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Old Friends and New Faculty
Date of Scene: 27 August 2020
Location: Charles' Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Charles and Moira reunite, and Moira agrees to become part of the faculty at Xavier's school, and a consultant for X-Corporation. With his responsibilities expanding, Charles offers the position of Headmistress to Jean Grey.
Cast of Characters: Moira MacTaggert, Charles Xavier, Jean Grey

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Third time's the charm, they say, and it's the third time Moira has made her way up to the mansion and to this very office looking for the master of the house. Before this week it's been a good while since she's walked these halls what with the tragic events of Genosha keeping her busy at the Muir Island lab, but she knows her way around confidently and she knows a fair few of the faces she sees in passing - though plenty of others are strangers.

Her sensible shoes tap a steady pace to the door of the Professor's office, and then that tapping subsides in favour of a gentle rapping on the door. "How's about this time?" she wonders, almost under her breath, though the roll of her heavy Scottish brogue is clear to anyone listening.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Having created a brand new non-profit in X-Corporation with (theoretically) offices around the world, Xavier has been forced to keep on the move of late, either to speak at the opening of branch offices or to help find suitable people to take them over. Starting small has its drawbacks, and even with Xavier's wealth backing the group, it takes time to build up a good core of people who can be trusted to take care of things without someone looking over their shoulder. He's only just returned night before.

    Which means, of course, he's confronted by all the paperwork that's built up while he was away, currently stacked on his desk as he doggedly works his way through them, then looks up at the knock, mentally brushing the visitor's mind and breaking into a faint smile as he pushes the work to the side. "Yes, I'm here, and please come in Moira." he says from the other side of the door.

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Moira lets herself in with her usual directness, but there's a amused smile on her face as she strides through the door that broadens to an unreserved grin as soon as she sees her old friend. "Ach, Charles, it's good to see ye, it's been too long." She looks around, taking in the room, but her attention soon settles back on its occupant.

"I hope you dinnae mind, I got in a wee bit earlier than I expected and popped up to the school to see how things are goin'. It seems like it's just as lively as it's ever been." There's a wry air of understatement around those words, though she's never exactly known the school to be quiet.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles rolls out from behind his desk to meet her halfway around, reaching out to take Moira's hands to squeeze them lightly for a moment since it's a bit awkward to hug a friend from a wheelchair, before releasing her hands as he smiles. "Ah well...it's been unexpectedly quiet. Well deserved, I think, given the havoc created by the tragedy at Genosha and then Bushwick." he admits, resting his hands in his lap as he clasps them idly. "It's wonderful to see you again, Moira, it's been too long. I must say, I've been looking forward to your visit since Rahne joined the school here."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Moira returns that fond gesture cheerfully, then spots herself a seat to bring her down closer to eye level and rearranges her skirt tidily as she sits. "Aye, ye have tae cherish these moments o' quiet while ye can find 'em," she agrees, a little wisfully. "I'm glad I've managed to find my way back here at last. What a thrivin' place. I hope Rahne's doin' alright for herself, gettin' into at least a wee bit of the right sort o' trouble?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles rolls over and locks his chair in place so he can sit comfortably across from Moira, leaning bakc in his chair. "Quite well. I think she was a bit unsure of herself at first, but she's gradually coming out of her shell here. She's made friends certainly, and I know she's been out on several of the group activities." He raises a brow. "Karaoke most recently, I think? Though I'm not sure if she went with that, to be honest. X-Corp has kept me woefully absent from the school of late. Getting the various satellite offices up and running requires someone to be there to interview the prospects. Hopefully once things are a bit more set up, it won't be as necessary for me to be personally present every time." he admits ruefully.

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
The thought of Rahne doing karaoke with her classmates draws a full-voiced chuckle from Moira and she runs a finger up the inside of her glasses as if to wipe away a little tear. "Well, it's good tae hear she's findin' friends and learnin' tae live a little away from the island. The world's a whole lot bigger than the poor wee thing ever knew before." Her expression twists to a smirk. "They ne'er do tell ye about all the interviewin' an' paperwork involved in savin' the world, eh? Muir's finally startin' tae see a drop in urgent cases, but that only means we're helpin' people back out into community care or facilities more set up for rehab than we are..."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles chuckles, then mms, nodding as he turns more serious. "We're not there yet....most of what X-Corp is working on is settling former Genoshan refugees. The one that Erik...left." There's a quiet, sad tone in his voice at that. "Mm, well, we've found places for most of them, but getting them safe transport and places to live once they arrive can be tricky. As always, there are those who react with knee-jerk anger to the idea of refugees AND mutants living next to them."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Moira gives a quiet 'tcha' of disdain at that, though her expression soon softens to match Charles' again. "It's bad business all 'round. I wish I could offer more, to them," she tips her head gently, "to you. Muir's always with ye for yer medical mysteries, super-powered doctorin', and as much run-o'-the-mill medicine as we can handle. And... if ye've got any big plans to advance the cause o' actual kinship, well, ye've got me on that an' all."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Well...to be honest, I did have an offer to make." Charles says, steepling his fingers. "If you've the time, of course. I wanted to see if you were interested in perhaps teaching here for a semester or two. Or longer, if it appeals. Not to mention if you might have an interest in being a consultant for X-Corporation." he admits. "You're certainly one of the people in the world best suited to understanding what metahumans and mutants are going through, learning to live with their gifts."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
"Ach, Charles, I'd be delighted," Moira says, eyes lighting a big grin. "I'll have to figure out a schedule wi' the lads an' lassies back at home, but if I can split my time I'd be more'n happy to give some o' it to the weans here. An' ye can go ahead an' put me in yer little black book for the X-Corporation. We'll call this part one o' the interview, an' at some point I'll get ye along tae Muir an' we can have part two over some o' the very nice scotch a wee distillery just along the coast has started makin', an' I'll show you the fancy new gene sequencers we got put in just before Christmas."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles perks with interest. "Oh? I admit, I've fallen a bit behind in the technology of late...but that sounds lovely, both the Scotch and the company." he notes with a smile. "And it will be my pleasure to have you as a guest here as long as you wish, you and Rahne." He tilts his head. "To be honest...with the new responsibilities with X-Corp, I've been considering turning over my position as Headmaster to one of my former students, and taking the position of advisor. It's not fair to the students here for me to not be here constantly..."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
It's not often these days that Moira's taken by surprise after everything she's seen, but when she is it's written comically large over her face, eyebrows climbing practically to her hairline. "Well now, that would be a changin' o' the guard," she remarks with a little nod, mulling the thought over slowly. "That'll be a hefty task for someone to pick up. Do you have someone in mind to step into those rather storied shoes?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles chuckles. "I suppose I've become something of a fixture, haven't I? Mmmm. Jean, actually." he answers. "She's grown so far since she first came to the school. And I know full well she cares as much about the students here, for teaching them and helping them to thrive, as I do. But I will admit, I wouldn't want to throw her straight into the ocean to learn to swim! She's has experience as faculty, but I fully intended to be around to help. And if you're here as well, I feel the two of us can help offer her an ear if she needs advice."

    He purses his lips. "I've not spoken to her about it as of yet, however, she's been...occupied with our less public aspects, along with Scott." He sighs. "She's...convinced me that we need a team that takes more proactive actions to protect the lives and wellbeing of other teens with gifts. So there is an excellent chance she might decline. At least for the moment." He smiles. "I don't read her mind, after all."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Ah, Jean, of course. Moira nods at hearing that name, surprise leeching from her expression in favour of a thoughtful consideration. "Aye, I think she'd thrive in the role. One o' the ones who'd know how much advice tae take an' when tae break out an' do things in her own way. She's a smart lassie. I'm not sure whether she'd be smarter to say yes or no." She offers this with a wry quirk of her lips, one wrangler of people to another. "If she takes the post I'd be delighted to help her out when she wants it. And I'll admit, I'd be fascinated to see what she changes over time."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "I am as well. I'm not so...blind as to think I'm not a bit set in my ways, and those ways are decades out of date at this point." Charles says with dry self deprecation. "I would imagine Jean would have many ideas she'd want to use to improve the school I wouldn't have thought of." He leans back, then shakes his head. "Well, I'm appreciative you'd like to spends some time here then. How have you been though, Moira?" he says, more gently. "I know I've not stayed in touch as much as I'd like...and I apologize for that."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
"Ach, we are creatures of an older time. State of the art polymerase analyser, absolutely. Understand that Tiktok thingie? Not on your nelly..." There's a certain wry darkness to Moira's chuckle at that. "Dinae ye worry, it takes two to keep touch, or lose it, an' the world doesnae stand still and give us time. I cannae say I've been bored, that's for sure. We've got a few promisin' papers on their way out the door and some interestin' cases that'll no doubt turn into more, and--" she cuts herself off before she can start listing staff turnovers. "Well, I suppose it's possible I've let myself get a wee bit buried in my work..."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles chuckles. "So normal then." he says with amusement. "You've always got plates spinning and I'm always amazed how many you have going at once. Perhaps you can see teaching as a change in pace?" He rests his arms on the armrests of his wheelchair. "And Rahne? How are you taking to having a daughter?"

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
She nods with a convivial smile at the mention of a change of pace, which softens at the mention of Raine. "Ach, she's a good wee lassie, deserves better than she had. An' she's not so heartbreakin' as--" She stops again, abruptly, and then reinstates her smile. "Well, it's good tae have her, and good tae see her gainin' some independence. An' you, Charles? I hear all sorts about what you've been gettin' up to an' never know half of what to believe."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles notes the hesistation, his eyes softening, but he doesn't question. He already knows where those thoughts have gone. It doesn't take a mindreader. "Oh? I'd like to say I can't imagine anything too out of the ordinary, but then I've been shown some of the more...interesting conspiracies aimed around me." he says with a sigh. "It's truly amazing the sort of things people can assemble in their heads out of disparate facts."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
"People always do love a good story, aye?" she commiserates with a quirk of her brow. "You wouldnae believe the things my postgrads make up about me. Well," she snickers, "maybe you more'n most would believe a few of 'em..."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Hah, I've seen some of your 'reviews' in fact." Charles says with a twinkle in his eyes. "The majority feel you're tough but fair, and brilliant. Inspiring, even, especially for your female students. I did do at least some due diligence before making the offer."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Moira can't help smiling in the face of that understated sparkle, and she's been around the block long enough to accept the praise with a confident nod. "Nice o' them not to mention me fallin' off the boat comin' back from the mainland a wee bit tipsy that one time. Dinnae ye worry - that was a birthday, special occasion, day off the next day, very responsible, et cetra et cetra..."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Hmm, didn't you tell me once I wasn't allowed to mock you for your...how did you put it? National cultural pasttime?" Charles says with amusement. "As long as you can still float, after all." He raises his brows. "Though you may need to set an example of sorts if you're going to be staying at the school itself."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
"Very important to my cultural heritage," Moira confirms with very wise-looking nod that she can't sustain for more than a second without chuckling again. "Nae fear, the worse the weans here will get from me is a habit of asking questions and lookin' for answers. It's a much more polite sort o' dangerous behaviour."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Critical thinking is always something I strive to instill in my students. It serves them well in almost every aspect of life, after all." Charles agrees. He quiets for a moment; Moira certainly knows him well enough to know he's pondering asking about more personal things, but...unsure if he wants to break the comfortable aura of two friends talking who haven't seen each other in too long...or just lost in other old memories.

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Moira is content to enjoy that comfortable quiet for a spell, relaxing in the calm of a conversation where no one's looking up to her to make decisions or give instructions, but she wouldn't be much of a friend if she didn't at least give a little air to that whisper of a thing unresolved. "Somethin' troublin' you?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles shifts in his chair a bit...it's rare to see him discomforted. More by a desire to not poke at something that might be painful, even if it's from a place of concern. "...how are you personally, Moira? I've...I hadn't heard about...your husband. From Rahne. I had the impression that he's not in her life...or yours?"

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Ah. That. Aye... Moira's easy posture in her chair becomes a little more practised, and where she's been free with her words until now there's a guardedness as she answers that most people wouldn't be able to detect - but most people aren't Charles Xavier. "No. Not for a long time. And it's better off that way. Joe MacTaggart... is no' a good man. I'm long since over him," and that part, at least, she has her usual firmness on. "But... there's echoes of him throughout my life that I'd wipe away if I could..."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles, of course, isn't reading Moira's mind. At best he's passively just...feeling strong emotions. But the man is a psychatrist...he can see the tells even if he doesn't know precisely what's going through her thoughts. He reaches down, unlocking his chair, then rolling forward so he can reach out to take Moira's hand gently, squeezing it comfortably. "I'm sorry. That I wasn't there to...to do something..." he says quietly.

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Moira looks down at their hands as Charles takes hers and she returns that squeeze, looking back up at him with a complicated battle of emotions in her eyes. Gratitude and comfort win out, though, and she gives him a soft, wistful smile. "I know. And I thank ye. But that wasnae on you. He's not my biggest regret, but he's the one I should have seen comin' an' done something about myself. We were both a lot younger, then."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles nods simply at that, leaning back as he murmurs. "Ah, back when I had hair. At least some." he notes ruefully. "If he should ever trouble you, don't hesistate to ask if you need anything."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
She gives a single soft, breathy chuckle at that, her posture easing as she climbs away from the sombre depths with the help of her old friend. "I appreciate it. I hope we've seen the back of him, but aye, who ever gets so lucky as to be able to put their past completely behind them?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "True. The past is what learn from, after all." Charles agrees quietly. "Goodness knows there are aspects of mine I wish I'd done differently." He smiles softly. "But the, I might not be where I am today, with entire classes of students who've turned out some of the best people I know, or the ability to help mutants around the world."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
"Ach, now that I have missed," she says with a soft, fond smile creeping across her face, tugging at her lips and crinkling the corners of her eyes. "That optimism. That bright side. That's your real gift, right there. I'm very glad you've hung onto it, through everything."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Hmm. Well. It's certainly kept me going through some rough times." Charles admits simply, smiling faintly. "That and a combination of stubborness about quitting, I suppose."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Moira can't help a chuckle at that. "That at least is certainly something we share. Much to my people's frustration, and yours too, I've no doubt."

Jean Grey has posed:
There's a subtle knock on the door, followed by Jean's voice, "Ah, hello, Professor, I have the information that you asked for." She certainly knows that the Professor has company, but isn't about to pry. That's just rude.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "No doubt.' Charles notes with a chuckle, then pause at the knock, looking over, before he takes his hand of Moira's. "Come in Jean..." he says. "The door is open!" He shifts his chair around, turning is so he's able to face more towards Moira and an empty chair for Jean now.

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
The knock on the door draws Moira's eye and her smile at hearing who's beyond it remains cheerfully in place for the new arrival's entry into the room. "Ach, now there's someone I've no' seen for far too long," she says brightly.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean opens the door, stack of files in hand as she grins, "Hello Doctor MacTaggart, when did you get in?" She smiles cheerfully at Moira, setting down the files on the Professor's desk, "You would think by now they didn't need hardcopies for all of this paperwork, but... well, there you go."

She smiles back to Moira, "Sticking around for a while, or just visiting?" Her eyes dance a little bit as she looks between Charles and Moira.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Xaviers coughs a bit at the look. "Ah, well...in points of fact..." Charles says, motioning to the chair opposite himself and Moira. "I've invited her to be a consultant for X-Corporation, and she's consented to teach here as well, for as long as it suits her. In addition to catching up some."

    He leans back in his wheelchair, clasping his hands in his lap. "It's actually fortuitous you happened by, we were just discussing you earlier." He smiles. "Have a seat, Jean. I'd like to discuss something with you. Well, both of us perhaps, as I've already brought it up with Moira."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Aaand that's when Moira's phone goes, a loud, obnoxious beep set so she can't possibly ignore messages sent at a priority that only a few people on Muir Island have access to. "Damnit. Sorry, that's going to drag me away, somethin's probably on fire. But I'd love to hear how it goes later - or if ye want a wee chat, well, I'll be around the place a good deal more now."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean walks over to the offered chair, taking a seat and sitting up straight, reverting to old habits from when she first started learning here. From the Professor and Moira themselves, no doubt. "Of course, sir... what's going on?" She glances curiously between the two of them, head tilting ever so slightly as Moira has to go.

"Well, damn, I'll just have to make sure to drag you out to Harry's with some of the other faculty to welcome you back properly." She grins at Moira, offering her a wave, "And I always love taking the time to talk with you, you know that. See you soon!"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles has a brief flicker of...disappointment as he glances towards Moira, quickly dissolved under an easy smile. "Of course. Hopefully nothing serious? Please let me know if you need anything in particular, if you'd like to move in at the school. I do have some pull with the local HOAs nearby, if you'd prefer a house too." He leans forward, resting his hands on the arms of his chair. "It's wonderful to see you again, Moira."

Moira MacTaggert has posed:
Moira nods her thanks, with a lopsided, apologetic smile. "Thank you, both!" And then she dashes for the door, reaching for her pocket to see what damage control is needed.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean waits for the door to close behind Moira, then she gives Charles a positively merry look, "You know, you two /are/ rather adorable. And before you ask, it doesn't take a telepath to see it." She grins cheerfully, looking a touch more relaxed as she sits back in the chair, "What are you thinking, Professor?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles coughs. "Ah, well, just...old friends." he says, smiling faintly. "It was good to see her again though. It's been too long. I'll admit I've been looking forward to her visiting since Rahne first arrived. The fact she's willing to stay and actually leave her research on Muir Island was...unexpected, but....ah, welll..." he says, trailing off, a moment of fluster before his usual refined exterior returns as he coughs. "Well, that's neither here nor there for the moment."

    He gathers his thoughts again. "As you know, I've been on the road a great deal since X-Corp has bee founded. Mostly growing pains; any new organization needs time to get people in the right places to keep things running smoothly, and since we're only just starting off, I've had to be present for a lot of interviews in person to find those people." He frowns. "This has kept me away from the school, of course...far more than I was intended. I feel that I'm not going to be able to put my full attention on the school for the forseeable future, and that isn't fair to the students here."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "'Old friends', sure..." She sounds like she doesn't exactly believe that, but lets it slide for the moment as business should be taken care of first, "And that's true, setting up X-Corp is going to take quite a bit of effort. Are you looking at handing that off to someone else? I know Warren was involved with a lot of the initial financing..." She arches a brow, "Though, wait, you're not thinking of leaving the school, are you?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles raises a brow. "Actually...I was thinking of handing the school off to a new headmistress. You, Jean." he says simply. "I would remain as an advisor of course, and to help with classes as much as I can. Moira will be here too, so you wouldnt' be thrown completely into a sink or swim situation. But...I have confidence in your abilities, Jean. You've grown so much from when you first came here, into a intelligent and driven woman, and one I believe cares as much about the students here as I do."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean continues, "Well, certainly Scott isn't a bad cho..." And then it hits her. She pauses. Her mouth opens, then closes, then opens again. "Wait, you've... wow."

She coughs after a moment, "I suppose I'm not exactly demonstrating the intelligence and drive there, I have to admit, this wasn't what I was expecting at all." She does, however, give Charles a grin, "But I'm not going to let you, or the students down."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles chuckles. "Oh, Scott is a good leader, a team leader. But he doesn't have the same empathy you do. You're more approachable, and for children who are trying desperately to figure out who they are, that's more important than discipline. So yes, you. And I know it's unexpected." he says, holding up a hand. "With you starting this X-Force idea you've convinced me of, I hesistated to suggest it. I know wearing multiple hats can be tiring, to say the least."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Well, I've started X-Force, that's true... but I put Illyana as the Field Leader for that group. I think it will give her some good experience, and she's already pretty sharp from a tactical and strategic perspective."

She smiles warmly at the Professor, "Though, I'll be honest... I feel like I'll just be keeping the seat warm for you. But I'm sure with Moira's help I'll be able to manage this."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles hmmms, steepling his fingers. "Illyana still deals with...ah...issues of taking direct route that is not always the best route. But as long as she has a second who can help redirect her energy, she could do quite well." He raises a brow. "I understand you've begun seeing Piotr, then again. He's a good check on his sister."

    He chuckles, shaking his head. "Well, I don't plan to vanish entirely. It's just I feel my role is expanding to where I'll be keeping too many plates spinning to focus on the school as much as I should. And by all means! You should lean on myself or Moira or any of the faculty you trust if you feel you need the help. Don't try to do everything yourself."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean actually blushes a bit, "Well, um, yes, Piotr and I have been, well..." She coughs slightly, "Not exactly what I had expected, but he's just so soothing, calm. And well, nice." Which, for a telepath, a genuinely nice person is rare enough, especially THESE days.

Jean nods, "And I wasn't planning to try and do everything myself, I definitely think I'm going to be delegating. And possibly expanding the faculty a bit, depending on how things shake out. I have a few ideas." She grins, "But I'll definitely have you and Moira on speed dial for sure."