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Latest revision as of 15:06, 18 August 2020

Planning Ahead
Date of Scene: 15 August 2020
Location: Conference Rooms - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Shaw and Tessa discuss previous and future events.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Tessa

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The world has been turned upside down, or in reality, part of it shrunk and unshrunk. For this reason Sebastian Shaw has elected to meet with his closest advisor to discuss the matters facing the world, and more importantly Shaw and his allies' interests. Combined with the fact that Magneto was back created a whole slew of other problems.

For this, he has donned more casual attire, but still a suit and tie, and a tall glass of water present as he looks over a tablet and a notepad with a variety of pens nearby, currently scribbling out a few things.

Tessa has posed:
    Ever faithful Tessa, of course, has remained at Shaw's side; dressed in a fetching skirtsuit, colored to match Shaw's attire. The chaotic status quo of the world had thrown numerous spanners into her calculations and, on the whole, had not been great for business. Still, Tessa is nothing if not dedicated to Shaw's interests, and has been working tirelessly.
    Having been dispatched to another task until now, Tessa approaches the conference room door, her eyes turned downward to a tablet propped between her hand and elbow, relentless absorbing any relevant data she can in the inefficient space between destinations until the moment her hand touches the door handle, and she enters the room.
    "I apologise for the delay, Sir." She says, stepping inside with a short bow of her shoulders. "How may I serve you?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw looks up and waves in greeting, "I see, well, at the very least I may require your insights, or at least if you have any further news regarding Bushwick or Genosha? The former seems to be in order, but could you look into infrastructure opportunities in that particular arena?" He sips from his glass and gestures to a seat to offer it.

"I know that Luthor is going to be a little more involved in Genosha judging by his recent press release. What would you suggest we do regarding that?" His tone is genuinely curious, though he is currently scouring the numbers in front of him.

Tessa has posed:
    When Shaw asks for her insights, Tessa nods her head once and says, simply, "Of course, Sir." before she moves towards him, stopping roughly two chairs to his left without taking a seat. Despite her frequently inscrutable demeanor, the woman isn't without feeling. She just... compartmentalizes them for efficiency's sake. Being useful - being valued - is rather important to her, so in truth she's eagar to be of service; though time has given her a certain sense of security in her position.
    "No *verified* news that isn't public yet, Sir." She answersm clasping her hands behind her back. Regarding Luthor, she inclines her head to look at Shaw, thoughtfully. "Given recent events... the safest bet would be to stay out of it entirely. Few look to the Hellfire Club in expectation of moral guidance. Taking a clear side invites backlash," Tessa gently pushes her glasses up with two fingers. "... That said... it behooves us to give Mr. Luthor as large a sense of support, strength, and moral righteousness as possible. The success of Mr. Luthor's campaign, and, frankly, the wellbeing and gratitude of Mutantkind are both in our long term interests; and history's gradual lean towards permisivness indicates we will ultimately be perceived as being a force for good by the public at large for aiding Mutantkind in a time of hardship."
    "... In my opinion the only true reason to hesitate - and it is a substantial reason - is the potentially harmful and chaotic actions of Magneto, who could... *very* easily turn public opinion against Mutantkind, despite the general public's sympathies." Tessa bows her head slightly. "As always, Sir, I defer to your judgement."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Sensible," Shaw notes as he flips the page over and scribbles some more in a shorthand, "I agree, open support certainly does not aid our cause." A snort of amusement after the commentary regarding the Hellfire Club and moral guidance. "Indeed, we are not exactly held up as paragons of virtue, or what others determine virtue to be. Then again, that has not been an objective standard for the entirety of mankind's history."

Shaw leans back in his chair and looks to Tessa, "Indeed, and Magneto's recent return likely harms Luthor's campaign insofar as it may bolster Senator Kelly's efforts, which irritates me to no end." The Black King scowls and sets the pad down, "I will see about speaking with people to see what we can do to at least dull the slight bump Kelly will get from this." He taps on the table, "Very well, I will see what can be done on those fronts. No matter how we cut it we lose in some way, the trick will be finding how to lose less and possibly gain something from it."

"Regarding moral guidance," Shaw says, setting aside both items, "It seems that there is going to be what appears to be a "Seven Deadly Sins" party." He snorts in amusement at this, "I was thinking wrath, avarice, or pride, though I am curious to hear what you would suggest regarding this. You know me better than anyone else in this place, and please speak freely. Also will need to work on a costume for it if I attend."

Tessa has posed:
    Tessa nods slowly as Shaw speaks, simple gestures of attention and acknoledgement without interrupting or condescending to her benefactor, noting simply, "I will run the numbers, Sir, and help in any way I can."
    At this point it goes without saying, but it gets said anyway.
    The change in topic, though, seems to interest Tessa, who tilts her head a bit quizically at first, before slowly, subtly giving a smile that's an exceedingly rare sight. Doubly so if it needs to be sincere to count. Her shoulders relax slightly, and her arms move to gently grip the back of the chair in front of her, as she says "Pride, I believe, would be the most dignified and flattering to your stature, Sir." The smile widens slightly on one corner of her mouth, "Though if your goal is to intimidate or impress, I'm sure something tasteful can be put together for the others."
    She reaches out to draw her tablet on the table closer to her, and begins to type rapidly with one hand, even as she looks to you and speaks, different processes in her brain allowing her to multitask on a level that can be a little disconcerting to watch if she doesn't remember to put on airs of normalcy. "Shall I secure a suitable escort for you, Sir?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Thank you, Tessa," Shaw says with a nod and leans back in his seat to ponder. The smile is not unwelcomed by any means, just the surprise of such a rare occurrence. He thinks and nods, "Indeed, Pride would be the best fit. I will be curious to see who else picks what, though some will think they are far more clever than they really are."

"Indeed, I have never doubted your abilities in such affairs, or really any affairs, and this is no exception," Shaw says politely and then raises a brow at the final question, "That will not be necessary." He takes a sip, "Will you be attending the event?"

Tessa has posed:
    Tessa nods once firmly. "Very good, Sir. I'll commission a few designs for your appraisal shortly."
    Shaw's question seems to surprise her a little, and draws a curious look. She seems to ponder for a moment and says, "... If you'll permit me the time, Sir." She usually observes or works during such events. She's not exactly a woman of station or celebrity, so her presence generally isn't required unless there's business to be done. She doesn't presume herself to be Shaw's intended date, though she does note, "... Though I fear I lack the imagination for a costume; and my 'traditional' attire for Board meetings would be..." She gives a hint of a rueful smile, alluding to the rather risque victorian-esque outfit she's occasionally called upon to wear "... a bit much. Though thematically appropriate."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Duly noted," Shaw says, "And time granted." At least for such an event Tessa will be in a spot to do some of her regular duties. He finishes his water and set it aside before chuckling, "That is also noted. I can arrange that aspect of the festivities well enough. Though your usual 'traditional' attire," a brow is raised, "Does, as you note, fit a certain aspect of the party, if you wish I can arrange for something akin to my own costume."

Tessa has posed:
    Tessa doesn't quite laugh, though she does briefly close her eyes in a subtle expression of amusement. There are certain... eccentricities of the Hellfire Club that clash with how Tessa conducts herself, but... it's amazing what you can get used to.
    Plus she doesn't look half bad in it~
    "That would be... fitting, Sir." She says affirmatively.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw nods, noting Tessa's expression. He nods again, "Very well, once I speak with a few others, I might have a couple of ideas to advance a few plans. I will also see about securing outfits for the gala." The Black King rises and takes his tablet and notepad, "But I should probably get things moving on all of those fronts, on top of dealing with a few other things. Until we speak again, have a good day."