

    "Anyway not a cosplay, just far from home on work."And with that she bounces back up onto her flats to pull a glove free, letting it burst into flames as she reveals another clean white glove hidden beneath the old. "I'm called Kiiroi sukafubasuta, but just Yellow Scarf Buster works plenty well."And with that she offers a gloved hand over. "You fighting under a name or just a concerned citizen?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige shakes hands with her metal arm, offering a firm grip. "I'm called Husk," she says, and starts carefully pulling at the rest of her skin until she's all metal, showing that if she has the time, she can actually husk without completely ruining her clothes. "It's not the most graceful of powers but it does the trick," she grins.

She tilts her head at the name given to her. "So... kind of like Sailor Moon?" she asks. "I used to watch that a lot when I was a kid. It was really fun."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Well the Sailor Scouts were based on a team out of Hokkaido, The Rose Battlers. So yeah, I mean it's not that uncommon back in Japan."Theres a little shrug there as she watches Husk's transformation. "I used to fight in a school uniform too when I was younger, but took up the maid thing a few years back. It's -so- much easier when nobody knows who you are, I never have to chase anybody down in New York."She snags that hoodlum by the ankle, before rather casually dragging him over onto the sidewalk.

    "Less dramatic than you though, costume on command sort of thing?"Theres a little lean in, and not a hint of effort expended to hide her curiosity as she eyes some of that exposed metal. "Very neat though, grace doesn't even enter into the picture. One of my favorite heroes growing up was basically a big slime monster girl who fought crime, and she was never pretty to look at. Heart of gold though."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige nods, and carefully goes through the husking again, reverting back to skin. "I don't know if it's good as a disguise," she admits. "If I have to do it in the middle of combat, usually the clothes come off as well." Once cheeks are revealed, it's easy to tell she's blushing. "It's pretty drastic and once people know I can do it, the jig is up." She shrugs, "Still, it's better than nothing, I suppose."

She looks curiously at Yellow Scarf Buster. "Slime monster girl who fights crime? That sounds interesting. Was that a real person, too?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    That scarf hides plenty of her face, but the smile is plainly evident in her eyes never the less. "Oh shush, it's a great ability. The best ones always have a drawback, and yours is mostly just inconvient."She reaches down into that apron to root around for a moment, before producing a length of black silk which she offers over. "There, more than enough to hide your face if it makes you feel any better. You should see if you can find somebody in the US who can make you a Japanese style costume, the basic ones will fold down small enough to fit into a pocket. They tend to be rather revealing, but it's something right?"

    "Oh she was quite real, I met her a few times when I was just starting out. She only looked scary really, have her autograph and everything somewhere. She retired a few years back though, got married to somebody no less. Got her happily ever after, and who knows she might go back to fighting."Rocking back to lean back against a convient building.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Husk takes the scarf and rubs it between her fingers, feeling the fabric thoughtfully. "I honestly don't know how it makes me feel," she says. "I always thought I'd end up with the X-Men by the time I graduated, but that doesn't seem likely, now."

She sighs at the mention of costumes. "The problem with costumes is that they tend to come off with my skin. Somebody would have to design one with that in mind." She blushes a little bit more now, "And I don't know if it being revealing would be better or worse for it. It's not really my style."

Husk smiles, as she tucks the silk scarf into the bag she carries with her. "I'm glad she got to get a happy ending. Those are rare, especially for heroes."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "My first maid costume was -way- more, adult. I mean the best fabric we had at the time tended to look like rubber, so I just looked like I was out there looking for some sort've fun."Theres a smirk at that. "But you have to be pragmatic about these things, If it doesn't impede you and it makes you comfortable? It might come off, but I know girls who can suit up in like three seconds flat. So I suppose you could just limit your, transformation to key areas?"

    "Well fighting with a team is overrated I find, it tends to be inflexible and then you're only as strong as your least stable person. I think generally you're better off with like a looser group of heroes you pair well with, so you can just sort've change out who comes on the fly so nobody feels obligated and you're nice and flexible. I mean I fought beside my best friend for years, until I came here really. Then again I'm not generally very good at team work either, I almost always fight on my own."Theres a little shrug there "Nobody to slow you down, just you and the fight."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Husk scowls a bit. "I can't really transform part of me. I've been working on it but it doesn't seem to be a thing I can do yet. It gets really, kind of like itchy, but more uncomfortable if I leave the outer layer of skin on, and after a while it just begins to flake off."

She listens and nods along, getting what Yellow Scarf Buster has to say, but in the end she concludes, "But you also wouldn't have somebody watching your back. Filling in the gaps of your abilities and training with theirs." She shakes her head. "I don't think I'm cut out for being a solo hero."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Well then stop worrying about the look and consider it's strengths. Most bad guys are liable to get distracted by a pretty girl with chrome curves, lean into it you know? We've both seen half these cat suits girls wear, like it's not like they're hiding much of anything to start with. Hell my first night here I had some bitch in a like painted on suit tell me I was dressed too sexually."Theres a little shrug after that one."Who cares, right?"

    "Well it also means you're watching there back, and for some of us that's difficult. I'm not tough at all, or very strong. I'm all focus and technique, so I can't afford to be watching too many backs when I'm in the thick of it or I end up a liability."and finally with a flick of the wrist, she produces a business card. "Though seriously if you need a little extra firepower, I'm very happy to help."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Husk starts imagining what it would be like, fighting injustice in a skintight costume, and what her mother might say if she ever found out. Her cheeks flush even more at the thought. "I don't think that's my style," she concludes.

She shrugs, then at the hero's preferred way of fighting and takes the card. "I guess not everybody works the same way," she admits. "Which is good, I suppose." She looks at the card, flipping it from front to back before tucking it away into her bag. "So what brought you to America?" She asks, trying to steer the conversation away from herself.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I have certain duties which take priority over the hero stuff, and well I need to be here for that."Theres a dismisive wave offered as she lets her gaze wander down towards the end of the street. "Had to leave my fans, my neighborhood, My girlfriend, my best friend and everything else. I should hardly complain of course, I'm supposed to be dutiful and It's not like I didn't always know this was just part of 'the life'. Not like they can scold me for complaining all the way over here though, right?"Glancing back long enough to offer a wink.

    The card is -stiff-, and made from some sort of composite which leaves the edges notably sharp. Kanji in bright yellow ink, with a simple phone number below. On the back is a stamped relief of a tanuki, but well nothing else.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"It must have been hard leaving your entire life behind," Husk says sympathetically. She shakes her head, "I don't know if that's something I could do. It's hard enough most of my family is still in Kentucky and I'm up here playing at being a Big City Girl." She tilts her head curiously, "Do you ever get a chance to go back?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "If I succeed, and survive."Theres a little shrug at that, before slowly rocking back upright and giving those flats a little toe tap. "I wasn't built for melancholy though, and being sad doesn't help anything."Theres a forced smile behind that scarf, before giving a -snap- of the fingers. Her jet black uniform flashing into a dull grey with a crisp black bowtie and apron. "Hardship only makes us stronger, right? We just need to remember that we're not Zebra, we can change our stripes when necessary right?"

    "So why aren't you off fighting with the X-men, not your speed or were they unable to understand you?"She reaches up after a moment to touch that little hat perched atop her head, which flashes black to match the rest of her outfit immediately.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Husk just shrugs. "It's kind of like a club. You have to be one of the cool kids to belong." She scowls and scuffs at the ground with a foot. "Besides. My brother is on the team, and freaks out at the thought of me going into danger willingly." With a shrug she says, "So I'm going to go to college. Get my degree in computer engineering and get into trouble that way."

She looks a little jealous at the sudden change in uniform. "I need to find somebody who can tailor me something like that. Something that can get a little loose on command so I can husk and then tighten back up."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Ah so theres a brother involved."And a soft hmm, and a nod at that. "Well it's not his decision to make, so you fight if you want to fight. He can fight beside you, but he does not get to decide who has a warrior's heart. I was fortunate in that my family has been doing this stuff for generations, since forever basically. My mother made my first uniform and sent me out to start fighting when I was fourteen, if you've got it in your heart you can't deny it and live a happy life."

    "As for the uniform, well I don't know who does it in America. I've seen plenty of suit designs that can do that sort've thing, the color change trick isn't terribly useful but at some point you've got to make concessions for being cool. I used to just have like fifty of them I'd cycle through with seasons and festivals, and whom I was fighting."And another snap, rendering her in a perfectly proportioned rainbow. "But the Yellow Scarf is somewhat limiting there, and it's what I'm known for."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Husk nods. "I know. I'm going to do my own thing, but it's hard with a brother that's constantly looking over your shoulder." She grins when the outfit becomes rainbow colored. "That's really neat."

There's a slight buzzing that comes from the watch on her wrist and she turns to look at it. "Oh heck!" she swears. "If I don't get moving I'm going to miss the train." She turns back to Yellow Scarf Buster and says, "It was fun talking to you! I hope you succeed at whatever it is that brings you here so you can go back home to your friends and family!"

And with that she turns and jogs off to catch a train before it gets too late.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Travel safe, and remember to keep the streets clean!"She gives a formal little bowing curtsey, and well the moment eyes are off her? Poof, not another word spoken she's gone off into the night to god knows where. Ninja maid yo.