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Awake at the Bottom of a Bottle
Date of Scene: 16 August 2020
Location: Washington Square Park - Wasp's Tiny Person Rescue Capsule
Synopsis: Mori is offered comfort and conversation by Cecily post fire rescue. Chatter is had and promises are made.
Cast of Characters: Mori Merritt, Cecily Winters

Mori Merritt has posed:
It's weird, being shrunk inside a pod. To be honest, Mori isn't entirely sure where she is, mostly because she's disoriented. So she waits for it to fade, like it usually does when she ends up somewhere she doesn't recognize. But usually there's no one to interact with, so Cecily still being there makes the whole situation even more disorienting. Then she realizes there's no more obnoxious beeping, and there's no fire and she sits up abruptly in a panic.

"Oh god, what happened."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily is there, looking like she's been in a fire. Which she has. Her white fur is dusty with soot, her clothes are grimy, and she's got a discareded breathmask sitting next to her. She's got hands on Mori, one holding her arm, the other on her shoulder. Of course, when the woman sits up, she'll ensure she has the space to do so. "You were in the epicenter of a dorm fire," she says quietly, keeping her voice down. The rest of the students recovered don't need to know that!

    "You're safe, we got you out. I..." she laughs softly, "...was bringing you food and ran through fire to make sure you were okay. Thankfully someone better equipped got us both out. We're... in a miniaturization capsule, and she's collecting more people to rescue."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori takes a quick look around, noticing some of the other students from nearby rooms. Cecily's words are thankfully factual and sort of manage to ground her a bit. She does blink at the other woman a few times. "Okay, minature capsule thing I get. Weird, but I get it. But you ran into a fire? Cecily! That's not... you really shouldn't have done that. What if you got seriously hurt?" She does take a moment to double check that she doesn't appear to be hurt. There'd be a bit of guilt if she did.

Her tone lowers, though. "I was in the middle, right?" She pauses. "I don't know what happened, exactly. I can't really explain all of it. It just kind of... happened." Her shoulders sag a bit. "I don't understand."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    The fox lets Mori have her time needed to look around, to take things in. When she shows so much worry for her, though, she tries to quiet the woman with a gentle hug. "If I got seriously hurt, but still saved you, then I would have saved you. That is where my mind finds its reasoning, love," Cecily says quietly. "...So long as it doesn't kill me outright, I'll be fine. Your safety was my primary concern. A few burns wouldn't be an issue... I've had worse..." she gives a lopsided smile.

    Then the explanation, and she nods, frowning, "..you were.." she says quietly. "..tell me from the beginning, what you remember? What happened?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I don't know how it started. I don't really remember that. Maybe I was zoning out or something, but then I just remember hearing the fire alarm and it /hurt/. Hurt my ears, made me feel nauseous, it was bad enough that I just couldn't do anything, I just kind of sat down on the floor and curled up. I didn't know where the fire was, I just... it hurt and that's all I could focus on," Mori looks at her hands for a moment, as if to make sure they aren't on fire.

"I'm... I mean, I'm already pretty good at hearing stuff. That's just part of whatever it was that I got when I realized I could do things. But someone turned it way up, maybe? I don't know what happened with it. I remember it being warm, but that was hard to focus on."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "You do have a frightful capacity for zoning out, my dear," Cecily says, but it's gentle, kind, and she keeps Mori held in a gentle embrace. She winces, listening, frowning. Her vulpine ears fold in sympathy, and she shakes her head. "That sounds like what happened to me when I got these.." she gestures to those flattened fluffy tufted appendages. "...I keep earplugs with me so I can still shoot if I need to. But otherwise... these ears are as much a bane as they are a boon..."

    A quiet sigh escapes her lips, looking around as more students are added to the capsule. "...are you okay now though? You worry me.... I feel like I've been finding you in steadily... stranger situations. Though this one has been the only one so... dangerous so far."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori frowns a bit. "I'm... I mean, this is kind of my normal. I don't know if this kind of thing is going to happen so I just make do with it and move forward and just try to keep on living. Sometimes it's better than others, this is just... this is just very new, and I don't like it. I was handling the rest just fine, I don't need anything else. Whatever that is, I don't need it and I don't want it."

She leans against Cecily, mostly because the comfort does seem to help a tiny bit. There's frustration. "I can't make anyone understand what's going on. I can't explain what I see and feel and no one /gets/ it. And then this? Why this?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Dirty as they are, Cecily's tails are still fluffy. As Mori leans against her, the trio gently coil around her waist and over her lap. She sighs, resting a hand on her shoulder, frowning as she listens and tries to understand things as best she can. "What matters is right now you're okay. And... if you've got some.. developing abilities.. you just have to take them as they come, and figure them out.." she says gently. This isn't the first new 'powers awakening' she's had to deal with this week, surprisingly.

    "As for making people understand..." she sighs, unsure what to say, "...I don't really know. All I can promise is I'll do the best I can to help you to the best of my ability. Please, you can talk to me about anything, and I'll do what I can for you. I want to help you, no matter what may come of this. All of this."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I don't know that talking helps. I try to describe things and they just... they don't come out like I want them to. Like taking a picture but it's all blurry when you try to show it to someone," Mori laughs for a moment. "Funny that I can describe /that/ okay." She lets out a tired breath. "I... really appreciate it, though. You don't have to deal with this, but you're choosing to. I never got the choice, so I appreciate not having to deal with it alone. It's... a lot."

She lets out another breath. "I'll be alright though. Always am."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Do what you can, when you can," she says softly. "Have you tried drawing, too? You've already told me some things... like overlapping scenes...?" Cecily offers gently. Then she nods, "It's what I do, dear. Help people. But you... make me want to help you a lot more than most. You're suffering, and it's obvious," she speaks so gently. "As I said, no matter what comes, I'll do my best to be sure that you don't have to deal with this alone all the time."

    Mori's hand is taken, a gentle squeeze given, "You may be alright, but at least you don't have to be alright by your lonesome, mm?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I draw a lot, to get it out of my head, even the... not so great stuff. It's not always just landscapes and happy weird things, there's a lot of suffering too," Mori frowns, just slightly. "I try to get it out too to explain it to people. Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? That's what people say."

There's a return squeeze of the hand. "Okay, I appreciate that. It's good to have people who care around you. It helps. It really does."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Do what you can, when you can," Cecily repeats, nodding, smiling. "I would be happy to lend an eye, and an ear, as you try to figure things out. At least, the best I can offer. I'm no detective, even as a cop I was better working with people and firearms over any kind of.. mysteries..." she sighs, giving a little shrug.

    "But we'll trudge through together, and I know you said you can take care of yourself, but never hesitate to call on me. After tonight... you're on top of my priorities list. I can't promise I'll be there the moment trouble finds you again, but you can rest assured I'll try to be there when you open your eyes again."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"It's a mystery alright. One I don't know how to solve. I don't even know who to ask." Mori offers a smile. "I don't know that this is the kind of thing firearms will help solve, but you're still a good friend and honestly that's what I need." She shakes her head. "I have to figure out how to deal with this all over again. So help is definitely needed. Friends are needed. I know you'll have my back... so thank you."

There's a bit of a jostle in the capsule, and Mori slowly untangles herself to get to her feet so as not to end up on the ground when they get out. "Ready to face the world again," she says.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Hey... I'm more than just guns..." Cecily says with a lopsided smile. "...I care about you. And while I'm no good at solving mysteries, I was still a cop. And if you get caught in anything dangerous again, you know I can take a few heavy hits. So... while you and other better minds work on the enigma of this all..."

    She gives Mori a kiss on the forehead, "...let me be your shield from whatever hazards all of you dig up around it." A warm smile, and she stands up with Mori, refraining from dusting herself off just yet. She's going to need a shower and new clothes. Again. At least it isn't blood this time?