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Latest revision as of 10:23, 21 August 2020

Marvelous Rage
Date of Scene: 20 August 2020
Location: Bronx
Synopsis: The Hulk goes on a rampage. Thankfully, Blue Marvel and Agent Carter help calm him down.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Banner, Adam Brashear, Peggy Carter

Bruce Banner has posed:
It was about three o'clock in the afternoon and the Bronx was about as active and loud as any borough in New York City. People move to and fro to get their daily tasks completed, whether they be noble or ignoble, as the day ticks on along. However, most unfortunately, is that life would not be normal in the Bronx for very long...

Dr. Banner, despite being an Avenger and one of the public protectors of this world, was still a largely hated figure due to his other half. As such, as he walks in the most incognito manner he can, two gangsters reach over and pull him into the alleyway, beating him up and demanding his money.

"Please...you don't want to do this. I beg of you."

"Yes...we do." They kick him in the face, and its that feeling of rage, adrenaline, survival instinct...whatever you would like to call it. They made Banner angry.

His eyes snap open in an emerald green color.

Mere seconds later, both gangsters are sent flying out of the alleyway with tremendous speed, their bodies bouncing on pavement and while not killing them (just barely), most of their bones are shattered and their lives forever changed.

The only sound that is heard then is a roar unlike any people have heard. It shatters glass and makes the ground rumble from the force of it as the Hulk emerges from the alley with a powerful leap, landing against a building and leaping off of it back to the ground, slamming his fists into cars and walls, wreaking havoc.

Adam Brashear has posed:
Adam Brashear is still actively trying to figure out where he wants to live. The old house has too many memories of his departed wife and NYC has so many new opportunities.  During his search, he decides to stop by the New York Botanical Garden and breathe in some green. Little did he know he'd be getting all the green he could handle in short order.

Adam Brashear pauses briefly as he hears the roar echo through the Bronx.

A nearby traffic camera picks up the flying hoodlums, followed by a leaping Hulk. This triggers an alert in an algorithm served by a datacenter located far beneath the surface of the ocean, cooled by cold currents and powered by anti-matter reactions. An incomplete but growing database of dangerous personas is quickly matched against the image of green. A signal is beamed into space, bounces off a commercial satellite, and results in a device on Adam's wrist buzzing.

Seeing the source of the proximity alert, Adam abruptly takes to the sky, propelling himself with a wave of gravitons. An aura of anti-matter disintegrates his civilian clothes leaving behind the uniform of the Blue Marvel.

A sonic boom heralds his arrival, and if Hulk's roar hadn't already shattered glass, Blue Marvel would have been contributing more to the collateral damage. He catches a piece of flying car debris before it collides with nearby pedestrians. Frowning grim in determinations, he yells at the bystanders, "Get to cover!"

White cape billowing behind him, he darts forward hovering over the ground, catching one of the big green fists before it slams into another car. "Hey Big Guy, I think you need to calm down!"

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk doesn't even seem to truly notice the arrival of the Blue Marvel.

His fists smash car debris and chuck them aside, with Blue Marvel managing to save multiple civilians before a certainly 100 percent guaranteed lethal action. Suddenly though, Hulk's fist is caught by the Blue Marvel, though something may seem surprising to him.

It was difficult.

That is, even with his great strength, it was a struggle to stop the Hulk's fist completely, though the Hulk's eyes snap to him. The other hand?

Thrusts forward in an attempt to literally punch Blue Marvel across the street in a display of quickness that denies the Hulk's massive frame.

"HUUUULK!" he'll roar.

People are scrambling for cover, the police are already en route as Blue Marvel would certainly be able to hear the sirens that are on approach.

Adam Brashear has posed:
Blue Marvel crosses his arms over his torso and absorbs the blow. While his body seems capable of sustaining the damage of the fast and mighty blow, the energy has to go somewhere. His boots sink into the ground, and chunks of asphalt erupt behind him from the mighty force.

Maybe this result is surprising to the Hulk. Another puny man who dares survives a blow from the green calamity.

He sets his jaw summoning up more strength. His eyes glow as anti-particles from the negative zone begin to interact with nearby particles in the air. "I guess we have to do this the hard way then."

Propelling himself once more with a wave of gravitons, he flies at the Hulk, arms outreached with the intention of a tackle and grapple. His goal? Take to the skies and carry off the big green giant to somewhere less populated.  Will it work? Oh, it's never that easy.

Bruce Banner has posed:
The Hulk seems to just get....far more angry. Its not often that Hulk finds someone who can stand toe to toe with him, but now its time to prove that the Hulk is the Strongest There Is. The Hulk does appear surprised and even roars in fury as Blue Marvel picks them both off of the ground and starts flying towards somewhere where they can't hurt anybody.

The plan seems to be working out well enough, minus one small detail: The angrier the Hulk gets, the stronger he gets, and these leaps in enhancement are massive. So as Adam flies, he's perhaps in the air for all of three seconds before the Hulk raises both of his fists and attempts to smash Adam in his lower back with far greater force that his punch to his arms earlier.

In fact, unless Adam finds a way to either tough it out or evade this attack, Hulk might knock both of them out of the sky and crashing through a nearby warehouse.

The battle was on.

Adam Brashear has posed:
The sudden surge in strength does take Blue Marvel off-guard. His keen intellect starts making some sort of correlation between rage and strength even as he streaks through the sky like a blue bullet. He smashes through the warehouse roof and craters into it's concrete floor. A variety of pallets crash down around him.

Blue Marvel remains in the pile, obscured from vision for a few moments. Focusing his senses, he changes his spectra of perception in an attempt to see through the rubble. By serendipity, he notes the gamma radiation that manifests itself within Bruce, almost like a reactor. This note is tucked away by Adam for later consideration. For now, he uses the element of surprise to his advantage.

The debris pile erupts with Blue Marvel wielding a steel I-beam like a golf club aiming for a large angry green golf ball. He doesn't hold back an ounce, the steel having hundreds of thousands of tons of force behind it. That's right, Earth's Mightiest heroes, there is another powerhouse on the scene. Ready to take on some young whipper-snappers!

If Blue Marvel can't carry Hulk out of the city, he'll do his best to knock him into orbit, send him splashing into the sea, or who knows. He wasn't calculating a trajectory here, just.. Not the Bronx.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk lands -hard- on the concrete, rolling along the ground until the Hulk brings himself to a stop. A pile of rubble indeed, but as Blue Marvel is trying to recollect his senses, Hulk bursts out of his pile and roars as he even looks more...green than he did before. But there is savagery in the Hulk's movements and actions, as soon as Blue Marvel manages to get himself back up and wielding a steel beem, Hulk roars at him and charges like some kind of angry Gorilla.

But the Hulk reaches out suddenly, smashing through the beam with his palm as his strength was greater than its durability and simply tries to swing a flurry of savage blows at Adam. The Blue Marvel will notice that the Hulk seems to fight like an anger-blinded savage, rather than any creature with any formal training.

He could use this to his advantage....but the Hulk's pure, limitless strength is difficult to overcome completely.

Adam Brashear has posed:
The I-Beam shatters into shards of steel, peppering the surrounding walls of the warehouse, cracking cement blocks.

The onslaught of Hulk blows is a new experience for Blue Marvel. After getting his bell rung a few times, he falls back on old reflexes and military training. He ducks and weaves, landing a very titan blows on Hulks ribs. He uses graviton boosts to launch him out of harm's way only to dash back in under the massive limbs of the Hulk.

After one overhead swing almost nails him into the ground like a post, he begins to comprehend how fruitless and perhaps dangerous handling a pissed off Hulk is, even for someone like himself. Shockwaves erupt through the air as their titanic blows collide, the warehouse falls apart around them. Something needs to change.

Hoping he has enough of Hulk's ire to be worth chasing for a good smash, Blue Marvel takes to the air abruptly, hovering in view preparing for lightning quick leap from the monstrous fighter. If this plan works, he'll focus on a series of narrow escape to lure the Hulk from the populace.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Thunderous Impacts sound off through the warehouse as the mere sounds of the blows is enough to make this warehouse fall apart like it was made out of paper. Hulk's blows just come faster, quicker, harder, stronger, to the point where dodging is a wiser option so Blue Marvel is not put into a position to be overwhelmed. Which is...exactly what he starts doing.

Hulk throws a punch and hits nothing but air, but even the air seems to be running from the Hulk's blows as the wind parts for him, but the strike to his ribs makes the Hulk howl in pain. Good...he can feel pain. But can he be taken down? That is the difficult question.

All the same, the Hulk recovers extremely quickly as the Hulk swipes at Blue Marvel, who seems to have launched himself backwards out of the way.

The Hulk roars. He's still getting angrier. So when Blue Marvel flies away? Hulk leaps right after him and he is literally fingertips away from Blue Marvel's ankle before he falls back down, landing on a rooftop before launching himself again at Blue Marvel, trying to yank him out of the air with his heavy hand.

Adam Brashear has posed:
Whatever flows in Blue Marvel's alter physiology, let's just call it adrenaline, causes time to seem to slow. He gazes over his shoulder to see Hulk looming behind him. Up to this point, he'd used the more physical side of his powerset. Time to continue the change in tactics.

Hoping the Hulk doesn't have a great method for changing his trajectory while airborne, he abruptly darts downward falling into the shadow of his mighty opponent. An aura of blue begins to manifest around Adam as he draws in more power from the negative zone. It collapses around him until it reaches a critical mass.

There is a mighty explosion, enough to level several buildings if the pair were not airborne. It emanates directly from Brashear as a concussive aura. He'd tried carrying him. He's tried smacking him. Maybe after a devious lure to get Hulk off of solid ground, he can blast the brute into the bay.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk was so close.

His fingertips were literally brushing against Adam's heel when the Metahuman decides to change course and cause a massive explosion of anti-matter energy in the meantime. Though the explosion is massive, Hulk seems to be falling out of the sky with speed, smashing into the bay with a loud - BOOM - !

The Hulk seems to be growling as he lays there on his back, getting up and finally looking around for the Blue Marvel. But the Hulk has not lost.

What on earth was this monster made out of. He roars into the heavens and for the first time, speaks. "HULK SMASH BLUE MAN!" before roaring again and beating his chest.

This is not a fight that Blue Marvel would win easily.


Adam Brashear has posed:
Blue Marvel has learned enough from this fight to realize that a little distance and aerial acrobatics is working in his favor. He hovers down close enough to be in shouting distance, but with hopefully enough gap to  react against those crazy fast leaps.

"Hey, Big Guy! I don't want to fight you! I want to leave you alone. You.. uh.. smash really good! I just don't want you smashing around the Bronx! I bet those two guys deserved it... But the rest don't!" He holds up his hands. "This is not a fight I'm looking for or want, Big Green."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk growls at Adam as he talks about not wanting to fight him, but in Hulk's mind? He already hurt him. He had already damaged him. He definitely didn't try to talk first to him and the Hulk was still rather furious. So even as Adam calls down to him, Hulk reaches over and grabs a car before throwing that thing directly at Adam and with -speed-!

Adam has time to get out of the way though, which is a saving grace.

"HULK HATE YOU! YOU HURT HULK!" He roars out at Adam, looking like he's about to leap again, unless Adam says something profound enough for the Hulk to pause.

Adam Brashear has posed:
Blue Marvel uses a combination of a side-step and an anti-matter blast to deflect the automotive projectile, aiming in a direction away from the city. He lets out a low whistle, "Son, you've got one hell of a fastball."

"Hulk. You hurt me, first. I stopped you from a smash, and you smashed me. Hulk already won. You smashed those thugs good. If Hulk keeps smashing, Hulk is going to lose. Hulk hurt innocent people." He crosses his arms, "I don't know you, but I know you are an Avenger. I know Hulk smashes -strong- -bad- people. I think that's -winning- for Hulk.  Why keep smashing?"

He rubs his jaw. "Blue Marvel never wanted to hurt Hulk."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk growls as Adam seems to dodge his projectile toss, though unlike Adam, Hulk doesn't have extreme sensory perception, so he can't hear what he said. What Adam needs to realize though is that the Hulk has the brain of a rebellious child. While Adam attempts to reason with the Big Green Machine, Hulk doesn't seem to be having -any- of it.

Instead, THe Hulk just roars at Adam. "HULK SMASH BLUE MAN! HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS!" The Hulk doesn't even seem to be mentally accepting what Adam is even saying, instead, since he's near the bay, he grabs one of the boats, hoisting it over his head with a loud yell, not out of struggle, but out of rage.

"HULK CRUSH BLUE MAN! PEOPLE HURT HULK! BLUE MAN HURT HULK! LEAVE HULK ALONE!" Hulk can barely put a sentence together, but its clear he is NOT happy and Adam's calm tactic is not working very well.

Adam Brashear has posed:
Blue Marvel had a SHIELD handler who he happened to be married to for decades. Despite her passing, it's one of the few modern-day connections he has. Hovering to a high altitude, he tunes in an old SHIELD frequency on his wrist comms. "This is Blue Marvel. The Hulk has been extracted from the Bronx and forcibly moved to the bay... And he is none too happy about it."

He flys overhead and positions his back to the open-sea just in case Hulk decides to toss that boat like a projectile. Since talking isn't doing any good, he hovers in the air and observes. He speaks once more into his comm device, hoping for an answer. "His attention is focused on me, I'm trying to keep it that way."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Well, getting to the scene was a challenge, to say the least. Peggy heard the news on her car's radio station over 20 minutes ago and pulled a hard U-turn back in the direction of the mess. But even not being that far away, New York traffic is a headache and the area around the chaos has already been blocked off. It means she's spent the last five minutes of her journey running in the opposite direction of most of the fleeing civilians. She's in her favourite day suit, charcoal gray plain, high waisted, double breasted, with wide legged pants. Taped up ribs are unhappy about the jog and she's had to show her SHIELD ID to no more than half a dozen cops, but she's continuing to run.

Finally, only out of breath from the pain of broken ribs and running in high heels, Peggy skids onto the scene with no fear in her motions. Just a great amount of worry as she stares between the two. "HULK! You ARE the STRONGEST! You don't need to hurt him to prove it!" She yells at the top of her British accent's abilities. She really should have brought a bullhorn. Dark eyes flicker over to the blue man, especially as his communications come over the little comm piece in her ear. Well, that was helpful. She reaches a free hand up, activating the response frequency. "This is Agent Carter, I'm on the ground about 50 yards to your north. I'm... friends with him. But the more you bother him, the more he's going to keep fighting back. He's like an upset toddler. See if you can get his attention to me... I might be able to talk him down." She hopes.

Bruce Banner has posed:
The boat in the Hulk's hand is chucked at Adam with extreme force, like a human trying to smack a gnat out of the sky. This isn't to call Adam a gnat compared to the Hulk, but the Hulk REALLY doesn't like him right now. Either way, that boat is doing something it is not meant to do and is flying at high velocity at Adam.

The Hulk doesn't seem to notice Peggy at the moment, but the Hulk does start slamming his fists into the ground before roaring once again. No doubt police are on route, but his attention shifts to her when she calls him the strongest. His attention snaps to Peggy, and he starts moving towards her.

Though as he does, a level of calm covers his features. "Peg...gy."

Adam Brashear has posed:
"Agent Carter, this is Blue Marvel. I copy, over." Strict military radio protocol, one shouldn't expect less from a marine and war vet. His energy aura flares for a moment to make sure Hulk's eyes are on him. He then manipulates gravitons to send himself in a wide trajectory around the thrown boat and the various lethal debris breaking from it and bring himself over Peggy Carter. While the gesture turns out to be unnecessary, it at least will put his exiting blue posterior in the same field of view as the SHIELD Agent.

"Agent Carter, I'm commencing self-exfil. Will redeploy by request on this channel. Good Luck, over." With that announcement, there's another flare of energy and a pop of concussive force as Blue Marvel launches himself higher into the sky.

One eye still on the Hulk, he's prepared for any final assaults, but if left unimpeded, he eventually disappears amongst the clouds. He hovers there amongst the water vapor. His vision once more shifting to draw in different spectra. This shift in perception allows him to pierce the cloud cover and observe the interaction. Silently, he prays Agent Carter knows what she is doing. If she is anything like Candace was, he's sure she does.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Oh goodness, someone with actual radio protocol. Peggy could cry or sing his praises. Instead, she follows up with similiar patterns, easily falling back into the old habits, "I've got it from here. Safe flying, over!" But then she's just got to trust him to take care of himself, especially after that near miss of the flying boat that decidedly should NOT be flying. She needed to give her full attention to the raging man above her.

He knew her name. Even in this form, Bruce knew her name. She's probably too small to see the momentary look of joy and warmth that covers her face as he says her name, but it's there. She holds both her hands up and out, palms forward, in a calming, innocent manner. A show of being no threat at all, but also not of fear. "Yes! Hulk! It's Peggy. I'm here. And he ran. See? You're the strongest and he went away! It's nice to properly meet you!" She yells up to him, very careful not to let any fear slip into her voice. While the situation is unnerving, all her words are honest. She IS glad of the chance to get to see this side of him.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk growls as he sees Adam once again, but he suddenly looks protective over Peggy -from- Adam, which is ironic. But as soon as Adam flies away, Hulk roars loudly at his flight path. Slowly now, Hulk turns his attention to Peggy. He leans down so his massive face is in front of hers, like he's examining her.

"Peggy." he says again, the Hulk looking a little less green and visibly looking calm. He even sniffs her a bit. "Why...Peggy...here." Hulk seems to ask, though his tone denies that its a question. Maybe there IS a piece of Banner still there in the Hulk's psyche.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The roar after Adam is the first thing to make her slightly wince. It was deafening. The sort of sound that makes your ribs vibrate in your chest and she came into this situation with two cracked ones. But the moment it's over, she's careful to try and wipe all pain off her face. She doesn't want him to think he's causing it and her entire goal is to keep him calm and talking. She's done enough hostage situations before, this isn't much different.

As he sniffs in her direction, she carefully offers her wrist, as if that would help at all, considering her arm practically looks like a Barbie doll next to him. But, if his senses are at all heightened, it's definitely her. Complete with that old fashioned rose and vanilla scent she wears. "...I heard you were out. I wanted to... see you." All the complete truth, her eyes wide and calm, words a bit slower and more simple than she would be talking to an adult.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk doesn't notice Peggy's wince to the deafening sound that makes most people have accidents. But, Hulk's attention is firmly upon her, a low growl exiting the Hulk's lips though not in hostility, its like it?s just his breathing.

Her arm offered, Hulk moves his large hand to touch her arm ever so gently before he reels away as if startled.

"Hulk...like...Peggy." he seems to be calming at a fast rate before there's a flash in his eyes.

Peggy Carter has posed:
She winced at the growl, but she does not pull away from his touch. While his hand jerks back, she dares to step forward and reach out, setting the smallest hand on the side of his arm or hand, whichever she can reach the easiest. She puts gentle pressure there, hopefully enough he can feel it, but she touches him without fear, even if that sound hurt.

"...Well, Peggy likes Hulk..." She confirms warmly, still needing to slightly shout but she's not yelling at the very top of her lungs as she was at the beginning. It's fascinating to figure how keen his senses are or aren't in this state. "That's why I came!" She adds, her tone reassuring and calm.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk looks at Peggy, allowing her to touch him as she reaches out to him like he was the only thing in the world. She isn't scared of him, so in a big way its earned Peggy a steady approval of her.

The words from Peggy seem to make Hulk feel touched, like he was made to feel special for the first time in his life. That flash returns and the Hulk seems to retreat as he howls, Peggywill notice that Hulk seems to be fighting some invisible foe.

His skin and muscles contort, then restore, then contort again.

"NO BANNER!" the Hulk shouts, before the beast finally lands palms to the ground and reverts slowly to Doctor Banner, his pants torn and massively stretched, but Bruce lies there l, breathing harsh like he just went through the most horrible of traumas.

No longer a threat.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's just a moment, where Peggy sees that flash of almost pleasure and warmth from him. It gains a bit more of her smile but then he's fighting something. He seems almost pained and the howl is heartbreaking for more than one reason. It doesn't take long for Peggy to realize what he's fighting -- himself. Just the other direction. She swallows tightly, stepping back enough that his thrashes won't catch her accidentially, even as her eyes ache to watch him go through it.

Finally, it's just Bruce on the ground, and she dashes immediately up to his side, coming to her knees next to him, fingertips going to his shoulder gently, "...Bruce, I'm here. It's... it's alright. Just take a breath. I'm here." She sounds a mix of reliefed and, strangely, grieved.

Bruce Banner has posed:
The battle of the mind is an intense one and the scars show as Bruce doesn't seem to even know who or where he is for a second before he looks at Peggy. "Peggy." he whispers her name like a thankful prayer.

"Thank you."

They are the only words that Bruce says before he falls unconscious in Peggy's arms, but still alive.