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Latest revision as of 18:26, 24 August 2020

Galaxy Ninjas 3
Date of Scene: 24 August 2020
Location: Cosmic Bowling
Synopsis: And the first meeting of F RH of A
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Hope Summers

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has been looking for new games he has not played before, and on one of the arcade lists he heard about the Salem Center Cosmic Bowling, it had Galaxy Ninja 3, and that was all it took. Gotham to New York in a few seconds, but he has found a place to change back into normal, and now Bart is walking into the alley like an old western gun slinger looking about a pocket full of quarters, and a smile on his face.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope wasn't quite ready to go back to the school for the night, but she'd already done her investigating in the city for the day. So rather than go straight back to school, she went into the city center for some distraction. Unfortunatey for Bart, she's already at the Galaxy Ninja 3 machine, pounding buttons to the flash of lights and ring of sound effects. "That's not even a real move!" she protests, mashing a few more buttons.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will head in looking around and as he sees the game he smiles, but coming around the corner someone is on the game, well dang. Wait a minute, Bart knows her, he walks over and looks at her then at the screen, and "Hey your not to bad at this game." He will watch her a moment "Upper right, he calls out to offer help."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope glances over as she slaps the button, then does a double-take when she recognizes Bart. "Hey," she greets, a faint smile flickering between confusion and concern. And yet, she still keeps hitting buttons, looking back and forth between him and the screen. "Everything okay? I can stop if there's something that's going on." Because punching something //real// is definitely better than punching imaginary people.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and says "Oh yea, I just came up here to play the game, but you should see how far you can go first." He tells her, and smiles "I heard they had the game so I thought I would run up and try it." He looks around for a moment, and says "Used to play Galaxy Ninja 17, and thought check out the retro version. IF she has payed attention like 6 or 7 is highest version she has seen around here.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Seventeen?" Hope echoes, quirking a brow as she glances over. It takes an extra second, then she tips her head back in half a nod. "Aaaaah, okay. Got it. Tim mentioned he'd dealt with other people who..." The smile quirks again. "Not exactly from around here, are you?" she asks.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit and says "Well more now than here but yea," He confirms for her. He looks around and says "I was born about 80 years from now, and grew to teenage in a virtual reality machine." He tells her "You a bit out of time too?" He asks her intrigued

Hope Summers has posed:
"Time and reality, I think," Hope nods. "The timeline I was born in doesn't match up with this one cleanly. But I was born there, then I was sent into the future to be raised. Problem was, our timeslider was damaged in the first jump, so we could only go forward. And the person hunting us down decided the best way to catch up with us was to manipulate the future into being as desolate as possible so he'd have fewer places to search to find us. We eventually got back to what was the present for us, then more stuff happened and I got dropped here, which seems to be different both in time and other reality sorts of things."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "I used to think this was the past I read about but I have noticed some things that are a bit off. My Grandpa was missing till recently and just showed back up, and has not even considered kids let alone grand kids." He admits. He will say something in an odd language galactic common.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yeah, like that," Hope agrees. "People I knew as experienced adults are hardly older than I am. Which is weird," she adds with a glance away from the screen. "But there are other things too. There was no Gotham where I came from. Just normal Jersey. No Batman. No Justice League. And there were //way// more Avengers. Most of the time when I've got free time, I just...try to make sure I've got a clue what's going on here so I don't get blindsided."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and nods "I have been here for a few years now, I think I have a pretty good feel of it. If you ever need any help let me know we can start the FRHA group, and be the founding members." He grins and adds "Future Red heads of america, even if I am sorta red brown.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope grins, and it's right around that time that the game lights up as she runs out of health. "Damn," she says, stepping back and gesturing Bart over to it. "You're up next. Anyhow. Pretty sure I know some other possible members of that club. Though most of them are coming from a similar sort of situation to me. And people. And the damn Phoenix," she grimaces.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen puts some quarters in and asks "Phoenix?" Yup he is from a different time." He will start up, and first few levels he does pretty good, and says "Can I tell ya something I aint told anyone?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Cosmic firebird," Hope summarizes. "Force of destruction and rebirth. Major pain in the ass." Her brows rise at the question. "Sure, go for it," she invites, taking a few steps to the side to put some coins into a soda machine. "I'm listening."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I found out my other grandpa is my grandpa I just met arch enemy. He is ruling the time I am from but my mom is trying to keep him in check, but I know he aint for long as when my cousin is my age he aint in charge any more.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope squints, working that out. "So like your mom's dad and your dad's dad are enemies?" she asks. "Kind of impressive if he's still running things in eighty years," she muses. "Unless he travels forward?" she quirks a brow.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Yea we speedsters make a mess all over the time line, luckily I aint went traveling much. I have found friends here and I like it Tim and Conner are good guys."

Hope Summers has posed:
"They are," Hope agrees, opening her can of soda and taking a sip. "I pretty much like everyone I've met from the team. Reminds me of...well. I'm not sure home's the right word. I'm not sure I was anywhere long enough to call it that. But it feels like a fit, at least. Baby steps toward something that could be a normal thing."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over, and says "Well, your welcome with us, and like I said need someoen to talk to about crazy stuff, I am here, I am still learning things too. I just recently started a job and college this fall.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I tried some of the school thing where I came from," Hope nods. "It...didn't really work out. Not my thing, sitting and listening to people talk. I've been thinking about the job thing lately though. Worth...exploring. Money seems like a useful thing, at least, and I don't like relying on other people for it, so. But yeah, any time you want to talk about the weirdness. I've got a pretty high threshold for weird."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth as he keeps getting better and better it seems. I found I like animals so I an working at the zoo in Gotham at night, it can be a fun thing. A little stinky at times, but get to get close to the animals and feed some.

Hope Summers has posed:
"And with your speed, I'm guessing the gross parts can get handled pretty quickly, at least," Hope grins. "I was thinking about working some security or being a bouncer or something, then I found out that the guy that sort of gave me the idea was Rose's apparently not a great guy dad, so..." She trails off, sheepish. "I decided I should probably process that for a minute before I make any decisions."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to that, and says "It can be, I end up using about five minutes doing the job and the rest enjoying the animals. " He admits "Yea he aint the best of guys, but then we have a few people on the team that are bad asses, oddly mostly the girls it seems."

Hope Summers has posed:
"I don't see what's odd about it," Hope grins. "The little ones are always the most vicious. They know they can't afford to lose. Given how many animals are noctural, I bet you get to see cooler stuff at night than visitors see during the day anyhow, too."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "Well, I might have to learn a few things, I mean I am fast but the only martial arts I know is up up left right a b." He says as he beats the round going to the final fight."If you want to come see the animals sometime let me know, I am sure I could get you in and no one know."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Thanks," Hope says, smile easy. "I might. As for fighting, it seems like Cass is available for lessons. A little tricky since she's not much of a talker, but she definitely knows what she's doing. You can make up for a lot with speed, but Tim and I were just saying to Conner earlier that you never know when powers are going to go wrong."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "I have never had mine go weird but I am sorta tied to mine in a odd way." He finishes the game and shoots his hands up, and says "Woot." He steps aside to let her play again. So, do you have powers or just a natural butt kicker?

Hope Summers has posed:
"Complicated answer," Hope admits, setting down her soda as she slips in another quarter. "I'm a power mimic. Mutant powers, specifically. So if there are other mutants nearby, then yeah, I've got a whole bunch of potential powers. But if not...I'm on my own. The butt kicking comes from training and living in a series of pretty terrible futures."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and will get himself a soda, and says "I wonder...." He will walk over to touch her shoulder softly "Can you mimic me?" He will ask. He is not exactly a mutant but was born with his powers.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope tilts her head, seeming to listen to something out of range as she plays, then shakes her head. "Doesn't seem like it. Pretty sure it's tied to the X-gene. But honestly, things have been weird ever since I got here. My powers were unusual in the first place. There was a lot of speculation by some very smart people, and a lot of it was linked to the Phoenix. Destroying the Phoenix could have done a number on them."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and will move his hand from her shoulder, and says "Well if you ever want to feel what it is like I can bring ya along with me on a run and you can see it, sorta share my speed with you.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Sounds cool," Hope grins, looking over briefly. "And useful, too. Although I gotta say, the public transportation around here is pretty great. Being able to get around that easily's made getting my bearings here a lot easier."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen he nods, a bit and says "So, you run along with Laura and her sister? I know ya said the one you were at the club with was her sister. I am glad Tim has found some more people and brought them in, good to make more friends."

Hope Summers has posed:
"I haven't been able to spend much time with Laura, but Gabby for sure," Hope nods. "I knew the Laura in my world. Really liked her. She tried to help us. So...I definitely trust her to know what she's doing." Her pocket starts to buzz then, distracting her enough to end her turn at the machine. Pulling it out of her pocket, she wrinkles her nose as she flips it open to view the message there. "And it sounds like I need to get back to work. It was good talking to you though, Bart," she says with a quick smile. "Let me know where your high score ends."