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Latest revision as of 02:32, 20 August 2020

Swordfish has a bald and inconspicuous bartender
Date of Scene: 19 August 2020
Location: Swordfish Bar (SHIELD)
Synopsis: Agents of SHIELD blow off some steam together at the Swordfish Bar
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Mary Jane Watson

Bobbi Morse has posed:

The code is known by most SHIELD agents. Some trainees haven't been indoctrinated in to the secret little bar yet. It has and always shall be a favoured haunt for agents of any level to come and have a drink and relax. The secure door unlocks and Bobbi makes her way in.

Civilian: this is the only description for Bobbi right now. She has no gun at her hip, she's wearing jeans and a black suede jacket, a pale blue blouse and her prescription reading glasses. A belt is slung from hip to hip and in its dangling pouch are her staves, the only weapon she's carrying right now as far as anyone can see.

She bee-lines for the bar, "Top shelf, whisky, thanks," and double taps the bar for a double-shot. The drink is served quickly, "Thanks compadre," she smiles and takes a sip, sipping on to a bar stool.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy is already inside. It's a day off afterall! And while she may have a thing or two to do with the evening with her other half she for now is doing what she does best... Well, second best.., which is to mingle and mess around with a few other Agents also on a day off...

She is standing near the dart range, "So, double or nothing...?" She asks another Agent. Perkins in this case. The bane of Fitz's existence. Money is produced and it appears the double is .., 5 bucks?!

Well, she tosses her darts but the last one goes wide. A grimace and a sigh. "Well, you win this time Perks..."

And then off to the bar she goes noting that familiar figure in a very unfamiliar outfit. She approaches, dressed in blue jeans, a dark green shirt and sneakers. "Hello, casual Bobbi."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles to Agent Triplett and gives him a hug and then taps glasses together. Because this is the best timeline. She then smiles even brighter when she sees Daisy, "Daisy. Yes. Say hello to genuine casual Bobbi, not on the job casual Bobbi." She does a small twirl to demonstrate her casualness and then smiles. "Hustling with darts? It's a good tactic to lose at darks, people let their guard down when they see you as human as them. Great for infiltrating biker gangs." That was quite specific.

"You look relaxed, is this your day off? I had heard you have a social life, but I wasn't sure if it was just rumours," she teases. Bobbi on the other hand is on forced vacation and goes to a SHIELD bar?

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Hey Trips... Please, go get that grin off Perkins face.." A roll of her eyes given and a shake of her head. "I swear, he won't shut up for a week now.." Daisy then focusing on Bobbi, brows quirking while she inspects Bobbi's clothing with an approving nod. "Well, I like it... You *really* should lose the staves on vacation you know?" because she has a sharp eye to noting those things!

"But it's a good time to, you know.., get all those things on your personal life figured out, you know?" hint hint, go talk with Hunter!

She settles on the bench next to Bobbi, resting an elbow on the counter. "Hey E." she tells the bartender. "Get me a beer. I am starting light." then back to looking at Bobbi. "I do have a social life actually. One of these days maybe you can even get to meet my better half, mm?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi lifts a skeptical eyebrow, "You have a better half? dayamn. I thought this was your better half." She smirks a touch and then shrugs her shoulders, "My personal life is a-okay. In that, I have none, which I am a-okay with." Are all level 7s and up like this? they seem to never take any time off unless ordered.

She sips her whisky and asks, "How did it feel to quake an entire combat drone apart?" She's been dying to ask that, since she has been the one training Daisy up with small things like guns, not whole drones that are active. The spies way of avoid the nasty emotional stuff of 'you almost got killed fighting drones' but instead focusing on the positives.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Another roll of her eyes. Daisy shakes her head in refusal of Bobbi's words. "Everyone needs a personal life or else they will explode. Sometimes literally." was that too specific? Hopefully not! She takes her beer with a smile of thanks to the bartender and clinks it against Bobbi's whiskey. "First step, stop hanging around SHIELD bars for a few days, mm? For how long are your vacations?"

"And it felt pretty good, a small upgrade from quaking a weapon apart, which I have you to thank for." Daisy replies. "But McFly was the real hero there, not me." that being her hacker friend. "Yet let's not go on about work now, mmm?" she lifting a brow at Bobbi.

"And yes, of course I have a better half. For a while now, too." Not that she was ever too open about that.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hmms and smirks, "Right. Well I didn't spend last night at a SHIELD bar. I spent that in a couple of seedy taverns and bars in the slums of Metropolis thank you verra much. I met someone too. But not in that way," she smirks, "he's in the Titans registry. Fascinating, he came to rescue me I think. Some muggers decided to tail me." She lifts her whisky, "Case in point, street thugs are terrible at tailing people. So obvious, SO obvious. But yes, he and I took out the gang and then we chatted. It was a good night. Exactly the kind of vacation I need.. which is also why I haven't stopped carrying my staves around. Protection."

She takes another sip of her whisky, "But you're just dying to know if I'll call Lance if I get drunk enough, aren't you. Well the answer is - nope! Unlike that silly fop //I// have self control."

"So, enough trying to pry that one from me," she waggles an eyebrow, "And tell me about this other half of yours you've been seeing 'for a while now'.." She isn't being facious, she is genuinely interested. Although, with a spy like Bobbi it's impossible to tell for sure. "Oh and McFly. What's the deal with him? Is he as good a hacker as you? asking for a friend, ya know, in case I need to replace you." Cheeky smirk.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Seedy bars and slums?" Daisy lets out a snort, shaking her head, "No middleground for you but ...." and then she points a finger at Bobbi. "Since I know you ..., I am gonna bet you were looking -just- for that kind of trouble to crop up. In fact, you most likely were disappointed about some hero swinging by and helping you beat down those thugs. You wanted to gobble them all up on your own." an amused smirk on her lips and then she ends with a. "Change my mind."

As the conversation then shifts back to Lance for a moment she opens her arms to the side. "Still a few days to go on your vacation I am sure. So there's still time. Never say never and all that!" she says. "But more seriously. Maybe you -should- think about it. There's still things left untold between you from what you have spoken with me..."

She then drinking from her beer. A long swig before she shrugs her shoulders. "Well, he's a lawyer. And .., I know, I know. We have gone through all the lawyer jokes already so no point in getting those up again, ok?" A small grin on her lips before finally she welcomes the change to McFly. "Not as good as me. But he's good, and he's got some spine. That sometimes is more important than just being good."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    'You need to go out more.'

    It...is a common statement given to Jemma Simmons. It seems people are concerned for her well-being. Or...at least they want to make sure she doesn't go crazy just working all the time. As if that will happen.

    Still, it is a common enough statement that Jemma decided to go out. And...going out in this case is still going to a SHIELD bar, with SHIELD agents. Because, it is still going out if one has to leave the Trisk to get there yes?

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles, success, conversation jumping all over the place which means she need not answer complicated questions about why she both loves and hates Hunter. "Yup, seedy bars and slums. Actually it was research. I wasn't familiar enough with that part of Metropolis. I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to try and mug me, but there you have it. And.. hah, the guy actually apologised for raining in on my fight. But he helped anyway, which was just as well because one of the guys pulled a gun and when I'm on vacaaation I do not wear body armor."

She grins and takes another sip, "A lawyer? whoa. Daaaisy look at you. Does he know you're a hacker super spy with quiver inducing powers? or are you keeping that part of your life secret for now? And what about McFly. Did he know you are Quake? that must have been a shock for him seeing you in full Action Barbie mode. Props by the way, I am super duper proud of your combat prowess. You're going places with those moves."

Her eyes widen as she sees Jemma entering the bar, "Jemma! protege! apprentice! other words that mean the same thing! I'm on vacation, isn't it weird. Very weird." She lifts up her glass of whisky and takes another sip. "Daisy is attempting to put her interrogation skills to the test but is failing horribly."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Woah, bringing a gun to a stick fight...?" Daisy makes a face. No honor between thugs anymore. "Still, glad it went alright. Good thing there's those vigilantes out there keeping an eye out. It's never too little the contribution they can give." She drains the rest of her beer and lets out a long sigh, cheeks puffing. "McFly doesn't know who I am. Or well, he didn't. Hard to hide the fact after I went around fighting killer robots in front of him." a shrug. "I was still Skye to him. As for my lawyer, yes, he knows about who I am. I don't have secrets for him." a beat. "Besides what's classified SHIELD missions, mmm? We have known each other for a good number of years now." a wink given.

She peeks towards the entrance, following Bobbi's gaze to find Jemma there. "There you are. Come join up with us. What's your poison? I am sure E has what you want." she pointing with a thumb to the bartender before regarding Bobbi with an arched brow.

"I am just setting the grounds. The real questions will come soon."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Bobbi's reaction to Jemma's entering certainly grabs her attention. And....then there is Daisy. Who acts as if she completely expected Jemma to show up. Which...of course she did. Daisy is one of the driving forces of the 'get out of the lab!' movement that Jemma has been seeing as of late. There is a smile given to the two of them as Jemma approaches the bar. Which remains in place as Daisy asks for what Jemma will have, though there is a moment as Jemma considers just what to ask.

    "Dihydrogen monoxide." It is a straight answer, given with hardly a twitch. Hardly. Though as questions are being asked, Jemma raises an eyebrow. "Oh...trying to trick the trickster, so to speak? This should prove interesting."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson didn't think much about bars, but when Jemma passed along the password, she took it as a hint to come and see what it was about. So, MJ showed up a few minutes after Jemma, giving her and Daisy a smile and a wave as she recognizes them easily enough.

She's still wearing her standard business suit and slacks, and (one password later) she moves over in the bar's direction where the other ladies are sitting.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods her head, "Yep. Though, sounds like you're giving the hard sell. I can't deny I agree that vigilantes have helped this country through some tough times. They're getting more legitimate as time goes on. I like where I live, in the shadows where the real action happens."

She coughs a moment and clears her throat, "Skye. Wow. That's not a name I've thought of for a while. You lived with it longer than I've known it though. I like Daisy. Heck, I like Quake. It's a fun name and I'm glad it stuck."

"It makes sense though, the lawyer I mean. He wouldn't be able to talk about his work either. You may even be in a situation to compromise his cases if you shared what you knew or could know. Definitely keep that line hard and unshakable. The last thing you want is for the legal department to lean on Coulson because of something you said to mystery man. Unhappy Coulson is a fore to be reckoned with."

She grins to Jemma, "You hear that? she's setting up the grounds. I can't wait for the real questions. Mind you, if she's actually called him up to gather intel I'll be both impressed and amused." Mostly because Lance wouldn't miss an opportunity to mess with Daisy for trying to mess with Bobbi. Another sip of whisky, she says to Jemma, "What brings you out? I got put on forced vacation by Hill. So, here I am, vacationing. See, no gun, no armor." She expects Jemma would do a better job at interrogating her than Daisy, but how else is Daisy going to practice her skills with no real pressure involved.

Bobbi glances over to the door and says, "Hey it's that Mary Jane person that put up a decent fight with May. If I'm lucky she has no idea who I am. You know, being on vacation and all. Vacation, weird word. I am not used to it."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Hey, someone missed the memo ..., this is casual wednesday, Watson. What's with the suit and slacks?" A wink given to the trainee when she is approaching the bar. Daisy does wave as well in greeting. "Or is that standard jedi outfit now?" some small ribbing. Because it's widely known MJ has been looking for a lightsaber of her own now!

When Jemma asks for WATER the bartender doesn't even blink. "Of course." he says in a calm manner. "Could I interest you in a twist of lemon for your dihydrogen monoxide as well?" And while the bartender goes about getting Jemma's drink ready (It really won't take that long), Daisy says to Bobbi. "Look, as long as I don't get a Q on my suit I am fine with Quake. Beats Tremors at least. And nothing wrong with Skye. I will let you know I was the one that chose that name." most likely during her emo stage too. Every hacker goes through one!

"Apparently she has been having fun in Metropolis and didn't even call us." Daisy says to Jemma with a disapproving sigh.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ grins over at Daisy, "Casual Wednesday, I was told specifically that didn't apply to trainees." She winks, "Besides, no tie." With that, she sits down next to Jemma, then hmms, "Skye? That's a cool name. Very Scottish."

She hmms, "Well, I don't have the Force, just a distant ancestor living in my head. Though now I /do/ have the lightsaber." She snickers at that, and looks at the bartender, "Coke zero with lime, if you got it. Otherwise diet is okay." Then she gives Bobbi a curious look, as if trying to place the other agent...

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"It's true. I was there yesterday and had a blast. As for calling? I told you, I'm on vacation. Hill decreed it and so it shall be. Coulson didn't even blink. Makes me think they conspired on it. But I really need the break, I realised yesterday I have started saying Very Cool as if it were a thing. I've been in too many Coulson briefings lately."

She smirks and offers her hand to Mary Jane, "I saw your spar with Agent May, ...very cool." She winks playfully and says, "You have a lot of oomf, need more strategy though." Well that doesn't help clear up who she is, but the blonde has a happy smile on her face and it looks pretty genuine. Perhaps from th whisky that she takes another sip of.

"And the Titan took care of talking to the police while I waiting in the shadows. I took a picture of one of the guys being taken in to the police car. He made a threat that he had 'powerful friends', though the Titan didn't think much of the threat, you never know. Buuuut.. I'm on vacation so it can wait."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"There's not a lot that makes Coulson blink anymore." Daisy comments, the empty beer being slid across the counter and she done for now with alcohol. Best to keep her wits about. "And acknowledging the problem is the first step to solving it." she says in a mockingly sagely manner when Bobbi says she really needed a break. She does wink afterward. "It's also a good occasion to stop delaying other things, be a bit spontaneous and .., you know.. Pick up that phone and dial a certain number." she raises her shoulders in a CASUAL shrug before attention goes to MJ.

"So you have been through initiation with May already." It does sound as if she went through the same thing. "How long did you last?" she asks with a grin.

And then she asks of Bobbi. "Which Titan was it anyway? I have met Cyborg."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ grins, "Thanks, it helps that I had a more experienced fighter living in my head. She was pretty impressed with May too." She chuckles, "Helps that she doesn't feel the bruises, though." With that, she shakes Bobbi's hand, looking appreciative of the compliment and the feedback.

At Daisy's question, MJ considers, "Shoot, I didn't have a timer... I think it was like, ten minutes? Sonja might have gotten a bit impatient. May is really awesome." And she says that with a hint of reverence, though it's hard to say which side of her that's coming from. Maybe both?

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The twist of lemon is graciously accepted with the water from the bartender, as Jemma smiles brightly. She has been rather quiet, just watching the girls chat. But...now, she adds to the conversation. "I saw the end of that sparring session. I was rather impressed. And...worried. Because I do believe I need to do something similar with Agent May. And...my expertise is most decidedly not with the martial arts."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ten's a good number.." Daisy says in clear approval of the young MJ.., and the older Sonja.. "It's a like a rite of passage though. Everyone falls at the first try. She is just that good indeed."

A look is then given to Jemma, "Worried? You have been around enough for people to know what are your strong and weak points. Not everyone is supposed to be a battlefield monster." a beat. "But that said, we really should get onto the gym sometime. Get you to practice a bit, show you a move or two." and so continues the 'get out of the lab' movement. Successful so far!

She brings one hand up to brush it over her hair, asking MJ. "What have you been thinking of SHIELD so far? All you hoped for? Worst? Better?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ grins, "Well, honestly, I might have thought the first thought was that I'd be going undercover and doing the Bond thing, but this, is definitely a lot different." She pauses, then adds, "But it's a lot better, too. Though I wouldn't mind doing the Bond thing once in a while." A chuckle escapes her at that as she looks at Jemma.

"And you'll be fine. May didn't ease up on me because she knows my file and that I have Sonja in my head, and boosting my reflexes to boot. But if you ever want to learn a few tricks about fighting, Jemma, I could definitely help." She pauses, "Sonja is also irked that the drinking age is 21, for the record, but she'll have to deal with it." Sadly, Hyborea has no drivers' licenses.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Oh, well....I never really thought about drinking much, myself. I mean, I *guess* I am old enough, but it never really appealed more than an occasional thing." Because yes....Jemma did have a drink over at the *other* speakeasy, but it isn't like she ever got to finish it. "But yes, I know people are aware of my capabilities. It doesn't make it any less nerve-wracking. It isn't like homework to be able to go take down an assailant using only a spoon."

    Then, with a laugh, Jemma takes a sip of her lemon infused water. "Though, I really should practice. Preparation is key. And...with enough study, I may be able to win the unwinnable. A sort of martial Kobayashi Maru. Wouldn't that be a surprise."

    And yes...Jemma just dropped a Star Trek reference in the middle of casual conversation. Doesn't everyone?