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Something to Do
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: The woods near the Adirondacks
Synopsis: Julian brings Ruth along as he finds an outlet for his aggression.
Cast of Characters: Julian Keller, Ruth Aldine

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian had been driving them for a while. He doesn't need hands on the wheel, using his stumps easily enough and capable of gripping with his telekinesis as needed. His Lexus is jet black, slipping out of the city and deeper into upstate New York, until they're in a rural area near the edge of the Adirondacks.

He pulls into a small rest stop at the edge of the woods, getting out. He's wearing a black jacket, dark jeans, his stumps thrust into the pockets of the jacket. It's too hot for these kind of clothes, but he doesn't care at the moment. He feels like sweating. He didn't say why he'd brought her out here. He didn't know if he even had to.

"About two miles in, there's a little camp. Anywhere from six to ten people. They call themselves the Pure Blood Militia. They hate anyone different from them. Black people, Jewish people, liberals. Mutants," he says. "Lately it's mostly been mutants. I found their Facebook page a few weeks ago. They talk a lot of shit," he says. The glove compartment of the car opens and a pair of ski masks float out, one sliding down to cover Julian's features.

"Now we're going to give them some shit of their own."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Thankfully there were snacks; nothing that would weigh them down of course, but snacks that would at least keep the hunger off for a long time. Which is what it felt like while they were in the car. Ruth made sure to bring wet-naps; for every time they pass something, she manages to look through Julian's mind and his eyes, then expand that perception to see the entire area with her own. He could probably feel her invasion, since their powers are simply a close match. That glimpse of scenery gave her peace as she presses her nose and hands against the window, like a child who never really had a chance to experience life, or an alien from a foreign planet who had never seen people or experienced greenery.

She didn't invade his mind long enough, she knew that there was a storm brewing and while she was no empath, the car had that proverbial stuffiness that when presented with a sharp end of a blade it would be difficult to cut.

"Are we going to kill them, Julian." Ruth asks, now facing forward, blindfold upon her face which was soon taken off with a light tug and pull. "I do not know how to defend myself or kill people." She confesses. "So if we are going to murder people I will just watch, Thank you."

She reaches out to take the ski-mask, feeling around it before she slides it over her head, her words muffled. "Pardon, do I hide my lips?"

Julian Keller has posed:
"Whatever's more comfortable," he says. "If I wanted to kill them, I probably wouldn't bother with the mask," he says. "But I might. I might kill some. I don't know," he says. At least that's an honest answer.

"Isn't it self-defense, if people spend their whole day talking about killing me and people like me? What good are they doing anybody? They're just a malignancy, a fucking poison pill. The world will be better if I take them out," he says.

He lifts the both of them off the ground. "You don't have to do anything. I just brought you to be a witness. I've had enough of secrets. I want someone to know. I want someone to know how god damn pissed off I am," he says, maneuvering the pair of you through the trees. "And I want to hurt somebody."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
And Ruth doesn't doubt his honesty; she would definitely know when he was lying. Perhaps thats why she's kept around, to keep him honest or maybe, because she wouldn't judge him like others judge them. Even if they didn't mean to.

"I do not know, Sorry." She answers, her own truth. "I have never defended myself." Another truth. From her brothers tortures to all of the things thrown at her, said about her and spoken to her. She never, ever defended herself. Perhaps today might change..

As they were lifted from the ground, she says nothing. She never really considered that she could do this herself, but it's giving her a new idea about how to work herself. She... is witnessing. His anger and what she could potentially do. Her mind was already a flash of what the future held and it was near disorienting.

"One day Julian, I will know all of your secrets. Yes. You never hide from me but I do not bother to look." She doesn't smile, but the intention was there. "Then we will hurt somebody. Thank you. To make Julian feel better."

Because eventually, -this- moment.. was inevitable.

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller feels oddly comforted by this willingness to be dragged along into his madness. She had been the only choice to bring along, because she would not judge and she would not try to stop him. Also, perhaps selfishly, her powers were an additional use to him.

"Let me know if you sense any traps, any sentries. I don't want to get ambushed. I'm the one doing the ambushing," he says. "And I know my secrets are safe with you."

The group had a cookout today, which should mean most of the members were there but, as it went into the night, they'd be drunk and weak and sloppy. They'd been having beers and whiskey and barbecue since noon. They were fat and happy. And Julian was going to take that happiness away.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Ruth grunts her acknowledgement, even nodding her head just once to ensure that he could hear and see her. There were traps yes, but none that Ruth was going to disclose to him, as they really didn't make any difference when it came to Julian's powersets. Trip lines. Yes, Julian will fall. Bells. Yes Ruth will set them off. There also was a rotweiler loosely chained to a tree that was vicious. It will attack Ruth.

Everything was thought of in certainties, while they had the chance to change they also had the chance to not. Tonight was going to be a hell of a night and trying, and to ruin that would defeat the entire purpose.

So.. no. She's not going to tell him shit. It was something they both needed.

"There is someone that is not supposed to be here." She states. "They do not believe. They are afraid. But they are family. Yes. But they are afraid."

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller frowns beneath his math. The whole point had been to find a group of people who were all bad. No innocents, no confusion. Just fair game.

"Point them out to me," he says. "But I won't promise anything. They might just have to take a few broken bones. They can blame their family," they said.

He does hit the first tripline, but not with his body, his power forming a shield around them that bumps against the rope. Arrows shoot out and bounce harmlessly off that shield, snapping in two. Julian startles for a moment. He's not as cool and untouchable as he likes to think. In fact, he's burning up inside, almost twitching with the intensity of it. He's nervous. But he needs this.

The pair of mutants come to a dip, a shallow little valley that leads directly tot eh camp, letting them look down onto it. Sitting in judgment.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
As they come to the dip, Ruth dutifully crouches down, her hands immediately moving to her sneakers to peel them off. She was quiet as she does this; always one who was invisible without even trying, someone who could tiptoe in the dark without the use of her powers because she was always the last to be sought out.

"He is far away from the group. Reading a book." The mask was odd, something that itched her face; she willingly takes it off and tosses it to the side.

"Sorry. Do not go for the big one. Yes. Today is not a good time to go for the big one first. Last. No. Second to last." And that was all that she was willing to tell him. The scrawnier and smaller ones than the big one tend to pack more of a punch, she sees that they have to go first. She also see that if he doesn't, she would be dead.

"They will call for the dog. Let them." Prediction is hard, but as it's moving in her mind it is also rewinding with possibilities. And she was slowly becoming exhausted by it. "Wait two minutes. Then go."

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller waits. It's hard to wait. He's waited so long already and now he's coiled and ready to pounce. He understands a bit how Gabby feels sometimes, that animal urge. Somehow she manages to do it and be still cheerful, still good. Julian wasn't sure he had it in him. He got his soul back but it didn't make everything magically better. In some ways, everything was worse.

And so, at last, he lifts and plunges forward, flying headfirst and pulling Ruth in his wake like the tail of a kite. He takes the smaller sentry. He knew he was named Dirk and that he was the brother of the leader. He liked hunting dogs and baseball.

Julian descends upon him roughly, snapping the rifle in his hand and pinning him to the ground like a butterly in a collection, his power snapping his mouth shut so he can't even scream.

"Haters gonna hate," Julian says and then snaps the mans arms, both of them, shattering them along the lone bones and stifling his cry hard.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
This is where Ruth had fucked up. She had never been in a situation where she had to defend herself or her very own life, where it came to others, she could help -them- and them alone without being in the line of fire. So when Julian -drags- her along, she alerts the easily with a loud -yelp- and EEP as soon as he lands.

The first sentry goes down, Ruth didn't mind the crack. Everything was a whirlwind and she automatically reacts.

The second one rises quickly whilst Julian was doing his work however, immediately heading for the pair which Ruth cuts off at the pass.

A wave of Telekinetic force shocks the man into stumbling back and onto the ground, almost like he ran head first into a wall. He falls, grasping his face, writhing and causing much more of a scene. If everyone wasn't aware of what was going on, they were now.

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller creates a perpetual shield, a bubble of force that serves as a launching point for spiked and strikes of psychic power, lashing out. A woman with long, long hair comes up with a hunting rifle, starting to take potshots that don't even begin to dent the field of power. "MUTIES!" she cries. "MUTIES IN THE WOOD!"

"Shut your fucking mouth," Julian says and a backhand of power slaps her across the face, sending her flying and spinning away with a broken jaw and a concussion.

Believe it or not, he was holding back. The full strength of his power would reduce their bones to powder if he liked.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
The call to aid was definitely heard. Julian picked a right way to throw down. Ruth was in on the game now, quite possibly doubling their chances of survival, or hindering it, depending on their next moves.

It was like they were back to back; the field that Julian has provides them with good cover, but Ruth moves out of it for his safety only. And this was the reason why..

A low growl could be heard within the distance of the woods, one that causes Ruth the crouch upon the ground. Her own shield surrounds herself, her fingers pressed into the dirt, making herself into a beast like figure as the barks and the pounding of paws upon the pavement grow closer.. and closer.. and closer...

The snarl was loud enough to give pause, the bark enough to frighten.. but the wimper of when it his the TK shield that Ruth gives herself reduced any fear of the attack to nothing.

And Ruth as well.

The slam was hard enough for her to fall back, holding her head as if it were about to crumble between her fingers. That hurt!

Julian Keller has posed:
Seeing Ruth fall makes something snap in Julian. "NO!" he cries. He starts lashing out with increasing savagery. One member of the group is flung up into the air, spiralling end over end to crack into a tree. Another twists at the waist, as if gripped by a tornado, legs tangling with one another as bones break haphazardily. There is gunfire, yes and, in his wrath, Julian doesn't pay enough attention.

He takes buckshot in the arm, blood soaking rapidly and he drops down to his hands and knees in the weeds at the pain. The pain. The pain is right, the pain makes it all clear. He knows what he's doing.

The leader comes out now, with an AR-15 in hand, a big gut hanging over his belly and a thick beard smeared with barbecue sauce, "FUCKIN' FREAKS. I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YA ALL!"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
The dog doesn't stay on the ground too long; it seemingly runs upon it's side first, but immediately draws up to all fours, and leaps again. This time pouncing on Ruth's stomach! It was a pounce to wake her up out of her headache, curling her over, the dog lurching back and forward again, maw wide open.

"STOP!" Ruth shouts out, which had an unusual effect; her intention was to direct that psychic energy towards the rotweiler, but instead.. it goes out towards her end of the fight. The fight that had others crawling from their area to descend upon the grounded mutant girl, the bigger leader and those near to him quite possibly not affected.

This allows Ruth to stagger to her feet, almost moving in a drunken nature. She was hurt by her own devices, naturally, and a bit upset because it was her own doing. For once, however, she was unaware of how bad Julian had gotten hurt.

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller leaked blood down the length of his arm, dripping down over his fingers, in between his knuckles. He didn't feel it, not really. He would when the fight was over, when the adrenaline went down. Then he'd go and find some booze and maybe some pills and numb it. He'd wrap it in a bandage and not go to the med bay because he wouldn't want them to know what he'd done.

His power reaches out and he grasps the leader by the throat, lifting him from the ground and pinning him tot he wall of the cabin. The windows of it blow out, shattered glass spiraling like shotgun pellets, cutting some of the others remaining on their feet as Julian hovers up, the mask still hiding his face.

"I am Hellion," He says. "I know what you are. I know what you do. And I'm going to put a stop to it."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
While Julian takes control of the leader, Ruth had her own people to deal with. It wasn't that many; three and a dog who continually growled as the lot were stamped into place. One of the women, unable to handle it, begins to cry, trying her best to move and struggle, while others try to speak and make creaking noises from their mouths.

"Just.. stop it, please. Thank you.." Ruth weakly says, unable to come up with a good line or a name for herself. Blindfold sounded too on the nose, but she wasn't going to say it. And on top of that, her face was uncovered, showing the horror that it was. Skin where the eyes should be.

"Peace." She mutters towards the pup (aka big ass dog), and he cools.. whimpering a little, his head lowering to the ground as if he were apologizing. "It's okay. Come here.." The dog gently pads towards her as she slowly kneels, reaching out her hand so that he could sniff. "We have food in the car. Yes." Clearly, she was talking to it, making a conversation in the midst of a battle.

Highly inappropriate.

"Leave my dog alone you mutie bitch!" One man manages to get out, words causing Ruth to finally, at long last, lash out as she pops up to her full (short) height. "NO! I wish you pain! Yes! I wish you PAIN!" Those words trigger a reaction, trigger something within those nerves as tiny beads and threads of TK reach out to constrict, pierce and tighten the limbs and stomach, which causes the man to cry out. "I wish you the -FEAR- of death whenever you think of hurting someone who is not like YOU." She pauses. "Thank you."

It was the thought that implanted, the thought that sunk into the mans psyche that she placed there unknowningly. A debilitating fear that would draw the man to lose his facilities and cower at the ill thought of causing someone undo harm.

Julian Keller has posed:
The members of the sect grip their heads, overwhelmed with the shock of having their minds so deeply violated. They are wracked with pain and despair and regret and they can't do anything about it.

Hellion holds the leader up, even as his mind is wracked with the rest, leaving him blubbering in the aftermath of it, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he says. He doesn't really mean it, of cours,e he' sjust afraid. So deeply afraid. And some part of Julian takes satisfaction in that. He enjoys that fear. It soothes him.

He tosses the man down to crumple in a heap, snapping the remaining weapons.

"We're done here,' he says to Ruth, turning to float back towards the trees.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
"Move when I am gone. Thank you." Ruth says to the crowd. She turns to watch Julian, and finally sees the wound upon his arm but does not draw attention to it. Not yet. She glances down towards the rotweiler who currently and carefully nuzzles her hand, which she finally gives him a long and awaited pat. "Okay. Let us go."

As Julian begins to float away, Ruth takes the ground at a light run, a near skip so that the dog could follow them as they leave.

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller turns his head and looks at the dog, then looks at Ruth. He gets a hint of a smile on his face. "Made at least one friend, I see," he says.

This time he doesn't bother to be stealthy, casually shoving trees out of the way, uprooting a few as he carves a path back to the car and the road.